Chapter 895
On March [-]th of the fifth year of Qianning, on the east-west post road, the army quickly returned to help.

These are more than [-] members of the Flying Dragon Army. They have arrived in Changqing and are heading west.

Between Qi and Yun, it takes more than ten days for the infantry to march normally. If it is a fast maneuver, such as transporting supplies through Jishui, it can be compressed to about seven days, but it is still very dangerous for the rapidly changing battlefield.

Therefore, the highly mobile Flying Dragon Army has become a strategic reserve force, which needs to be quickly transferred to the Yunzhou area for defense.

As for why it is Yunzhou and not other places, it is mainly because it is located in the middle of the Yellow River defense line, so it is convenient to assist.

Theoretically speaking, the five states and counties lined up in a line, Zheng, Hua, Pu, Yun, and Qi, may all be the direction of the Jin army's breakthrough.However, after the research and judgment of the staff, it is believed that Zheng and Hua are less likely, followed by Qizhou, and Puzhou and Yunzhou are the most likely.

Puzhou has Deshengdu, and the Bian, Song, Cao and other states behind it are extremely empty, with almost no soldiers to defend. The Jin army has good reasons to break in from then on.

There is Yang Liudu in Yunzhou. Once a breakthrough is made, the Jin army can enter the Jishui area, cut off the east-west connection, and then the three towns will attack and encircle Xia army's Qizhou group.

There are also two ferry crossings in Qizhou, one in Changqing and one in Yucheng, which cross the Yellow River to Bozhou in the west.

According to the information received so far, the Jin army has crossed the river in a large scale. At least ten thousand soldiers and horses have broken through the defense line and occupied both sides of Yangliudu.

In addition, Lu County was under attack, and there were only [-] soldiers defending the city, and the report was urgent.

Chen Cheng and other staff believe that Li Ke's main force should be in Bozhou, where the Yellow River has the most ferries, the most places suitable for building pontoon bridges, and it can attack Yun and Qi.Deshengdu in Puzhou is probably just a cover to confuse us.

Shao Shude adopted this opinion.

In fact, deploying defenses everywhere and distributing troops everywhere is the way to death. Now we can only selectively give up some places to focus on key points, such as Yunzhou.

Shao Shude also followed the Flying Dragon Army.

He has a very good memory, and he often spends energy recording the names, resumes, and family situations of many sergeants, but Feilongjun really doesn't know a few.

The source is extremely complicated!

Pu people, Yun people, Liang people, Xia people, Fan people... Shao Shude thinks that they may have formed a collection of scumbags through the common pleasure of looting as a bond, but this group of scumbags are highly skilled in martial arts, well-equipped, and endure hardships Endurance, understanding of division of labor and cooperation, and strict discipline in the battle formation-some people always think that troops with poor military discipline are not good at fighting, but since ancient times, there have always been troops who burn, kill, loot, do all kinds of evil, but have strict military laws and even harsh military laws when fighting the enemy , they can fight very well.

"Your Majesty..." Qi Bizhang rode his horse and approached, a little embarrassed: "After the Beihai was broken, the sons and daughters were a little bit indulgent. Du Suishi also said that I beheaded 23 people to restore military discipline."

Every time they are beheaded, and every time someone violates military discipline, the reason is that the number of offenders is far more than 23 people, not even a fraction, and the deterrent effect is not enough.

"Let's talk after this battle." Shao Shude nodded.

As an army that goes deep into the enemy's rear, the Flying Dragon Army has the right to recruit troops, the right to dispose of trophies, and the right to make impromptu decisions during combat. It is naturally relatively wild to not feel Shao Shude's "fatherly care" all year round.

After leveling the towns of Qi and Yan, the Feilong army needs to be rectified again, and then replenish Qi soldiers and send them to the grassland to replace the second army of Heizhen and Jindao.

Qi Bizhang is also old, and it's time to enjoy the blessings. His son-in-law Liang Hanyong can take over the position of military envoy.

"How do you feel about attacking Linqu and Beihai counties?" Shao Shude asked again.

"The people of Qi are not as tough as the people of Yun and Yan. They may be too rich." Qi Bizhang replied: "Attacking these two counties will cost a total of a thousand people, and the resistance is not very firm."

Shao Shude nodded silently.

It is strange to say that Ziqing Town is actually a very old military town, which was born in the Anshi Rebellion and has a history of 140 years.At that time, Li Zhengji and Hou Xiyi brought the remnants of the Pinglu Army from Liaodong to Shandong.

When the territory was the largest, there were more than ten people in Lianzhou, and there were more than one hundred thousand soldiers and horses—this was a serious army and horse, not counting the peasants of the Tutuan.

During Li Shidao's period, it was besieged by various towns, and after the defeat, it was divided into three towns, namely Yun, Yan and Qi.In fact, these three feudal towns were not injured, a large number of sergeants were still retained, and the interest class had not changed drastically, but after decades, the bones of Yun and Yan Towns were much tougher than Qi Town, and I don’t know what happened. Could it be the reason why Qizhen's commerce is more developed?Or is it in a corner, so comfortable that the population is almost back to its peak?

On average, only 500 people were lost in attacking a county, which is incredible.You know, even a healthy woman or a child is a great threat when defending the city. If a tank of hot water falls down, it doesn't matter whether you are a fierce man who has won the three armies or a strong man who was pulled in temporarily, your skin will be bruised.

Wang Shifan can fight, but the people of Qi are not as strong as the people of Yun and Yan.

"Is there anything worth noticing about General Qi?"

