Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 948 Zizhou and Glue

Chapter 948 Zizhou and Glue

"Isn't this Liu Dutou?" Ye Liyulue, the deputy commander of the Tielin Army, said in feigned surprise.

Liu Po ​​blushed a little.

In the past, he boasted that he could do everything at every step, pondering the opponent's thoughts all day long, and making him fall into the trap.But since fighting Xia Jun, they have not been greedy for merit, not aggressive, not timid to fight, not afraid of losses, and not opportunistic.

Today, there was a military riot, and I ran away in embarrassment. There is really nothing to say.

"I'm really ashamed that the crime will come in a hurry." Liu Wei bowed and saluted.

"Sit down." Ye Li Yulue ordered, and his own soldiers brought the bed, and Liu Wei's family was also led into a tent and settled properly.

There were footsteps coming and going in the camp.A large group of sergeants put on armor and carried weapons, and under the leadership of the officers, assembled outside the camp.Before that, some sergeants on alert rushed to the city gate, planning to give it a go—it was definitely better to start a street fight with the thieves than to climb the city wall to die.

Of course Liu Po ​​could hear these voices, he just sighed secretly.

Zizhou couldn't keep it for long, at most three months.A few months earlier and a few months later, it may have a serious impact, or it may have no effect at all. The matter has come to this point, and it is useless to think about it.

"I heard that Liu Dutou has a high prestige in the army. Maybe he will call some troops to surrender? If this is the situation, resistance is useless. I think Liu Dutou can also see it." Yeli Yulue said.

"You should try your best." Liu Po ​​replied.

He has also studied Xia Jun's generals.

The Yokoyama Notoshi clan and the Mizo clan are already important components of the Kansai military group established by Shao Shude.They followed Shao Shude very early, made a lot of contributions, got involved in business, had a lot of wealth, and married each other with Shao's, their status was actually very high.

Ye Li Yulue, who has served as the deputy envoy of the Tielin Army for many years and took charge of his early pro-army for Shao Shude, is obviously very trusted.

His son, Yeli Kecheng, grew up in the Xia Palace and had a close relationship with Shao Shude. They were almost the same father and son, and Shao Shude wanted to marry his eldest daughter to him.

I would rather offend Li Tangbin than Ye Lishi.

"With Liu Dutou's words, I am relieved." Ye Liyu smiled slightly: "Come, come, and review the wars of these days with me. On September [-], you go out of the city to attack at night, let me eat What a loss, that matter..."

Liu Po ​​cheered up and accompanied Ye Li Yulue to replay the fight during this period of time.

On the other side, Zheng Yong, Marquis of Duyu, and Zhen Xu, the envoy of soldiers from the right wing, swarmed into the city with 2000 people, bumping into hundreds of Qi soldiers head-on.

"Don't do it, don't do it!" Wang Yanwen shouted, "I'm about to leave the city, please surrender, I didn't come here for a fight."

Wang Yanwen's words are half true and half false.

In fact, he didn't expect to surrender so soon, and it would only be a few days later.Inciting the sergeants to riot, can't they feed the warriors?After they get the money and calm down, they will understand the righteousness, talk about the benefits, and persuade everyone to surrender.

But Liu Po ​​ran away.

Just run away, it's not fatal, as long as he, Wang Yanwen, takes the lead.The point is that the sergeants guarding the city gate also ran away and defected to the Xia army, which disrupted Wang Yanwen's steps at once.

Of course he had foreseen it beforehand.Inciting soldiers to rebel is a risky gamble, how could it be possible to cover everything?In haste, there must be omissions, and it depends on whether this omission will be caught.

Unfortunately, Liu Po ​​was extremely decisive and went directly to the Xia army camp.General Xia, who was guarding the trench outside the city, also made a decisive decision. He rushed over without asking for instructions, and took control of the South Gate and the Urn City.

When the matter developed to this point, most of Wang Yanwen's calculations were in vain.It's really hard to say whether the credit for offering the city is still there. It all depends on how the coach Xia Jun on the opposite side reports.If he is willing to mention you, then you will have the credit. If you don't write it, you will surrender the soldiers and generals, and you will have no credit.

Instead of doing this, why don't you continue to seek refuge on a big mountain in Xia Jun, to see if you can curry favor with him and pave the way for the future.

Zheng Yong had expected the Qi soldiers to surrender so quickly. He immediately ordered Wang Yanwen to lead people to quell the chaos in the city, gather the soldiers, let them lay down their weapons, and line up to return to the camp.And he himself assigned half of the people to guard the city gate, and the remaining half followed Wang Yanwen to rush into the city to control various points.

Everything is very secure.

Soon, the follow-up troops also entered the city, with three infantry commanders and two cavalry commanders commanding 7000 people.

Not that no one finds out that they have been duped.Some Qi soldiers didn't want to surrender, they just wanted to make some money, so when they saw the Xia army entering the city, they were a little confused at first, and then furious. There were many short and fierce battles in the old city, but they could not change the overall situation.

The military cavalry of the Iron Forest Army also appeared around the city, leading their horses to patrol, and when they saw someone leaving the city, they mounted their horses and intercepted them immediately to ensure that no one slipped through the net.

By evening, the last traces of commotion had died down.

There were more than ten thousand defenders in the city, two thousand were killed, and the rest surrendered and were imprisoned in the barracks.

The fall of Zizhou also marked that the Qi army was one step closer to being destroyed.At the same time, it also means that the Xia army has relieved its worries and released a large number of troops, which can be put into the battlefield of Qingzhou. up.

After nightfall, the messenger carrying the good news left the camp and disappeared into the darkness of the western sky.

