Chapter 962 Waste
"How is General Feng?" Li Hang sat down in the bedroom filled with the smell of medicine, and asked with concern.

"I can't die." Feng Zang said with a sullen face.

He was shocked when he heard that there were people in the city who were secretly arguing for a connection.There are only more than 2000 fucking people left, and you still want to rebel?Didn't all the people with objections run away?

In a fit of rage, he led his army straight to the dens, but was careless, injured by an arrow, and let the rebels run away.

"There are so few soldiers in the city, why don't you call the Tutuan villagers?" Li Hang asked.

Feng Zangzhi was silent for a while, and said: "If you have ulterior motives, it is better not to call."

These words made Li Hang also silent.

Before he came, King Xia's strategy was to suppress and appease, but now it seems that recruiting is a bit difficult.

But I still have to try, otherwise this mess will have to be cleaned up until the Year of the Monkey?

"General Feng, can you still control the Yajun now?" Li Hang asked again.

"There are still two thousand soldiers in the city, and they are not very capable of fighting. Those who are brave enough have run away. If these two thousand soldiers go to battle, most of them will be defeated by Li Diancheng, and they can only defend the city." Feng Zangzhi also told the truth: "If Without the suppression of General Guan’s strategic army, the east river is probably gone.”

Li Hang didn't expect the situation to be so difficult.However, this is also understandable. Elite soldiers with ability and courage naturally have different spirits and spirits. Now that this is the trend, domineering is inevitable, and it is normal to run away.

The remaining 2000 people are basically weak soldiers.Maybe some of them are honest and able to fight, but they are definitely not mainstream.

"Where are the state soldiers? There should be [-] state soldiers in Hezhong Mansion."

"He was transferred to Jinzhou by Lu Dutou." Feng Zangzhi said: "There was a rebellion before departure, and there are two thousand left in this meeting, which will be rectified in Huoyi. There are Jin soldiers who have escaped from the dangerous pass, and the area around Fenshui Pass is raging. There are 4000 state soldiers and Tutuan guarding the city, but there are still some shortages, so Lu Dutou dispatched Hezhong Fuzhou soldiers to Huoyi for rectification, and they are ready to help."

Jin and Jiang prefectures each have [-] state soldiers, and Ci and Xi each have [-] soldiers, which are the backbone of the local defense forces.Taking them as the core, and then recruiting local peasants, guarding important passes, and waiting for the support of the main field troops, this is the current strategy of the Jiangzhou camp.

Both Fenshuiguan and Huoyi are important passes leading to the hinterland of Jinzhou, especially the former, which is far away from the two fortresses of Dandiguan and Gaobi Town at the south entrance of Queshu Valley, controlling the narrow pass.

At the north entrance of Queshu Valley, there is another fortress, namely Lengquan Pass.After conquering these three majestic and steep fortresses, you can pass through the Rat Valley and enter the plains.

In the same way, if the Jin army wanted to enter the two prefectures of Jinjiang and Jiangxi, it also needed to take Fenshuiguan and Huoyi County, and the terrain suddenly became clear.

Of course, these Guancheng fortresses are only avenues, and there are winding paths in the mountains, which are usually the roads for woodcutters to chop firewood.It depends on luck, and whether the enemy is good or not. If not, the surprise attack is to kill and give away the head.

"Run, run, tune, alas!" Li Hang was also in a hurry, and said: "General Feng, let's recruit some local folks."

One of the seals was startled.

At this moment, a staff member hurried in to report: Jin soldiers marched south from Shizhou, conquered Shilou County of Xizhou, and plundered Shilou, Wenquan, and Yonghe counties.

The news left everyone speechless for a moment.The Jin army has rested for more than two months, has it finally dispatched?
Feng Zangzhi turned his attention to Li Hang.

