Chapter 124 Are you caring about me?
"Are you going to Jiulong Mountain now?"

Liang Xue was surprised.

"Huh? What's the matter? Is there a problem?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"If there are really flood dragons there, you may be in danger."

Liang Xue frowned.

"This...Miss Xue'er...are you caring about me?"

Fang Ce looked at Liang Xuelai in surprise.


Liang Xue's face turned red, then quickly turned cold: "Hmph! I'm just worried about myself, after all, I'm under your control now."

"Oh? That's not necessarily true. You have recovered your sanity now. Maybe something happened to me, and you may be free instead."

Fang Ce still looked at Liang Xue's expression with a half-smile.

"Hmph, if that's the case, it would be great!"

With a cold face, Liang Xue turned around and left.

"The tongue is not the heart."

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled, went back to his room, changed his attire, and fled away.

Quickly came to the south of the city, and ten kilometers further forward, Fang Ce escaped from the ground, and saw a large mountain range in front of him, and the left and right sides were almost invisible.

And above the mountains, a strong demonic aura can be clearly sensed, which shows that the number and strength of the monsters hidden in the mountains are unusual.

Although the Jiulong Mountain has a strong demonic aura, at first glance, it is a lush and lush scene. It can only be said that the aura in the mountain is also very strong.

Without much hesitation.

Fang Ce waved his white jade fan lightly, and stepped into Jiulong Mountain leisurely.

Coming to the mountain, it is a scene of singing birds and fragrant flowers, and it is not as spooky as imagined.

However, it is true that there is a dangerous atmosphere everywhere, but it is not for small animals such as insects and birds.

Walk into the mountain sixty or seventy feet.


A flat voice suddenly sounded.


Fang Ce stopped and smiled.

I saw a dozen figures walking out of the forest ahead.

There are swordsmen, Taoist priests, strong men, and even two huge bear monsters and a monkey monster running on the tree.

Judging from the aura, these guys are all between 70, 100 and [-] years old.

"I don't know if the visitor is an enemy or a friend?"

The monkey monster leaped to the side of the big tree, looked down at Fang Ce with a smiling face.

However, the murderous intent that flashed across his eyes did not escape Fang Ce's eyes.

"Is it an enemy or a friend? How do you tell the difference? Is it okay to say it?"

Fang Ce responded playfully.

"Hey, looks like an interesting guy? Nine Dragon Mountain doesn't ask about its origin, it only accepts villains and demons. Defenders, kill! Good people, kill! Those who persuade you to surrender, kill! I don't know which category you belong to?"

The monkey monster's eyes flickered ferociously.

"Only accept villains and demons? Kill those who defend the way, kill those who are kind, and kill those who persuade you to surrender. Interesting, interesting, hahahahaha..."

Fang Ce couldn't help laughing, this Jiulong Mountain is quite special.

"why are you laughing!"

But the monkey monster couldn't help showing its anger.

"What? Are you not allowed to make people laugh?"

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"Answer me! Which category do you belong to!"

The monkey monster snorted coldly.

"Me? Of course I'm a good person, how about it?"

Fang Ce responded playfully.

"Oh? Good guy? Hehehe, it seems that you are a bold person with a high level of art? Or are you an ignorant fool?"

The monkey monster showed a strange smile.

And the Taoist priests and swordsmen in front also showed sinister smiles.

"you guess."

Fang Ce looked at the monkey monster with a smile.

The monkey monster narrowed its eyes, then opened its mouth, but a flame sprayed directly at Fang Ce.


Fang Ce shook his head, waved the white jade fan casually, and a water dragon blasted out. With a bang, it easily extinguished the flames, and then quickly blasted towards the monkey monster!

The monkey monster was startled immediately, and there was no time to dodge it. With a bang, it was blown to the ground!

This monkey-monster aura is only 70 years old, and Fang Ce can really get rid of it with a wave of his hand.

"Be careful! This person's strength is not simple!"

The Taoist priests and swordsmen all showed signs of alertness.

"I want to see the true strength of your Nine Dragon Mountain. Can you guys satisfy my wish?"

Fang Ce smiled.


The Taoist priests and swordsmen were all taken aback.

At this moment, Fang Ce's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of these villains and monsters in an instant. Under the horrified eyes of these guys, the white jade fan flapped at will.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang!
With a sound of painful groans, all these villains and monsters were blown away, fell to the ground in embarrassment, and groaned in pain.

"Woo! Woo! Woo!"

There was a sudden and loud strange cry, which seemed to be an alarm.

Fang Ce looked, but it was from the monkey monster.

He immediately waited at leisure. After all, these guys in front of him are obviously just gatekeepers. Even if he kills them now, it will not have a big impact on the entire Nine Dragons Mountain.

Soon, rustling, a series of voices came closely!

Fang Ce already felt the strong and weak breaths approaching quickly, and the number was very large!

"What happened!?"

"What's happening!?"

One after another figures came, including Taoist priests, martial arts, tiger spirits, tiger monsters, fox spirits, and fox monsters!Moreover, these guys all have strong evil spirits and hostility!

"This human being is here to break into Nine Dragons Mountain!! His strength is not simple, I am afraid that he is at the level of a Daoist leader!"

The monkey monster pointed at Fang Ce and said in a deep voice.

"Oh? Come to Nine Dragon Mountain?"

"There are still people who dare to come to Nine Dragons Mountain? But it's been a long time since I met such an idiot who overestimated himself..."

All the monsters and villains laughed, but they didn't take Fang Ce seriously.

Fang Ce lightly shook the white jade fan, smiling lightly. Although there were a lot of guys in front of him, it was obvious that no big guy appeared, and there was no one who could threaten him.

"Is it just this guy? Why does it look familiar? Wait... this guy... is the strong man who appeared in Hecheng before! Everyone be careful!"

A voice suddenly sounded.

Fang Ce looked over and saw that it was an old Taoist.

This old man recognized him, but he didn't recognize this old man, but it was not surprising, after all, he had seen many people before, but it was impossible for him to see them one by one.

"It is indeed that guy! Not good! Quick! Let the four kings come! We must have nothing to do with this person!"

"What!? Is this the guy Tiger King was talking about before!?"

"Hurry up! Hurry up and tell the four kings!"

There was another commotion, but this time it was not ridicule, but panic.

After another series of strange sirens.


A tiger roar resounded through the sky!

A roar sounded immediately!
In an instant, four powerful auras quickly gathered here!

In addition to these four powerful auras, there are also a large number of auras coming in one after another, like a tide gathering!
"Four kings?"

Fang Ce shook the white jade fan lightly, and he had identified one of the four powerful auras as Tiger King.

(End of this chapter)

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