Chapter 996
Victory can change many things, especially when the enemy is not well organized.

There are eight Khitan divisions, and these eight divisions can be further subdivided.In the general direction, everyone has the same interests, but is it really a small account?
Yuyizhen, Ruyuan, and Sanquan fought several times, and they have lost more than [-] people.

It seems that there are not many 10,000+ soldiers and horses in the eight tribes of Khitan, but when it comes to a certain tribe, the loss is a bit painful-whether the loss is the real Khitan, or Xi, Yu, Shiwei, Tatar , Mohe and other slave vassal tribes are young and strong, all of which are losses and unacceptable.

Naturally, their internal divisions arose.

Some people gave up the fight and ran back to their tribe.

Some people hesitated, not knowing whether to leave or stay.

Some people, like Yelv Xienechi, whose nephew just died, are determined to fight to the end.

Yes, Yelu Laogu is dead, died in the rebellion.

At that time, the Khitans were completely defeated, Yelu Laogu was too brave, he fought desperately, beheading many cavalry knights, even two generals.

And his brave performance attracted the siege of cavalry soldiers one after another, and finally he was on the spot without any suspense.

After such a series of battles, the Khitan people also discovered a fact that made them feel extremely painful: don’t confront others, melee combat is their disadvantage-in fact, this problem was not solved until the Liao Kingdom and the Northern Song Dynasty. Can you imagine , The Khitan cavalry was beaten into dogs by the Northern Song cavalry in the frontal charge, but the Northern Song infantry was defeated by the Khitan infantry...

On the second day after the battle ended, Zhe Siyu ordered Fanqi to go out to search, and he caught the small tribe of Xi people who was fleeing, and he didn't know which one of the six Xi tribes he belonged to, so he just chased them and chopped them down.

After a short fight, hundreds of heads were beheaded, more than [-] men, women, and children were captured, and [-] cattle, sheep and horses were captured. Except for some horses and livestock to be used by the army, the rest were sent to Tanshan Xianyou by Fanqi The palace area.

Afterwards, the army was divided into several groups and dispersed to advance.

The scenery outside the Great Wall is very different from the northern foot of Yanshan Mountain, and even more different from the land of the Central Plains.

Yellow clouds, wild grass, forests, and animals constitute a desolate and beautiful picture scroll.

There are rivers and water parks everywhere along the way, fish jumping high, and deer can be seen everywhere.

The mighty cavalry walked through the boundless barren meadow for a while, and walked into the reeds taller than people for a while.

There are no more roads here.

If the infantry took their carriages to the north beyond the Great Wall, they would have to build roads while marching, cut down trees when encountering mountains, and build bridges when encountering waters, which was extremely difficult.

No, if you search for the relics carefully, you will find that there may have been a road, but time has changed and it has long been submerged in the dust of history.

From the later Wei Dynasty to the early period of the Kingdom Dynasty, the roads outside the Great Wall have been repaired with great effort.But no matter how good the road is, it needs to be maintained and repaired, otherwise it will soon be transformed into a wilderness by the tenacious nature, which is not an exaggeration at all.

On the 22nd, the army was still walking among the grass and reeds.

By the 23rd, as far as the eye can see, except for the lush vegetation in the river valley, the distance has gradually become desolate.

In the evening of the same day, Nuozhenshui inspection envoy Ge Shuque came to report that another tribe had been destroyed. The Uyghurs had captured [-] people and [-] cattle, sheep and offal. They had been escorted southward.

On the 24th, the iron cavalry quickly advanced to the upper reaches of Huangshui, and the scenery changed again.

There are more and more desolate areas, which are not so much grasslands as deserts.With the north wind, the sand drilled straight into people's necks.

In this environment, marching along the river is necessary.At this time, they finally encountered a strong obstacle.

"What's going on?" Zhesi Yuce, the cavalry envoy, stepped forward and asked.

In fact, there is no need for the people below to answer. He has eyes and can see the situation on the other side of the river.

More than three thousand knights found a shoal to wade across the river and started fighting with the Khitans.

The process of fighting is very interesting.

