Late Tang Dynasty Floating Life

Chapter 978 Military coup

Chapter 978 Military coup
Luoyang, Mingjiaofang.

Outside a newly built mansion, the servants carefully hung up the plaque of the Song Mansion.

After hanging up, he got off the ladder, turned around, and looked at the pedestrians coming and going on the street with his head held high.

Pedestrians cast envious eyes.

The dignitaries of the new dynasty are so terrifying!
Luoyang has three layers of city walls, namely the palace city, the imperial city (also called the inner city), and the outer city.

There are three gates on the south wall of the Wai Guo. The south is called Dingding Gate, the west is called Houzai Gate, and the east is called Changxia Gate. Shao Shude likes these three names very much and doesn’t plan to change them.

Dingdingmen Avenue East First Street, counting from the south, the first square is called Mingjiaofang.

The Fangfang wall has not been built, but there are two buildings.

The first one is Longxing Temple left over from the era of Zhang Quanyi.

In the 14th year of Kaiyuan, Concubine Zhao Li passed away in Chunhua Palace and was buried in the fine house of Longxingguan, showing that she was a monk.The second half was destroyed by the war, and it was rebuilt with funds in Zhang Quanyi's era, which has continued to this day.

Another building is the new Song House.Coincidentally, this place was Song Jing's house in the Empress Wu period, and of course it no longer exists at this time. Shao Shude sent craftsmen to build a new house here, and bestowed it on Song Le, the governor of Heyang.

After Song Le learned that this was the location of Song Jing's old house, she was quite happy and accepted it with pleasure. Today, she took the opportunity of a job report to visit her own mansion.

"Your Highness, try to delay proclaiming the emperor." After seeing the house, Song Le was very satisfied, and the two "jun and minister" sat in the back garden, drinking tea and talking about things.

"I can't hold it anymore, so what can I do." Shao Shude whispered: "Do you have a good plan, sir?"

It has been more than half a year since the rumors were released in the second half of last year. Everyone's thoughts have been suppressed for a while, but now there are signs of grass growing again.

"It's better to move the sage and courtiers to Luoyang. The Ziwei Palace hastened to complete a palace and let the sage live in it. Maybe it can be delayed for some more time." Song Le replied.

"Alright." Shao Shude nodded and said, "We will start preparations at the end of this year, and next year we will move the sages and officials here."

"Your Highness." Li Yixian, the commander of the soldiers, handed over a stack of military reports.

Shao Shude picked it up and looked at it. Most of it was about the battle situation in various places. After reading it, he handed it to Song Le.

After Song Le finished reading, he said: "Congratulations, Your Highness, General Lu fought calmly, and He Zhong cannot be defeated."

Shao Shude also agreed with Song Le's opinion, and said with a smile: "Li Keyong has chosen a good battlefield, and there are many talented people under him."

"Your Highness is referring to Zhou Dewei?" Song Le asked.

Of course Zhou Dewei's army had already been discovered to occupy Pu County.The black army, which was used as a reserve team, immediately set off and arrived at the battlefield in two days, which was beyond Zhou Dewei's expectation.

Zhou Dewei rode more than 5000 cavalry, and the [-] men who attacked the Heizhen Army were defeated. The Heizhen Army took the initiative to attack.Zhou Dewei was helpless, and Kang Junli had never sent troops to the south to support him, so he had no choice but to lure him away.

"Exactly. He led the army out of the dangerous place and entered Pu County. This move is quite ruthless." Shao Shude said: "Kang Junli is already terrified. Otherwise, he will launch a full-scale attack. I am worried that Lu Huaizhong's army will be shaken."

Zhou Dewei and Puxian do have an indissoluble bond. This is the story of him falling in love with Shi Shucong and killing each other.

In the first year of Tianfu (901), in the battle of Dongzuoyi, the [-] elite Liang army led by Shi Shucong was defeated by Zhou Dewei. Shi Shucong abandoned the camp and fled alone.

At that time, Zhou Dewei and Li Sizhao went out of Diguan again, occupied Puxian County, detoured to the rear of Cixi, captured these two prefectures, and planned to capture Jinjiang.Liang Jiang's Shucong and Zhu Youning led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to fight, and defeated Zhou Dewei in Pu County.This time Zhou Dewei suffered a disastrous defeat. All the soldiers and horses collected from Xiandiguan, Fenzhou, Cixi and other places were wiped out, and the rear was empty, allowing Shi Shucong to chase directly to the city of Jinyang.

