Chapter 898
Li Ke's order quickly spread to Yang Liudu.

There is nothing to say, it is impossible to go back, only to move forward together.

On March [-], [-] cavalry from Yizhou acted as the vanguard and set off from camp.

On the [-]th, more than a thousand riders from the Anfuqing Department in the rear of the palace also left Yang Liudu.

More than 4000 grain transporters from Bozhou had nowhere to go, so they had to follow them.An Fuqing distributed all the equipment to them. Anyway, there were a lot of military supplies inside and outside the newly built city, and there was no shortage of spears, infantry bows, and leather armor.

Before leaving, the Jin people burned all the supplies that could not be taken away.For a while, the smoke and dust filled the sky, and the fire was soaring into the sky, and it was still burning until nightfall, visible from far and near.

This seemed to be a signal that everyone knew that the Jin people had run away.Immediately, scouts and riders came out everywhere, messengers came and went, and the news was transmitted to all directions in the first time.

On the 21st, the Yiwu Army entered the almost deserted Dong'e County.

This county had been brutally looted by Zhu Quanzhong, and there were only a few dozen families left in the city, almost nothing.

The Yiwu Army didn't even bother to plunder, so after a hasty rest for the night, they crossed Jishui and turned on the post road.

On the 23rd, more than [-] Jin troops crossed Jishui and headed east.

So far, they have not encountered any decent interception.The defenders of Lu County pretended to be dead and did not dare to go out of the city at all. There were only a few cavalrymen from the Xia Army to monitor and harass them occasionally, and the overall situation was very peaceful.

But the more he walked like this, the more panicked everyone became.

It shouldn't be!The Xia people sent sailors to cut off the road, isn't it just to surround them here and catch them all in one go?How come there is still no movement at this time?

On the 25th, the army arrived in the south of Pingyin County and set up camp.Meanwhile, the real obstacle was finally met.The governor of Yizhou and the governor of the Yiwu army came to report directly to the king's office of Yamen, and the Xia army was stationed at the defense gate in the northeast of Pingyin County.They sent people to search the mountain, and encountered soldiers and horses ambushed by the Xia people.Seeing that Xingzang was exposed, the Xia people did not hide at all, and directly raised the banner and sent people down the mountain to set up camp.

"It's too late to retreat now." He Huaibao sighed: "The only way to fight together is to defeat the Xia bandits and open up the way forward. General Ma and the bandits have thousands of soldiers who can fight well. Why don't your troops fight first?"

Ma Ke cursed inwardly, but since the matter had come to this point, it was inconvenient for him to refuse, so he could only say: "The capital has orders, and the general will follow them. However, the Xia people came here to stop them, and there may be more than one pass. If there are more…”

"If there are more in the back, naturally other troops will take the top. Don't worry about General Ma." He Huaibao said immediately.

"One more thing, attacking the stronghold is fine, if the Pingyin bandit army goes out of the city..." Ma Ke said again.

"It's my own food." He Huaibao said.

"I have nothing to say." Ma Ke said.

After all, he went down to the army to mobilize.

It is well known that Wufu in Hebei are not easy to serve.

Kansai Wufu is more obedient, at least he is quite obedient in front of King Xia.Henan Wufu was also very submissive in front of King Liang, and had to be submissive in front of the new conqueror King Xia, and it is not particularly difficult to drive both of them.

But if we carefully observe the "performance" of Ma Ke's mobilization of Cheng Dewufu, we may get a glimpse of the atmosphere in Hebei.

"Since Tianbao, the towns in Hebei have been stubborn and self-reliant, and the enemy can't take them with courage and scheming. Therefore, the monarchs have been able to pass on the land to their descendants. It has been more than 140 years."

"This summer, Liang Wufu is glued together, and his soldiers are strong and his horses are strong. The ambition to cultivate virtue must be swallowed up by Heshuo. The only thing he fears is Li Ke, the king of Jin, who uses his ears."

"The male and female power of Xia and Jin depends on Hebei. If Shude descends to Yun, Yan, and Qi to the west and faces Zhao and Wei, it will be like a thorn in the back, and the situation will be difficult."

