Chapter 911 Disposal
After painting the big cake, Shao Shude also knew that this matter would be motivating in the short term, but in the long run, it should be implemented as soon as possible.

Now he is crossing the river by touching Zhu Quanzhong, and at the same time, he has a deeper understanding of him.

This is not derogatory, it is sincere.

Zhu Quanzhong founded Hou Liang, the first dynasty of the Five Dynasties, and he can be said to be the pathfinder who ended the separatist regime of feudal lords since the mid-Tang Dynasty.

There were no precedents for many things at the time, no mature solutions, and a strong atmosphere and force of habit. It was very difficult to fight against, and we could only take one step at a time.

Zhu Quanzhong took a detour, a dead end, and later Tang learned his lesson and continued to move forward, and then took a detour, a dead end, and perished.

Later Jin learned from the lessons of Houliang and Later Tang, explored further, and then perished.

This cycle continued until the Northern Song Dynasty.When the vassal towns were separated and the habitual momentum of the warriors running the country was exhausted, what Zhao Kuangyin wanted to cut was actually only the power of the imperial army. The vassal towns had been flattened by the previous five generations, and the top warriors had almost died.

Later Tang could still cross the river by touching the back beam, but who would cross the river by touching the back beam?It was not easy for Zhu Quanzhong.

Without this step, the understanding of some things can only be superficial.

At the age of 20, Shao Shude couldn't think of these things at all. At the age of 40, his understanding suddenly deepened, and he began to think about problems that he hadn't encountered back then.

But Zhu Quanzhong's fleece is almost exhausted here.

After defeating Er Zhu, Zhu Quanzhong took another path, which was different from the one Shao Shude wanted to take.

Sometimes I would hesitate and doubt, or should I follow Zhu Quanzhong's old path?

But there is a huge problem that needs to be solved on this road. Can you guarantee that you will destroy Li Keyong, Yang Xingmi and other major army leaders while you are alive, and then confine the military power of the banned army and cut down the local feudal towns?

Attacking Li Keyong, maybe he can win next year, maybe five years later, maybe ten years later, maybe he won't be killed in a lifetime, who can guarantee military matters?

In 901, Zhu Quanzhong first defeated Li Keyong in Hezhong, wiped out a large number of his elite soldiers, and then besieged Taiyuan from six routes.General Shi Shucong led the main force of the [-] Liang army to go north from Zelu, Hou Yan led the soldiers in Hezhong to send troops from the dangerous pass, Wang Chuzhi led the Yiwu army to attack Weizhou, Zhang Guihou led Xing Mingci's troops to Maling Pass, Ge Cong Zhou led Yun, Yanbing and Chengde's army to set out from Zhenzhou, passed through Jingxing, and Wei Bo's army left Cizhou Xinkou.

Xuanwu, Hezhong, Weibo, Chengde, Yiding, Zhaoyi and other towns allied with [-] troops, and they were aggressive.Li Ke used his new defeat and lost a large number of main forces, and Shangdang was in the hands of Liang people, so he retreated across the board, fortified the walls and cleared the fields, and put Liang people under the city of Jinyang. In the end, Liang people failed due to lack of food and the special rainy weather in Taiyuan.

When retreating, he was chased by Jin soldiers and suffered heavy losses.

This is the pinnacle of Zhu Quanzhong's strength, and he failed to gnaw down on Hedong.

The Xing Dao of Taihang can also support the logistics of so many soldiers and horses.Once it rains, even the [-] troops divided into six groups will not be able to supply them.

What's more, he hasn't joined the party at this time, so there is no need for Li Keyong to give up such dangerous terrain as the dangerous pass, and it is even more difficult to get in.If there was no Shangdang in the later Zhou Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty, they would not know how to eat the tortoise in Hedong.

That being the case, it's better to leave his son a clean territory without feudal towns, even if he can't conquer Hedong, he won't be overthrown.

"Send Zhao Yan back to Xuzhou, I don't want to see him anymore. Let Zhao Jue deal with him, so that everyone will look good." Shao Shude ordered: "If Zhao Jue is not willing, I will deal with him and see him How to do it."

"Follow orders." Li Yixian immediately sent someone to communicate.

"Then send an order to Dinghui that the Youguo Army will go south through Xu and Cai, and return to Shouzhou for camp."

"Zhao Sima, do the math for me. If the imperial court decrees that Shuofang, Hexi, Longyou, Xuanwu, Dongdu, Fengguo, Heyang, Tianping, and Jinshang nine towns and 65 prefectures shall be the Xia Kingdom, and I will be the ruler of the country." , are there rules to follow?" Shao Shude asked again.

"Your Majesty, Emperor Taizong tried to make the prince a feudal state, but it was only a state with cracked soil, and the regulations were not perfect, and it was cancelled soon." Zhao Guangfeng said: "Besides, once this move is made, the towns may be different. Follow the example. Wang Rong established the State of Zhao on his own, Yang Xingmi established the State of Wu on his own, Luo Hongxin probably couldn’t do it, if Li Maozhen can unify the two Sichuans, or establish the State of Shu on his own, the world will be in chaos.”

The emperor is still in Chang'an, but there are a lot of "lords" in the local area. On the surface, they are still Tang officials. In fact, it is estimated that the dragon chair, dragon robe and so on are all ready. , just drop one rank on the official letter, claiming to be the lord of the country.

Here you can actually feel Zhu Quanzhong crossing the river again.In history, the imperial court entrusted him with the land he occupied as Liang Guo, and Quan Zhong was "angry and unwilling to accept".Although it was a bit pretentious, he didn't dare.

