Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 203 Three people become tigers, a mysterious visitor, and the target is the celestial master

Chapter 203 Three people become tigers, mysterious visitors, target Tianshi Wuzun!

Came to the Shengyan Pavilion of the Imperial Palace.

"Meet Your Majesty."

The Eldest Princess and the Duke saluted plainly.

"Sister Huang, Duke, please take a seat."

The saint raised his hand in response.

"Thank you, Lord."

The eldest princess agreed with the Duke and sat down.

"Emperor Sister, Duke. I don't know why you are looking for an orphan?"

The Holy One asked.

"Mocheng, Heavenly Master Wuzun, Fang Ce."

The Eldest Princess fixedly looked at the Holy Majesty.

"This... I don't know what the emperor means..."

The Holy Majesty hesitated.

"It can't stay for too long, it must be removed as soon as possible..."

The eldest princess narrowed her eyes slightly.

"However, if it is really the Heavenly Master Wu Zun, we will do this..."

"What? Your Majesty, do you think you have the ability to control the Celestial Master Wu Zun? Can he really be your help? Your Majesty, do you think that Huang Jie can't see it because of your little thoughts?"

The eldest princess sneered.

"Miss, you..."

The Holy Majesty couldn't help opening his eyes wide.

"Hmph, don't forget what happened back then, Master Wu Zun already has a grudge against us, the purpose of his coming back this time is self-evident."

"That's right, it's no wonder that I try to win over him, but he is unwilling to stand on our side. What is the purpose of his return, other than revenge? Now he is in Mocheng, with those generals who have sworn to follow him, You should know what the consequences will be if you let it continue."

Grandpa Guo spoke softly.

"Having said that, but... this rumor may not be true..."

"True or fake, what's the difference? Aren't they all targets we must eradicate?"

Grandpa responded.

The Holy Majesty was silent for a moment, and after a while, he spoke again: "Then sister Huang and Duke, what do you mean..."

"Send [-] elites to Mocheng to attack the Huns as soon as possible."

"It's one thing...to deal with the sky...to deal with that person, but Mocheng's frontier defense is also the top priority, so rash, in case..."

"What if? Your Majesty doesn't know that Heavenly Master Wu Zun now has the strength to repel the Devil Emperor? If we continue to delay, let him develop slowly, and then gather strength to counterattack us too much?"

Grandpa Guo spoke softly.

Hearing the words, the Holy Majesty couldn't help being hoarse again. After a while, Fang sighed softly: "Okay, I understand..."

On the other side of the capital.

"Fang Ce is the Martial Master of Heavenly Master? No way? Could that guy be Martial Master of Heavenly Master?"

Liang Xue looked astonished. From her point of view, there is no such thing as a celestial master's demeanor, and there is no such thing as a strategy. Being a big devil is not bad, just like the holy and evil son is very suitable.Now that Fang Ce turned out to be the famous Heavenly Master Wu Zun at first glance, he couldn't believe it.

"How could Fang Ce be the Heavenly Master Wu Zun? How did this get out? It's so messed up."

Xin Yu's jade face is full of strange colors, Tianshi Wuzun is her father, this rumor is simply absurd and outrageous.

"Who knows? But if there are such rumors, it must be that guy who doesn't know what kind of moths he has been tossing."

Liang Xue pouted.

"Well, generally speaking, it's good news. After all, the Devil Emperor was repelled..."

Xin Yu made a soft sound, and at this moment, she was more concerned about how Fang Ce's investigation of his father's affairs was going.

After a while.

"My lord, the Holy Majesty has summoned you."

I saw the previous guard coming.

"Huh? The Holy Majesty summoned? Okay..."

Xin Yu tapped her head lightly, and basically guessed in her heart the reason why the Holy Majesty summoned her.

Came to the palace courtyard.

"Your servant pays homage to the Holy Majesty."

Xin Yu saluted respectfully.

"Don't be too polite, just sit down."

The saint waved his hand.

"Thank you, Lord."

Xin Yu sat down according to the words: "I don't know why the Holy Majesty summoned the ministers?"

"Fang Tianshi's matter, I wonder if you..."

"It turns out that this is the matter, and the Holy Majesty does not need to pay attention to it. This is purely a rumor. Although I don't know why such news has spread, I can be sure that Fang Ce is absolutely impossible to be the Master of Heaven."

Xin Yu responded immediately.

"Are you sure?"

The Holy Majesty hesitated.

"I have been with Fang Ce for so long, how can I not know? This rumor is extremely absurd."

"Is that so..."

The Holy Majesty frowned and thought, although he knew that Xin Yu's judgment was absolutely correct, but he was worried that Xin Yu would deceive him, after all, Xin Yu was the daughter of a celestial master Wu Zun...

"I don't know if His Majesty has any questions?"

Xin Yu was puzzled.

"Well... not anymore, I just want to ask for confirmation. If there is nothing else, you can go back first."

The Holy One responded.