This is a story of giving each other heads.

"Your Highness, the Hezhong battlefield is actually nothing to look at. If the people of Jin are willing to fight here, it's better than consuming each other." Song Le said: "Zelu doesn't have to hope, unless someone comes to surrender, it will be very difficult to attack. Now we might as well Find a way in Xing Mingci, take these three states, Li Keyong may not be able to resist leading the army to fight, this is a chance."

"Well, that's right. The Tiande Army has almost been reorganized. After the summer harvest this year, I will send troops to guard and meet Li Keyong." Shao Shude said: "Let's not talk about this matter. Let Li Keyong be beaten into the army." Inside the tortoise shell, it is enough to not let him come out to make trouble. It is impossible to destroy Hedong in the short term. Yanzhou Yan Bao, Kang Huaiying and others will secretly contact Hu Zhen and surrender the city. How much will this matter? "

Zhu Jin was besieged by tens of thousands of troops, and gradually could not leave the city.Yanzhou sits and eats the mountains and empty mountains. Although there is still food in this meeting, everyone is discouraged and feels that sooner or later they will be defeated.As Yan Bao and Kang Huaiying are important generals in Yanzhou, if they are willing to surrender, as long as Zhu Jin is not found out in advance, the matter is settled.

However, how to create a good opportunity to offer the city still needs to be carefully designed.As long as Zhu Jin stays in the city for one day, the two of them can't turn the world around. The soldiers don't necessarily listen to them, and they have to find a way to get Zhu Jin out of the city—it's like a coup d'état that must be launched when the leader is abroad for a visit.

"Hu is really smart, Zhu Jin will be played to death by him sooner or later." Song Le laughed as soon as he heard it, shook his head and said, "Yan Town is coming soon, Kang Huaiying and Yan Bao are really surrendering."

The reason for the two to make up their minds to surrender was nothing more than the fall of Yizhou.

Li Qianyu defended the city, but was attacked by Li Tangbin, who died in the rebellion.

Shao Shude still admires this kind of loyal man who has the courage to break his heir.

In history, Li Qianyu led [-] cavalrymen to kill the Liang army repeatedly, and finally all died in battle. The main force of the Huai army who replaced Wang Maozhang successfully retreated, and he was also a true righteous man.

Once in Yizhou, Hu Zhen made a big publicity, and the morale of Yan soldiers declined.

The loss of one state cannot cause this effect, but Yizhou has special significance, because it shows that the forces of Yang and Wu who went north for reinforcements have shrunk across the board.It is impossible for Yanzhen to get foreign aid.

The entire Yanzhou City is now in a state of floating hearts.The soldiers and generals habitually followed Zhu Jin's command, but they were unwilling.If you want to surrender, it seems that you are not reconciled.Now it depends on who has the courage to come out and break this deadlock. Shao Shude is very optimistic about Yan Bao and Kang Huaiying.

"Your Highness, take a look at Yanzhou. It's time to pay attention to Xuzhou." Song Le said, "The armies of Wuxing and Guzhen have been resting for a long time, and they can go to battle. The armies of Tielin, Yicong, and Longxiang have been fighting for a year and a half, and it's time to rest and reorganize." Otherwise, the sergeant may be resentful."

Shao Shude thought for a while, and said: "After the battle against Yanzhou, all the armies will rest and reorganize. The Wuxing and Guzhen armies will be reorganized if they can't do it."

Reorganization is of course reorganization into the Imperial Army.

But it's just a reorganization, and it doesn't eliminate the weak and keep the strong.The name of the Forbidden Army will not increase any combat effectiveness, either it will be completed once it is reorganized, or the entire army will be elite.Is the left and right Tianxiong army as powerful as the old Tianxiong army in the past?Of course not, far from it.Martial arts officers have been greatly diluted, and they have absorbed so many foreign troops who are not as good as them, newcomers and new soldiers, and surrendered soldiers and generals. How can you come to the conclusion that the imperial army is the elite?

Reorganization is just a means of disrupting the original intricate chain of interests, strengthening the control of the lord, and annexing miscellaneous brands. It is equivalent to a large-scale military expansion.

Weeding out the weak and retaining the strong, we can't start with a drastic move yet, at least we have to become emperor and then try to do it.

"The reorganization of the Seventh Forbidden Army can properly absorb a little bit of the Longxiang army. They have fought for so long, and they should give some hope, otherwise they will be rebellious." Song Le reminded.

