Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 238 Fang Celu's true appearance, fighting the ancestor of Taigan!

Chapter 238 Fang Celu's true appearance, fighting the ancestor of Taigan!
"Oh, King Fu Zun, King Fu Zun, you really have a lot of bad things."

Fang Ce sighed softly, and slowly lifted the mask on his face, revealing his true face!Now that the matter has come to this point, no matter how much he conceals it, it is meaningless.

"You really are Fang Ce!?"

Daoist Kuanglei's eyes widened suddenly, his face full of incredulity, because he also had a good understanding of Fang Ce's affairs, and Fang Ce seemed to be his master's closed disciple, the son of heaven, the man of destiny! ! !

"It's really you!?"

Tianshi Wuzun was stunned, thinking of all the things during this period of time, no wonder there has always been a faint feeling that the strategy is to help him!
"How...how could this be...he...he really..."

The Duke of the country was so frightened that he sat down on the ground directly, with a look of horror on his face.

"Fang...Fang Ce..."

Xin Yu couldn't help being stunned, and didn't know if it was good or bad that Fang Ce's identity was exposed...

At this moment, everyone present was shocked!

"Hahahahahaha! Shengxie son Fang Ce! Have you finally admitted it!"

King Fu Zun couldn't help laughing out loud. During this period of time, he had been defeated by Fang Ce many times, and this time he was finally able to feel happy.

"Ha, King Fu Zun, you are so ignorant, aren't you afraid that I will become angry from embarrassment?"

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled.

"If you were really going to become angry from embarrassment, you would have done something to me a long time ago. It's a pity, you should be dismissive of this king."

King Fu Zun recovered his emotions and responded calmly.

"You really are that Fang Ce?"

Emperor Taigan frowned, these messes were such a mess that he didn't know how to face them.

"So what if it is? So what if it isn't? Does it make any sense now?"

Fang Ce gently shook the white jade fan.

"Did our royal family betray you back then? The old man has been retreating all these years, and he doesn't know about these things outside!"

Emperor Taigan frowned and asked, he just wanted to see if he could find a breakthrough and resolve this matter peacefully.

"Heh, this is the next question, why not ask King Fu Zun, he will know better."

Fang Ce smiled lightly and looked at King Fu Zun.

Taiqian Emperor's eyes followed to look at Fu Zunwang.

"Father, this matter should not be wrong, because there were many grievances between Young Master Shengxie and son-in-law Zhao He, and Zhao He had repeatedly tried to frame Young Master Shengxie, and girl Yufei and son-in-law Zhao He..."

"You're talking nonsense!!! Although I had some quarrels with the Supreme Lord Shengxie back then, I met him before, and it didn't go well! You, King Fuzun, were behind everything! Back then, it was the Eldest Princess who insisted on getting rid of the Supreme Lord Shengxie. Because there were rumors at the time that he was the Heavenly Master Wu Zun! The eldest princess was afraid that he would retaliate against Taiqian by raising troops in northern Xinjiang, so she tried every means to get rid of Shengxie Supreme! This has nothing to do with me! I even dissuaded the eldest princess !"

I saw that it was the Duke who hurriedly opened his mouth to argue, and directly interrupted King Fu Zun's words.


King Fu Zun couldn't help laughing: "Zhao He, are you a hypocrite eager to excuse yourself? Do you think Mr. Shengxie will believe you?"

The Emperor Taigan also stared coldly at the Duke.

"Holy and evil supreme! You believe me! Everything I say is true! If there is even a little bit of falsehood, you will be struck by lightning! Back then, you and I would also meet each other, so there is nothing unpleasant, right?"

The Duke also looked at Fang Ce anxiously, trying to clarify.

"Ha, I'm no longer interested in getting to the bottom of the past, and you don't need to mention it to me anymore."

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled. Naturally, he wouldn't believe a word of this country's lord's oath, after all, he knew what kind of thing this man was...

"This... oh..."

Grandpa Guo couldn't help feeling relieved, because it seemed that Fang Ce really didn't have the slightest intention to pursue him!After all, with Fang Ce's current strength and status, wouldn't it be easy to handle him?

The Emperor Taigan frowned slightly: "This holy and evil supreme, I don't know anything about what happened back then. It is really my fault for letting these juniors mess up so far, and I apologize to you here.

Now the truth is basically clear, and girl Yufei is no longer there.For the sake of stability in this world, this old man hopes that we can clear up our previous suspicions..."

"Hey, Emperor Taigan, it's meaningless to say these things now. Back then, I also wanted to work hard for Taigan, but it's a pity that I set my heart on the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch. You Taigan look down on me.

Now that I have experienced a lot, I am not interested in mentioning these old things anymore, and the truth of the past is no longer important to me.

