Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 937 Thought Work

Chapter 937 Thought Work
Light rain turned into moderate rain.The raindrops are getting denser and the mud is getting softer.

Above the wilderness, two sharp knives headed north and south and collided fiercely.

Iron armor couldn't stop the powerful blows of rifles, long-axes, epees, and wooden cleaves. The warriors on both sides were glaring and fierce, and they basically didn't block any movements. on the enemy.

Looking down from the sky, there seemed to be a life-swallowing crack on the line where the fronts of the two sides came into contact. The warriors who were alive and well fell down without a word when they arrived here.

The rift swallowed more and more life, and gradually moved north.

In order to restore the decline, the warriors on the north side, led by warriors, organized two counter-attacks, trying to contain the opponent's offensive.

The counterattack did have an effect, repelling the southern oppression for a while, but the momentum was quickly exhausted, and it retreated at a faster speed.

Regardless of the rain, the cavalry on both sides moved out in a big way, charging, intercepting, encircling, and counter-encircling. One by one, the majestic knights fell off their horses, and most of them never got up again.

The noise suddenly became louder, and the Northern Army retreated.The morale of the southern army was greatly boosted, and they accelerated their pace to rush forward, chasing the buttocks of the defeated soldiers.

The tricks to kill the enemy are not complicated, and often only one blow is needed, especially when the opponent shows you their back.

They are all veterans who have been fighting for many years, and it is almost instinctive to allocate their physical strength reasonably.Yelling and slashing indiscriminately with high spirits, you can't even kill the enemy with one or two hits, you have to do it several times, it will only make your physical strength lose a lot, and you will soon lose your combat effectiveness.

There are also some other tips that are accurate and fast, save energy, strengthen cooperation, and improve efficiency. Generally, they are the experience summed up by various ministries after many years of fighting.Veterans teach newcomers, and newcomers experience and even improve in practice. This is inheritance.

Create a system to annihilate the enemy and let them break their inheritance!
The soldiers of General Tuo were like tigers going down the mountain, and their pace was getting faster and faster, so that the officers kept reminding them to control the speed of pursuit and maintain the formation.

When the enemy's cavalry saw that the infantry was routed and their morale dropped, they stopped fighting and turned around and ran away.

The cavalry of General Tu didn't care about chasing their peers, instead they interspersed, intercepted, and drove away the enemy's rout. The classic cavalry coordination was extremely skilled and perfect.

Kang Yanxiao decisively invested a thousand infantry as a reserve team.With sufficient physical strength and high morale, they crossed the field after the autumn harvest, pursued all the way, and rushed to the city of Ye County, until they were resisted by Qianyu Xiangyong led by the local local tyrant.

The Tutuan villagers broke up after charging for a while, and Yecheng took the opportunity to accommodate some of the defeated soldiers and closed the city gate.At the same time, another group of Xiangyong armed forces also entered the city from the north gate.

The field battle is over.

Kang Yanxiao sent people to make a rough calculation: in the battle of Caoqiao, [-] people were beheaded, [-] were captured, and the rest were defeated; in the battle of Yecheng, thousands of people were beheaded, [-] people were captured, and the rest were defeated.

Calculated in this way, Yang Baoyu's troops stayed in Yecheng with only about a thousand people, and there were hundreds of soldiers in Zimo Town, but the cavalry had already chased them, and the thieves might not be able to return to the city.

More than a thousand native soldiers in Xiangzhou also died and a thousand were captured.

In the afternoon, four thousand Xiaojie troops also rushed to the city of Ye County.Kang Yanxiao handed over all the captives to them.

Huo Liangsi is becoming more and more conscious of a dog's legs, and his methods of handling are simple and rude.From the prisoners of the town soldiers, the sergeants of Xiang and Wei prefectures were selected, together with the thousand captives of Xiangyong, a total of 500 people, and they were ordered to kill more than a thousand town soldiers captives from the four prefectures of Wei, Chan, Bei, and Bo. kill.

