Lord of all things swallowing the stars

Chapter 600 The Attacking Lord of Yuan Ou!

In the magnificent Kingdom of God, the towering green ancient trees are always burning with divine power, maintaining the operation and continuous expansion of the Kingdom of God.

Lin Yan stood on a huge leaf of the ancestor tree, looking at the void with his eyes.

In the mid-air in front of him, there were countless and complicated secret lines flowing continuously, and he was completely immersed in the study of the secret lines.

Before you know it, more than 160 years have passed.

It is said to be more than 160 years, but the real incarnation of divine power is in the Temple of Time, which has exceeded 16 years.

"No, that's not the feeling." Lin Yan looked at the sky, only to see the mighty divine power constantly moving, showing an extremely complicated secret pattern.

"This should be."

"It can be even stronger."

Lin Yan had a vague feeling in his heart. Looking at the huge secret pattern in front of him, inspiration sprang up in his mind. Under the control of his consciousness, the huge secret pattern became more and more complicated and meticulous. Life-like, combined with each other, in one go.

Following the connection of the last secret pattern silk thread, the city came into being.

"Roar..." The complete secret pattern in the sky is floating there, exuding a vast coercion, a looming roar seems to resound in the ears, and it seems to sound from the depths of the heart. Ancient times... the ultimate roar representing the way of the beast god's law.

"It's done." Lin Yan smiled.

On the ancestral tree, Lin Yan gently pulled out the Dingkun sword behind him, and groaned softly.


A huge golden sword glow like a waterfall suddenly appeared in the void, instantly pouring down like a river, pouring down in the void, wantonly exuding endless power, and immediately set off mighty spatial ripples in the incomparably frozen space of the kingdom of God.

"This move...is called 'waterfall gold'." Lin Yan smiled softly.

"The school of secret lines is indeed a path lost after the Great Destruction. Over the years, I have continuously perfected "Waterfall Gold", and finally reached the realm of the strongest secret method of the Lord of the Universe."

Although he is not the master of the universe.

However, he is completely immersed in the study of secret lines and the creation of secret methods. The genre of secret lines is already the master of the universe, and the ultimate secret method of the master of the universe can be said to be at his fingertips.

It is based on the "Golden Kong" branch of the secret line diagram genre, creating a set of "the strongest secret method of the Lord of the Universe"!
This "Waterfall Gold", in terms of the power of the secret method, is completely comparable to the "Final Arrival" created by Lin Yan before, of course, it is still slightly inferior to the "Tiandi Mopan".

But "Heaven and Earth Mill"... is the ultimate that he can achieve on the basis of the law, exhausting all the mysteries, unless the understanding of the law is further improved, there is no room for improvement.

The "Strongest Secret Art of the Lord of the Universe" of the secret pattern school is only a good start.


Whether it is based on the "golden sky" lineage, to create the most powerful secret method of fusion, or to continue to promote the mastery of the secret patterns of "wood sky", "fire sky", "water sky" and "earth sky", in the end, the five beast gods are the best. It is a good choice to use strong secrets to create fusion tricks.

"I was the first to create the strongest secret technique in the line of 'Golden Sky', but the other four beast gods are not much different. Since there is such a law foundation, it is relatively better to choose to study the 'Five Fusion Law Fusion Unique Skills' "Lin Yan thought to himself, "And from the perspective of the theoretical limit of the secret method, the potential that the latter can tap is greater."

In fact.

If it is simply to create the strongest fusion secret method, it is not difficult for Lin Yan today. He already has a lot of experience in this area. River of the Night", it was only a matter of time.

It's just that Lin Yan doesn't bother to use this tricky method. The power of such a secret method is relatively common in the fifth-order secret method, and the improvement in strength is relatively limited.

If you want to do it, you must do your best.

Moments later, the countless secret threads in front of him continued to flow, and several years passed in the original universe.

"Huh?" Lin Yan suddenly frowned slightly.


Virtual universe, in front of the giant ax temple.

As soon as Lin Yan appeared, he saw a master of the universe sitting on both sides of the stone table in front of the Great Axe Temple. He sat down directly and probably guessed what was going on.

The founder of the giant ax sat at the main seat, and said: "The reason for calling everyone this time is because... I just sensed the fluctuation of strange objects in the mysterious realm of the original universe."

"A strange thing?"

The high-level powerhouses of the human race who were sitting immediately were all shocked.

"The secret realm of Yuan'ao, could it be the Lord of Yuan'ao? Doesn't he know that the original universe extremely rejects such strange things?"

"It's normal. The Lord of Yuan Ao has always been a loner. Although he is free, no one will share these secrets with him. Strange things are extremely rare in the universe sea. Naturally, he will not know this secret."

