Chapter 348

Since Fan Dingding and Bi Renchuan entered here, they have chosen not to be light bulbs. Of course, when doing tasks, the two of them will do tasks together with others.

The two became inseparable brothers. Occasionally, Bi Renchuan still spoke in such a tone of guns, which was also the way the brothers chatted.

The people who were doing the task with them also formed a group. Those were all members of the Jiang family. These people came here for resources. They thought they belonged to the family with the same surname as Jiang Tang, and they were a little arrogant.

To maintain the superficial peace, they divided labor and cooperated to do things, and no conflicts occurred.

All the reasons were based on Jiang Tang's face and the resources he gave.

Everyone has a share in Jiang Tang's generous behavior. At first, people in each family only thought that the people who brought them had the resources first, and they might have to do tasks later to have them.

Because in addition to being friends of these people, they are also subordinates brought by high-level officials.

The last thing he expected was that Jiang Tang would give everyone two jade bottles, each of which contained different pills.

This was something they had never seen before. When they first heard that it was a top-quality pill, everyone was ecstatic.

No matter their status or status, many people have never seen this top-grade pill, and perhaps only a few of them have seen this top-grade pill.

That was some of the people who brought them here, and they also got two bottles, this time in a fair and just way each got two bottles of pills.

Just for these two top-quality pills, they also paid the same amount of capacity building.

There is no distinction between men and women in this construction. The three families brought both men and women, middle-aged people, young people, and more of the younger generation.

People who have been longing to improve their cultivation, and those who have been longing to get the top-grade pill, all got the top-grade pill as they wished.

The Jiang family also sent a successor. Jiang Tang used to live in a young master of the Jiang family in that yard. Although he was a young master, it was only because he also went outside. None were lucky enough to get one.

Not to mention other people in the family, Jiang Tang came to visit later, and he gave some resources to the family, as well as top-quality pills.

I was very lucky to get two pills, but the family got limited top-quality pills, and other people with lower status and status who didn't make great contributions didn't get any of them.

This time the family's call, people set out for resources, besides, their family has been included in the holy gate, and they are also proud of the surname Jiang.

The holy master Jiang Tang had the same surname as them, so he thought he would get better treatment than others.

I thought so in my heart, but I didn't express it. Jiang Tang did this, and no one dared to give feedback, because others also had to make the same contribution, and also had to complete the task.

This is different from other fairy sects. They only go to be disciples, and they still have to do tasks when they first enter. Without a higher status, everyone has to do things.

At the same time, the members of the Jiang family discovered that among the several hundred people, only Jiang Tang was the one who had the most leisure time. The others were all helping out, and the girls from the top ten families were also helping out.

Jiang Tang goes to inspect every day, and he doesn't need to fly there. He can see it from the top of the mountain. He no longer needs to use his eyesight to see, but uses his mental power completely.

He has not dispelled the fog designed by the monkey, he has not yet built it, and he has not set up a higher formation, so as to prevent others from occupying this place, he has to guard it.

Jiang Tang believed that his ability was as high as the sky. If someone found the resources here, even those from the immortal sect, those who already had sects would come here to grab a piece of the action.

He didn't want people from the top ten families to intervene, even if there were people from the top ten families here, they might have sent a message secretly.

But it can still be controlled here, mainly because of the magic circle of resources, which he can solve at present.

Jiang Tang didn't know if there were any other Buddha cultivators in the world of cultivating immortals who could have superb spells.

He had never met Buddha Cultivator before, and after those who were powerful in Buddhism rose to the top, those behind him gradually declined.

There are also temples hundreds of miles away. Jiang Tang has not met monks yet, and he knows that Buddhist monks are not necessarily monks, and there are lamas who are different from here.

There is a little difference between lamas and monks, they worship different Buddhas.

Jiang Tang only knew of the nearby monk temple, which was the same as some sects of immortals. They only said that their disciples not only practiced Buddhism, but also practiced martial arts.

Although those people's cultivation is different from ancient martial arts, they all use dark energy and shoe skills. Although they can't fly magic weapons like high-level people who cultivate immortals, or they can use magic weapons after they have entered the golden core. own ability to fly.