"Yes, my servant will leave."

Xin Yu took a brief look at the Holy Spirit's expression, then bowed and retreated.

"Forget it...whether it is or not, the situation is not something I can control..."

The Holy One gently closed his eyes.

Waiting for Xin Yu to return to his residence.

"Crazy Thunder Daoist?"

Xin Yu was startled, and saw that inside the room, Taoist Master Kuang Lei and Liang Xue were sitting at the table drinking tea together.

"Huh? Girl, you're back."

Daoist Kuanglei smiled.


Xin Yu nodded.

"What did the Holy Majesty tell you?"

Dao Master Kuang Lei asked.

"It's nothing, it's just the rumor about Fang Ce."

Xin Yu shook his head.

"Oh? Then how do you respond?"

Daoist Kuang Lei couldn't help asking.

"How else can I respond to this ridiculous rumor."

Xin Yu was helpless, she could see that the Daoist Kuang Lei probably came because of this.

"Is it really a rumor..."

Daoist Kuang Lei nodded.

"Of course it's a rumor. Do Master Kuanglei think that Fang Ce's nonchalant temperament might be the Heavenly Master Martial Venerable?"

Xin Yu is funny.


Daoist Kuang Lei nodded. When he first heard the rumor, he was also quite shocked, so he came here eagerly to find the answer. Now that he thinks about it, there is really no possibility.

Afterwards, Taoist Kuang Lei drank a few more sips of tea, chatted with Xin Yu for a while, and then left.


Xin Yu sighed lightly.

"What's wrong? Xin Yu?"

Liang Xue was puzzled.

"It's nothing, I just feel that things are a bit chaotic, and I don't know how it will develop in the future."

Xin Yu responded lightly.

"Don't worry, we don't need to worry about that guy's strength."

Liang Xue shook her head.



Back to Mexico City.


Fang Ce stood in the courtyard and looked up at the sky. It was true that three people became tigers. It was hard to tell whether it was true or false. Now almost everyone regarded him as a celestial master and martial artist.It made him sometimes suspect that he was the Heavenly Master Wu Zun...

In addition, there is still no in-depth progress regarding the matter of Tianshi Wuzun back then, and it is still at the stage of speculation.

If it was really the Heavenly Master Wu Zun who was betrayed by the prince back then, his troubles would have been in vain, and he would even have wronged a good person.After all, the current investigation direction is based on the assumption that there is a fourth person. As long as this assumption is wrong, no matter how many possibilities are verified later, it will only be wrong...

After a few days of calm.

Fang Ce has mastered the Holy Sealing Technique of the Five Winds Technique, and at the same time...

"Master Kuang Lei, you... Senior, why did you come here?"

Fang Ce looked at the approaching Daoist Kuanglei with a strange expression. Could it be because of the rumors that he was regarded as a celestial master?

"Oh, it's nothing. It's just that I heard some rumors about you recently, little friend, so I just came to check on your situation. How, are you still used to it here?"

Daoist Kuanglei had a concerned expression on his face.

"Well...it's okay, thank you for your concern, senior. Please come in and sit down, senior."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.


Daoist Kuang Lei nodded.

Come to the house.

"The senior came all the way to visit, the junior is really flattered."

Fang Ce poured a cup of tea for Daoist Kuanglei, thinking to himself, this guy is really interesting...

"Little friend, you and I are predestined, and you are such an outstanding junior. Naturally, I need to take care of you. By the way, I heard that you repelled the Devil Emperor with your own strength? This ability is incredible..."

Daoist Kuang Lei was surprised.

"Senior is wrong."

Fang Ce smiled and shook his head.

"Hey, I have to say, little friend, you are even more stunning than the Heavenly Master Wu Zun. This old man has only seen you in his life. I'm afraid you have a talent that surpasses this old master's master..."

Daoist Kuang Lei sighed.

"Don't dare, the senior has spoken the truth. The junior just has a better chance. How can you compare with those real geniuses."

Fang Ce clasped his fists and shook his head.

"Fate? Isn't chance a talent? If my friend has reached a height that others can't reach in a lifetime by chance alone, then what's the point of having high talent? Can you show it off?"

Daoist Kuang Lei snorted.

"Uh...hahaha, senior has unique insights..."

Fang Ce smiled awkwardly.

Daoist Kuang Lei drank a few more sips of tea: "Seeing that you are doing well, little friend, it's time for the old man to go back, let's say goodbye."

"and many more……"

Fang Ce couldn't help but speak.

"Huh? Is there anything else my friend?"

Daoist Kuang Lei was puzzled.

"I heard... Senior also used to guard this Mocheng?"

Fang Ce asked in doubt.

"Oh... yes, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, just during this period of time, the people here all inexplicably recognized the younger generation as the Heavenly Master Wuzun. Therefore, the junior learned about the deeds of the Tianshi Wuzun. I heard that the Tianshi Wuzun was killed by the prince. Betrayed? I don’t know how much the Daoist Kuanglei knows about this?”