Kang Yanxiao looked a little unbearable.

"General Huo has good means, but if he kills like this, His Highness may be furious." Kang Yanxiao said.

"General Kang doesn't know something. The warriors from the four prefectures of Weibei, Chanbo, and Bozhou hate His Highness, and the homes of these town soldiers are not guarding each other. It is impossible for them to surrender. It is better to kill them, and let the living surrender soldiers die before they run back. Thoughts." Huo Liangsi came halfway with low qualifications, so he explained it carefully to Kang Yanxiao.

"His Highness is in Huairou to win over the soldiers and civilians of the two prefectures. Even if all the warriors from other prefectures are killed, there is a feeling of sadness." Kang Yanxiao shook his head, disapproving of Huo Liangsi's explanation: "I am also for the good of General Huo. I will meet with you in the future. If the Wei army is at war, your department may suffer a great loss."

Others will not surrender to you, and at the same time they are full of hatred. If you are caught and killed, it is inevitable to suffer.

But Huo Liangsi had no choice.After saluting Kang Yanxiao, he went to inspect his troops, which had expanded to more than 5000 people. At the same time, he preached the policy to the newly arrived soldiers, asking them to move their families to Tangzhou as soon as possible.

Not surprisingly, this caused another commotion.But what is there to say?Moreover, some people also testified that King Xia settled them in Biyang, Biyang, and Fangcheng counties in Tangzhou. There are ponds and ditches in the area, the population is sparsely populated, and there is no shortage of land, so life will not be bad.

If you don't believe me, when you move next, you can choose more than ten people to follow to Tangzhou to have a look, and come back to share with the brothers.

"Everyone, we may be the ones to attack the city next." Huo Liangsi summoned the entire army, more than a hundred officers, to discuss matters collectively.

"Some of you have served as town soldiers or state soldiers, and some have not. The matter has come to this point, forget about the old days, don't think about it. Xia Jun's rules are very strict, and those who make trouble will be killed without mercy. The family exiled Qingtang." Huo Liangsi said: "I don't know exactly where Qingtang is, I heard that it was the place where we fought with Tubo many times in the past. For the sake of the family, don't mess around."

After saying this, Huo Liangsi glanced at the expressions of everyone, especially those newcomers.Fortunately, there is not much reaction, I don't know if I have accepted the reality.

"When you are in battle, you must fight hard, and you must not break up. Not to mention that the Xia army will pursue and kill the defeated soldiers, but just show your back to the Wei people. Do you think you can surrender?" Huo Liangsi said again: "Everyone is not a Tianshefu who knows nothing. Even if you have never been a soldier before, you can play with spears and infantry bows. In this world, who is worse than the other? I watched today's battle from a high place. For the first three swords, the Yecheng soldiers fought really well, they were skillful, they never retreated in a deadly battle, and their damage was comparable to that of General Tu.

"Fear of death! There are too many distracting thoughts in my heart! Too many worries!" Huo Liangsi said: "The more you are afraid of death, the more you will die. When the two armies were in a stalemate, hundreds of them died. The enemy army died no less than you, but How stupid is it to have thousands of dead and very few enemy casualties in a great retreat?"

"You are not weaker than Xia Bing, your skills are not inferior to others, and your weapons are comparable. You really withstood it at the beginning. Everyone, on the battlefield, stand for a moment longer and endure more casualties. Maybe the one who can't hold on and collapses is Enemy army, no one behind will die by then."

"There is no way out for me. If you break down and run to the countryside alone, what will happen? Do you think someone will kill you secretly? The more than [-] members of the Xiaojie Army are all brothers, and now they can only hold together and fight bravely .We can't afford to be defeated, we can't afford to be defeated, once we disperse, we will be doomed, and we will never see our family again."