"Zhang Juhou is brave and good at fighting. He dares to risk his life, and his martial arts are also good. Liu Pogui has too many thoughts and always likes to play some tricks. Except for these two, the others are so-so, not bad, and not very good." Qi Bi Zhang replied.

Shao Shude nodded again.

Since the Jin army came, he also made strategic adjustments.

Kang Yanxiao, the general of the sudden army, led more than [-] people to stay in Qizhou to contain Wang Shifan's troops.One part of the Dingnan army was stationed in Dizhou, and the other part was active between Qi and Zi, constantly exerting pressure on the people of Qi.

A few days ago, Wang Shiyue led the army to go north again, and received more than 1 people from Wang Shike's department who had run back from Hebei. They are currently stationed on both sides of the river, camping and setting up camps, and seem to want to take back Dizhou.

There is Yanchi in Dizhou, which is also the bridgehead for Hebei to invade Henan. It is understandable that they attach so much importance to it.

Up to now, the main force of the Qi people has not suffered heavy losses, and their strength is still more than [-]. The two armies of Tujiang and Dingnan are clamping down from the west and north, which can more or less suppress their ambitions.If Qi Town doesn't make any big moves later, Shao Shude even plans to deploy troops westward from this direction to reinforce the Yunzhou battlefield.

The left wing of the Tielin Army and the Pingri Army stationed in Changqing County, which have already moved to Pingyin, but they will not be too close to Qingyin County, but camped in the mountains.

The right wing of the Tielin Army began to march northward to Zhongdu County.This location is also very critical, as you can look at Yanzhou, and you can also go north to Yunbei if necessary.

In the area of ​​Rencheng, Hu Zhen and Ge Congzhou have received orders to stop the siege and set up camp on the spot, waiting for the next order.

All in all, the Xia army has begun to comprehensively adjust the focus of operations and devote more energy to the Jin army.

Shao Shude won the Yun, Qi, and Di prefectures in two adventures. The low-hanging fruits have been picked, and now the rest are high-hanging fruits, but they look even sweeter.

In Puyang County, Puzhou, the atmosphere was tense and the clouds of war were dense.

Zhu Zhen, the envoy of the Pingsheng Army, came to Puyangjin in person to watch the enemy's situation.

The Jin people cut wood and built ships in Dunqiu County on the north bank of the Dahe River, trying to build a pontoon bridge.Looking from a distance, the villages are connected one by one, with many flags and flags, as if there are powerful soldiers and horses.

But Zhu Zhen is also an old man who knows that eyes can be deceiving.What you see is not necessarily true. Sometimes the so-called "truth" you see is just what others want you to see.

Everyone knows that there is a Jin army in Dunqiu.The question is how many?The difference between thousands and tens of thousands is too big.

Even if there were tens of thousands, the difference between lean soldiers and elite soldiers would be huge.Li Keyong recruited tens of thousands of local peasants from Xing Mingci, and then stationed in Dunqiu. If you don’t fight, you won’t be able to test your quality—Beidi Xiangyong, because he goes to battle frequently, he looks like that on the surface thing.

"If I were Li Keyong, I would cross the river directly from Chanzhou, go straight down to Puzhou, and then break into Caozhou to cut off the shipping on the Jishui River." Zhu Zhen smiled and said, "There will only be new German soldiers in Bianzhou. If you can't attack, you can still earn money if you fight outside the city, at least it can make the people of Bian Song Zhuzhou turbulent again."

"Military envoy, Li Ke is too intentional. He wants to capture King Xia once and for all." Gao Shao said, "So take Yunzhou instead of Puzhou."

Zhu Zhen's heart moved, if King Xia was captured or died...

But now is not the time, he let go of Puzhou, if Li Keyong is defeated in Yunzhou, he will be liquidated.

Presumably Ding Hui, Ge Congzhou, Wang Tan, Liu Zhijun and others thought so too, right?There is no need for real rebellion. If the subordinates relax at the critical moment, others may not be able to see it, and they can create a "miracle" at a clever time node.

It's a pity that Shao Shude has a kind face and a dark heart. On the surface, he looks thirsty for talents and is extremely generous, but good things are always given priority to the old man in Kansai. It is too difficult to gain his true trust.Kang Yanxiao didn't know what kind of shit luck he had, but he actually became the military envoy of the sudden general. Li Yanwei's army was swallowed up, so he had to be Duyuhou—the Duyuhou, who was in charge of military discipline, scouting, and patrolling. It was ridiculous.

Gao Shao secretly glanced at Zhu Zhen and sighed silently.

Careerists, careerists, there are indeed too many careerists in the world, why do they all want to be kings and hegemons?
Careerists cannot be restrained by the system, they can only be slowed down, not eradicated.In all towns across the world, training, leading, and logistics have long been separated. The coaches, generals, and military envoys all perform their duties. No one can interfere with the other. But how can so many people succeed in making trouble?

"Dong dong dong..." Suddenly the sound of war drums came from the river, attracting the attention of Zhu Zhen and Gao Shao.

"Master!" Zhu Zhen was taken aback, and then seemed to realize something.

Gao Shao also cheered up, looked intently, and saw many soldiers standing on the deck of the naval warship.The surface of the river was choppy, but they remained unmoved as if they were walking on flat ground—of course, this was just the Yellow River, which was much more stable than the great rivers and seas.

After a while, several warships approached the pontoon bridge under construction, and the crossbow arrows on the ships flew out. Masters kept falling down on the pontoon bridge, and then they scattered and fled back to the north bank.

The transport fleet under the escort of the battleship did not stop, and continued to drift downstream, extremely determined.

"The Jin people are in trouble." Zhu Zhen sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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