Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 213 Tianji Pavilion explores the seal of the chemical snake, King Fu Zun rebels!

Chapter 213 Tianji Pavilion explores the seal of the chemical snake, King Fu Zun rebels!

"The city is full of wind and rain?"

Fang Ce was puzzled, he didn't know what the situation in the capital was like now, and besides, he pretended to be dead just to hide from the eyes of the world.

"Now the whole capital is discussing your matter..."

Liang Xue slowly told the current situation in the capital.

"Oh? It's so lively?"

Fang Ce's eyes showed a thoughtful look. It was obvious that someone was secretly fueling the flames. Regarding his affairs in northern Xinjiang, the Duke's forces would definitely not want to make a big fuss in the capital, so basically it could only be King Fu Zun...

"What do you want to do now? Are you planning not to appear in front of the world? You won't come back in the future?"

Liang Xue asked again.

Xin Yu also looked at Fang Ce with a slight frown. After all, Fang Ce's current behavior has far exceeded her prediction.

"Oh, I must come back. After all, there are two beauties here, aren't they? As for the world, Fang Ce's identity is no longer needed, and there is no need to appear for a long time.

There are too many broken things in the imperial court now, and there is no point in staying. The only thing I am worried about now is the matter of Jiulong Mountain turning into a snake. "

Fang Ce shook his head.

"Nine Dragons Mountain turned into a snake?"

Liang Xue frowned lightly: "Then you are now claiming to be the son of Shengxie?"


Fang Ce nodded.

Liang Xue couldn't help being silent, she didn't know how to guess Fang Ce's current situation.

Xin Yu was also silent.

"By the way, there may be major changes in the capital in the near future. You should be careful not to get involved with any forces."

Fang Ce spoke again.

"Is King Fu Zun going to make any movement?"

Xin Yu was puzzled.

"It should be almost there. I will return to Kowloon City later, so King Diao will pay more attention to the movement of King Fu Zun's forces. If there is any situation, I will notify you as soon as possible."

Fang policy responded.

"Well... are you leaving now..."

Xin Yu let out a low voice, now she has no ability or reason to keep Fang Ce, after all, Fang Ce obviously wants to draw a clear line with the court.

"Oh... It's not urgent. I still have some things to deal with, and I won't leave at night. It just so happens that I can spend more time with you two beauties."

Fang Ce smiled.


Liang Xue curled her lips in disdain.

Time gradually passed, and it was night time.

After Fang Ce left a large number of spiritual fruits for the two girls, he said goodbye and went directly to the Tianji Pavilion outside the city.

"Dear guest, long time no see, what do you need this time?"

Master Tianji smiled and cupped his fists.

"As for the snake, how much does the Tianji Pavilion know?"

Policy inquiry.

"Snake Transformation... This evil monster... Naturally, Tianji Pavilion knows a little bit, so I don't know what the distinguished guest wants to ask?"

Young Master Tianji's eyes showed a thoughtful expression.

"I want to know how the snake was sealed."

Fang Ce asked quietly.

"Oh? This question is a bit sensitive..."

Master Tianji lightly tapped the table with one hand.

"Is this enough?"

Fang Ce casually pulled out a Yuan Lingguo.

"Oh... You don't need such a bargaining chip, one tael of silver is enough."

Master Tianji shook his head.

Fang Ce couldn't help being taken aback.

"Although this problem is a bit special, if it's just a superficial problem, it won't have any impact."

Master Tianji responded with a smile.

"Oh? It's just a superficial question?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"This snake was forcibly sealed 6000 years ago under the joint efforts of the Saint Celestial Immortal Master and the Auspicious Beast Qilin. Back then, because this monster was cunning by nature and its abilities were extremely tricky, almost no one could do anything about it.

As a last resort, with the help of the auspicious beast unicorn, the Holy Immortal Master performed the art of purifying the world and suppressing demons at the cost of ninety percent of his actions, and forcibly sealed it.Fang Lingde ushered in a truly peaceful world for the world. "

"Ninety percent of the Taoism of the Saint Celestial Master?"

Fang Ce was surprised.

"Well, the Taoism of the Saint Celestial Master has been close to ten thousand years. After sealing the snake, there is almost no strength left."

Master Tianji responded.

"Then...what was the strength of the snake back then? With the help of the auspicious beast unicorn, the holy heavenly master, who has ten thousand years of practice, can only seal her after paying such a high price?"

Fang Ce was even more surprised. No matter how you say it, just the ten thousand years of Taoism, now, I am afraid that it will sweep the whole world, invincible, right?
"Back then, Snake Transformation was also a Taoism that lasted nearly ten thousand years, but her ability was extremely powerful, not to mention the ability to regenerate, and she could also cast spells in any water environment.