"Isn't this a dead end? If it is brought back to the original universe, after being rejected by the original universe, the strange object will gradually integrate part of its breath into the owner's body, so that the owner of the strange object will also be rejected by the original universe. In such a situation, even if the strongest in the universe kills him, he will not be punished."

These human masters of the universe are all discussing.

Only Luo Feng looked a little surprised: "What is a strange thing?"

"Huh?" Lin Yan gave him a strange look.

Looking at Luo Feng's innocent appearance, he didn't seem to know anything.

"There have been some changes in the original plot. The giant ax is in the original universe at this time, and the Ancestral God Sect did not let Luo Feng go to the Yuan'ao secret realm to investigate the anomaly." Lin Yan secretly said.

These changes are very normal. The most powerful person in the universe is the strongest force. Most of the time, he usually stays in the ethnic group. However, the Ancestor God Sect has hundreds of universe masters in only peripheral organizations. It doesn’t matter who goes to investigate. .

If the human race didn't know about this matter, it would actually be a good thing, Lin Yan secretly regretted it.

"Wonderful objects are special items that can only be born among the three great Jedi in the universe sea. They are either trees or grass and vines, without any traces of refining. They seem to exist naturally, but they have great power. "The Lord of Chaos City said solemnly, "Although it is still not comparable to the Xeon Supreme Treasure, it is extremely close. Even those peak-level Supreme Treasure suits are not as powerful as they are, and they can be called 'secondary Xeon Supreme Treasures'."

"Moreover, there is a difference between a strange object and a super treasure. If a super treasure wants to exert enough power, it needs to study its mystery thoroughly. If it cannot be fully stimulated, the power will not reach the limit of the super treasure, but the strange thing There is no secret pattern engraving, etc. Once any strong person drives it, he can directly exert the maximum power of the strange object."

Luo Feng nodded secretly.

His star tower can only activate the second floor, but it has already made him, who has only a hundred times the divine body of the universe master, comparable to the top universe master. Can, one can imagine its preciousness.

"But according to what you said just now, teacher, that strange thing is so evil, it should be of no use to us." Luo Feng was puzzled.

"How can a second-rate supreme treasure be useless?" Chaos City Lord shook his head and smiled, "Wonderful objects and the origin of the universe are natural enemies, whether it is the most core and largest primitive universe, or various small universes, they will all reject it." Once a strange object is in the universe, it will affect the stability of the origin of the universe, but as long as it is not brought back to the original universe, it doesn't matter."

"Most of the superpowers are in the cosmic sea, so it is completely possible to keep the strange things in the cosmic sea and let yourself keep them."

The Chaos City Lord felt a little emotional, the human race does not have the most powerful treasures, not even a treasure comparable to strange objects.

The strength of the giant ax is not inferior to others, but strictly speaking, the treasures on it are not even comparable to the very few fifth-level top universe masters.

For example, it is as famous as the Lord of the Chaos City... the "Lord of the Five Huns" of the God-Eye Clan, his "Extinction God Armor" is famous far and wide, including many strongest in the universe. Strange thing.

It would undoubtedly be good news if one could obtain a strange object that was slightly weaker than the most powerful treasure.

"However, the power of this strange object collides with the origin of the universe. I am not the only one who can discover the existence of the fluctuation of the strange object. As long as the super power in the universe is stationed by the most powerful person in the universe, I am afraid that it will send the Lord of the universe there." The founder of the giant axe said, "Everyone knows it, and it is almost impossible for one party to monopolize it."

"However, it is also a great credit for all of us to work together to get the strange things out of the original universe. The original universe will favor our human race for a period of time, and it will start to increase many beneficial cosmic energies in our human territory, making a relatively long-term Human babies born in this period have even greater potential."

Juxue looked at Lin Yan: "Lin Yan, you are the protector of the Ancestral God Sect, so you should have some help in this regard, but compared to the credit for getting the strange things out of the original universe, it is insignificant."

Lin Yan nodded.

As the patron saint who protects the origin of the universe, he does have a preference, but the scope of his influence will never exceed a galaxy.

There are countless galaxies in the human territory alone, but it has no time limit, and it can flow for a long time.

The "Nine Serenity Clan" of the Nine Nether Lords lived within more than ten light-years, and without too much fighting and training, they could produce a large number of Universe Venerables. This is the benefit of the primordial universe's preference.

"To deal with Yuan Ao, all the superpowers will be beneficial. It is estimated that the Lord of the Universe will go there. Who is willing to take this trip?" asked the founder of the giant axe.

"I'll go." Lin Yan said immediately.

This time it's about competing for the map of Qingfeng Realm, others may work too hard, he is worried.


We don't want maps.