"Naturally." Shao Shude nodded in agreement, then smiled and said, "Talk to you, and you can know everything in the world."

"Your Highness still manages well. Now that the situation is overwhelming, many things are much easier to handle." Song Le flattered her without any trace.

Shao Shude laughed out loud, and continued to drink tea and discuss politics with Song Le, and returned home exhausted.

Li Ke returned to Jinyang quietly.

He was really bored in Luzhou.Those idiots from the Wuwei army just stick to Jinjiang and don't take the initiative to pursue them.As a result, many ambushes, outflanks, and sieges cannot be performed, which is really annoying.

The troops who followed him to the south also returned.

Now Zelu has only more than 1 horses, led by Li Kening, and the center of gravity is still located in Wuling Road.

When Gai Yu saw that the lord had returned, he hurried forward to report.

"A few days ago, [-] new recruits were recruited in Xing Mingci, and they were assigned to Xin and Dai for training." Gai Yu reported, "Wang Rong sent [-] soldiers, and Luo Shaowei also sent [-]. There are still many in the Jiafang Administration. Save less..."

"Enough!" Li Keyong waved his hand, and only asked one thing: "Is there enough money?"

"Enough." Gai Yu replied without talking nonsense.

Relying solely on the four towns of Hedong, Youzhou, Zhaoyi, and Datong is obviously not enough, but with the support of the towns in Hebei, it will be much more abundant.

"I heard from the tribe that the family of the newly moved soldiers competed with them for land, but has it been resolved?" Li Keyong asked again.

The "sergeant's family" of course refers to the family of the newly recruited [-] Xing Mingci sergeants.

Someone in the family served as a soldier and lived a good life, so naturally some family members moved to Hedong.This matter was presided over by Li Xiji, who was mainly placed in the second state of Xindai.

Due to various factors, the seven counties in the two prefectures and seven counties in the Xin Dynasty now only have more than 10 households and a population of about [-]. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as "sparsely populated".

Li Xiji recruited [-] soldiers, and about [-] households of Xing Mingci people moved here, which greatly enriched the population of the two prefectures of Xin Dynasty.

However, some tribes attached to Li Keyong also grazed in Xindai, so there would naturally be conflicts between the two sides.

"Your Majesty, you must come forward in this matter, and no one else is suitable." Gai Yu said.

Li Keyong nodded slowly as if realizing something.

"Kang Junli is a good-for-nothing who lost his army in Cixi. Is there any need to trust him?" Li Keyong asked suddenly.

"Your Majesty, it's a big taboo to change generals before the battle." Gai Yu replied immediately, with a firm tone: "Kang Dutou is also a veteran general who has experienced many battles. Even if the attack fails, the defense is not a problem."

"Shou Shou Shou, can you win by relying on Shou Shou?" Li Keyong was very irritable, and his temper came up again.

Now he can't see people who are as fearful of the enemy as tigers.

Xia Jun and Liang Jun are only at the same level, are they very strong?Back then, in order to teach the Xiangyang Zhao family a lesson and make them surrender, Zhu Quanzhong sent his uncle Cong to lead the tens of thousands of elite soldiers who were invincible in the Central Plains to the south to fight against weak chickens like Xiangyang, and even suffered several defeats in a row.Are the Jin soldiers who have fought a hundred battles not as good as the Xiangyang soldiers who are known for their weakness?
I asked Gai Yu directly about this.

Zhao Dejiao and Zhao Kuangning's father and son could defeat Liang Jun in its heyday, Sun Ru could defeat Pang Shigu's [-] army, and even Zhu Xuan, Zhu Jin, and Shi Pu had victories, can't you?
"Humph!" Li Keyong sneered, and said, "Don't be dumbfounded. I expect that the Dingxia people will not be able to win the situation in the river, so they will turn to attack Xing Mingci. Right now this is not enough. Continue to attack Xing Mingci. For recruiting soldiers, if the family members of the sergeants are willing to relocate to the east of the river, they will do as they please."

"Of order." Gai Yu replied.

"Send envoys to Zhenzhou, Cangzhou, and Weizhou again, and ask Wang Rong, Lu Yanwei, and Luo Shaowei, if Xia Bandit fights with me, will you just watch?" Li Keyong said.

He did not mention Yiding Wang Gao.The two families have been married for generations, and their relationship is excellent.Yiding Town has dispatched 5000 troops to station in Yun and Wei, which is very interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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