I am now a member of the Nine Dragons Dynasty, and whether the Nine Dragons Dynasty is an enemy or a friend with you Taigan depends on the meaning of the blood disciple Lord Tianshi Wuzun senior. "

Fang Ce shook his head and looked at Tianshi Wuzun.

Heavenly Master Wu Zun couldn't help being stunned. He didn't expect Fang Ce to support him so much. For so many years, he almost struggled alone. Again, this is pure support for him!This friendship naturally made him grateful and touched!Over the years, he has really lost too much...


Taiqian Huangzu frowned, and had no choice but to look at Tianshi Wuzun: "Boy Weiying, I basically understand the whole story. This time, there is indeed something wrong with our royal family..."

"Needless to say, don't blame the world for your repeated mistakes!"

Tianshi Wuzun immediately responded in a deep voice, he has already reached this point, and he will never back down again!
"Really... then there is really nothing to say, let's fight!"

Taiqian Emperor's eyes were fixed, and the surging fighting spirit suddenly burst out from his body!

Everyone present was shocked!
Especially those ordinary soldiers, they just couldn't stop trembling directly, and it was difficult to arouse their fighting spirit!

"Emperor Taiqian, let me meet you."

There was a calm sound.

Fang Ce flew straight up and stood in front of Emperor Taigan!

"Hahahahahaha! Hahahahaha! You are truly a formidable young man! Let's do it! Let the old man see your prestige of the Holy and Evil Supreme today!"

Taiqian Huangzu looked up to the sky and laughed, his aura at this moment looked down on the world!Although he hopes to resolve it peacefully, it does not mean that he is afraid of any one of the Kowloon Dynasty!It's purely out of concern that the real disaster in Jiulong Mountain will come to the world ahead of schedule.

"Fang Ce, the ancestor of the Taiqian emperor has the physique of Lei Yuan, and all the abilities related to lightning are much stronger than ordinary cultivators! You have to be careful!"

Tianshi Wuzun immediately reminded in a deep voice.

"Lei Yuan Physique..."

Fang Shiji was surprised, and then the power in his body was activated, and he waved the white jade fan in his hand!boom!Horror sword energy surged out!The immeasurable sword art!

"Boundless Sword Art? Hahahahaha!"

Taigan Huangzu laughed, and waved the spear in his hand casually, and a terrifying thunderbolt blasted out directly!

The two forces collided fiercely in an instant, making a shocking explosion!However, it was seen that the lightning power of Taiqian Emperor's ancestor actually overwhelmed Fang Ce's immeasurable sword art!
A humming sounded!
Fang Ce was blown back several feet by Yu Jin!

"Fang policy!?"

Tianshi Wuzun's complexion changed slightly.


Jiaolong was astonished, because it was the first time he saw Fang Ce face to face, and he fell into a disadvantage in a face-to-face encounter!

"Fang policy..."

Xin Yu couldn't help worrying even more.

King Fu Zun also frowned slightly, he didn't expect that his father's strength had reached such a height!I used to naively think that after crossing the catastrophe, I would be able to contend with it!
The rest of the people were also shocked by the strength of Emperor Taiqian!
At this moment, Fang Ce also looked at the Taiqian Emperor with a big frown. The Taigan Emperor's strength was much stronger than he expected!The shot just now should be a relatively casual shot!He didn't completely resist the suppression of his cultivation, and the coercion of the qi of the four realms, and his holy aura of the second realm only offset part of it!Coupled with the addition of Taigan Emperor Lei Yuan's physique, under various advantages, there is naturally an obvious gap in strength!

"Hahahaha! Little guy, you are indeed the most outstanding junior I have ever seen. It's a pity, after all, you are still too young!"

Taiqian Huangzu let out another hearty laugh, and then waved the spear in his hand again and again!All of a sudden, terrifying thunderbolts blasted towards Fang Ce!
Fang Ce raised his eyebrows, his figure flickered in a hurry, and at the same time, he used the boundless sword art again and again!
Boom boom boom!Exploding again and again!

I saw that Fang Ce had no choice but to dodge and resist under the terrifying offensive of the Taigan emperor, and there was almost no room for a backhand!
"This Emperor Taiqian actually has such strength!?"

Jiaolong was shocked, it was the first time he had seen Fang Ce being suppressed like this, this was something no good or evil Taoist could do before!
Tianshi Wuzun couldn't help but look dignified, this situation has exceeded his expectations!

"It has reached such a level..."

Daoist Kuanglei looked at Emperor Taiqian with a big frown.

"Fang policy..."

Xin Yu clenched her fists tightly.

Another battle for a while.

Fang Ce, who really couldn't find any chance to counterattack, stopped dodging and chose to directly block Taigan Emperor's offensive, and at the same time, he used the sky thunder technique with all his strength!