The Khitan people should have summed up the lessons of previous failures in depth. This time they circled far outside, firmly controlled the middle distance, and galloped and shot.

This is not daring to fight melee!
But their casualties are still a bit high, because there are too few armors, and they are a bit disadvantageous when shooting against them.Moreover, they did not deeply realize the difference between the Iron Cavalry Army and the traditional Central Plains Lancers. They also have considerable cavalry and shooting capabilities.

However, if you suffer a loss, you will suffer a loss. This is probably the best way the Khitans can find to contain the enemy's advantage in a short period of time.Consuming each other like this is much better than being washed away directly.

Countless waves splashed in the yellow water, and more than [-] Tibetan Qingqi also started to wade across the river.They hesitated in the soft mud of the river bottom, shouting loudly.

The Khitan cavalry on the other side were slightly distracted when they saw the Xia people coming to reinforce them.

Liu Zijing, the deputy envoy of the cavalry army who was in charge of leading the charge, seized the opportunity, put away his riding bow, drew out his short horse spear, and led five hundred elite cavalry to attack them, biting a Khitan light cavalry that couldn't dodge.

After some entanglement, the thieves left more than a hundred corpses behind and retreated hastily.

The Tibetan Qingqi who had already crossed the river quickly chased after them, and the bowstring rang again and again, shooting down one Khitan Qingqi after another from behind.

Zhe Siyu nodded secretly, his tactical coordination became more and more perfect.

If these Tibetan Qingqi go to the Central Plains to fight, they will not be able to make Zhu Jin, the "No.But their advantages are also very obvious, and they can gallop and shoot, fast, capable of reconnaissance, vigilance, and good at hunting, which is an indispensable part of the battlefield.

It is precisely because of these irreplaceable advantages that the Forbidden Army also retained the light cavalry establishment.

If there is no accident, the Dingnan Army will be positioned as light cavalry in leather armor in the future, silver spears and iron cavalry can be regarded as medium cavalry, and armored cavalry like the Flying Bear Army will be heavy cavalry.

Combat with multiple arms and learn from each other's strengths, which is the iron law of using troops.

"Where are you already?" Zhe Siyu asked.

"General Huizhe, it's only a day's journey away from the Dashi Bridge." Su Zhi, who was acting as a guide, said.

"Isn't there a lot of pine forests on the other side of the river? It stretches far and wide as far as the eye can see. This should be the boundary of the flat pine forest, right?" Zhe Siyu asked.

"General, there is a large pine forest on the flat ground, and King Xi's tooth tent is at the Huangshui Stone Bridge." Su Zhi said.

"You have come home." Zhe Siyu smiled, then straightened his face, and said, "Lead the way! Today I will sweep along the banks of Huangshui."

On both sides of the Huangshui stone bridge, there are tribal people fleeing in a hurry.

There are Xi people, Khitan people, Mao people, and Uyghur people.

They left in a hurry, leaving behind a lot of supplies.

In fact, they were not the first group of people to evacuate.It's just that the herdsmen are scattered everywhere, and it's not easy to find them, which takes a lot of time.

Those who walked early had already headed downstream of Huangshui, while those who walked slowly just got the news.There are even some who take the initiative to move north, away from Huangshui, and go in the direction of Tatar and Shiwei.

The Khitans are good at fighting.For so many years, they have never stopped a war, they have been honed extremely fortitude, and they have a lot of experience. At least they are much tougher than those grassland tribes who have been at peace for a long time. It is reasonable to say that this is not the case.

But what kind of monsters and ghosts are Xia people?It seems that he has spent his whole life thinking about how to fight and how to kill people, and there is nothing else in his life.

No way, I really can't beat it.We can only use the traditional old tricks of the grassland, disperse and break through, and hide separately.It is impossible for the Xia people to search every corner, as long as they run out of their sight, who knows where you are hiding?
There were also quite a few people staying near the Dashiqiao, about [-] riders, most of whom were young men from various ethnic groups newly recruited.

Yelv Xienechi's eyes were red.

Like a gambler who lost all his capital, he planned to use all his strength to stop the Xia people in this familiar land and buy time for the tribal shepherds to move.

