Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 229 Stable development, catastrophe is coming!

Chapter 229 Stable development, catastrophe is coming!
"Okay, little mink beauty, that real Qianxue is trying to annoy you on purpose, so you don't follow her way."

Fang Ce shook his head amusedly.

"Hmph, no matter what, these two sluts must not stay in Kowloon City!"

Diao Wang pouted.

"Little mink beauty, these two are very important to the blood disciples. The dynasty has already absorbed a lot of talents, but most of them are crooked melons who fled from Taigan and are useless.

And now these two are talents that the dynasty really needs urgently.I'm not interested in dealing with too many things, but I can still see that they can bring great help to both you and Lord Bloody.

If you are so angry, the loss caused by the dynasty is not as simple as the loss of two talents. If the news of today spreads, it will have a great impact on the development of the dynasty in the future.As smart as you, can't you tell the difference? "

"But...but they will seduce you, Mr. Shengxie..."

Diao Wang had a look of grievance on his face. At this moment, she had a premonition in her heart. Although she couldn't explain it clearly, she could vaguely sense some subtle abnormalities.

"Ha, stop thinking about it. They are here for Lord Bloody, not for me. That real Qianxue is just trying to annoy you."

Fang Ce stroked Diao Wang's cheek helplessly.

"Oh fine……"

Diao Wang reluctantly agreed.

Soon after, Xin Yu and Liang Xue were left in Kowloon City to take charge of the city's security and supervise the behavior of the powerful.

Inside the Imperial Palace.

"Not in Youcheng anymore!?"

King Fu Zun looked at the memorial in his hand, and his expression couldn't help changing.


King Fu Zun gritted his teeth, and stood up suddenly: "Come here, pass on my will, gather the army, and go to Youcheng!"

three days later.

King Fu Zun led a mighty army to Youcheng.


Daoist Kuang Lei looked at the coming King Fu Zun in surprise.

"Master Kuanglei, during this period of time, I am sorry for you to guard here."

King Fu Zun smiled and cupped his fists.

"Your Majesty's words are serious. This old man is just doing his duty. The Majesty led the army here this time, is he planning to directly attack Kowloon City?"

"Let's go inside and discuss in detail."

King Fu Zun responded with a smile.

Come to the meeting hall.

"Master Kuang Lei, is there any change or abnormality in Kowloon City?"

King Fu Zun asked.

"No, this Kowloon City is very peaceful. It seems that it only cares about development, and is also willing to do business with this place. The people of our tour city... sometimes sneak there..."

Daoist Kuanglei has a strange expression on his face, he has always been happy and leisurely here.I feel a little confused about the changes in Kowloon City.After all, a den of thieves has suddenly established a country, and it is still developing in a decent way. I don't know if it is funny or weird...

"Are you only concerned about development..."

King Fu Zun couldn't help but look solemn.

"Huh? What's the matter? Your Majesty?"

Daoist Kuang Lei was puzzled.

"Oh, it's nothing. By the way, where is Lord Xin guarding here? Where is she now?"

King Fu Zun shook his head in response, now that Daoist Kuanglei doesn't know that Master Wuzun is a blood disciple, he naturally doesn't think as much as he does, and he dare not tell Daoist Kuanglei of this news.

"Xinyu girl?"

Daoist Kuanglei glanced around and said softly: "That girl is in Kowloon City, looking for information, and now she has got an important position somewhere. And some information has been sent back, that Kowloon City has subdued three thousand soldiers... ..."

"Three thousand powerful soldiers!?"

King Fu Zun's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was naturally aware of Li Ren's strength.Of course, he doesn't pay attention to just the powerful soldiers. What really makes him vigilant is that now it is Tianshi Wuzun who controls these three thousand powerful soldiers!
The strength of an army is one aspect in itself, and the leader is even more important!Because an excellent general can often defeat the strong with the weak, and win the many with the few, the impact it brings is not trivial.Not to mention people like Tianshi Wuzun!
"My lord, frankly speaking, it is definitely not a wise move to attack Kowloon City now. Kowloon City is easy to talk about, but the real troublesome thing is the Holy Evil Supreme. As long as the Holy Evil Supreme is in Kowloon City, no one can break through. Unless ...Master, the old man came here in person..."

Daoist Kuang Lei sighed lightly.

"Of course I know that I came here just in case. I'm worried that Nine Dragon City will launch an offensive suddenly. By the way... Daoist Kuanglei, you may call Lord Xin back. I have something I want to discuss with her .”

King Fu Zun responded.

"Let girl Xin come back?"