Emperor Taigan couldn't help raising his eyebrows, his face was surprised, and he was a little puzzled as to what Fang Ce's move was, because it was an injury-for-injury play, and the difference in strength between the two sides was obvious. This approach was tantamount to giving up the struggle .

Rumble boom!

A sound of pain sounded!

Fang Ce was repeatedly wounded, and blood continued to overflow from the corner of his mouth!

Emperor Taigan was also injured one after another under the bombardment of Fang Ce's sky thunder technique, but the damage suffered was obviously much smaller than Fang Ce's!
However, Emperor Taigan did not feel complacent about it, but quickly discovered the problem!

"No! Regenerative ability! Good boy! You really are a monster!!!"

Taiqian Emperor's eyes widened, and then he let out a low shout, and a more terrifying power erupted from his body!Immediately, a thunder dragon came out from around him, and rushed towards Fang Ce with a shocking momentum!

"Fang Ce! Be careful! That's Thunder Dragon True Yuan Jue!! Its power is no longer below that of the Immeasurable Sword Jue!"

Tianshi Wuzun couldn't help reminding that these two magical arts are powerful magical arts of the same level, but now the Emperor Taiqian is too powerful, and the power displayed is naturally not the same!So he had to remind Fang Ce!

Fang Ce looked slightly shocked, but at this moment, it was too late to dodge, but he didn't intend to dodge either!Is still hard-wired with all my strength!Still exercising the Heavenly Thunder Technique with injuries in exchange for injuries!

boom! !

Pain sounded!

Fang Ce swallowed a mouthful of blood!However, under the effect of regenerative ability, let him recover quickly!

"Fang Ce!?"

Xin Yu couldn't help but look worried!

"This guy……"

Jiaolong frowned, and at the same time his eyes flickered, vaguely anticipating something.

"Fang policy!?"

Tianshi Wuzun was in doubt, and suddenly felt a little withdrawn in his heart, for nothing else, he didn't want Fang Ce to have an accident here!It's just that, now he doesn't know what Fang Ce's thoughts are, and whether he has hidden any cards...

"This kid..."

Daoist Kuanglei also frowned slightly.

Amidst the terrifying explosion, the turbulent force rushed out wantonly!The city wall is also gradually showing its collapse!
The spectators couldn't help but back away one after another!
At this moment, Fang Ce's aura has become weaker and weaker under the strength of Taiqian Emperor Ancestor!Although Fang Ce also caused Taigan Emperor Ancestor to suffer a lot of injuries, but in comparison, Taigan Emperor Ancestor obviously still has a lot of advantages!

"Boy! You can't hold it anymore! Stop and retreat! I don't want to hurt your life! Today's battle will wipe out all grievances, how about it!"

The deep voice of the Taigan Emperor's ancestor sounded, no matter what happens now, it is a good thing for him and the whole Taigan that Fang Ce can have such strength, because in the future, when the snake turns into the world again, there will be more chances of winning!

"The idea is very good, but it's a pity that you are not my opponent!"

Fang Ce also responded in a low voice!Still going all out to fight against Taiqian Huangzu!

"You!! What an arrogant kid!"

Taiqian Huangzu suddenly became angry, this kid is too ignorant, he doesn't know how to advance or retreat!He didn't care about that much anymore, the terrifying thunder and lightning dragons showed up again!

Rumble boom!

The terrifying force clashed and exploded!
Gradually, and finally a bang!

A grunt!
Fang Ce spat out a mouthful of blood!He suddenly lost his breath and began to fall downwards!
"Fang policy!?"

Xin Yu was shocked immediately, and fear rose in her heart!
"How come!?"

Tianshi Wuzun is also unbelievable. He always thought that Fang Ce's actions must be sure, and he was definitely not a reckless person. After all, he just confidently rejected the Taigan Emperor's persuasion, and he did not expect it to be so. Unexpected……

"It shouldn't be..."

King Fu Zun was also surprised. In his opinion, it was impossible for Fang Ce to be killed so easily!

"It just fell away?"

The Emperor Taigan also frowned, he thought Fang Ce would have some trump cards, but he didn't expect to be so desperate?

Jiaolong snorted softly, he knew everything in his heart, Fang Ce was still alive!

And just as Jiaolong expected, at the moment when everyone was stunned!

Fang Ce suddenly opened his eyes, a majestic vitality burst out of his body, and he recovered instantly!

"This is!?"

The Taigan emperor couldn't help but shrink his pupils!Unbelievable look!

"Hmph, this is Young Master Shengxie's strongest trump card, the Eternal Body! No one in this world can kill him!"

Jiaolong showed a smug smile.

The rest of the people were stunned, unbelievable! !
(End of this chapter)

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