Chapter 976

Kang Junli felt something was wrong.

The battle situation didn't go as he expected, and this retreat felt like he couldn't stop it. There was a posture of losing thousands of miles, and he felt that he had to do something.

It coincided with the defeat of the Shenjie Army in Hengcheng Town, and the Zhangqian Army and the Suzhen Army fled. When the news of Xizhou's loss came, he strengthened his mind.

Of the only 2000 people left in the Shenjie Army, only [-] escaped and lost all their equipment, just like beggars.

Of the [-] soldiers that Li Chengsi brought over, more than [-] returned.

In addition to some more than 2000 Tutuan villagers, Kang Junli incorporated all of them into the Wansheng Army, bringing their strength to [-], and they all retreated to Lanzhou for training.

Li Chengsi also ran back, weeping uncontrollably.

Kang Junli didn't say anything else, he beheaded him at the gate, as an example to others.

Generals like Li Chengsi could be beheaded, and all the troops were stunned, and they didn't dare to retreat at will.

Kang Junli immediately dispatched troops and generals. 4000 people from the Shenwei Army guarded Shilou County, and the Zhangqian Army guarded Shangping Pass.

Shangping Pass is located between Xi and Shi, surrounded by high mountains and dense forests. It can be said that this road is almost impossible to take a detour.Kang Junli specially found Shi Shaoyong, and made some remarks on him. If he retreats again, no one will be able to protect him.

Shi Shaoyong did not go out of his way overall, and Gein Kang Junli did not prohibit him from retreating.What's more, in the Huanglong Valley of Xizhou, the assault army he commanded succeeded in ambushing the Xia people, killing hundreds of their forwards. Even the supplies and food were brought back.

Cotinus cotinus Valley is in the northeast of Xizhou, and there is a mountain nearby, called Cotinus cotinus Ridge.Cotinus cotinus water comes out of it, which is a place with rich aquatic plants.

But the water and grass are abundant, naturally the mountains are high and the forests are dense, and the terrain is very dangerous. The post road faces the high mountains on one side and the river on the other.

During the Northern Qi Dynasty, two groups of soldiers and horses were dispatched to attack Shilou Shanhu.Among them, Gao Huan personally led the North Road, and led the army from Shizhou, crossed Chihong Ridge (Lishi Mountain), and approached Shilou.The South Route led by Hu Lujin, who was a part of the army, came out from Xizhou. He didn't even dare to go to Huangchao Valley, but crossed Huangchao Ridge with difficulty, forced to the back of Shanhu, and attacked Shanhu with Gao Huan's main force, breaking it. .

Hu Lujin is not a fool, of course there is a reason why if you don't go on the post road, you have to go over the mountain.

Shilou and Shangpingguan are the horns of each other, and they can rescue each other.For this reason, Kang Junli left the two armies of surprise and bravery as the new force of the counterattack, ready to rush to support the surprise attack at any time.

After finishing all this work and repeatedly ordering all the troops not to retreat, Kang Du headed back.

He returned to Shizhou to reorganize and train the army.

In this battle, he lost his temper and didn't have a good idea.A defeat is a defeat. Although most of the fault has been blamed on Li Chengsi, the dead ghost, as the commander in chief, he still has the leadership responsibility.

Never should, never should, he didn't stop Li Chengsi's reckless move in time, and gave Lu Huaizhong a chance.

On the last day of April, Li Xiji, deputy envoy of Hedong Jiedu, came to Shizhou.

Kang Junli, who was supervising the renovation of the city, heard the news, and didn't dare to neglect, and hurried back to Shizhou for reception - came here at the moment of the new defeat, what else could he do if he wasn't supervising the battle?
"Kangdutou, the battle in Hezhong was originally going well, why did it turn around within a month?" Li Xiji asked unceremoniously as he sat at the head of the battle.

He represents Jin Wang Li Keyong, of course he has the qualifications.Moreover, his status in Hedong's military and political system is not low.