"We can't delay any longer. Conscript troops immediately. If not, rewards will be issued!" Li Hang said through gritted teeth, "Every cent of troops is precious. Quickly recruit ten thousand brave men from the village. They are not yamen soldiers. Send some rewards, and they should be able to If you are satisfied, nothing will happen in the short term. It is impossible for the Jinglue Army to stay here forever, and you have to guard this Hedong City by yourself."

Guan Kairun, who came with him, said: "Cixi is empty, our department will probably go north soon, Li Jijiu is right, Hedong cannot be our burden."

"Okay." Feng Zang made up his mind and asked the servant to help him up. Unexpectedly, the wound was affected, and his expression was distorted in pain.

"You are the Marquis of Duyu. You can go to the Marquis of Duyu to find someone to handle this matter yourself. I will go to see Wang Shuai right away." Li Hang ordered with full use of his special commissioner's power.

"Obey." Feng Zang's answer was very straightforward.

After Li Hang and his party left the Feng mansion, they hurriedly arrived at the Jiedu envoy's office, but Wang Yao was not there.Then he turned around and rushed to his mansion.

He was in a hurry.Ci Xi is empty, under Wang Yao's governance, not to mention Wen Tian and Wu Xi, most of them are not very good.If there is no foreign aid, the situation is not optimistic.

The palace is not far away, and we will arrive soon.At this time, the gate was open, and the servants and servants were coming in and out, carrying goods to the carriage, and they were extremely busy.

Li Hang was shocked when he saw it, and quickly stopped one person, asking, "Why is this?"

"This..." Wang Yao personally brought Wang Chongyi over. He didn't know Li Hang's origin, but he knew Guan Kairun, seeing Lao Guan half a step behind Li Hang, with a respectful attitude, he didn't dare to get angry.

"It's time to run!" Li Hang sneered, grabbed a piece of silver and threw it on the ground, angrily said: "No running! You're going to lose your family business, so just walk away?"

The soldiers and generals stood there stunned, not daring to make a move, not even daring to stop him.

Guan Kairun gave a signal, and dozens of soldiers of the strategic army stepped forward, beat and smashed the drivers and servants with their scabbards, and beat the drivers and servants so that they ran away with their heads in their hands.

Li Hang strode into the mansion.

Wang Yao rushed out when she heard the commotion outside, just in time to see the angry Li Hang, and hurriedly said hello: "Li Jijiu..."

Li Hang didn't answer, he stepped forward and grabbed Wang Yao's hand with terrifying strength, like iron tongs, and said: "Wang Shuai, if you dare to run away today, when I return to Luoyang, you will definitely use all your strength. Let the king kill you, do you believe it or not?"

Wang Yao's words were all blocked in her throat, and her face turned blue and red.

Li Hang snorted coldly and took a quick look.

The wrinkles on Wang Yao's face became deeper, and there were a lot of gray hairs on her head. It seemed that she had been having a hard time recently.

But Li Hang would not sympathize with him, and reprimanded: "Since Wang Shuai is the lord of the town, the soldiers are still fighting, but you want to run first. What's the reason? King Xia is generous and benevolent, but he also has the power of thunder. He Zhong You dare to lose such a big town, do you know the seriousness?"

Wang Yao's heart was full of bitterness.

Command up and down are not moving, don't you run and wait to die?Li Diancheng, that dog thief, should have let him die on the battlefield in Henan in the first place, so as not to cause chaos when he came back—of course he chose to forget that there would be Zhang Diancheng without Li Diancheng, and the rebellion would happen sooner or later. up.

Furthermore, Hezhong is the foundation of my Wang family, I lose it as soon as I lose it, I don't feel sorry for myself, why are you in a hurry?
But this can't be said out loud, otherwise I'm afraid I won't know how to die.

"Li Jijiu, the current situation is really..." Wang Yao cried bitterly.

"Where did you have the courage when you broke with Wang Ke and competed for the position of Jiedu envoy? Where did you go?" Li Hang glanced at Wang Yao's fat body, and said with disgust: "You are the deputy now. Rong, I want to go against it too."