In addition, she is cunning by nature and knows thousands of Taoisms in the world, not to mention beheading her, even causing her serious injuries is extremely difficult.

Moreover, she can see through the ordinary sealing method at a glance, and will not give you any chance at all.At that time, many saints and immortal masters realized the art of purifying the world and suppressing demons, so it was possible to suppress them. "

"Is it so tricky... Besides, what does it mean to cast spells in any water environment?"

Fang Ce looked surprised. As for casting spells in any water environment mentioned by Mr. Tianji, he believed that it was definitely not simply casting spells in water.

"This is similar to Water Dungeon, but far superior to Water Dungeon's ability. When Water Dungeon is used, it can only be used to escape in the water. But the ability to transform into a snake is still in this state of Water Dungeon. Can perform spells at will.

Moreover, Hua Snake has a water spell that is more powerful than Baili Benhong, coupled with her own water escape ability, the guest should be able to predict how difficult it is, right?Otherwise, how could it be called the demon god of water? "

"Hiss... cast a spell in the state of water escape..."

Fang Ce's eyes flickered, it seemed that the strength of the snake beauty was far beyond his expectations.After all, it is already very difficult to catch just using the Water Dungeon to escape.Not to mention, you can still cast spells at will in this state.

This is almost equivalent to the fact that as long as there is water, no one can match the beauty of the snake, let alone the situation that she also masters the powerful water spell of Qianli Benhong, which is higher than Baili Benhong...

"I see……"

Fang Ce nodded slowly. In this case, it is really impossible to let the snake beauty escape, otherwise, in this world, I really don't know what the consequences will be. At least for now, he doesn't know yet. Now who can stop the snake beauty.

"I don't know if the guest has any questions."

Master Tianji asked with a smile.

"Hmm... I don't know... Saint Heaven Immortal Master's magic method of sealing the snake, is there any way to strengthen it, or how to break the seal?"

Fang Ce pondered and responded.

"If you want to consolidate this sealing technique, I am afraid that only the holy master of the sky can do it. As for the method of breaking the seal... sorry, please forgive the Tianji Pavilion for not having information on this."

Master Tianji responded with a smile.

"Huh? No information on this?"

Fang Strategy thought for a while, flipped through, and three Heavenly Spirit Fruits appeared in his hands: "What about this?"

Judging from Mr. Tianji's previous reaction, he doesn't believe that Tianji Pavilion has no such information, and he obviously doesn't intend to say it.

"Heaven Spirit Fruit..."

Master Tianji just stared at Fang Ce, then shook his head again: "I'm sorry, please forgive Tianji Pavilion for not having any information on this."

Fang Ce couldn't help but frowned slightly, then nodded, "Okay, since that's the case, please forgive me for disturbing you."

He clasped his fists together and got up to leave.

He asked about the method of breaking the seal of the snake beauty, but he wanted to see if he could find a way to stop it from this angle.

Now it seems that Mr. Tianji probably doesn't trust him, and he is afraid that he will act recklessly.

"Young Master Shengxie...Young Master Shengxie...Are you a saint or an evil..."

Master Tianji slowly shook his head.

After leaving Tianji Pavilion, Fang Ce hurried back to Kowloon City.

a few days later.

"Young Master Shengxie, something has happened. King Fu Zun's forces have been rapidly concentrating in the capital these days.

And now the news in the capital is a bit subtle, because a guy named Fang Ce, the celestial master, was betrayed by the court in northern Xinjiang and died heroically, which caused a lot of dissatisfaction.

I feel that this is too dry, and I am afraid that the sky will change... This may be our opportunity in Jiulongshan..."

The Diao Wang's eyes flickered.

"Oh? King Fu Zun's forces are concentrating on the capital..."

Fang Ce's eyes flickered too, it seemed that King Fu Zun was indeed ready to do something!Unexpectedly, he planned to use his "sacrifice" in northern Xinjiang to create momentum...

"Young Master Shengxie, my family is going to discuss this matter with Lord Jiaolong and the others... er... Young Master Shengxie?"

"Dear little mink beauty, this matter is not urgent, I am going to go to the capital to see the excitement first."

Fang Ce lightly stroked Diao Wang's cheek.

"This... Young Master Shengxie, you want to go to the capital to watch the excitement?"

Diao Wang showed a trace of shame.

"I'm planning to go and see if there are any masters. I'll let you take care of Xiao Diaomei in Kowloon City."

Fang Ce smiled.

"This... well..."

Diao Wang lightly responded.


into the night.

In the capital, where Xin Yu and Liang Xue lived.

"You said, King Fu Zun is going to rebel?"

Xin Yu looked at Fang Ce seriously.

"Well, the forces that King Fu Zun cultivated in various places before have begun to quickly move closer to the capital."

Fang Ce nodded.

