Lord of all things swallowing the stars

Chapter 7 Breaking Army Sword

Chapter 7 Breaking Army Sword

Lin Yan took the elevator from the third floor to the fifth floor.

He was dressed in military uniform, standing upright like a javelin, standing at the door of the director's office, and shouted: "Report!"

"Come in." Sitting in the office was an elegant-looking middle-aged man in military uniform, his hair mixed with white hair, combed meticulously.

"Please sit down."

Lin Yan sat on the seat.

Director Liu flipped through the documents on the desk and said after a while: "Congratulations, you have successfully passed the quasi-warrior assessment."

"An 18-year-old warrior is not ordinary."

"And this result..."

He didn't witness Lin Yan's test process with his own eyes. Looking at the results of the nervous response test above, he almost thought for a moment that he had made a mistake.

But after thinking about it, it is impossible. In this kind of thing, the test results will never go wrong.

Lin Yan sat upright and did not take pride in other people's praise: "The chief is too much."

Director Liu smiled and shook his head, and then cut straight to the point: "About your application for the actual combat assessment of warriors, the military region has already issued a document and approved your application, but the form will be somewhat different. Of course, you can also choose to refuse. Then we will conduct a unified actual combat assessment for all prospective warriors after the beast tide."

Lin Yan was a little puzzled: "What?"

What is the difference in form?
Director Liu of the General Affairs Department explained: "Liu Mingxuan, the head of the military police department, has learned that you have now been promoted to the rank of warrior, and he has applied to transfer you to join the newly formed temporary special operations team to carry out a secret mission with him. The location of the mission will be Will go deep into the wilderness."


Lin Yan was a little confused, he just asked me about swordsmanship and transferred me away?
"Regardless of whether the mission is successful or not, you will pass the martial artist review and obtain the martial artist qualification after successfully returning from this deep-dive into the wilderness area."

Lin Yan secretly complained in his heart, that's not it, I have gone deep into the wilderness area, and I can't come back without that level.

Lin Yan thought for a while and asked, "May I know the details of this secret mission?"

Director Liu smiled and said: "If you choose to agree, Captain Liu Mingxuan will connect with you, and he will introduce to you the mission objectives of your mission."

"But this task is very dangerous, I hope you'd better consider it carefully."

Lin Yan thought about it for a moment, Liu Mingxuan didn't look like an unreliable person, and he had no conflicts with him, so there was no need to harm him, and he owed him a favor by asking him about swordsmanship.

Moreover, he has no experience in entering the wilderness area. If he joins this special warfare team, he can grow up faster with the help of other members.

It's worth taking a risk, too.

"I agree."

"Well, the code name of your special operations team is "Star". Later, I will arrange someone to take you to your combat base. Now, I will teach you the "Gene Energy Training Method"."

Director Liu tapped a few times on the keyboard on the desk in front of him, and an article appeared on the large transparent screen beside Lin Yan.

Lin Yan carefully read the contents of the article.

When the genes are optimized to the level of warriors, they can absorb the energy of the universe and integrate into human cells. During this process, bones, cells, blood, internal organs, skin, etc. will all be evolved.

This integrates the cosmic energy into the cells, and becomes one's own energy, which is the original energy of genes.

On Earth, there is only one method of cultivating genetic energy, which is the five-heart-to-heaven cultivation method.

The article is not long, and Lin Yan quickly memorized it.

Director Liu saw that he had memorized the contents of the article, so he said just now: "Your genetic optimization level has reached the pass line for cultivating genetic primordial energy, and you can try to cultivate after you go back."

"However, the five-heart-to-heaven cultivation method is not efficient at absorbing energy. You are a student of the National Defense University, so you should also know the existence of Daoyin. Through Daoyin, you can increase the capacity of cells and increase the effective time of cultivation."

"Thereby increasing the efficiency of cultivation several times to dozens of times."

"But this channeling technique is very precious."

"The military district's opinion about your training is to open up your authority to receive a full set of 5-series combat equipment, as well as [-] merit points of channeling, movement, and attacking cheats for you to choose from."