Once upon a time, the imperial court had no money, and Xinke Jinshi liked to seek jobs in feudal towns.As one of the three famous towns in the world, Hedong has naturally attracted a large number of top talents.

After Zheng Congxuan became the envoy of Hedong Jiedu, he vigorously recruited practical officials, and his Hedong shogunate was even called "little imperial court".

Zheng Congxue is the prime minister, and he is familiar with the background, experience and actual ability of officials, so he selects all those with real skills.Most of these talents stayed in Hedong later, and made great contributions to the construction of Hedong, and they are still playing a role today.

Li Xiji came later than them, but he was also instructed by Zheng Congyu to leave Hezhong and go to Taiyuan to seek a job. Li Keyong appointed him as the secretary of Jiedu. The second core staff.

"Li Chengsi was greedy for merit and made rash advances, so he was defeated." Kang Junli had already thought up his rhetoric, and replied.

Li Xiji's face turned pale.

Kang Junli kept observing his face, and was slightly relieved when he saw this.

Li Xiji sneered in his heart, Kang Junli was already dead, and it was rare to be so stupid.

"It's nothing more than the Yinhuqi army. The two armies of Kuangba and Feiteng were completely annihilated. His Highness was furious. Kang Dutou, there must be no more mistakes in the future." Li Xiji said.

In the first year of Dashun, Li Hang went to Jinyang as an envoy.Li Ke came back with a big victory, paraded all the troops in Yangqu, and displayed the captives and military facts. At that time, the two armies of Kuangba and Feiteng were on the list.

This kind of old main force with a long history, although its combat effectiveness is not as strong as the newly reorganized troops in recent years, is still very good, and it really hurts to lose it.Of course, the Yinhu Army is not a veteran unit, nor is it a newly reorganized unit, but a newly formed unit, so no one cares.

"Deputy envoy Li, don't worry. I've collected my troops and finished the city, focusing on defense." Hearing Li Xiji's words, Kang Junli's pressure suddenly increased, and he immediately replied: "From Longmen to Shilou, For more than 470 miles of mountain roads, the Xia people's food road has been stretched to the extreme. If there is any disturbance, the army will be unable to feed and the whole army will be out of food. In this battle, I can stand firm and counterattack, order the Xia people to hold their troops under the city, and then send People raided the food road. How could Xia people protect the five hundred li mountain road well?"

Li Xiji nodded slightly.

This strategy is fairly reliable.It is not so easy to block the five-hundred-mile plain grain road, but it is too easy to block the five-hundred-mile high mountains, canyons, dense forests, and plains.Now that Cixi has let the Jin soldiers grab a round, the Xia people can't raise food on the spot, so they can only transship it long distances. This is an opportunity.

Seeing that Li Xiji agreed with his opinion, Kang Junli's confidence increased greatly, and he said with a smile: "After this battle, I understand. The Xia army is fast-moving and powerful. If you can't fight with them on the plain, you have to fight on the plains." It is inconvenient to deploy troops, the terrain is complex, and the supply is difficult to fight in mountainous areas. They have many soldiers and horses, have a large appetite, consume a lot, and are extremely dependent on logistics transfers. We focus on this weak point to fight, which can greatly offset our army's disadvantages. "

After hearing this, Li Xiji couldn't help but look at him with admiration.

Kang Junli was a man of some skill, it would be a pity to kill him.

Xia Jun's cavalry infantry taught him a solid lesson this time, but after Kang Junli suffered a loss, he didn't seem to be idle, and he even figured out some countermeasures.

Behind the rapid maneuvering of the Xia army, it corresponds to the huge consumption of logistics, which is several times that of the Jin army. This is an undisguised fact.

Xia Jun has a lot of soldiers, so it is difficult to find a terrain that is not convenient for deploying a large army.

The Xia army has strong combat effectiveness, so use the environment and terrain to offset its advantages in combat effectiveness.For example, when building a city in a dangerous place, a temporarily recruited farmer can easily kill a seasoned Xia army soldier at the top of the city, which offsets their advantage.