"This is no different from proclaiming the emperor. Forget it, the time is not yet ripe." Shao Shude smiled and said, "Let's do it first. We don't even occupy the whole of Henan Province, and there are Zi, Qing, Deng, Lai, Yan, and Hai. I am embarrassed that the lands of Yi, Mi, and Xu Jiuzhou were not won."

After asking Zhao Guangfeng and Xie Tong to act "confidentially", Shao Shude thought for a while, it was not appropriate for the father-in-law to rely on "confidential information", it was best to let the princess pass the word.

Zhe Fangai is too smart and knows how to speak.The old man’s family has two towns of Tang and Guang. If he is willing to hand over the power, Shao Shude is willing to make the rich Beizhou the food seal of the Zhe family: the king of Qinghe County, 20 households will be sealed, and he will not be lowered for three generations from the Zhe Zong. It took four generations to be reduced to a prefecture, but it was only "two tenths" and there were actually four thousand households with food seals, and then a [-]% reduction from generation to generation.As for whether to set a guarantee, for example, if the number of households drops to [-], it will not be dropped, and then study and study-he even doubts whether his dynasty can be passed down to that time.

With so many vassals and towns, it is the most powerful Zhejia who has the greatest possibility of taking power. This incident has caused...

Of course, if Shao Shude abolishes the queen and prince, things will be complicated again.But he didn't have this idea, because he was still a little ashamed of the princess, unless the son was really worthless.

"Smoke drying method!" When Shao Shude walked into the built wood drying kiln, he immediately understood the principle.

The kiln is very small, even a small earthen kiln, only about three meters high.

The method of drying is actually very simple.The wood is stacked together, and then burned with a small fire at the bottom of the pile, and the wood is dried by the heat of the smoke generated by the combustion.

However, this method has a slow drying speed, uneven drying, and is prone to fire, which is not ideal.Not to mention the thick smoke billowing during drying, not to mention the environmental pollution. No one cares about this at this time, but it is uncomfortable for people to be around.

"Can the wood not come into contact with the open flame?" Shao Shude asked, "Build a flue, and the smoke will flow through the flue to dry the wood?"

When the craftsmen heard this, they felt that this method seemed feasible.In fact, it is a matter of thinking, and it is not difficult to design.

Shao Shude even thought of a way.

A lot of rectangular brick flues are set up around the inside of the drying kiln wall, and the top of the flues is covered with holes.During production, fuel is put into the flue to burn, and then the wood is dried by burning smoke.In this way, the wood pile is completely out of contact with the open flame, and the wood is heated and dried by heating the humid air in the kiln as a medium, which greatly reduces the possibility of fire.

"By the way, so much waste heat and flue gas generated when firing bricks and tiles can be utilized." Shao Shude made another suggestion: "Brick kilns and drying kilns can be built together, which I call 'joint production'. The exhaust gas produced by the tile kiln is very hot and hot, and it can be used to dry wood, at least it can reduce the use of coal. Think again and redesign it.”


Such waste heat flow rate is more than enough to dry two kilns with a capacity of 5000 to 6000 cubic meters (referring to wood capacity).According to the calculation that it takes an average of six days to dry a batch of wood, there is no problem in drying more than [-]-[-] cubic meters of wood every year.

Of course, the above are all fantasies, and it is impossible to do it at this time, so we can only do our best.

"Your Highness really has a wonderful idea." The foreman listened for a long time, admiring him.

Everyone knows that the flue gas from the brick kiln is very hot.But it was directly discharged before. If the flue gas is introduced into the wood drying kiln by means of ventilation like a porcelain kiln, it can indeed be used.

"There is a lack of big blowers and exhaust fans." Shao Shude sighed.

If there are these two things, the brick and tile wheel kiln can be built very large, the output will be high, and the cost will be very low.

Another major constraint is the lack of an artifact: an automatic brick maker.

Present adobe can only be made by manpower, and the efficiency is too low.Adding up all the small round kilns in Henan Prefecture, Shao Shude doubts whether they can produce 100 million pieces of bricks a year. There is no figure yet, and it probably won't reach it.

But a sergeant needs more than [-] bricks to build a brick house, which is enough for [-] sergeant families.

Even the inconspicuous small earthen kilns built in the countryside in later generations can not only produce more than this.Those small earthen kilns look dilapidated, without any technical content, and can be built in ancient times, but if you look deeper, you will find that they have brick-making machines (not necessarily every kiln), the design of the kiln body is reasonable, and the chimney is well-built. To learn more about science, as well as means of transportation, the cost of a brick can be reduced to an astonishing few cents, which is completely unmatched at this time.

Shao Shude recalled the chimney of a small earthen kiln in the countryside. It seemed to be quite high, and there was an iron frame on the outer layer for people to climb up to clean the dust. This thing could not be built at this time—well, maybe it could be built, but To spend no small cost.

Therefore, don't despise the small earthen kilns in the countryside.It was a small clay kiln in the [-]th century, and you might not even be able to do it in the [-]th century.

"Whoever can make a brick machine, pedal or animal-powered, it doesn't matter, I will reward you generously. Money, official position, everything that one expects to have, what you say is what you say, you should encourage it." Shao Shude announced to the craftsmen.

Shao Shude can only think of so much for the time being to give ordinary people more ways to make money and make use of the resources in the countryside.

The improvement of the production efficiency and cost reduction of the most basic bricks, tiles and wood actually means the improvement of the productivity of the whole society and the reduction of construction costs.

Many people disagree with this benefit, but when you need to develop, you will know how wonderful it is.

(End of this chapter)

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