Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 955 Tongguan Station

Chapter 955 Tongguan Station

Wang Shifan stayed in Luoyang for a few days.

Here he saw many interesting things.

For example, a Buddhist monk led students to discuss how to build a bridge.It is a stone bridge across Luoshui River, which can be called the second bridge in Tianjin.Because of the need to consider the factors of water transportation, the bridge will be built as an arch bridge.

The monk wrote and drew on the paper in a serious manner, making circles one after another, and seriously discussed with the students which one was more reasonable.

Wang Shifan heard the monk ask the students, if the tank boat is higher, the stone arch needs to be made bigger, how to design it?Will this collapse?Why?And so on and so on.

It’s all about building a bridge. According to the formula passed down by the old people, a few blocks on the left and a few blocks on the right, can’t just stack them like this?Don't ask why, just do it.

But these people were analyzing carefully there, and what they said was quite bluffing. Wang Shifan didn't understand anyway, but he still found it very interesting.

Wang Shifan also met a group of people who recorded the width and depth of Luoshui, Gushui, and Dishui.They are also very serious, carefully recording how deep the river is in the rainy season every year, how many days it rains, and how much rain it rains.After all, Shangyang Palace is a palace with water features, and there were records of floods in the past. For this reason, Xuanzong built two dams to prevent floods.

It also seems understandable to do so.

In short, there are still many new things.After Wang Shifan saw it, he suddenly felt that his vision was a little shallow when he was nested in the small place of Qingzhou. He didn't expect that there are so many interesting things in the world.

On December [-]th, a few days before the winter solstice, Wang Shifan and his party left Luoyang for Chang'an.

Before leaving, he sold his belongings in Fangshi and exchanged them for a thick stack of silver dollar bills that can be used in Chang'an Fangshi, and he went to Chang'an by light car.

To be on the safe side, Han Zhu, commander of the Henan Fuzhou Army, was ordered to dispatch [-] cavalry escorts.

To go west from Luoyang to Chang'an, one must of course pass the Xiaohan Valley Road.

After years of war, the valley road has returned to tranquility.

Shao Shude's first group of Kansai immigrants settled here.It started in Xiao County, and then gradually expanded to other places.

These Dangxiang mountain people have almost completely turned into Tang people. Hair accessories and clothing have changed, and no one wears earrings. Only from the accent and food can we get a glimpse of their true origins.

Dangxiangshan people opened their mouths and closed their doors to "Shao Sheng", and regarded themselves as Shao Shengyuan, and shouted and shouted at the later Gamo, Uyghur, and Tubo people, domineering.

Wang Shifan watched with relish, and at the same time was very envious of their military traditions.

Qingzhou has been in peace for many years and has developed commerce and trade, but it is not as hardworking as these people.On a cold winter day, Li Zheng gave an order, and Xiangyong quickly assembled to practice in the wilderness.

Seeing their serious appearance, Wang Shifan couldn't help sighing.

Once upon a time, the descendants of the Pinglu Army were so brave and so hardworking.However, such things as energy and spirit are not worth the passing of time.But after just a few decades, each of them only thinks about doing business with the outside world, rather than practicing the art of swords and spears.

Of the people under Shao Shude's rule, the first generation is certainly extremely brave, but the second generation may also maintain the spirit of hard training. What about the third and fourth generations?Maybe it will fall too.

Wang Shifan suddenly found himself a little sentimental.

Xiaohan Ancient Road, since the Qin Dynasty, countless people have fought here, and many legends or elegy have been written.But so what?Xiaoshan is still there, but the heroes have been blown away by rain and wind.

Why do you care so much?Wang Shifan picked up his mood and continued westward.

On the 25th, a group of people arrived at Tongguan and lived in the posthouse.

From the top of Guancheng, you can see Fenglingdu on the other side from a distance.At this time, the Yellow River was frozen and solidly frozen.Surprisingly, there were still people coming in and out by the ferry, passing through the ice of the Yellow River to Huayin on the other side of the river.

The people who came were mainly merchants, bringing many goods from the river, as well as the latest news.

"The river is not peaceful recently, so it's best not to go there." A merchant said, "After I sell this cloth, I'll go to my brother-in-law's house in Huazhou to stay for a while to avoid the limelight."

"Liu Er, what news did you hear?" Someone asked.

"Yuhou Hou of Mabu City in Hezhong ransacked Zhuangzi's rebellious army outside the city, and dozens of people died." Liu Er said: "It is said that Fengzangzhi planned to go to Zhuangzi, but he didn't go because he had something to do. robbery."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was amazed.If there were a large number of rebellious soldiers and Feng Zang was caught off guard, it would probably be like Wang Chongrong back then, who would be slaughtered directly.

"Is this true?" Some people didn't believe it.

Although there is no peace in the river, there has been no turmoil for some years, which is really hard to believe.

"Why did I lie to you? Everyone in Hedong County knows that the military academy leading the rebellion is named Tao Jian, a native of Cizhou, who has gathered more than [-] rebels, and Wang Shuai almost ran away in fright." Liu Er said.

"Aren't you the horse under Wang Yao's lap, how do you know he is going to run away?" someone sneered.

Liu Er was furious when he heard the words, he slapped the table, and said: "Everyone says so, is it false?"

"Liu Er is wrong." Another merchant with a Puzhou accent said, "These are two things. After Tao Jian rebelled, Feng Zangzhi was furious and led his army to surround and kill the rebels. More than [-] people were beheaded." They all hang their heads on the city gates. Then they angered their family members and killed more than a hundred. The soldiers who went to suppress the rebels felt sad and clamored faintly. Wang Yao was terrified and rushed to Xia Bing camp overnight."