"The towns in Heshuo have always used the east of the river as their screen. If the east is strong, they will attack the Jin. If the central plains are strong, they will unite with the Jin. If you help the king of Jin break the tree, the Xia's hegemony will be lost. Its power will decline by itself, and the kings can continue. Enjoy peace and wealth."

The above is for the officers.

After talking about this, Ma Ke organized his language, and said to the leading soldiers: "If the King of Jin is defeated and the Shao bandits invade Hebei, even if the prefectures and counties have not fallen, the shogunate will have to ask for peace with a lot of money. From then on, The cattle, sheep, hogs and dogs in the four prefectures of Zhenji were lost to Henan, and the accumulation of food and grain was empty. Shao bandits came to the north, and they had to set up pavilions along the way to provide livestock prisons, wine preparations, military curtains, and utensils. Xia soldiers entered, dozens of The old fathers of ten thousand fly to feed their luck, and they cannot rest. If there is a big battle, you will wait for the armor without removing the body, and the horse without the saddle for more than ten years. You will travel thousands of miles and never return home. How about you?"

After saying these words, the morale of both officers and soldiers was greatly boosted.

Don't think that warriors don't understand these things.Since the beginning of the world, no martial artist in any dynasty had such a high income, so that many people often ate meat, were physically strong, knew many things, and deeply participated in politics.

What Ma Ke said was the truth.

If it is conquered by the Xia people, even if they still retain the vassal town and become a vassal, they will have to send a large amount of money and silk, the master will transport the supplies over long distances, and the sergeants will go out for hundreds or even thousands of miles to fight, and it will last for many years.

Who the hell is so cheap, let the original martial arts master be improper, and go to work for others?
King Jin's squeeze was not harsh.This time going south, only a few thousand soldiers and horses were dispatched.If Shao's bandit came, six thousand would not be enough, Chengde would at least send thirty thousand troops to help, as well as provide a large amount of food, horses, and masters.What's more, King Jin has no strength to annex Hebei under the restraint of King Xia. Everyone can see this, but King Xia's ultimate goal must be to annex Hebei, which is also a well-known fact.

Then, there is really nothing to say, just hit it!

After the mobilization was completed, Jian Kou Du six thousand warriors crossed Pingyin County and headed east.

The tens of thousands of Japanese soldiers were divided into two groups, one was stationed on the south side of the mountain, guarded by fences, and the main force set up a stronghold to block the way forward.And in Pingyin County in the north, there are more than [-] loyal soldiers led by Zhao Yan.

At [-]:[-]pm, the sergeants Jiankoudu who had finished their rest set off in formation and began to attack the stockade guarded by Dai Siyuan, an envoy of the Japanese army.

When the drum beat reached the third pass, the two sides began to fight.

After the mobilization, Cheng Dewufu was very brave. After driving the Yunzhou masters captured along the way to fill up the trenches, the army went straight up and took the village bravely.

The first wave of offensive was okay, it was only tentative, but in the crossfire of the two sides, the Japanese army suffered a big loss.Shooting from a high position, the casualties were even greater than that of the enemy army. The difference in archery skills is really too big.

After the tentative attack was over, Ma Ke had the bottom line, and immediately selected two generals to lead the troops into the thin village.

The second wave of attack almost hit the wall of the village.Dai Siyuan was sweating profusely in anxiety, and fought bravely with his own soldiers, only then did he repel Wufu Chengde. It didn't take long before the general was forced to go into battle to stabilize his position.

"Squeak!" Zhao Yan was not good at fighting, but his vision was not bad. Seeing that he couldn't bear to praise the Japanese army, he personally led [-] soldiers out of the city to fight.

The Yiwu Army's capital, Yawangchu, fought directly with [-] cavalry, defeated Zhao Yan, beheaded more than [-] ranks, and almost took the opportunity to seize the city.

Ma Ke led the army to launch the third round of offensive and when the battle was fierce, the Japanese army in the Nanshan village came down to fight. The Jin general Mi Zhicheng led the army to fight.