"The method you mentioned, I will go back and talk to King Jin." Li Xiji said immediately.

In the two prefectures of Cixi, there were not too many wars in ancient times, because they were not on the main communication line.Being itself poor and with a small population, Hedong didn't intend to take the initiative to attack in this direction.

If it weren't for the rebellion of the Yamen in Hezhong, and the Xia people on the front line of Fenshuiguan and Huoyi were waiting in full force, they would not want to go south from Cixi.

Now it seems that more fuss can be made in this direction in the future.

Ci, Xi, Shi, and Lan, this is a whole mountainous area, from Longmen County in Jiangzhou in the south to Lanzhou in the north, from Loufanguan to Shuozhou, a total of 920 miles.There is a lot to do in this area, why fight the Xia people to death on the plain?
"Zelu, how's the situation?" Seeing that Li Xiji's attitude became more and more amiable, Kang Junli was relieved and began to care about other directions.

"A pool of stagnant water." Li Xiji shook his head and said, "Xia Bandit Tianxiong's army entered Taihangxing and attacked Tianjing Pass..."

"Haha!" Kang Junli laughed.

Li Xiji also laughed.Taihang Xing cars can’t have square rails, and it’s too crowded for several people to stand side by side, so they can fight with a hammer!There is no other way but to sneak attack.

"The king of Jin supervised the battle in Luzhou, and all the ministries took turns going down the mountain from Wuling Road. The fight was not ideal." Li Xiji said again.

Kang Junli smiled.

He didn't play well, but he couldn't beat the Xia people.I heard that the left wing of the Wuwei Army and a small number of left-behind troops of the Chishui Army are in Jinjiang, and they probably encountered a hard problem.

"Fenshuiguan and Huoyi County also sent people to investigate. The Xia people deployed weak state soldiers and local regiments, but the defense was more organized. It was not worthwhile to attack by force, so they gave up." Li Xiji continued. road.

Opposite Fenshuiguan is the south entrance of Queshu Valley. There are two fortresses with double insurance front and rear, where the Jin army is closely guarded.

The terrain around Queshu Valley is difficult and dangerous, but the valley is relatively wide. There are actually two counties, namely Lingshi and Jiexiu counties. The population is not small, and the products are so-so. more difficult.

Of course, it was also very difficult for the Jin army to attack Fenshui Pass in the south.

In this direction, neither side has any plans to mobilize troops, so they are deadlocked.

"Come here according to your own strategy, don't take risks." Li Xiji said: "Wang Rong, Luo Shaowei, and Wang Gaogang sent people a batch of money, military supplies, and war horses to strengthen our army's prestige. At the same time, there is a news that the Xia army may attack Xing Mingci, which is the weakness of our army. I am worried that a big war will break out, so we must not add chaos to the west."

Wang Rong is a pragmatic person, knowing that he is not very good at fighting, so it is also interesting to spend money to support the Jin army who can fight and let them raise more soldiers.

But Xing Mingci's place is mostly plains, so it is really unfavorable to fight, and it is not a small hidden danger.

Since the beginning of this year, Li Xiji has suggested that the people who moved to the three prefectures go to Hedong to settle down for reclamation.But the action was very slow, because it was difficult to fear that it would be too big and arouse the opposition of the local people.You know, when Yan Bing's family moved to Taiyuan to settle down, they started a rebellion because of too much violence. This lesson is still very profound.

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong here." Kang Junli assured, patting his chest.

Li Xiji took a look at him.

Kang has just suffered a defeat, and this guarantee does not seem to be very convincing.

"I sent someone to bring some money and silk..." Li Xiji said again.

Kang Junli's face brightened.The warriors followed suit and rewarded them, and their morale would definitely be boosted.

"In the past few days, it has been brought to all armies, accompanied by people sent by Lao Kangdu to handle it." Li Xiji said.

"It should." Kang Junli nodded repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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