"Well." The founder of the giant axe nodded, "The Lord of Yuanao has a strange thing, and his strength may be very strong. Coupled with the gathering of major forces in the universe, Lin Yan is the most suitable for you to go."

"Take me one." Luo Feng was eager to try.

After his Wuslaying Wings were fused with Venerable Tian Yang's "Liuguang Wings", they directly transformed into a top-level treasure. It took a lot of time to understand the second layer of secret patterns, which can trigger the second form of "Golden Kingdom", which is exactly what it is. I want to test the power in actual combat.

"Then let you go together." The founder of the giant axe did not refuse, "If there is anything wrong, I will go immediately."


Lin Yan and Luo Feng nodded, and in reality they both set off towards the Yuanao secret realm.


The remote Yaozu territory, Mengzu secret realm.

In an endless mountain range shrouded in clouds and mist, a winding silver snake was suspended in the void. The big snake raised its head, and suddenly felt faintly.

"It turned out to be such a strange thing! This is extremely rare in the universe. It is an idiot to get a strange thing and bring it back to the original universe."

The silver serpent immediately began to give orders.

"You Mo, Sirius, you two should go to the Yuan'ao Secret Realm immediately. If you encounter danger, I will arrive immediately."


The Lord of Sirius and the Lord of Youmo immediately took orders.


This scene is staged in all major forces.

Every superpower sent the master of the universe to rush there, while the strongest in the universe watched silently from behind.


Yuanao secret realm.

This is a cosmic mystery in the corner of the primordial universe. The distance is extremely far away. Few of the various forces will leave tokens here, so it will take some time to arrive.

But the lord of the universe is on his way very quickly, arriving gradually one after another.

in the void.

"Yuan Ao!" The Lord of the Canthus looked coldly at the Lord Yuan Ao in front of him.

"Haha, I have heard about the Lord of the Prison Clan's Canthus Demon for a long time. You are worthy of the same name as the Lord of the Human Chaos City and the Lord of the Monster Race. I admit that you are very powerful." The tall and majestic Lord Yuanao stood In the void, the one-eyed eyes are full of confidence and madness.

"But now... the lunatic Lord of the Nine Serenities can't do anything to me, and the Lord of the Golden Horn will suffer in my hands, so what can you do? I'm not even afraid of the strongest in the universe."

"Then I want to see if you are really that powerful." On the chest of the towering body of the Lord of the Canthus Demon, a white face roared ferociously.

wow wow wow...

The black turbulent sea water spread out in an instant with him as the center, and naturally suppressed the Lord Yuanao. He held a huge long whip in his hand, and swung it violently. The long whip was more than [-] million kilometers long, and swept across the past crazily. .

"Come on." A dazzling vortex of flames appeared around the divine body of Yuanao Lord. This vortex of flames was like a bright nebula, spinning and shrinking in an instant, and almost completely converged on the black sacred tree in his hand that exuded endless power in the blink of an eye. .


The Lord of Yuan'ao's voice was powerful, like an undefeated god, unstoppable, and directly crazily cast his strongest secret method.

The black sacred tree directly collided with the long whip of the Canth Demon Lord, accompanied by a huge roar and vibration, the Canth Demon Lord couldn't help but retreat one after another.


In the void in the distance, there are figures watching from the sidelines, and they can't help but shake their heads when they see this scene.

"It seems that the Canthus Demon can't do anything about him."

"Damn Kakio."

"A strange object, indeed a strange object."

Among these figures, there are the lords of Jiuyou, Younan, and Dark Python from the Ancestral God Sect, the Golden Horn lord from the Star Behemoth Alliance, the Minglian lord from the Zerg Race, the Sirian Wolf lord from the Monster Race, and You Mo Lord.

"The previous Lord Yuanao could only be regarded as the top three ranks. After obtaining this strange object, he was so powerful that he was not inferior to the Lord Canthus in the slightest." His wings trembled slightly, and his beautiful eyes looked at the battlefield.

Zerg masters of the universe are pitifully few, but each of them is terrifyingly strong. The weakest Zerg masters of the universe can be considered at the peak level. Not only are they proficient in illusion and soul-like means, but they can also use their Zerg fighters to display material means .

She came earlier, and had already suffered a big loss in the fight with the Yuan Ao Lord.

Lords like Sirius and Youmo were ravaged even more.

"If it weren't for that, the strange things wouldn't be so precious." The Lord of the Nine Nethers shook his head, "In a frontal battle, no one in the original universe can kill the Lord of Yuan Ao."

"Then what are you going to do with the Ancestral God Sect?" asked the Master of the Dark Lotus.

The Lord of Nine Serenities smiled: "Wait a little longer, wait until the forces of all parties gather."