Yelv Yuwen had already left, and he took people to Khan Yazhang, that is, the city of Khan Yaoqian.

According to the Khitan tradition, the Khan wanted to build a city.

Starting from Qishou Khan City, which is located at the confluence of Tuhuzhenshui (Laoha River) and Huangshui (Xilamulun River), the Khitan people have a history of building the city, just like the Uighurs built on the Qibei grassland. Heichengzi.

In fact, there is also an abandoned city near the Huangshui Stone Bridge, which is the Yaoren City in the early years.After the events of Li Jinzhong and Sun Wanrong, the Xi people seized the Khitan traditional pasture land, and Yao Nian City became their spoils of war.As a last resort, the Khitans built a larger city downstream, which was also called Yaonian Khan City.

It's all in the past...

Yelv Xienechi sighed, and turned to look at the newly gathered young men of the tribe.He used to be full of confidence, but now he has no confidence. This time to conquer the southwestern barbarians, it seems that A Baoji made a big mistake.

He was too careless and underestimated Xia Ren's determination.

But Xie Niechi didn't blame him.In fact, he also couldn't figure it out, the Xia people were obviously fighting with the Jin people, how could they still have time to take care of their Khitan?Are you that free?
"The Xia people are coming!" The scouts rushed back from the west, shouting loudly.

Ding Zhuang was agitated for a while in the new episode.

They had never fought the Xia people before, so although they were nervous, if they really wanted to say how scared they were, it wasn't necessarily true.How many years have been fought here and there, and they have never suffered any defeat. Although the Xia people seem to be very powerful, why should they be timid before fighting?
"Hey!" Someone turned the horse's head and left quietly.This was fought against Xia Bing. They knew how powerful they were, and they didn't want to make unnecessary sacrifices. They missed their wives and children in their tribe, so they tried to escape.

"Whoo! Whoosh!" Yelu Xienechi fired several arrows in succession, shooting down several people one after another.

But it was good if he didn't do this. This shot actually made more people feel scared, triggering a frenzy of fleeing.

"Liubuxi is just unreliable!" Yelu Xienechi cursed angrily.

Yes, Xi people, Miao people, Uighurs, Tatars, Shiwei people, and Mohe people are all "Khitan soldiers", but why should the fake Khitan fight for the real Khitan?It seems to be a better choice to hurry back to your own tribe, stay with your family, and stay as far away from the murderous Xia Bing as possible.

A huge plume of smoke has appeared to the west.The descendants of Dangxiang and Turkic descendants showing off their might appeared on the north bank of Huangshui.

In front of them, a group of shepherds were running in panic.

Arrows whizzed past, and Kunfa shepherds fell off their horses one after another.There was a roar of laughter among the party members, as if they were very proud of the feeling of teasing their prey.

"This is Dangxiang from Yinshan, they are not..." Before Yelv Xienechi finished speaking, the tribe suddenly burst into an uproar.

The sound of horseshoes also sounded densely on the south bank of Huangshui, and endless cavalry appeared in the wilderness.

They are no newbies on the battlefield, so they can naturally estimate the number of enemy troops: more than [-] cavalry on both sides of the north and south banks.

Looking at our own side, there were originally more than [-] riders, but only a large part of them ran away, and there were about [-] riders left.

"Listen to me, the Xia army is the most capable of fighting. It is called the 'Iron Cavalry'. I heard that the full number is only 8000 people. This will kill more than [-] people. There are many servants and vassals, but they can't fight..." Yelu Xie Niechi shouted hoarsely, but some young adults ran away.

Who will listen to your old man's nonsense.On the prairie, you always fight if you can beat it, and leave if you can't. The enemy's strength is several times that of your own, and they are the victorious army.Why don't we let Khan Shen Dejin's relatives come over, we won't accompany you.

The rout is like an infectious disease, which cannot be suppressed at all.

Yelu Xienechi let out a long sigh, and was dragged back by others.

Seeing this, Dangxiang Qingqi's morale soared, and he yelled and chased after him, unstoppable.

The main brigade at the rear also began to divide their troops, chasing them in different directions. The target: the tribal people and cattle and sheep on the way.

(End of this chapter)

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