Chapter 946 Pressure
The autumn wind howled across the earth, and the wild flowers on the hills were all withered, permeating the atmosphere of sadness.

The news that Laizhou was breached was like a gust of cold wind, chilling everyone's heart.

The cries of the captives who were taken to the city of Zizhou and Qingzhou by fast horses were more like the death knell, knocking on people's hearts one after another.

Liu Po ​​sighed, once Laizhou was broken, Xia Jun went straight to Huangxian and Penglai along the coastal post road, and the four counties of Dengzhou would not be guaranteed.

The city can't be kept, the people can't be kept, and the Denglai pastures can't be kept. These more than [-] people are far away from Qingzhou.

It is not ruled out that some brave and loyal people will stand up and resist, but it must be turned up and down without any results.

Since the remnants of the Pinglu Army crossed Hainan to Ziqing and established the feudal town, the old feudal town of more than 140 years was about to be wiped out.

well!Liu Yan sighed again.

"Liu Dutou, the king of Xia loves the emperor's talent, and is willing to treat him with the status of a state and county. Why don't you come and surrender?"

"The city has been besieged for so long, I am sorry for Wang Shifan, why bother?"

"All the young men in the city have been incorporated into the army, how many people will be left if the fight continues?"

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero, don't make mistakes!"

There were shouts and shouts outside the city.The soldiers were furious and wanted to draw their bows and shoot them.Liu Po ​​stopped their blind movement, it was unnecessary.

"Why bother?" Liu Wei sighed: "Looking at it like this, the destruction of Ziqing Town is a matter of time, so let's stay on the front line."

The soldiers sighed again and again when they heard this. The Shao thief mobilized more than [-] troops to attack the three towns of Yun, Yan, and Qi.Later, when the Ziqing states were still being mobilized, the bandits Shao personally led his troops to detour to the north bank of the Yellow River to attack Qizhou by surprise, defeating the coalition forces of the two towns, and Qizhou also fell.

Zhu Jin in the south was unable to defeat the tens of thousands of Hu Zhen's troops, and they are still entangled to this day. They cannot be of much help, and this battle cannot be fought.

Everyone discussed it in private, and they all agreed that Shao Zeixue's night attack on Yunzhou established the victory.A move in Yunzhou severed the connection between the three towns, leaving only the narrow and rugged Laiwu Valley passage between Yanzhou and Qingzhou. However, this has become a road of death, and no one dares to walk.

Up to now, everyone is actually just procrastinating, and it is impossible to turn the tide of the battle.

"Liu Dutou, have you thought it over yet?" The outside of the city was still urging.

"If Wang Shuai of Qingzhou does not surrender, I will not surrender. If Wang Shuai surrenders, I will surrender the city." Liu Po ​​stood by the female wall and said loudly: "Other than that, there is nothing else to say."

The person who persuaded him to surrender was silent for a while, and then left soon.

Liu Po ​​also went down to the top of the wall and remained silent.

Do you regret it?Maybe a little.

They went out of the city several times to attack at night, and they also captured some prisoners of the Tielin Army.Through these people, Liu Po ​​learned many things that King Xia did.People's livelihood, military strategy, politics, etc. are all involved. Listening carefully, I admire it very much.

As a military commander, who wouldn't want to meet a wise master?King Xia has created such a great cause, and he is a rare and generous person. He also suppressed the negative emotions of cruelty, tyranny, and bloodthirsty that warriors often have. It seems that he can accomplish things. If he can work under his tent, maybe It can be left in history.

It's a pity that Prince Taiwei had the kindness to know him, and he couldn't bear to abandon the lord before he surrendered.

"Dutou, there's not much wound medicine in the city, let's continue the fight..." Deputy General Wang Yanwen came over and murmured.

"I still have the wound medicine given by the commander-in-chief in my room, let's use it for the brothers." Liu Wei waved his hand and said.

Wang Yanwen didn't leave yet.

Liu Po's heart was like a mirror, he turned around to look at his deputy, and asked, "When Xia Bing first arrived, Erlang Yi took the lead in the battle, and kept saying that he was planning for his descendants. Now he has been fighting for several months, and he is hesitant and timid. Why? "

Wang Yanwen was a little ashamed, and said: "To tell the truth, the Xia soldiers are extremely powerful, and they are not afraid of death. After fighting for so long, everyone is also afraid. It is not unacceptable for the Shao bandits to force me out of town to fight."

"Are there many people who think like you?" Liu Wei asked.