A battle is going on in the void.

After the arrival of the two cosmic masters of the crystal clan, they were teaming up to deal with the Yuan Ao master, but they couldn't get half of the benefits, and they were beaten back steadily.

"Ha ha!"

"Ancestor God Cult, Zerg Race, Monster Race, Starry Sky Giant Beast Alliance, Prison Race, Northern Border Alliance, Crystal Race, I know you are greedy for my Shenmu, but it is useless, even if the strongest in the universe comes, you can't do anything about me !” The Lord of Yuanao laughed wantonly.

As time goes by, the stronger ones arrive one by one.

Of the nine superpowers in the universe, only humans and machines have yet to arrive.

After these strong men arrived, they all went directly to the Yuan Ao Lord, but the strength of the Yuan Ao Lord who possessed strange objects soared. The opponent of the Lord of Austria.

Even with the exception of the three powerhouses, the Lord of the Nine Serenities, the Lord of the Golden Horn, and the Lord of the Canthus Demon, every other group was ravaged. Fortunately, they all have strong life-saving abilities, and they gathered together when they broke away from the battle.

Among them is a tall and burly man who exudes domineering aura, who is the well-known "Emperor Yan" in the universe.

"It's really surprising to see Emperor Yan here." The Lord You Nan of the Ancestral God Sect smiled, "I heard that because you joined hands with the Lord of Sirius to encircle and suppress the Lord of the Origin of Humanity, although you managed to escape , but was eventually removed from the Nine Domains Alliance? What's more, the Nine Domains Alliance does not have the strongest in the universe, how can you know about this?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Not only Emperor Yan, but also Lord Sirius and Lord Youmo of the demon clan couldn't help changing their colors, and even Lord Minglian's beautiful eyes had a trace of solemnity.

Lord of origin.

This can be said to be the biggest stain since the establishment of the Tri-Clan Alliance.

Emperor Yan held back the anger in his heart, and said with a smile: "Haha, of course, I only know it because of the guidance of Senior Zuo Shanke. It is my honor to serve Senior Zuo Shanke."

"Sitting mountain guest?"

Everyone present was secretly surprised.

The most powerful lone traveler in the universe is difficult to deal with, and Zuoshanke is definitely the most difficult one. He rarely fights head-on with other strong men, but the endless special methods make people crazy.

"It's no wonder that Emperor Yan betrayed the human race back then, and he attacked the Lord of Origin before. He didn't hear any revenge from the human race."

"So it has something to do with Zuo Shan Ke."

"This Emperor Yan actually has such a big backing."

They all secretly guessed that Zuoshanke had helped Emperor Yan several times, and it was all public information, but... some secrets were beyond their knowledge.


"It's been so long, and the humans and machines haven't arrived yet."

The Lord of the Netherworld looked around, and said: "It seems that the founder of the giant ax of mankind and the father god of the machine race is not in the original universe. If we don't know all this, we won't wait."

"Then let's discuss with each other how to solve it."

"Yuan Ao has a strange object, and his strength is comparable to that of the top five. In the original universe, even the strongest in the universe can't do anything to him."

"Fighting is not enough."

Various forces have begun to discuss.

At this time-

Luo Feng, who was carrying a saber in silver armor and silver wings, came together with Lin Yan, who was wearing a blue-gold gorgeous armor. As soon as they appeared, they attracted the attention of all the superpowers on this continuous mountain range.

The Lord of Nine Serenity, the Lord of Golden Horn, the Lord of Canthus Demon, the Lord of Minglian, etc. all looked at it, and the Emperor Yan and the Lord of Sirius couldn't help but shrink their pupils.

"It's human."

"The Lord of Origin! The human race sent the Lord of Origin and this Luo Feng?"

The nearly 20 masters of the universe present had strange expressions on their faces. These are the two most dazzling existences in the primordial universe in recent years. Among them, the masters of origin... are even more famous than the superpowers such as the master of the nine secluded worlds and the city master of chaos. .

"The Divine Lord of Origin." The Lord of Nine Serenities laughed.

"God Lord Jiuyou." Lin Yan nodded slightly.

"I don't know the origin of God Lord, who is here this time, do you plan to try this Yuan Ao's strength?" The Lord of Nine Serenities asked, and as he asked, the eyes of other universe masters lit up.

The Lord of Origin has a reputation as thunderous, but the legendary strongest method... Except for the strongest of the universe of the three races and the very few masters of the universe, no one has ever seen it.

"Naturally." Lin Yan said.


The endless black river of swords directly enveloped the entire continent, and Lin Yan's eyes flashed sharply, turning into dazzling streamers, and rushed over in an instant.

Many super beings around looked at each other and flew in that direction.

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