Daoist Kuanglei was a little puzzled, and a trace of vigilance suddenly rose in his heart. He might not think about anything else, but Xin Yu's identity is not trivial, and he is extremely sensitive to matters related to it.And who is King Fu Zun, how could he not know?This kind of ambitious and strategic people is the most dangerous and unpredictable.

He even suspected that the current King Fu Zun might have known Xin Yu's true identity!After all, King Fu Zun's attitude towards Xin Yu is obviously different from others!
"Well, it's a big deal."

King Fu Zun nodded solemnly.

"Well... I'm afraid it's a little difficult. The old man can't contact her now, but can only receive the news from her. The old man will try his best."

Dao Master Kuang Lei frowned and shook his head.

"Is that so... well, then I'll be fine..."

King Fu Zun also frowned slightly, somewhat suspicious of the words of Daoist Kuang Lei.

Three months have passed.

Under Diao Wang's governance, Kowloon City is still quiet except for its peaceful development!This is almost the case including the entire Kowloon Dynasty, and the north has to resist the invasion from Hongcheng from time to time.Make it look like an honest and good person who has been bullied all the time...

Tour the west wall of the city.

"Defeated... Defeated..."

King Fu Zun looked towards the direction of Kowloon City, and could not help clenching his fists tightly. He had already seen the future situation.

Today's Nine Dragon Dynasty can be said to have the strongest superficial strength, but it has always kept a low profile. How can he not see what the Celestial Master Wu Zun is planning?That is to prepare to accumulate power to the extreme, and then explode in an instant, with a destructive momentum, directly to win the final victory!
At that time, I'm afraid that no one can stop it, because the special status of Tianshi Wuzun is also a check and balance factor, at least the Nine Dragons Dynasty is already invincible no matter what!
"It seems...the only way to do this..."

King Fu Zun turned around slowly, left the city wall, then left Youcheng, and quickly went back to the capital.

Back in the capital, King Fu Zun went directly to the mountains behind the palace.

In the depths of the mountains, a peak stands majestically.

King Fu Zun looked up, then soared into the sky, flew to the middle of the mountain, and landed in front of a magnificent dragon-patterned stone wall.

"Father! My son, Fu Xinghen, came to see me!"

King Fu Zun knelt down on one knee.

However, nothing happens.

"Father! Taigan is about to be destroyed! My son implores Father to come out of the mountain to support the situation!"

King Fu Zun spoke again in a deep voice.

"Huh? Taiqian will be destroyed soon? What are you talking about! Tell me clearly, otherwise I will disrupt Gu's meditation at this critical moment, and I will not spare you!"

A majestic voice came out, and the dragon pattern stone wall trembled intermittently!

"Return to father! Heavenly Master Wu Zun Weiying led the disaster of Jiulong Mountain to occupy the northwest territory, established the Jiulong Dynasty, recharged his energy, and was preparing to counterattack Taigan. Now Taigan is in danger!"

King Fu Zun responded quickly.

"Huh!? That kid again? Did he collude with the disaster of Jiulong Mountain?"

"Yes, Father."

"However, with those guys from Nine Dragon Mountain alone, we are too dry to deal with it?"

"Father, the former Jiaolong of Nine Dragon Mountain has escaped from the calamity. Heavenly Master Martial Venerable has cultivated a talented and shocking guy named Shengxie. I'm afraid it has already rivaled the Holy Heavenly Master!"

King Fu Zun responded.

"What!? Young Master Shengxie? Overwhelming Daoist Mingguang and joining forces with Daoist Darkness? How is this possible? When did this character appear?"

"This is a character who has appeared in recent years, and the father naturally doesn't know about it."

"It came out of nowhere? And it was trained by that kid, Tianshi Wuzun? How old are you?"

"Now he should only be in his 20s..."

King Fu Zun hesitated to respond.

"That's impossible! Ridiculous!"

"I know that my father is unbelievable, but now this is not the point. The point is that this person does exist, and it really threatens the survival of our entire Taigan! I hope that the father can come out and preside over the overall situation!"

King Fu Zun responded in a deep voice.

"What's the situation now? Has that kid already attacked the capital?"

"No, if Heavenly Master Wuzun attacks now, it may be better. We should have some chances of winning in Taiqian. The problem now is that Tianshiwuzun is recharging his energy and preparing to destroy Taigan in one fell swoop in the future. Because he is now The foundation is not yet stable, and the details are as follows..."

King Fu Zun slowly told the situation of the Nine Dragons Dynasty.

After a while.

"Fate is tricking people..."

Emperor Taigan couldn't help but let out a soft sigh.


King Fu Zun couldn't help being puzzled.