"So that's the case... No wonder, the situation in the capital has become more and more unsettling during this period of time, and there is a lot of complaints, and the finger is directed at the court..."

Liang Xue's expression was weird, and she was inexplicably happy about it...

"I don't know what Fang Ce you mean now..."

Xin Yu couldn't help showing hesitation.

"Watch what happens."

Fang Ce responded calmly, he had no intention of getting involved in the affairs of the court, but if there was a suitable time, he still had to settle some of the previous accounts.

After all, he was still a little unhappy when he was used as a pawn by the Duke and King Fu Zun before.

"Wait and see what happens... I don't know Fang Ce's current position..."

Xin Yu hesitated to speak again.

"The two don't help each other. However, some favors must be paid back, and some debts must be settled."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.


"Okay, Fairy. I know what you're worried about now, don't worry. I won't make things difficult for you."

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled, he knew that what Xin Yu was worried about now was nothing more than his cheap brother-in-law.


Xin Yu nodded, since Fang Ce said so, she didn't have much to ask.

At this moment, in the palace.

"Sister Huang, there seems to be something wrong with this situation."

The Holy One had a worried look on his face.

"It seems that King Fu Zun can't wait and wants to make a move."

The Grandpa narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Hmph, there are still [-] elite soldiers stationed here in the capital. Master is also here, I want to see if the emperor really has the guts!"

The eldest princess couldn't help but snort coldly.

"Princess, if this King Fu Zun really dares to do something, he must be fully prepared. We can't take it lightly. He is now using the death of Fang Ce to build momentum, and there will be many followers by then."

The Duke frowned slightly.

"My lord, immediately call all the trustworthy generals in the capital to discuss the deployment and strengthen the security of the capital!"

The eldest princess spoke coldly.


The Holy One nodded immediately.

Two days passed.

The capital city was suddenly shrouded in cold and cold killing, and all the doors of ordinary people's homes were closed. A famous soldier walked quickly through the streets and alleys with a heavy iron in hand, and quickly gathered at the palace!
outside the palace.

Two armies confront each other!

"King Fu Zun! How courageous you are! How dare you lead an army to rebel!!"

An angry shout sounded!

I saw Ling Yinglong led the army to block the gate of the palace, glaring at King Fu Zun coldly.

"General Ling, you traitor who persecuted Zhongliang, you still have the courage to stand in front of this king?"

King Fu Zun was wearing a war robe and holding a star soul spear, looking down at Ling Yinglong.

"You... talking nonsense! King Fu Zun! Don't spit blood here!"

Ling Yinglong's face was filled with fright and anger, and there was a look of panic in his eyes.In any case, he was at a loss for Beijiang's betrayal of Fang Ce.Originally, he was just following orders, nothing more.The problem is that Fang Ce died tragically in such a heroic manner.It directly made what he did extremely unsightly, and he didn't dare to show it to others!

Now being mentioned in this way by King Fu Zun, he naturally wants to deny it vigorously, and even wants to shrink back.

"Hahahahaha! Now in Mocheng, who doesn't know that you, General Ling, did it? Besides, General Ling, if you have a clear conscience, why did you flee back to the capital overnight?"

King Fu Zun laughed.

"Fu Zunwang, you...you..."

Ling Yinglong couldn't help trembling, he didn't know how to respond because of his guilty conscience.

"Of course, it can't be all your fault. After all, you are also following orders, right?"

King Fu Zun smiled again.

"You... talking nonsense! There is no such thing at all! Who betrayed Fang Tianshi, this general doesn't know! King Fu Zun, don't lie here to confuse people!"

Ling Yinglong quickly denied it.

"Humph! The Heavenly Master Martial Sage has a conflict with the Duke of the country. Who in the capital does not know? Today, the Holy Majesty has a very good relationship with the elder princess and sister. In order to protect the Duke, the Heavenly Master Martial Saint was dispatched to northern Xinjiang to fight against the Huns. people.

Originally, he wanted Tianshi Wusheng to die on the battlefield, but he didn't want Tianshi Wusheng to be so powerful that he could not even defeat the army of the Huns, and even the devil emperor of the Huns was no match for him.

Therefore, in order to achieve the goal, I sent you, General Ling, to the northern border to harm the Heavenly Master and Martial Saint!dont you agree!General Ling Ling Yinglong! "

King Fu Zun shouted angrily, and his majestic and majestic momentum rushed straight to the sky!It made the whole palace seem to tremble!
Ling Yinglong was even more startled by this shout, his face turned pale, he couldn't help but staggered and took a step back, his face was full of panic, and his voice trembled: "You...you..."

"Why don't you dare to answer me! Ling Yinglong!"

King Fu Zun yelled again, and stepped forward with one step, approaching Ling Yinglong with a mighty momentum!

(End of this chapter)

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