Rebirth of the big era of online games

Chapter 276 The door doesn't know me

Chapter 276 The door doesn't know me (Leader Jiageng 6)

(Today, I still owe 5 updates to the leader and 1 update to the monthly ticket)
In his previous life, Fang Jie knew Mr. Ren to a certain extent. At least he knew that he was a student of architecture and had served in the army. Effect.

that's the truth.

When Fang Jie opened his mouth, he wanted to use the wind of global informatization to make Boiling Network the greatest Internet company in the world. He was committed to bringing the latest technology to global consumers and spreading the excellent oriental culture to the world through the entertainment industry. All over the world, when realizing their national technological and cultural renaissance as their dreams, they were highly affirmed by Mr. Ren.

This is quite consistent with Huawei's development philosophy.

Huawei is committed to realizing the future information society and building a better fully connected world, so that all parts of the world can enjoy the joy of technological progress, and realize their dreams with deeds.

The only difference is that Huawei uses the technology industry as the carrier to realize the dream of a strong country, while Boiling uses cultural and entertainment products as the carrier to realize the dream of revival.

But this is exactly where the two can complement each other.

Although Boiling is still a small company, it has aroused Mr. Ren's interest. He thinks that it is a good thing for young people to have ideals and ideas. Moreover, Boiling has achieved certain results in its own field. Mind giving this little brother a hand.

So then Fang Jie revealed his purpose: he wanted to do PHS business, and hoped that Huawei could provide technical support.

When Mr. Ren heard this, his impression of Fang Jie was immediately discounted in his heart.

What kind of PHS business?
This is not to promote technological progress, it is obviously a retrogression of technology, okay?

In the early 90s, Huawei had mastered such a technology, but soon realized that this wireless fixed-line technology had no prospects for development and could not achieve technological leadership in the world. It was a backward technology, so it was abandoned. , switched to mobile digital communication technology.

Not only Huawei, but all telecommunications technology giants in the world have stopped the research and development of wireless fixed-line technology such as PHS, because they all know that 3G/4G/5G is the future.

If it weren't for this, Starcom wouldn't have picked up a big deal under the noses of a group of big names in the information industry, taking out the obsolete PHS technology, and doing a great job in China.

Another internal reason for this is that China Telecom and China Netcom have no mobile licenses, so they have to choose this backward technology, otherwise there is no such thing as Starcom.

The so-called loss of a fortune is a blessing in disguise, precisely because Starcom stared at the PHS technology. After only a few years of arrogance, it was eliminated by the market with the advancement of mobile technology. In the end, it was nothing.

All in all, Huawei doesn't like this backward technology at all. If Fang Jie didn't mention it, Mr. Ren would have forgotten that Huawei still owns this technology and related patents...

Although Mr. Ren's impression of Fang Jie was greatly reduced, he was still very interested in the sentimentality of the previous episode and the occasional one or two very forward-looking words.

In the end, Mr. Ren said that if Boiling is interested in PHS, Huawei can transfer this technology for free. If Boiling is short of money, Huawei can also provide part of the funds to build a joint venture with Boiling, which is a kind of support.

At the same time, I hope that if Fang Jie is free, it is best to go to Shencheng and chat with each other face to face.

Mr. Ren believes that some of Fang Jie's ideas are still worthwhile, and hopes to have in-depth exchanges with each other. After all, there are not many young talents like Fang Jie now. He is looking forward to meeting him and understanding the current young generation of enterprises The idea of ​​family is also a kind of learning and communication for him, which can expand his thinking.

Of course, Fang Jie agreed to Mr. Ren's invitation without hesitation, and flew to Shencheng impatiently the next day.

However, after arriving in Shencheng, he did not go to Huawei immediately, but went to Tencent headquarters first.

Since he became a shareholder of Tencent, he hasn't been to Tencent's headquarters yet.

From this point of view, MIH is a hands-off shopkeeper, and Fang Jie is also doing his part. You must know that when he was the big boss of the company, he never came here!

So this time when he came to Shencheng, he first went to the Tencent headquarters to wander around and recognize the door.

The second largest shareholder came suddenly, and Tencent was completely unprepared. When they entered the company, they were even intercepted by security guards and interrogated for a while. In the end, it was Xiao Ma and a group of high-level executives who came over in person to relieve the siege.

"I came here this time just to recognize the door, but the door didn't recognize me..."

In the conference room of the Tencent headquarters, Fang Jie glanced at the Tencent executives present, shook his head and smiled, and made a small joke, which made everyone in the audience laugh.

"Anyway, I'm still holding the positions of Chief Strategy Officer and Chief Game Officer of your company. Why didn't you even give me an access control card? This shows that your work is not in place..."

There was another laugh in the audience, and Zeng Liqin, who was more familiar with Fang Jie, laughed and said, "Mr. Fang, you are a thief calling for a thief! Ever since you retired to the second line, you, the chief strategy officer, have not given us any strategic advice. The game It's the same, we took 600 million to develop "Cross Fire", and now there is no sign of it. On behalf of the company's management and board of directors, I have decided to dismiss you!"

"Ha, I veto it!"

Fang Jie snorted disdainfully: "I hold more than 34% of the shares, and I have a veto right. What you say is useless. I'll just stand in the latrine and stop shitting. Why don't you!"

Zeng Liqin pointed at Fang Jie resignedly, and the little brother beside him also made a joke, saying to everyone present: "How about we raise another capital to dilute this guy's shares?"

Everyone was about to say yes, but Fang Jie raised his hand and said again: "I veto it!"


Everyone was dumbfounded, and then they thought, this veto is really cheating, there is really nothing they can do about Fang Jie.

Too shabby!

After everyone laughed, Brother Ma asked, "This time Fang always comes to the company for a surprise inspection?"

"I have something else to do, stop by and have a look."

Fang Jie smiled noncommittally, and then said: "However, Mr. Zeng made it clear just now that he has an opinion on us, so today I will do something practical and talk about my views on Tencent's future strategy and games. It can be regarded as an introduction... ..."

After a pause, seeing that everyone put away their smiles, and some people even picked up small notebooks to take notes, Fang Jie took the time to throw out some of the routines of Tencent in his previous life.

Mainly around the social software OICQ, it has made some suggestions for its subsidiary functional products and value-added services, such as QQ zone, QQ group, QQ voice, QQ show, QQ membership, etc. The main purpose is to continue to increase the number of users, Become a qualified channel business.

As for QQ games, QQ music, QQ video and other businesses that conflict with his future layout of the industry, some of them avoided talking about it, and some were replaced by him as a cooperation method. In the future, only boiling games, boiling music, boiling videos , Tencent only exists as a cooperative channel provider.

As for WeChat... Of course, it is temporarily kept secret. We will see Tencent's performance in the future. If the performance is good, let the other party operate it. If the performance is not good, then I'm sorry, and do it yourself.

As for large-scale games, Fang Jie suggested that Tencent should give full play to its channel advantages, focus on operations, and act as an agent for any game it likes. Well.

After listening to Fang Jie's speech, how did the senior executives of Tencent know that this was actually Fang Jie picking up the wisdom of others, a routine played by Tencent in his previous life, and it was a castrated version of strategic planning. "Deeply admired.

(End of this chapter)

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