Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 877 Acquaintances

Chapter 877 Acquaintances
Li Tangbin arrived in Yunzhou.

He is more embarrassed now.

The king of Xia personally conquered Yunzhou, commanding this one, and appointing another one, which almost made him the commander of the Puzhou camp.

As a coach, this is the most annoying thing.But what can be done?If you are smarter, play the role of a staff member, secretly check for omissions and fill in the gaps, and perfect it around King Xia's combat intentions without leaving a trace.

It is impossible for King Xia to stay here forever. He will go to Heyang or Jinjiang sooner or later, and it will not be too late to take over after he leaves.

However, there is nothing impossible to do right now.

"General Han, are the sergeants in the city reliable?" Li Tangbin took a chance and asked.

Han Zhu looked at the two or three hundred soldiers brought by Li Tangbin, and said, "It's better to be more cautious. Although Zhu Zhen has cleaned it, there are still people who love Zhu Quanzhong if they are not clean. When the two armies are fighting, in case Come on, 'Our army is defeated', but something big will happen."

"That's why I came here in person, and I'm really worried." Li Tangbin said, "You are not allowed to fight. The city gates are guarded by reliable people. The rest of the soldiers, except for the round guards at the top of the city, stay in the camp and don't make any noise. If there is a change, report it immediately, and I will hunt it down."

"Of order." Han Zhu responded immediately.

Those who stayed in Yunzhou were mainly 5000 people from the first part of the Yanei Army.The other part followed and went south, led by military envoy Li Yanwei.This person can't stay in Yunzhou, after all, he has been father and son with Zhu Quanzhong for a long time, although this will be changed back to his real name, but who knows if there will be another moth.

You can't gamble on such things, so Shao Shude took them away.

"Dutou, there is one more thing..." Han Zhu hesitated, unwilling to say clearly.

"Say." Li Tangbin looked at him, guessing in his heart.

"Zhu Zhen has arrived in Shouzhang County. According to the order of the king, the holding holy army will go to Changqing, and return to the command of the envoy envoy of Qizhou to seal Tibet. But since Zhu Quanzhong has gone south, Shouzhang, Yuncheng, and Yanggu have no soldiers to guard , Puzhou Tianxing Army only has 5000 people, and they are not very capable of fighting, this area is a bit dangerous." Han Zhu said.

really!It matched Li Tangbin's own guess.

"Immediately intercept the Pingsheng Army and order them to be stationed in Shouzhang." Li Tangbin gave the order to the camp staff who followed without hesitation.

The staff frowned slightly.

It was King Xia's order to hold the holy army eastward. Although my lord's doing so was in line with the situation on the battlefield, wasn't it too unruly?Sometimes it is better to lose the battle than to leave a bad impression on the lord politically.

"Immediately order." Li Tangbin urged: "When the king ordered Zhu Zhen to go east, he did not receive the news of Quanzhong going south. If he knew, he would do the same. Undoubtedly, the king is not a narrow-minded person. Hold the holy army."

"Of order." The staff member left with his hands folded.

Han Zhu admired it a little.

With the gradual expansion of power, King Xia's power and prestige became stronger and stronger.What he dared to say casually in the past has to be considered now. This is formed naturally, and King Xia doesn't need to make any special expressions. If the general trend is like this, no one will dare to disobey it.

"Wait." Li Tangbin called back to his staff.

The staff were puzzled.

Li Tangbin stroked the hilt of his sword, stood still for a while, and added: "Give Fengzang an order to abandon Changqing, and the Huguo and Zhongwu armies will retreat to the Pingyin area to consolidate the defense line."

"Send an order to Guo Shaobin and Zhang Yun to guard Lu County and Jeju Pass. If you have spare strength, you can send a few elite soldiers to fight, which can be called Zhu Quanzhong's weight."

"Send an order to Shao Lun and He Gui to enlist the peasants of the Tutuan in Puzhou to cooperate with the Tianxing Army in guarding the gates. Make frequent patrols along the river, and beware of thieves breaking in."

He added several orders in one breath, and the staff had already asked someone to spread out a pen and paper to record them.

A careful analysis of these military orders shows that Li Tangbin's primary goal is to stabilize his position.