At the same time, he secretly sighed in his heart, this fighting will is not as good as that of Yun Bing and Yan Bing, is it true that peace has been going on for a long time?
"A lot." Wang Yanwen said honestly: "Everyone said that as long as King Xia still allows them to serve as soldiers and continues to give rewards, they will be killed by King Xia."

Liu Po ​​looked up to the sky and sighed.

The old soldiers are like this, and the recruits trained by Zhu Quanzhong are even worse, and Qi Zhen is dead.

Seeing Liu Po's disheartened face, Wang Yanwen couldn't bear it, and said: "If the Shao bandits don't sympathize with us and let everyone die, then continue to fight. After fighting for so long, the boys are no longer the same as they were at the beginning. So at a loss, Shao thief wants to eat us, it is not so easy."

Liu Po ​​smiled wryly twice, and said: "If Commander Wang surrenders, I will surrender later. If Commander Wang does not surrender, we will stay until the winter solstice. After this festival, please surrender from Kaicheng."

Wang Yanwen hesitated to speak, his eyes flickered.They surrendered only at the winter solstice, let alone whether they can stay until that time, just saying that this is Liu Wei's order, and they have nothing to do, it is a bit regrettable.

Wang Yanwen subconsciously calculated the strength of the troops at hand.

Hundreds of miles away, in the north of Yanzhou City, Li Tangbin assigned thousands of people from Li Gongquan's tribe to Hu Zhen because Zhu Jin sent troops day after day.

The four armies of Longxiang, Guangsheng, Shenjie, and Longhu only have more than [-] men, and they have to divide their troops to guard the front line of Rencheng and Zhongdu, and their strength is very tight.I asked for reinforcements several times, and some did come. The main force of the Yi Cong Army had been to the Yanzhou battlefield, but they left again.

These soldiers can hold a stalemate with Zhu Jin, but they are unable to siege the city, so they can only freeze.

Li Gongquan's troops attacked Zizhou several times, and were terrified by the tragic battle situation. Everyone was happy to be able to go south to Yanzhou.

There was a sound of hoofs.

Wang Yanzhang led the team back to the camp, with several heads hanging from the saddle.

The sergeants who attacked with him all looked at him with admiration.

This guy can't tell, but his martial arts and courage are indeed top-notch.There was a rebellion in the mountains to the north. It was said that it was the troops of Zhu Xuan, the former governor of the Tianping Army. Wang Yanzhang led more than a thousand Wei Bowus to fight against them.

It's a pity that these people are just thieves and have no connection with Zhu Xuan.A total of 500 people occupied the mountain as king, and went down the mountain to plunder from time to time.He even successfully ambushed a team transporting wounded soldiers, which made Hu Zhen furious, and dispatched troops to search for the bandit village and wiped it out.

Wang Yanzhang's contribution is solid.

"General Wang is back." People from far and near greeted each other when they saw it.

"Where is General Li?" Wang Yanzhang got off his horse and asked.

"I went to see Hu Zhen. The brothers attacked the city for days, and the casualties were not small. The general went to argue hard."

"Actually, there is no need to argue. I heard that King Xia has a military order. All my troops will be incorporated into the Xiaojie Army. Most of them are going to Xiangzhou."

"Go to Xiangzhou? That's great."

Warriors admire brave men most. Wang Yanzhang is so brave that he earned the title of "Wang Tieqiang". Now not only Huazhou soldiers are united by his side, but even Bozhou soldiers are beginning to approach him. Li Gongquan, the supreme general, has gradually changed It's a misnomer.

"Not going to Xiangzhou so soon." Wang Yanzhang threw the reins to the soldiers, and said with a smile: "Didn't you see that the army has started to increase troops to Yanzhou recently? Zhao Lu's loyal army is about to go south, and the army of Yanzhou is gathering. Zhu Jin has settled the account."

Wang Yanzhang's sense of smell is really keen.

The huge changes in the Denglai battle broke down the psychological defense of the Qi people. The defenders of Zizhou and Qingzhou saw the prisoners of Laizhou, and all of them looked ashen.In the past few days, people have come to surrender every night, and the officers can't stop them.

Just like this bird, but also a fart!

The only suspense now is whether King Xia will give everyone time to rest after defeating Ziqing.If not, then the Yanzhou War will break out immediately, and tens of thousands of people will march southward to launch a final general attack on Zhu Jin.

"I heard that King Liang is in Laizhou, and he still has nearly [-] soldiers on hand. Will the battle situation change?" someone asked.

Wang Yanzhang's expression froze, he shook his head after a long time, and said: "I heard that the United Army suffered a disastrous defeat, and that soldier is obviously incapable of fighting. King Liang is trapped in the camp, and most likely he will not be able to recover."