"What do you mean now that the Nine Dragons Dynasty is in a dormant state and has no intention of raising troops?"

"Yes... yes, Royal Father, this is the case at the moment, but I believe it will not be many years..."

"Since this is the case, you should keep each other safe and sound, and let's not fight each other for the time being."

"This!? Father! Now that the foundation of the Nine Dragons Dynasty is not stable, we still have a chance to kill it. If it really develops, it may be too late!"

King Fu Zun couldn't help but respond in surprise.

"Then wait until the Nine Dragons Dynasty really endangers Taigan's survival, and then come to find the orphan and leave the customs."

"This...why? Father? Could it be that Father has reached a critical moment of breakthrough?"

King Fu Zun was even more puzzled, he only said that Emperor Taiqian had reached a certain critical point and did not dare to leave easily.

"It's okay if you understand it like this."


"Master Shengtian, Old Man Tianji, Martial Saint Tianyan, any news now? If they have already left the customs, you can find them to come forward and stabilize the situation."

"These few, there is no news yet."

"That's the only way to go. You try to maintain a peaceful situation, and don't cause chaos easily."

"Maintaining peace?"

King Fu Zun was puzzled again, it seems that this is the key point that his father has been focusing on?
"Because... catastrophe is about to come."

There was a soft sigh.

"Havoc is coming?"

King Fu Zun couldn't help but be astonished.

"The demon god of water, the Nine Dragon Mountain Transformation Snake, will break out within a hundred years. At that time, it will definitely be the greatest catastrophe for the human race. This is why Gu and the other three are retreating to seek a breakthrough."

"What!? The snake will break out within a hundred years!?"

King Fu Zun was shocked.

"This is the Taoist Master Shengtian's calculation of the seal of the snake. In addition, I will tell you one more thing. The speed at which the snake breaks the seal is related to the disasters and wars in the world. The more chaotic the world, the faster the seal will be broken. quick.

This is also the reason why Master Shengtian would come forward to stop Wei Ying, otherwise, I am afraid that Master Shengtian would have completely broken with our court.And that's why Solitary now lets you keep the peace.

That kid Wei Ying must also know about the seal of the snake. Although he doesn't know what his real purpose is now, but if he can maintain a stable situation, you should try to maintain it. "

Emperor Taigan responded.

At this moment, King Fu Zun was stunned, because the news was really shocking to him!Thinking back carefully, it seems that his years of deliberate planning have been taken advantage of by the snake!Because the snake transformation gave him a lot of help, allowing him to successfully rebel!

"Okay, if there is nothing else, let's leave and don't interfere with Gu Jingxiu. In the future, when the transformation snake reappears in the world, as long as one of us four old guys can break through the boundary, we will have a better chance of winning."

The voice of Emperor Taiqian sounded again.

King Fu Zun didn't respond, but just retreated silently.


In the center of Jiulong Mountain, in a deep valley.

"Young Master Shengxie, have you been so leisurely lately?"

A beautiful head turned into a snake appeared beside Fang Ce.

Fang Ce was practicing cross-legged on the hill.

"Oh, it's my dear snake beauty."

Fang Ce smiled and looked at Hua Snake: "It's okay, I'm happy to have a leisurely time, so I will spend more time with you, Hua Snake Beauty."

"What's the situation outside now?"

The snake asked.

"Outside situation..."

Fang thought strategically, and then responded with a smile: "Master Jiaolong and the others established the Nine Dragon Dynasty outside, and they fought against King Fu Zun and the previous Holy One, forming a three-legged confrontation."

"The Nine Dragons Dynasty? Have they established a country?"

The snake was startled.

"Yes, now the Kowloon Dynasty has accommodated many people, and it can be said to be thriving."

Fang Ce looked at Hua Snake with a smile, wanting to see how this evildoer would react. After all, the transformation of Jiulong Mountain's power from a den of thieves to a dynasty is an essential change, which can be said to be against the original intention of this witch. Now that I know, what will happen?
"Oh? That's pretty good, you've actually stepped out of the restrictions of Nine Dragon Mountain..."

The snake responded in surprise.

"Very good? The beauty of the snake is not afraid that Lord Jiaolong and they will betray Nine Dragon Mountain? Are you betraying you, the beauty of the snake?"

Fang Ce smiled.

"Hehehe, Jiulong Mountain is free to come and go. It's their freedom to leave. What's so scary? Besides, isn't this three-legged confrontation very interesting?"

The snake beauty let out a very happy laugh.

"Ha, my dear snake beauty really has a big heart."

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled. He still hadn't figured out the mind of the witch. He could only say that the mind of the witch was even more elusive than ordinary women...

(End of this chapter)

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