Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 240 Goodbye to King Sable, inexplicably unfamiliar

Chapter 240 Goodbye to King Sable, inexplicably unfamiliar

"It can only be said that there are considerations in this regard. Of course, it can also be said that I followed the trend. In addition, I also have my own selfishness."

Tianshi Wuzun responded lightly.


Fang Ce was puzzled.

"Okay, I won't talk about this much. Besides, I can't bear the image of a hero in your heart, and I may disappoint you. Let's talk again when we have a chance. Now let everything in the dynasty be stable."

Tianshi Wuzun suddenly turned around and left.


Fang Ce was stunned, looking at the departing figure of the Celestial Master Wu Zun, he felt a little lonely and lingering on his body, and he couldn't help but sigh softly in the end.

When Fang Ce returned to the door of the residence, there was only one person waiting, Grandpa!
"Holy Evil Supreme! You are back!"

The Grand Duke immediately nodded and bowed in front of Fang Ce to salute.

"Oh, it's you. Mr. Zhao, what's the important thing to find me?"

Fang Ce smiled lightly, he had vaguely guessed the purpose of this guy's visit, and it happened that he also planned to ask this guy something.

In addition, there are naturally no princes in the Jiulong Dynasty now. The official position of the prince here is a bachelor, who is responsible for some government affairs. After all, this guy has been able to compete with King Fu Zun for many years, and he still has skills. It can be considered a credit.

"It's not an important matter. I see the Supreme Lord Shengxie is free during this time. I wonder if I have time to catch up on the past?"

The Duke asked cautiously.


Fang Ce looked at the Duke, and felt even more amused in his heart. When he first saw this guy, he looked so upright and calm.At this moment, there is such a flattering and servile look.The gap between the front and the back is extremely stark...

"come in."

Fang Ce shook his head and walked into the gate first.


The Duke quickly followed up.

After a while, when he came to the house, the maid served hot tea.

"Time flies so fast, and the changes in the world are also impermanent. I never expected that I would be able to meet you again, the Holy and Evil Supreme, and it is still in this situation."

The Duke of the State had a look of emotion.

At this moment, Fang Ce was just holding the teacup in one hand and the lid in the other, savoring it carefully, ignoring the Duke's intentions at all.

"Holy Evil Sovereign... I came here mainly to explain to you what happened in northern Xinjiang back then. It was indeed the eldest princess who wanted to get rid of you, and it really had nothing to do with me. You have to trust me."

The Duke couldn't help but speak again, seeing Fang Ce's appearance, he also knew that Fang Ce didn't care about him, so he stopped beating around the bush.

"Oh? Didn't I say that I am no longer interested in those old things?"

Fang Ce gently put down the teacup.

"I know, but now you and I are both members of the Nine Dragon Dynasty. I still need to clarify these matters. Otherwise, I will always feel sorry..."

"Okay, I already know about this matter. Mr. Zhao said this, but it made me a little curious about the Tianshi Wuzun back then. Was it really the Tianshi Wuzun who was framed by the royal family back then?
Previously, my son's reaction to the Taiqian emperor's ancestor seemed a little strange.You said it was the eldest princess who told you about this, is it true? "

Fang Ce took out the white jade fan casually and shook it gently.

"It's true! It's true! It's true!"

The Duke quickly responded.

"Oh? Seriously? The Holy Majesty who was too dry back then is still in the south, and I still have some friendship with him. How much do you think Mr. Zhao knows about those things back then?"

Fang Ce looked at the Duke lightly.


Grandpa Guo couldn't help but froze.

"I ask you again, do you take it seriously? Do you know that what I dislike the most is being fooled by others?"

Fang Ce's eyes narrowed slightly, and the coercion slowly dissipated from his body.

"This... this..."

The Grand Duke panicked, and quickly said, "Actually, the Eldest Princess did not confirm this personally, but judging from her reaction and attitude, it is acquiesced. In fact, the Holy Majesty did not refute this at all... This is the conclusion that I have drawn from careful observation..."

"Oh, so that's the case. I believe in your observation ability, Mr. Zhao."

Fang Ce nodded, it seems that this guy was really talking nonsense in order to gain the trust of the Heavenly Master Wu Zun...

"Thank you so much...thank you for your trust."

Grandpa Guo hesitated to respond, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

"Okay, let's work hard for the Nine Dragons Dynasty, but don't go the wrong way, so as not to provoke the crime of killing yourself."

Fang Ce lightly waved his hand, motioning for the Duke to leave.

"Eh? Yes! Yes! I will definitely work hard! I will take my leave for now, so I won't bother you any more."

The Duke quickly resigned and left with a sigh of relief. After all, it seems that Fang Ce really has no hostility towards him. To be precise, he should not take him seriously at all. This is undoubtedly a good thing.

Fang Ce shook his head lightly, this little guy, he really has no interest in fussing about it for the time being, the current dynasty still needs manpower, might as well let him make good use of his residual heat first...

Not long after the Duke of the country left.

"My lord, Master Kuang Lei came to visit."

The maid cautiously came to Fang Ce to report.

"Oh? Daoist Thunderclap? Let him come in."

Fang Shizuo was surprised. From his point of view, this guy might be in the same category as the Duke...

After a while, Daoist Kuang Lei was brought in by the maid.

"Senior, this junior is far away."

Fang Ce got up, smiled and saluted.Because now whether it is Tianshi Wuzun or Xin Yu, they still respect this guy very much, and he can't behave too much.And although he had doubts about this guy, it was only suspicion after all. If he really blamed a good person by mistake, it would be embarrassing.