After hearing this, the Bozhou soldiers showed no expression, but the Huazhou soldiers all sighed.

Liang Wang used to be the great savior of the people of Henan, he relieved the people from their suffering, and it is pitiful to end up like this.

"Zhu Jin is out of the city again!" A scout hurried past and shouted.

"Boom boom boom..." Dense drums sounded.

Wang Yanzhang quickly boarded a high platform and looked towards the southern field.

The north gate of Yanzhou was wide open, and more than a thousand riders rushed left and right, galloping vertically and horizontally.

He Delun, the envoy of You Yi of the Longxiang Army, led his troops to meet him, and fought endlessly.

Zhu Jin is indeed brave. In this kind of battle of more than a thousand horses, gods block and kill gods and Buddhas.

After a while, Xie Yanzhang, deputy envoy of the Guangsheng Army, also led five hundred cavalry to meet him.

"The number one horse in Henan, what a great name..." Wang Yanzhang subconsciously clenched the iron gun in his hand, and then let go.

Zhu Jin's bright red cloak is very dazzling on the battlefield.He doesn't seem to shy away from being the enemy's target at all, and he is harvesting lives entirely by relying on his martial arts and experience.But in Wang Yanzhang's eyes, Zhu Jin was just fighting a trapped beast.

When tens of thousands of elite soldiers from the Tielin Army and the Yi Cong Army went south, Zhu Jin was afraid that even going out of the city to fight would have become an extravagant hope.

"A person who is about to die..." Wang Yanzhang stopped looking and got off the high platform.

Li Shouxin was invited into the palace again.

The Wang Shifan brothers were all present, and their faces were not very good-looking.

Li Shouxin laughed secretly, but still put on a serious expression, and asked, "Wang Shuai called urgently, but he has already made a decision?"

"Dare to ask the envoy, can King Xia's response to Jingnan Jiedu envoy be counted?" Wang Shifan asked directly without going around in circles.

Li Shouxin pondered for a moment.

In fact, because of the war, he has not received any news from the rear recently, but he did know that Laizhou was captured by the Flying Dragon Army.

Moreover, I heard that the main force of the Flying Dragon Army was hunting around, recruiting Laizhou bandits and bandits, and storming Zhu Quanzhong's camp.Such a fanfare must have brought great pressure to the Wang brothers.

Furthermore, the situation has changed so drastically, has King Xia changed his mind?Li Shouxin didn't dare to promise anything without authorization, so he could only say: "This time, that time, I really won't hide it from Wang Shuai, and I have to ask His Highness for instructions on this matter."

An angry look appeared on Wang Shiyue's face, and he scolded: "Why did you change your mind again?"

Li Shouxin was displeased, and said: "Wang Shijun, when King Xia ordered you to move the town, there was an uproar in the hall, shouting and shouting, and we resolutely refused. Now that the battle is like this, and it is in a hurry, I can't wait to respond immediately." Let me just ask, is there such a good thing in the world?"

Wang Shiyue wanted to say more, but Wang Shifan stopped his elder brother and said: "The Ziqing war lasted for a year, the countryside was ruined, all industries withered, and the people were in poverty. There is no need to hide this, and the envoy can see it. This is all my fault. I heard that King Xia Generous, preferential treatment for surrendered people, if Qizhen surrenders, presumably he will not treat the soldiers and civilians of the states harshly."

Speaking of this, Wang Shifan suddenly squeezed out a few tears and said: "Please also ask the messenger to reply to King Xia, where the ancestral graveyard is, and dare not leave without authorization. Today, I would like to donate the five prefectures of Qi, Di, Zi, Lai, and Deng." County, only Qingzhou is left, and I hope it will be approved."

Good guy!Li Shouxin almost laughed out loud.

What is the relationship between Qizhou and Dizhou and your Wang Shifan?Do you have the nerve to draw it into your own territory?
There is only one breath left in Zizhou, Laizhou has basically been swept away, Dengzhou is just around the corner, and the co-author doesn't want to suffer at all.

Li Shouxin stroked his beard and asked, "Wang Shuai, it's all over..."

"The envoy just ask King Xia for instructions. I will wait for the good news." Wang Shifan said.

"Wang Shuai is really confused." Li Shouxin sighed.

Wang Shifan didn't answer, and after bowing his hands and saluting, he left the middle hall.

 I have something to do during the day tomorrow, maybe the first update will be at night.Let's find a chance to make up for it later in the second update.

(End of this chapter)

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