This one spoke even more wickedly, as if he was at the scene, one of the agitating sergeants.

"It's not right." Uh, there are quite a few Puzhou businessmen present today, but another older man said: "Actually, King Xia ordered Wang Shuai to select two thousand elite soldiers and send them to Luoyang. Marquis Yu Li Diancheng incited the soldiers, saying, "We live in the river for a long time, and we are not happy to move. Kuang Pu's soldiers have been dispatched several times, and there have been many casualties. Now he drives us to the battle to die. Instead of going to the battlefield, it is better to defend ourselves in the city, and the matter will be accomplished." Wealth and honor, if you don't succeed, you will be robbed by the crowd'."

Well, one exaggerated more than the other, and this one was even more vivid, even talking about the chaos.

Wang Shifan almost laughed out loud when he heard it.

These words are indeed decent, and they are also the tone of a rebellious martial artist.They don't necessarily know how to weigh the pros and cons. When they lose their temper and get hot-headed, what can't be done?It's useless to regret later, and it doesn't necessarily mean you will regret it.

But who is Li Diancheng?How could you hear such a confidential matter?Could it be one of the rebels?

Liu Er was slapped in the face twice today, he was a little annoyed, and asked: "Defend the city? When I was leaving, people in Hedong were indeed in panic, but I didn't see anyone defending the city."

"The rebellious soldiers rebelled halfway, occupying Yuxiang County. And there are more than 2000 people. Many government soldiers heard that they rebelled against the city, and they rushed over. It may be three to five thousand." The elder Shang The apprentice said: "It will never be false. I have a good friend in Yu Township, and there is a lot of chaos there. It's a bad year, and you have committed crimes."

Liu Er held his breath in his heart and said, "I'm afraid I'm just chasing after the wind."

"Fuck you! I'll bet you a hundred coins, do you want to bet?" The old businessman asked angrily because he was quite angry.

Liu Er was stunned and mumbled, not daring to speak.

When everyone saw it, they burst into laughter.

Wang Shifan also laughed, but his smile was more profound.

Shao Shude squeezed the attached town so hard, asking for money and food, sending troops to fight, and this time he wanted to select elites to go to Luoyang, and do everything possible to weaken the strength of the attached town, and something happened sooner or later.

Wang Yao's position is not right, her prestige is not high, and Feng Zangzhi is a recognized lackey of the Shaw family, who eats inside and out, so it is normal for these two people to be hated by the Hezhong warriors.

At the same time, I am also very moved that people on both sides of the river have completely different perceptions of King Xia.

"Forget it, I won't bet with you anymore, and it won't be very interesting if I win the bet." The old businessman took a sip of his wine and said with a sad expression, "I'm satisfied with beating the place to pieces, right? Is it fun to bring Li Keyong here? It turns out that there are always people who say that Hezhong doesn’t know how to fight, and he must fight in Heyang. Now it seems that Hezhong might be Heyang’s scapegoat, alas!”

When he said this, everyone fell silent.

"It's better to let King Xia directly lead the Jiedu envoy of Hezhong. He took the Xuanwu Army, and he can be exempted from tax for three years. Yunzhou has been defeated, and it is tax-free. Qingzhou is also tax-free, right? Hezhong—ah!" Liu Er also said. Looking back, he took a sip of wine, and said loudly: "What's the use of Wang Yao? I think it's fine for him to enter the court, just like Wang Shifan. He's a waste anyway."

The smile on Wang Shifan's face froze.

"Liu Er, you drank too much, will you go back to Puzhou in the future?" Someone tugged on his sleeve and advised, "Stop talking."

Liu Er also reacted, turned his head to thank the man, and kept silent.

There were people coming and going in the posthouse, but the atmosphere became more and more depressing.

Wang Shifan was in a bad mood and drank too much alcohol.

When Sikong Bing arrived in Luoyang, he must have gone to see King Xia.He can also guess a thing or two about what they are talking about.

The dispute between Xia and Jin is imminent.Wei Bo is likely to become the main battlefield, and Sikong Bing is probably ordered by Luo Shaowei to make the last effort. If there is no accident, he will end up with nothing.

In Wang Shifan's original guess, after February next year, Shao Shude would fight against the combined forces of Hedong and Weibo in Xiangwei.Maybe Cheng De Wang Rong will also participate.

As for Cangjing Lu Yanwei, this guy should still go south to capture Dizhou, but that battlefield will not affect the overall situation.The focus is still on Xiangwei and even Xing Mingci.

But now it seems that the possibility of a war breaking out in the river has greatly increased.How will Shao Shude respond?Doesn't he feel that his stall is too big?

Maybe it will focus on defense, and strive to win Yanzhou and Xuzhou first, and then draw a large number of troops to go north.But will the direction of the battle really go as he wishes?

Wang Shifan didn't know.He could only let out a long sigh, and hoped that too many innocent people would not be beaten to death.

On the last day of the fifth year of Qianning, Wang Shifan hurriedly arrived in Chang'an before sunset, and lived in the pre-arranged Ziqing Town Jinzuoyuan.

At the close of the new year, all the yamen have been on vacation.Originally thought that he could relax for a while, but the saint suddenly summoned him when he heard about his arrival, which surprised Wang Shifan.

After tidying up in a hurry, he entered the palace to face the saint.

(End of this chapter)

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