But Jiankoudu's offensive was also affected, and once again failed.

He Huaibao's brows almost frowned into a word of Sichuan.

The enemy soldiers are weak, and it can be seen that they are mainly newcomers. However, under repeated entanglements, the Chengde army attacked the stockade three times and failed, and their morale has been slightly affected.

"Retreat the troops first, and attack the camp after nightfall. I don't believe that these miscellaneous fish can't be beaten." Seeing that the time of the year is approaching, He Huaibao snorted coldly and ordered.

"An Fushun!"

"The end is here!"

"Your sergeant should go to bed early and attack the camp tonight." He Huaibao ordered.

"Obey." An Fushun followed the order and left.

Li Siben watched from the side, a little impatient.

Infantry need to take post roads, but they don't need cavalry.But how should I put it, you can't abandon the infantry and run away with the righteous army alone, right?Although He Huaibao's strategy is correct, if the sneak attack after nightfall is successful, everyone will be happy. If it is not successful, they will continue to attack after dawn tomorrow. It seems that Xia Bandits can't stop them.

But—is there still time?

"Quick! Run! Don't stop!"

"Didn't you have enough to eat? You can't run after such a short distance?"

"When you arrive in Yunzhou, open your belly and eat meat, hurry up!"

"Everyone has a reward for destroying the Jin army. Everyday, everyone clamors that the money is not enough, this will give you a chance, you must seize it!"

On the post road to the west of Jishui, tens of thousands of horses and horses trotted panting and exhausted.

The officers continued to work hard, lured them with wine, meat and goods, urged them with whips and scabbards, and tried their best to let the sergeants hurry on their way.

The [-] soldiers of Left and Right Congregation set out from Zhengzhou and Bianzhou and marched at high speed. In less than [-] days, the city wall of Yunzhou had already been seen from a distance.It can be seen that there are still obedient warriors in this world, before they "learn bad".

A troop of cavalry raced across a field of wheat, attracting everyone's attention.

This is the cavalry man.No one came out to obstruct or criticize. In order to hurry, this was a cheap move within the allowable range.

"These bastards run really fast!" Wu Zang Jieming glanced enviously at the cavalry who disappeared into the distance, and said, "Tens of thousands of people are chasing behind, and there are still interceptions in front. Layers of skin."

Wang Jingluo, the Marquis of Duyu, looked eager to try, and said: "The iron cavalry army is too weak, they can't eat the Jin people, and it will depend on us in the end."

"Haha! Well said." Mei Zang Jieming suppressed the worries in his heart, and laughed loudly: "This time we must take the lead."

His father, Wuzang Qingxiang, died of illness, and he has actually taken over as the head of the tribe.The honor and disgrace of the Wuzang family has all been placed on him, the pressure is very heavy.

More than one-third of the soldiers in the Yi Congjun army were Tibetans, and the Hengshan Mizang, Yeli, and Qingtang tribes were the majority.After many years of fighting, he is already one of the elite main forces of the Xia Army.

If he could wipe out the Jin people this time, and honor his merits after the war, he would have to carry some more children from the Tibetan Ministry to go up.

This is how the family business came about.There were the Changsun family and the Dugu family in the national dynasty, and there must be a place for the Wuzang family in the new dynasty.

Make it or break it!

Wuzang Jieming waved his whip and walked forward.

And tens of miles to the east of them, Ye Liyulue, deputy envoy of the Tielin Army, also crossed Wenshui with his entire army.

The commander of the Puzhou camp, Li Tangbin, brought his own soldiers to join him in Difang Town, and then passed through Yunzhou without entering, and tens of thousands of people went straight to Pingyin.

To the east of Pingyin, more than [-] members of the Flying Dragon Army, which is the general reserve of the whole army, have also mounted their horses and headed west.

All the fronts were in motion, rushing towards the Jin people at an unprecedented speed, vowing to encircle and annihilate them under the city of Pingyin.

(End of this chapter)

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