"Xia Wang Rende, distribute the land to the brothers. Don't worry, it's all good land on the other side of the ditch, and it's so fat. Don't worry about grabbing it with the locals. There are not many people there, and there is a lot of wasteland. The monthly grain Give two dendrobiums to the family members. The rewards of Zhengdan, Chunshe, Dragon Boat Festival, Autumn Society, and Winter Solstice each give out two coins and two bolts of silk. So far, there has never been arrears. The dead and disabled family members receive one dendrobium per month. , leading directly for ten years. After the victory, there are often rewards, and there is absolutely no shortage of money and food."

"It's all out of my heart. I don't want to die, and neither do you. Then fight hard. The only way out for us is to overthrow Wei Bo and let King Xia win the world. No one dares to harm us any more.”

Huo Liangsi finished speaking in one breath, seeing that no one objected, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Yesterday King Xia specially called him over, saying that the quality of Wei soldiers is very good and they need to "boost morale".Some of these remarks were given to him by King Xia, and some were made by him on the spot. When he explained the words thoroughly and clearly, the sergeants would think and weigh them themselves. Over time, their combat effectiveness would increase greatly—generally speaking, This kind of "puppet army" troops will go to two extremes, one is completely rotten, collapsed at the first touch, and has low morale;

The results of the Battle of Yecheng spread quickly to the rear. At that time, Shao Shude was discussing the military situation in Yanbei with the envoys from the north.

"Yang Dutou sent out troops several times, smashed many tribes, and captured more than 30 Dingkou and [-] cattle, sheep and offal." Wang He, who was born in the Zangcai clan of Mulashan, said: "There are several times when they crossed the border and hit the Khitan's vassal tribe. The thieves collapsed in the east, and they were in constant panic. Some people suggested that this was Li Keyong's rescue, which attracted the Khitan's attention to the west. Yang Du remained unmoved and continued to charge and fight. People are going to burn the grasslands."

"Come on!" Shao Shude turned to Lu Siye and said, "Send a military letter to remind Yang Yue."

"Of order." Lu Siye replied.

"How is Tanshan? This is the front line against the enemy." Shao Shude asked.

"Back to the king, King Xi went to Zhu to recruit the scattered tribesmen, and the momentum was a little stronger. He and Tuoba Jin drove the tribes to build a palace for the king. The local water and grass are beautiful, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and it is really a summer resort. In the palace There are more than a hundred servants and maidservants, and all the utensils are being arranged, waiting for the king to come." Wang He said.

"Don't spend your money on this." Shao Shude said: "If the Khitans attack in a big way, they won't be able to support them. Who owns this palace? Half of the captured cattle and sheep will be sent to Luoyang, and the counties along the way will prepare supplies. Guozhou The four ranches in Heyang, Heyang, Guangcheng, and Jiacheng also prepared winter fodder and grain, which will be distributed to the common people after the spring of next year. More than [-] Dingkou will be sent to Zhengzhou, and [-] Kansai households in Yaozhou will be distributed by prefectures and counties. Register and settle down."

Dongdu Town, one prefecture and two prefectures, after relocating these people, there are almost 80 million people.Although it is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, the population is still too small. After all, there were more than 100 million people in Henan Prefecture during the Tianbao period.

Zhengzhou will then resettle the family members of a forbidden army, that is, [-] households.There will be no new relocation of people in the future, and the population will increase naturally.Ruzhou is the same, and there will be no newcomers.

The next key direction of immigration is the three states of Tang and Deng Sui, and the cutting of sausages in Xiangzhou will continue.

Shao Shude managed these "Kansai Colonies" with his brand very carefully, at least to ensure the stability of two or three generations.

"After the Frost's Fall, let Yang Yue retreat." Shao Shude stood up and said, "Sheng and Shen prefectures have accumulated food and grass, cattle and sheep, and the three armies of Jindao, Heizhu, and Feixiong will start to reorganize. After they are finished, they will go south to Luoyang. I want to inspect them." Army."

(End of this chapter)

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