In fact, Jiang Tang can fly without magic weapon. It is different with so many people around him. He wants to relax.

Besides, the flying magic weapon produced by Space is so powerful, why does he have to work so hard to fly by himself!
Jiang Tang observed that each mountain was different every day, and everyone worked hard, and he was gratified.

After going on like this for about a month, the door-to-door base here may have been built.

Before building a house, he didn't do a lot of groundwork like other houses.

If there are real ghosts and gods, they may have been cleaned up by the previous monkeys.

Jiang Tang will also observe, he doesn't want to leave hidden dangers in the place where he lives.

I also specially sealed with the newly learned Buddhism, and took care of dozens of mountains in these hundreds of miles. In fact, if you count carefully, there are more than this number.

He didn't remember the small mountain peak.Nor did it level it with force.

It is also possible to build some spiritual fields for planting spiritual grass.

Jiang Tang didn't want to let so many people in Xianmen use the things in his own space for cultivation.

Teaching so many people to make alchemy would definitely be a loss, and besides, recruiting disciples here and giving them the opportunity to do tasks is because they don't want them to get something for nothing.

Except for the big mountains, the small peaks have been made into spiritual fields by his magic power.

As long as all three peaks are built and the fog clears, all resources will be in place.

The people who do the task on each mountain peak, they work hard, and they can't see the scene of another mountain peak from their own mountain peak.

The thick fog blocked their sight, but did not block their enthusiastic hearts.

Although the sight was blocked by the thick fog, the hundreds of them had communication equipment, the messenger, just like a broadcast, everyone could know what progress the other people's construction had reached.

They built the stairs first, and then built the house, the platform, and the cave to live in.

Every mountain has a place where a higher-level person can live, or a lower-level person. The built places are different, depending on the person's status.

This may be to give everyone a chance and a motivated heart.

Seeing that others are in high positions, people who also want to work hard will make more contributions and improve their status.

Those who are working, how do they know that Jiang Tang, who is the most leisurely among the hundreds of them, is actually using his ability to make contributions.

Others only think that he is a supervisor, a high-ranking big boss, a high-ranking holy master, the person who distributes food and resources to them, and no one dares to criticize him if he doesn't work.

Jiang Tang's unfathomable cultivation base, in exchange for many fairy sects, such people are all retreated in the deep palace, and ordinary disciples would never see them.

Some people didn't see their ancestors in the family, but they also knew that their ancestors didn't have Jiang Tang's high level of cultivation.


Ever since Ye Tian defended the imperial city that time, he never expected that a city would be disrupted by terrorists, and there would be a plague of rats, trying to destroy the city.

Even the next target may be the imperial city, and it is also to attract Ye Tian to come.

Ye Tian saw that the people all over the city were bitten by a bunch of rats and went crazy, and the whole city became a rat's nest.

The people were poisoned by the plague, Ye Tian thought of Jiang Tang at this time, so he invited him to help detoxify the people in the city.

I have experienced Jiang Tang detoxifying the people in Xianzun City before, and I believe that this can be done by cooperating with the store. As for the mice, he will find a way to eliminate them.

But he didn't expect Jiang Tang to take action when he arrived, and he didn't have to worry about the rat plague and detoxification in one go.

Not only that, but wiped out the terrorists who came.

After Ye Tian and Jiang Tang parted ways, he knew that those terrorists would not give up.

He will continue to cause chaos in the world of cultivating immortals. In order to prevent terrorists from coming again, he can only return to the imperial city when he reaches the imperial city.

When Ye Tian returned to the imperial city, he couldn't stop. There were too many things waiting for him to do.

Occasionally, there will be messages from Yan Weiwei, asking when he will return to the North City Fairy Gate.

Ye Tian couldn't set a date, so he could only tell the truth that he couldn't go back to Beicheng Xianmen for the time being.

Ye Tian was blocked by too many things. The imperial city has changed. Before that, he captured the prime minister's son Liu Tao. Seeing that he is usually treacherous, he always fights against him for the sake of the princess.

In fact, seeing the prime minister's son Liu Tao go crazy, he felt very happy, such a villain should have retribution.

