Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 93 Fei Shui thinks that Anshi is there, Jingyang looks at Ziyi from afar

Chapter 93 Fei Shui but thinks that Anshi is there, Jingyang looks at Ziyi from afar ([-])

"Military envoy, there is movement in the camp of the bandit army, and it seems to be fleeing!" In the middle of the night, Shao Shude was awakened by his personal soldiers in his sleep.

"Who is monitoring the bandit army outside the city?"

"You Yi envoy Zhu Shuzong!"

"Let him bluff and pretend to attack the bandit camp, don't hesitate! In addition, order your troops, I will lead the army out of the city!"

"General, it's late at night..." Wei Boqiu said.

"Send the order immediately!" Shao Shude glared at him.

"As ordered!"

At the beginning of Yin Shi, Tie Lin's army dispatched [-] infantry and [-] cavalry soldiers. Under the surprised eyes of the soldiers of the Kunfang Army, they opened the door and walked out towards the camp of the bandit army.

Lu Huaizhong, the Marquis of the Du Yu, personally led more than a hundred selected fronts, shouting loudly and rushing towards the gate of the bandit camp.

The thieves were frightened, and hurriedly fired several rounds of arrows, then dispersed in a rush.

There were strong men who climbed over the camp gate, but only a few, with only swords and axes in their hands.At that time, dozens of thieves arrived, and the strong men rushed forward to kill them.

Auxiliary soldiers held high torches and entered first, followed by several battalions of soldiers.There were still many thieves roaming around like headless flies in the camp, and it was basically a death sentence when they encountered the Tie Lin army who came in neat rows.

It didn't take a moment for Tie Lin's army to take control of the bandit army camp with little effort.

"Military envoy, the bandit army really ran away. They escaped overnight, and they didn't have time to destroy the food and goods." Lu Huaizhong came to report excitedly.

"It's not that I didn't have time to destroy it, I left it on purpose." Shao Shude smiled and said, "It's just to delay the pursuit of our army. In fact, Li Xiang thought too much, and he walked for more than an hour before he knew which direction he ran. Besides, he didn't plan to chase after him. Zhang Yan's lessons learned from the past, he can't fall into it himself."

"Count the goods. Since Li Xiang is so polite, we will accept it with a smile." Shao Shude said: "The rules should be reiterated.

"Follow your orders!"

Shao Shude went directly to Li Xiang's handsome tent under the escort of his personal soldiers.The tent was messy, and all kinds of things were placed in a mess, and even a set of armor was not taken away in time.This fellow, do you really think that Tie Lin Jun is the kind of ordinary feudal troopers and horses who can't walk when they see their belongings?

After such a year or two of operation, the whole army now knows that the army will not be greedy for everyone's money.When encountering food, money and silk, people will be assigned to take care of it, inventory it and put it into storage, and read it out to everyone on a regular basis.When it is necessary to give out rewards during festivals, expeditions and wars, they will be distributed on time, and there has never been a disorder.

Hehe, giving away so many things to everyone for nothing.If he was Li Xiang, he would just set fire to the food, although this might anger his opponents and make them chase after him.

Yu Orihisu took a group of cavalry to go out to chase after him symbolically, and then spread out the vigilance in the field to prevent the enemy from coming back suddenly.Shao Shude was too lazy to go back to the city, so he spent the night in the thief camp.

The next morning, Li Yanling came to report: more than 7000 dendrobiums of grain and beans, more than [-] bundles of firewood, [-] strings of money, and more than [-] bolts of silk were seized.Li Xiang has [-] more than [-] people. This amount of money and silk is enough to give three or four rewards. How long does this guy plan to fight north of Jingshui?However, they had just defeated Gao Xun of the Zhaoyi Army before, and looted the place, so there were quite a lot of good things.

Shao Shude thought subconsciously that it is really troublesome to not have a bank in this era, and the rewards are not easy to give.I still remember that in the later Northern Song Dynasty, when the Northern Song Dynasty attacked Youzhou, it was not enough to send rewards and keep accounts.

After a defeat, if the baggage troop didn't have time to escape, the treasure was prepared for others.Still have to figure out a way, how can the sergeants be convinced without having to see the reward in kind?Maybe using land as a reward can break this dilemma?

After having breakfast in the thief camp, Shao Shude turned around again and found that the location of the thief army's camp was well chosen.It is not far from the Weishui River, so it is convenient to pick up woodcutter, and it is right next to the main road. If you go south, you can go straight to Weiqiao Town, go to Liyang County in the east, and connect to Weinan County in the southeast.Well, the fort does not need to be demolished, it only needs to be slightly remodeled to make it suitable for the Tielin army to be stationed.

After sending someone to say hello to Li Xiaochang, the main force of the Tielin army, except for some auxiliary soldiers and baggage, was moved to the camp outside the city, guarding this vital position.Shao Shude wanted to see if anyone dared to come over and stroke the tiger's whiskers who were camping in the north after he beat Li Xiang away.

On August 28, [-] auxiliary troops returned to the front line from Suizhou, and Shao Shude went out of the gate to greet them in person.