It is not clear how many troops Wang Shifan dispatched.According to pre-war news, there were more than [-] regular troops in Qizhen, and the proportion of cavalry was not low.If they enlist the bravery of the township, it is not a big problem to collect more than [-] yuan.

Now Zhu Quanzhong is leading his troops south again, occupying Dong'e, which is close to Yanggu.It is said that there is an army of 2, which may not be true, but everyone judges that there are still about [-] people.As for the combat effectiveness, you have to try it out to know, before that, you must not underestimate the enemy.

There is another worry.

Zhu Quanzhong went south from Wei Bo, so what is Wei Bowufu's attitude?Will you go south?Although the possibility is very small, it has to be guarded against. This is the reason why Shao Lun and He Gui were ordered to patrol the river.What if someone followed south to loot?Grab something, everyone likes it.

Then calculate your own strength.

Five thousand yamen troops guarded Yunzhou, but Li Tangbin didn't want them to go to battle, so he just watched them under his nose.

The Zhao Yan Department of the Zhongwu Army still has nearly 7000 people, with a mix of old and new soldiers, and the combat effectiveness of fighting outside the town is just that.

There are still more than 7000 soldiers in the National Defense Army, and their combat effectiveness is slightly stronger than that of the Zhongwu Army, but their morale seems to be lower than that of the Zhongwu Army.The problem did not lie in the battlefield, but in the fact that King Xia had been crushing the river for a long time, which aroused great dissatisfaction among the local people.This is also the main reason why King Xia sent people to help Wang Yao suppress the situation last year.

The Jianrui army is already a "family slave of the three surnames", and there are still 7000 people in the old oil army.To fight a war is to deal with errands, but they are very active when they ask for money and food. It is unrealistic to expect them to take on big responsibilities.

In terms of military age, Zhu Zhen's army is shorter than those of Longxiang and Guangsheng.But the upper and lower are integrated, and Zhu Zhen has added the elite troops he has painstakingly built, and there are still more than [-] people, who are like private soldiers.

As for the Ping Japanese Army, its combat effectiveness is worse than that of the Ping Sheng Army, and it should be the worst among the troops currently stationed in Yun and Yanzhu Towns.Moreover, they were not under the command of Li Tangbin. This society was escorting the Yunzhou captives back to Bianzhou, and brought back a batch of food, grass and equipment by the way, so they could not go into battle.

There are more than 4 people at full strength, with suspicious combat power and suspicious thoughts. There is nothing wrong with Li Tangbin's decision-making.

The ghosts and ghosts all over the ground are all suppressed by King Xia.If something happened to his old man, Li Tangbin thought he couldn't clean up the mess.

In Dong'e County, the looting has ended.

Zhu Quanzhong's army is still somewhat different from the early Chao army. Instead of swarming and looting in a disorderly manner, it burns, kills and loots in an orderly manner, but it seems to be more cold-blooded.

The belongings of the people in the city were looted, and there were corpses everywhere. These are the people who rose up to resist, and they all became ghosts under the sword.

The woman was loaded into the car and planned to be taken away and assigned to the sergeant.

"Your Majesty, General Wang sent me to report that I have entered Yanggu County. I have captured many people, including three thousand strong men. I am sending people to escort them here." A messenger rushed into the city and reported.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Quanzhong frowned when he heard this, and said: "These strong wives are often taken captive, why is Wang Yin unwilling to send them together? This is more important than murder! On the day of breaking the bandits, kill all the leaders and soldiers It’s nothing to say about it. I took my wife captive, sent some elite men to my place, and brought me food and clothing, but it took too long for me to keep them.”

What Lao Zhu meant was very clear, if you killed them all, it would be fine, but if you robbed someone's wife and sent you to his side, what's the point?
Sanqian, who has been robbed of his wife, how hard will he go to conquer people's hearts?Unless you learn from Qin Zongquan and coerce these people to grab the wives of another group of people, release the evil of human nature as much as you want, and let them completely degenerate into beast soldiers.

But Zhu Quanzhong didn't want to do that yet.

Burning, killing and looting is an expedient measure, and it will eventually be formalized.This will make the sergeants have fun, and there is still a piece of land in the future, so that everyone can calm down and regularize, so that they can have a future.