Every word Li Hang said was very impolite, and Wang Yao was annoyed when he heard it, and asked: "Now if you want soldiers or no soldiers, you want money but you don't have money, how do you fight?"

Li Hang was completely disappointed with this guy, and said with a sneer, "I don't need Wang Shuai to worry about this matter. Now you just sit in the Jiedu envoy's mansion and give orders. Someone will prepare the military order for you, no need to wait too long Ask, sign and use your seal as usual. Remember, you must not run! If you run, you will lose all hearts, and then King Xia will be furious, and what will happen to all the hundreds of members of the Wang family? Think about it carefully."

Wang Yao's face turned pale, and she didn't dare to say much.

"Let me borrow another thing from Wang Shuai." Li Hang said suddenly.

Wang Yao was terrified and subconsciously backed away.

Li Hang laughed three times, looked at him contemptuously, and said: "I will take away the hundreds of carts of goods in and out of the courtyard first, and it will be useful to reward the sergeants. Don't worry, Wang Shuai. You donated these treasures Good thing, Xia Wang also sees it, so the family can be preserved. This is a good thing, Wang Shuai, why worry?"

Guan Kairun didn't wait for Wang Yao's response, he waved for the sergeant to come in, counted the belongings, and took them away one by one.

Seeing his lord standing aside in a daze, Wang Chongyi let out a long sigh and turned his head away without stopping.

Li Hang pulled Guan Kairun to the side again, and said in a low voice: "General Guan, before I came, His Highness gave me a hundred copies of the blank confession, and you sent someone to notify you to seal it up, because it was urgent, I forgot to mention it .”

"Blank confession?" Guan Kairun was a little surprised.

He knew that when the imperial court conquered the rebel town in Huaixi, Liang Shouqian, the privy envoy, went to the front with [-] blank confessions, which greatly boosted the morale of the army, and finally succeeded in suppressing the rebellion.

"The Xiaojie Army will sue the school." Li Hang said briefly: "The king promised me five thousand troops to recruit Pubing. All these people will be incorporated into the Xiaojie Army and serve as the right wing. At this time of crisis, it is time for the great Use it."

The overall situation in the river is indeed more dangerous now.

The Wuwei army has drawn half of its troops to conquer the rebel general Li Diancheng, and even adding the Chishui army Fan He's department may not be enough.After all, they have already turned to the Jin people, and there are more than ten thousand people. If they insist on sticking to it, it will be difficult to win in a hurry.

The remaining half of the Wuwei army was stationed between Jin and Jiang, waiting in full force.Jin soldiers have already come down from Wuling Road once, so they have to guard against it.

The Jinglue Army sent half of its men to suppress the rebels, and the rest would help suppress Hedong City.

The biggest source of danger is the direction of Xizhou.Each of the two states of Cixi has more than a thousand soldiers, and their combat effectiveness is unknown. Most of them cannot beat the soldiers of Jin, and they are in urgent need of reinforcements.

Of course, the most important problem is to determine where the main force of the Jin army is, or whether there is a main force.Fortifying everywhere is very passive, and it is the worst policy.If there is a chance, you still have to take the initiative to fight and use offense instead of defense.

So, which direction will their main force go?
Get out of Diguan and Gaobi Town, and go south to capture Fenshuiguan and Huoyi?Troops have been sent along this road, but they haven't really done anything yet, so nothing can be seen.

Or go west from Zelu, go straight down Wuling Road, and break into the hinterland of Jinjiang Plain?Troops were also sent along this road, but the scale was no more than a thousand people, and if they fought and ran away, nothing could be seen.

Or go south from Lanshi and Shizhou, attack Cixi, and go straight to Hezhong Mansion?This route is the latest to dispatch troops, but judgment?Forget it, with the level of waste in Cixi Erzhou, he can dare to report you "tens of thousands of bandits" with thousands of people.

Li Hang is not a military general, he can't judge, this can only be left to professionals.

His task now is to clean up the chaos, recruit sergeants, and increase his own troops as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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