After the Feilong Army captured Ye County, they rested all night.Subsequently, thousands of people were assigned to storm the camps of the United and Pinghai Second Armies. Zhu Quanzhong personally beat the drums to boost morale.The defenders fired arrows out desperately. After hundreds of casualties, Qi Bizhang ordered to stop the attack and switch to the tactics of attrition and harassment.

At the same time, Liang Hanyong was ordered to take 4000 people eastward, and arrived in Huang County in two days, and they were defeated on October [-].

Arrived at Penglai County, Lisuo, Dengzhou on the [-]th and night, and pulled it out on the [-]th.

He also sent people to intrude between Wendeng and Muping to take down the pasture and get more than 4 horses.

Muping County surrendered the city, while Wendeng defended the city.Liang Hanyong led his army to the city, conquered the city at the cost of 300 deaths, and then defeated a group of local tyrants who came to reinforce the county outside the city.

So far, Dengzhou has basically been taken down—at least on the map, whether there is actual control is another matter.

Qi Bizhang was still "molesting" Zhu Quanzhong.

He left more than 4000 people to guard the city, and led more than [-] people to attack the camp in turn, consuming a lot of arrows from the enemy until the forced Laizhou Ding Zhuang rebelled and collapsed.

On October 23, the third day after Dengzhou was conquered, Zhu Quanzhong finally couldn't hold it anymore. He gathered some of his cronies, collected a large number of horses, and took advantage of the favorable opportunity of the lack of troops of the Flying Dragon Army who monitored them, in the middle of the night. Breaking through the encirclement, nearly [-] defenders were left in the camp.

The pursuit battle started almost immediately.

On the 3000th, Zhu Quanzhong and more than 26 of his entourage were surrounded in Jiaoshui County, Laizhou.

Jiaoshui County is the Pingdu of the later generations. It has been neglected before, and it is almost the same as a little transparent.The county magistrate temporarily recruited [-] Tutuan villagers into the city to protect the Xia people.When Zhu Quanzhong entered the city, his horsepower was exhausted. The county magistrate was ecstatic to see the famous King Liang coming, and handed over the defense to him.

Zhu Quanzhong was upset, but he couldn't show the slightest hint of frustration in front of his subordinates.

He personally patrolled the city, gave blankets to the sergeants who were shivering in the cold wind, and kept saying words of encouragement to reassure the soldiers.

"In the past, Yang Xingmi and I exchanged tea and silk, and we were very close. He has sent General Chai Zaiyong, Xu Wen and others to lead his troops northward, with [-] troops, to join Wang Maozhang. Once the [-] troops go north, Yi, We can get down at night, and we will unite with them, and we may be able to save the situation." Zhu Quanzhong put some firewood under the rice cooker himself, and said with a smile, "How long has it been since the Shao bandits marched into the three towns of Yun, Yan, and Qi? People's hearts are not attached, and their foundation is not good. Stable, once the situation changes, there will be as many rebels as a cow. Don’t you know that Zhu Xuan has already launched an attack in the southern part of Qizhou, with thousands of people, and there are also many Yun soldiers and Qi soldiers scattered all over the place. If you cooperate with Zhu Jin, it will be easy to overthrow the Shao bandits. .This battle still has to be fought, and there is still a chance.”

Everyone was silent.If the situation is like this, these things are already hard to believe.

Li Keyong made a wrong decision at the most critical moment. He was defeated in the outskirts of Lu County and lost thousands of people. Then he was harassed by Khitan and gave Shao thief precious time. Now Ziqing Town is at the end of the road, and it will soon be It's hard to come back.

If the Jin army had had some brains back then, instead of rushing to Weizhou to take revenge, and then pursued all the way to the south bank of the Yellow River, but went straight to Heyang or the middle of the river, the war might have gone in another direction.

But there is no such thing as a war. Today, it is too late for Li Keyong to reinforce, and everyone in Qi Town is powerless.

Yang Xingmi, there is a fart!

After fighting for more than half a year, seven thousand reinforcements were sent, and they withdrew after losing one battle. Is this really helping them?
"What are you doing with your heads down?" Zhu Quanzhong scolded with a smile: "So what if Shao thief really took Ziqing? It's not like we have no way out. Yi and Mi are unimpeded. We have so many horses, can't we escape?" ?”

These words were true, and everyone's morale recovered slightly.

But at this moment, the soldiers rushed to report: there is a large cavalry army fighting outside the city.

Zhu Quanzhong immediately got up and took a group of people to the top of the city.

"Tuoba Renfu's cavalry." Zhu Quanzhong understood with just one glance.

That fellow also seemed to know that Wang Shifan's fall was imminent, so he planned to take someone away.Traveling all the way south, I came to the vicinity of Jiaoshui County.

The number of cavalry chasing them was huge, almost twice that of Tuoba Renfu's.The two sides played a typical prairie style of play, and arrows exchanged with each other, shooting non-stop.After fighting for half an hour, the Tuoba tribe retreated without support and ran southward.

Xia Jun's cavalry chased them out for several miles. For some reason, they all turned back suddenly, and they didn't even want to beat the dogs in the water.

Zhu Quanzhong took a rough look and found that there were more than five thousand horses.At this moment, the ones who appeared here could only be the Dingnan Army, who rushed over from Qingzhou.

It is a bit difficult to have five thousand soldiers of the Difficult Army and three thousand soldiers of the Flying Dragons, and the risk of escape is multiplied.Zhu Quanzhong's face immediately turned ugly.

And this was not over yet, in the evening, another cavalry unit surrounded them.

Seeing how their horses were foaming at the mouth and falling to their deaths, it was obvious that they came all the way from the Qingzhou battlefield.

He will chase after him even if he doesn't hesitate to run to his death, so what's the matter, needless to say?

Zhu Quanzhong's face was so gloomy that he could drip water.

(End of this chapter)

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