It's also very cool to see Liu Xu, who wants to sell for glory, keeps framing him, and helps terrorists do evil, and has to bow his head for his son.

When he came back from another city and found Liu Xu in the imperial city again, he made another move.

Ye Tian wanted to find out if Liu Xu was in collusion with terrorists.


Liu Tao, the prime minister's son, was brought back by his father. No matter what method his father used, he was still a little crazy, and he was drugged too deeply.

Liu Xu, the prime minister, only had such a son. He didn't go to court for his son, so he asked for leave to seek medical treatment for his son at home.

He knew that this kind of medicine was not produced in the world of cultivating immortals, and he needed someone to untie the bell, so he could only secretly contact the people who had colluded with him before.

I also heard that a large number of terrorists have entered the world of cultivating immortals and causing chaos in a certain city.

Liu Xu was so refreshed in his heart that as long as the world of cultivating immortals was messed up, he could take advantage of the chaos and rise to power.

As long as Ye Tian went to that plagued city, he would definitely be infected with the poison, and he had better die.

However, Liu Xu forgot that the former city of Immortal Venerable, such a heavily poisoned city, was still liberated. He was so proud that he did not expect that any poison would have an antidote.

And he cleaned up those terrorists. He was complacent, but he was complacent too early. Another news came that the city was liberated again, and all the rioters were killed.

Liu Xu was about to go to the west with anger, but he hadn't been able to die so quickly, and the villain hadn't been rewarded so quickly for all the bad things he did.

When he sent the news, not long after, a foreign woman came to his house. This woman claimed to be his son's woman.

Liu Xu was angry and resentful. It turned out that this woman caused his son to become like this. For the great cause and for his son, he had to invite this woman in.

Yingzi, a maid in a foreign country, is actually a spy in the organization.

I have been in this country for ten years. I came to this country when I was 15 years old. I have done many missions in this country and assassinated many people.

Among them were the children of the aristocratic family. She seduced the other party with her beauty and killed him secretly.

Since Yingzi walked out of the secret road last time, when she was going to do the task, she had already noticed that there was an expert coming to the residence, and she never dared to return to the original residence.

They left Xianzun City with some other terrorists, and another group was still making trouble inside. They wanted to attack both sides. Many people in Xianzun City were poisoned by poisonous gas. Many people will die this time. In order to create this terrorist incident, they Many people died.

It's a pity that someone escaped when there was chaos outside, and found that the people in Xianzun City were detoxified.

Only then did Yingzi find out that the leader was dead. She loved the leader the most, but she didn't expect the leader to give her as a gift to others for the mission. This kind of sadness and despair did not give away her body.

After drugging Liu Tao, he left with some other people who were doing the task.

It's just that she never thought that she would say goodbye to the leader just like that. When she was heartbroken and desperate, she decided to avenge the leader.

There are only a few people who escaped with her. If they just make trouble like this, they will die faster, so they can only find the organization first.

Yingzi is a dead man, even a woman must die for their organization.

These dead men should not have feelings, but their souls have not lost their five senses, and their emotions and desires will make them fall in love with someone even if they are dead men.

Yingzi knew that he fell in love with a man who already had a wife, and his wife's background was very strong. Even if the leader's wife was not around, the leader would not dare to accept Yingzi in front of his subordinates.

Yingzi also has other people who like her, and those are just the Zhongzuo, who can't see the Dazuo giving her to others.

People who let them organize in this way may sacrifice the interests of some people for the sake of interests, even the body must be done.

It is an honor to sacrifice for the nation, not to mention the body, as long as this thing is done, their country will grow stronger.

In order to seize this country, their country established a mysterious organization, which can be said to be a terrorist organization full of dead soldiers.

Buried in this country for hundreds of years, many people have lived here for two or three generations, and many people have learned the language here.

If it wasn't for them doing terrorist incidents and being aware of their identities, they wouldn't even be aware that they were outsiders.

Those who came here to hide have changed some of their old habits, and the clothes they wear in this country that came to bring me will also change.

Yingzi is also one of them. She was trained by an organization. She has been hiding in this country for a long time and learned the language here.

(End of this chapter)

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