"This one……"

Daoist Kuang Lei frowned: "What happened back then is a bit confusing, but basically, it is certain that the prince did it..."

"This... is really what the prince did? Then why do you still want to work for the court?"

Fang Ce frowned.

"Why do you still want to work for the imperial court? Now the imperial court can dispatch this old man? This old man is willing to help, it is due to love. If one is unhappy, this old man can leave at any time.

As for the matter of the crown prince back then, it was only a personal matter and could not represent the entire imperial court. Moreover, since no one is here, is there still going to be chaos in the world? "

Daoist Kuang Lei shook his head.

"Oh, so that's the case... It seems that the junior has misunderstood..."

Fang Ce clenched his fists.

"Just listen to those old things. There's no need to pay too much attention to them. It's meaningless. It's time for the old man to leave. Take care."

Daoist Kuanglei also clasped his fists.

"Senior walk slowly."

Fang Ce nodded in response.

After Kuang Lei Taoist left.

"Crazy Thunder Taoist..."

Fang Ce frowned slightly. According to his speculation, the closest possible possibility for the hypothetical fourth person was this Daoist Kuanglei!Because this guy is an elder and is very good at courting relationships, then his relationship with the wife of Tianshi Wuzun should also be very good, and the possibility of being guarded is the lowest...

The day passed, and it was late at night.

Fang Ce is studying a higher level of Wufeng technique in the room.

Suddenly, a cold breath enveloped him!

Fang Ce's heart shuddered, this breath is not simple, it must be a top powerhouse!
He couldn't help frowning and came outside the house, and suddenly saw a man in a black brocade suit and a black evil mask standing on the roof of the west wing, with his hands behind his back, his body was cold and deep!
"I don't know where your Excellency is, why are you here?"

Fang Ce clasped his fists indifferently. He couldn't feel the guy's hostility, but he could tell that he was here for him.acquaintance?One thousand and five hundred years of Taoism, and someone who can have such an aura, the people he knows can only be achieved by good and evil Taoists, but...

This guy's aura is obviously not a good or evil Taoist, so who could it be?
"I heard that you are the Heavenly Master Wu Zun?"

The mysterious man let out a low voice.

"This... I'm sorry, I'm not the Heavenly Master Wu Zun, these are all just rumors. I don't know who you are? What is the purpose of looking for the Heavenly Master Wu Zun?"

Fang Ce was puzzled. Didn't expect this guy to come for the Heavenly Master Wu Zun?An acquaintance of Tianshi Wuzun?It doesn't look like...

"Isn't it? There must be a reason why you can spread rumors so far. If you can repel the Devil Emperor, your strength must be good. Follow me outside the city, I want to talk to you."

As soon as the mysterious man landed, he rose lightly and flew backward into the night.

Fang Ce frowned, thought for a while, and set off to follow.

Although he doesn't know the origin and purpose of this guy, but he has something to do with Tianshi Wuzun, so he needs to find out.

The two quickly came to the wilderness far outside the city.

The mysterious man fell indifferently.

Fang Ce also said: "I don't know Your Excellency..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the mysterious man pull out his sword and kill him directly!

Fang Ce frowned, and turned out his long sword to block it!

Clang, gold and iron clatter!
Horror erupts!The two are on par!

At this moment, the mysterious man withdrew his long sword slightly, and attacked with a quick sword again!

Fang Ce had no choice but to continue to recruit.

All of a sudden, clang clang clang, gold and iron screamed!
The two fought back and forth.

I saw that the mysterious man's sword skills were extremely superb, and he was able to firmly suppress Fang Ce!

Fang Ce couldn't help frowning, if he didn't have the body of a diamond, he would have lost with this sword skill alone!
"You can be called the Heavenly Martial Master. Is this all your martial arts?"

The mysterious man's indifferent voice sounded.

"I have already said that I am not a celestial master Wu Zun. I only have a little bit of martial arts, and I am not good at it."

Fang Ce responded indifferently, he was indeed not good at martial arts, after all, he was not majoring in this area, and the real contact could only be regarded as this period of time, there was nothing to argue about.

"In other words, you are very good at spells?"

The mysterious man asked again.

"I dare not say that I am good at it, I can only say that it is a major!"

Fang Ce's eyes were fixed, and he didn't resist the attack of the mysterious man anymore, and directly blocked it with his body. Anyway, what is there to be afraid of with the body of King Kong?

At this moment, the terrifying aura erupted from his body!

The mysterious man's eyes flickered slightly, and his figure quickly retreated away!


A thunderbolt struck straight down!A deep hole was blasted in front of Fang Ce!
"Sky Thunder Technique."

The mysterious man looked at Fang Ce lightly.

Fang Ce's eyes were a little dignified. The person in front of him is indeed a top expert, and his combat awareness is extraordinary!What is the origin of such a person, and he is here to find the Heavenly Master Wu Zun?
(End of this chapter)

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