"You may not know enough about the meritorious value of the military system. Let me briefly introduce it. Compared with the online shopping mall of Extreme Martial Arts, [-] meritorious value has the purchasing power of more than [-] million Huaxia coins!"

"This is the highest training standard in the army!"

An 18-year-old warrior is a very valuable talent. He read Lin Yan's file, which recorded his performance in the army. Before he reached the warrior level, he was proficient in the Benlei sword, even close to the fifth level. The use of firearms is even more excellent, with the m64 sniper rifle repeatedly killing F-level monsters.

It reflects that Lin Yan not only has outstanding talent, but also has amazing understanding, and also possesses very excellent military quality and combat talent.

The military region rated Lin Yan as an S-level talent, which was of great training value.

Lin Yan was a little surprised by this level of training. He is only a junior soldier, but it is very rare for him to be directly authorized to receive 5 series of combat equipment.

However, it also shows that the military region has relatively high expectations for Lin Yan's progress.

Director Liu tapped the keyboard, and many patterns appeared on the big screen next to Lin Yan: "This is the secret book exchange system within the army. You can choose it. After all, you are about to perform a mission, and it is very important to enhance your strength."

Lin Yan checked carefully and was a little surprised. He originally thought that Hong's "Mie Shi" and Thor's "Nine Layers of Thunder Saber" only existed in their martial arts online mall, but he didn't expect that they also existed in the military's exchange system.

It seems that some kind of agreement has been reached.

Exchange up to 10 million merit points, military ranks enjoy half-price privileges, and 5 million merit points are also required!
Looking at Lin Yan, he couldn't help but suffer from the difficulty of choosing. He has a system in hand, but in fact there is no urgent need for these cheats. His [Taishang Sensation] channeling technique was even judged to be the ultimate.

Absolutely the best on earth.

Moreover, the two strongest people on the earth, one uses a gun and the other uses a knife. I have a higher compatibility with the sword, and there is no need to change the path I want to take because of them. Their cheats are not applicable to me. .

He flipped on the screen, and saw a SS-level swordsmanship shine in his eyes.

"Broken Army Sword", category: swordsmanship.Rating: SS grade.Price: 100 million merit points (full price), 50 merit points (half price, requirement: colonel rank)

This broken army sword is well-known among him. This is the sword technique of the former president of the National Defense University. I heard that the former president joined the government's highest special mission department after breaking through to the planetary level from God of War. He is the top powerhouse in China.

But regardless of meritorious service or military rank, his own conditions were not satisfied.

He clicked on the detailed content of "Broken Army Sword", and saw that this "Broken Army Sword" is divided into nine layers, which contains the supporting Daoyin technique.

However, the Jiuzhong can be split to buy.

"Broken Army Sword" Full Nine Levels - Price: 100 million meritorious value (full price), 50 meritorious value (half price, requirement: colonel rank)

The first eight stages of "Broken Army Sword"——Price: 50 meritorious value (full price), 25 meritorious value (half price, requirement: rank of lieutenant colonel)


The first four stages of "Broken Army Sword"——Price: 2 merit points (full price), 1 merit points (half price, requirement: captain's rank)

The first three levels of "Broken Army Sword" - price: 1 merit points (full price), 5000 merit points (half price, requirement: lieutenant rank)

The first two stages of "Broken Army Sword"——Price: 5000 merit points (full price), 2500 merit points (half price, requirement: lieutenant rank)

The first level of "Broken Army Sword" - price: 2000 meritorious value (full price), 1000 meritorious value (half price, requirement: second lieutenant rank)

My military rank is only a second lieutenant, and only the first rank enjoys a half-price discount. If I pay the full price, I can buy the first three ranks, but I feel like I'm losing money.

A real blood loss of [-] million.

Director Liu looked at Lin Yan's troubled expression, and immediately guessed what he was struggling with, and said with a smile: "It stands to reason that based on your performance in this beast tide war, and now that you have become a warrior, your rank can be promoted, but These things will not be evaluated by the military region until after the war.”

"However, in view of your special situation, I can grant you a special permission. You can buy the first four at half price."

The blood-lost [-] million came back.

Lin Yan happily clicked to buy directly, the first four of "Broken Army Sword".

(End of this chapter)

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