"Write a letter to Wang Yin." Zhu Quanzhong ordered.

Jing Xiang took the order and spread out the pen and paper.

After Zhu Quanzhong thought for a while, he said: "There are so many captured, it is difficult to be imprisoned. I will send someone to teach you to keep a few hundred elite and brave ones. If they are unfit for employment, they will be secretly removed from the army. There is no need to release them." .”

Jing Xiang hesitated for a moment, but finished writing anyway.After finishing writing, I fell silent, not knowing what to think.

After the envoy took the ultimatum, he mounted his horse with Jiang Xuanhui, who had taken the order, and ran out of the city.

"Is there any news about Zhu Zhen?" Zhu Quanzhong found a place to sit down and asked.

"Still in contact." Li Zhen saw that Jing Xiang had no interest in speaking, and immediately replied: "Don't worry about the past, Zhu Zhen should be flattered and come down from the armor?"

Zhu Quanzhong didn't want to answer such words, and asked again: "Is there a way to open it in Yunzhou?"

"I'm afraid it's going to be difficult." Li Zhen frowned and thought hard, "I don't know who the thief general is, the guards are tight, and they don't even let people go out of the city to collect firewood, even if they want to capture a prisoner, they can't do it. It seems that they are not worried about the Yanei army, and they are watching very closely."

"This is an inevitable thing." Zhu Quanzhong sighed: "Who else is the thief general? It is not Li Tangbin, but Zhu Yougong. These few people are all acquaintances."

Li Tangbin used to be the general of Zhang Quanyi, the Youyi envoy in the north of Chang'an, and had many contacts with Zhu Quanzhong, the Youyi envoy in the east, and the two parties were indeed very familiar.

Li Tangbin, Zhu Zhen, Zhu Yougong, Guo Shaobin, Zhang Yun, and Zhao Yan, who are not acquaintances?

Every time Zhu Quanzhong thought of this, his teeth itch with hatred, but he had no choice but to lower himself, pretend to be submissive, and deal with them patiently.

If the current situation is like this, what to do, what to do!

"Your Majesty, what about the Bozhou soldiers crossing the river?" Li Zhen asked again.

About a thousand Bozhou soldiers came here, not to support Zhu Quanzhong, but to go south to plunder goods and women on their own initiative.They will not listen to Zhu Quanzhong's command, nor will they stand up for him, they are just fishing in troubled waters to gain benefits.

"Choose a few beautiful women and send them to General Chen." Zhu Quanzhong got up and said, "Let me just mention that tonight, I will pay a personal visit tonight."

"General Chen" is the leader of this group of Wei Bowu people who went south, with the rank of ten generals.

Zhu Quanzhong spent a lot of thought on this person, trying to use him to break into Wei Bowu's circle and get to know more generals.

If he can't stand in Yunzhou, he has a backup plan.

After the hardships, Tian Chengsi single-handedly created the Wei Bo Wufu group, which is unruly and self-contained.But is it true that warriors from foreign families can't be Jiedushi?not necessarily.

When the imperial court was powerful, Li Yan served as Jiedu envoy for more than a year.

He Jintao of Lingzhou Military Academy followed Tian Hongzheng, who was loyal to the imperial court, to Weizhou. After Tian Hongzheng moved to Chengde, He Jintao stayed in Weizhou.Later, with the support of local warriors, Shi Xiancheng was killed in a mutiny, and he served as Jiedushi himself, and then passed on for three generations.

He Jintao, a foreign warrior with imperial background, can get Wei Bowufu to support him, kill Genzheng Miaohong, and Shi Xiancheng, a descendant of the old tribe of Tian Chengsi, and become Jiedushi, then there may be a chance.

Warriors don't care where you are from, even if it's a monkey, as long as they protect their interests, a monkey can also be a military governor.

Of course, everyone knows that there are huge risks involved.

But in this world, warriors are not afraid of risks, not afraid of death, but they are afraid that they will not have the opportunity to pass on their wealth to future generations.

Zhu Quanzhong decided to think of a way in secret, although Liu Luo had high hopes for him to support his son as Jiedushi.

(End of this chapter)

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