"The military envoy, the households, grain, and prisoners have all been handed over to Song Biejia. Everything in the state is fine, and there are still several letters to hand to the military envoy." Qiang Quansheng took out three letters from a wooden box and handed them to Shao Shude.

"Okay! I'm not in a hurry to read it, let me tell you about the opening of the canal in the state."

"Military envoy, Song Biejia opened a second canal after the spring planting. In Longquan County on the north bank of the Wuding River, more than 840 hectares of fields were irrigated. Including the original idle fields, a total of [-] hectares of fields were obtained. Song Biejia knew that Li The deputy general (Li Renjun) will escort the second batch of grain, households, and nests back to Suizhou, so he ordered another canal to be opened, and it is estimated that more than [-] hectares of land will be obtained." Qiang Quansheng replied.

Shao Shude heard the words and calculated silently.At present, more than 6300 people in Chaozhong and more than 2700 households in Guanzhong have been transported back to Chaozhong in two batches. If the canal is successfully opened in summer, there will be about 1600 hectares of available land.

Among these fields, 600 hectares were allocated to military farms first, and then the nesters were allowed to cultivate them. There are more than 6000 people, and one person cultivates less than 10 mu, which is easy, so there is no need for so many people to farm.At that time, we can observe that those who know how to farm and are willing to farm will let them do so. After two years, all of them will be registered as private households, which can be regarded as having official status.For others, just follow Song Biejia to open the river. This is a heavy job, and people will die. There are 1500 state soldiers in the state, and 500 soldiers on the military farm. It should be enough to suppress the nest.

The 600 hectares of land can theoretically produce 600 Dendrobium a year.Considering that many people in the nest community have not cultivated land for many years, there is a discount, even if it is [-] Dendrobium.Then after the autumn harvest next year, you can also help yourself solve many problems.Moreover, these [-] hectares of land are not only harvested for corn. If the management staff can manage it, they can also collect some melons, fruits, beans, vegetables and grass, which is not without a small supplement.

The remaining 5000 hectares of land are all sold to sergeants at a fair price. Twenty mu per person can solve the land grant for [-] people.However, Shao Shude couldn't be sure about the price, so he finally asked Chen Cheng to discuss it.

"Military envoy, since it is sold to the sergeants, the price per mu is four hundred dollars." Chen Cheng said.

"One mu of land produces at least one bush of millet per year..." Shao Shude frowned and said, "Judge Chen, Suizhou's grain price is still somewhat familiar. Before the expedition last year, it cost 40 dollars per buck, and one bush was 400 dollars. Is the land price right?"

"Military envoys, the price of land in the country and the dynasty varies greatly, and the price varies greatly. The cheap ones are a hundred or even fifty or sixty dollars per mu, and the rich are four or five yuan per mu. The newly acquired land in Suizhou can be irrigated well. , it is said that one mu can be sold for more than [-] yuan." Chen Cheng blinked, the meaning is obvious, since it is sold to the sergeants, it is of course cheaper.

"Why are the land prices so low?"

"There are naturally difficulties in selling land. How can this price be expensive?" Chen Cheng said: "Furthermore, there are more than [-] states in the country, with different people's feelings and different rich and poor. In copper-producing land, money is cheap and land is expensive. The land that produces silk is cheap and expensive; the land that does not produce copper or silk is cheap.”

"Forget it, the price of one mu of land is four hundred dollars." Shao Shude decided.

Four hundred coins is half a coin, and a thousand hectares of land can get [-] coins.This - it's not as good as this time to pay more!Sure enough, it's still fighting and killing to get money!
Of course it's a joke.The bandit army looted the place, and most of them also robbed some of the Zhaoyi army's property, which was a one-off.The land can continuously generate wealth, it is the source of finance and taxation, and it is a long-running business.

"This battle has captured a lot of prisoners of the Chao army, and 4300 people have been removed from the camp to supplement the battle losses. A certain plan to send Liu Zijing with [-] auxiliary soldiers to escort them back to Suizhou. By the way, I will send some money and food back. The sergeants have family members. Yes, you can bring the goods back first, so as not to be uneasy by your side." Shao Shude said happily: "Our Tielin army is fighting outside, and the situation in the prefecture is getting better day by day, so I am really happy. Well, this is We seized quite a few times, and after calculating the money and grain, we still have a little surplus, so we will raise some more households in Guanzhong to go back to Suizhou, enrich the household registration, and consolidate the foundation.”

"The military envoy is benevolent and righteous." Chen Cheng praised: "Jingyang and Gaoling counties are very close to Chang'an. They are originally prosperous places. It is also a good deed to recruit him, lest he starve to death or be killed by the nest army."

Of course, the more serious Chen Cheng didn't say anything, both of them understood.The worst is not to starve to death and freeze to death, but to be eaten as food.

"It's still up to Li Yanling to handle this matter. With Jingyang and Gaoling like this, more than a thousand households will be able to collect them soon, so let them return north with Liu Zijing." Shao Shude finally said, "There are not enough fields to open this year. , first let them pay for work in the state and help repair the roads. When we set off for the expedition last year, some roads were really difficult to walk, and they were in disrepair for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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