"Hey, do you still need to be polite with the old man? The Nine Dragons Dynasty is the Supreme Being of the Holy Evil, the supreme existence."

Daoist Kuang Lei sighed and shook his head.

"Don't dare, because it was inconvenient to reveal your identity before, it was really offended."

Fang Ce waved his hand: "Senior, please sit down."

"You boy, you can really hide."

Daoist Kuanglei nodded and sat down.

"The situation is forcing, the situation is forcing. I don't know if the senior is here, but what are your orders?"

Fang Ce smiled.

"Order? Do you think the old man dares to order you?"


"Just to catch up on the old days."

Dao Master Kuang Lei waved his hand.

"That's a good feeling."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

"What happened in northern Xinjiang back then? How did you escape from birth? Why did you come to Jiulong Mountain..."

"Oh, the junior also escaped by chance back then. It can only be said that he was lucky. It's not worth talking about. The reason why he ran to Jiulong Mountain is naturally because he was too dry to accommodate the junior."

Fang Ce was helpless.

"But...you seem to have been the Shengxie son before..."

"Oh...well, it was the fairy who asked me to come to Nine Dragon Mountain to inquire about information. Later, I made the mistake and joined Nine Dragon Mountain."

Fang Ce shrugged helplessly.

"So it was that girl who asked you to go to Jiulong Mountain to find out information!? That girl actually kept so many things from the old man? When the old man came to Hecheng, he went through so much trouble..."

Daoist Kuanglei couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, thinking of what happened in Hecheng back then, it turned out that Xin Yu knew everything...

"Uh...haha, the fairy is also thinking about the safety of the younger generation, so I dare not reveal more."

"Forget it, it's been so many years. It's meaningless to mention the current situation."

Dao Master Kuang Lei shook his head angrily.


"Boy, does Master know about your current situation? The things you have tossed about, and the things with Wei Ying..."

Daoist Kuang Lei had a suspicious look on his face.

"Oh... Master... Hasn't the old man been retreating all the time, so he has no time to pay attention to the outside things."

Fang Ce replied vaguely, this guy seems to have identified his identity, it is really troublesome...

"It's easy to talk about other things. The problem now is that you are practicing the Taiyan Taoist scriptures, but you have evil spirits coexisting in your body? What's going on? Does Master know about it?"

"Well...of course I don't know."

Fang Strategy frowned, this guy is still here for Tai Yan Dao Jing?

"I don't know...then where did the evil spirit in your body come from? If Master knows about it, I'm afraid something bad will happen."

Daoist Kuang Lei frowned.

"Oh, this one was cultivated by the juniors in order to realize the meaning of the holy epiphany."

"For the meaning of holiness?"

Daoist Kuang Lei was stunned.

"Let's put it this way, from the understanding of the younger generation, holy and evil are nothing more than a kind of power. And these two kinds of power are relative and related. If there is no holy, how can there be evil?

Just focusing on the cultivation of saints, it is inevitable that the vision will be limited and the cultivation will be slow.Only by deeply understanding the evil can we better understand the holy.The two sides complement each other and form a road.

Since ancient times, have there not always been those who reformed the evil and turned to the righteous, and made great achievements?It can be seen that people who really understand evil are often more determined to be holy than those who blindly seek holiness, isn't it?

And the holy and evil we are talking about now are just manifestations of power. As long as you can control it yourself, what does it matter if it is holy or evil? "

Fang Ce replied, these are of course just his nonsense, after all, he can't explain the current situation...


Daoist Kuanglei couldn't help but froze, and then frowned slightly: "In this way, it does make sense. No wonder you kid can reach such a height, it seems that you really have unique insights. But... your theories, the master respects his old man, I'm afraid It may not be acceptable, after all, since ancient times, there is no balance between sage and evil.

If it weren't for the special circumstances of Weiying boy, I am afraid that Master might not have allowed him to live until now..."

"That's right... After all, the older generation will inevitably be obsessed with old times..."

"What did you say?"

Dao Master Kuang Lei couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

"Oh...it's nothing, I'll just talk casually."

Fang Ce quickly shook his head.

"Forget it, I won't discuss this issue with you. You should pay more attention to your situation."

Daoist Kuanglei also shook his head.

"Well, thank you for your reminder, senior."

"By the way, the Taiqian Emperor and the others were all sealed by you kid. What are you kid planning to do?"

Dao Master Kuang Lei frowned slightly.

"Well...why do you ask this, senior?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"The old man was worried that you would stray into it...Let's put it this way, once the master finds out about the things you've been tossing about, I'm afraid it can't be taken lightly."

"Oh... I have my own discretion in this matter, seniors don't need to worry."

Fang Ce shook his head lightly.

"Well, since that's the case, I don't have much to say, just be careful."

Daoist Kuang Lei sighed lightly.

"Well, thank you for your concern, senior."

Fang Ce nodded.

The two chatted for a while, and Taoist Kuang Lei left.

Fang Ce's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help wondering whether this guy would make a small report when the Holy Heavenly Master came out of the customs...

Several days passed.

Diao Wang and Liang Xue came to the capital, because the war here is over and manpower is needed to manage the government affairs, the two women are naturally the priority candidates.

Fang Yi met.

Diao Wang threw himself into Fang Ce's arms with red eyes and began to cry quietly.

"This? Little mink beauty? What's wrong with you?"

Fang Ce couldn't help feeling amused, does this little lady miss him so much?

Diao Wang was still crying quietly, but did not respond to Fang Ce.

"Little mink beauty, don't cry. There are still people watching, aren't you embarrassed?"

Fang Ce couldn't help comforting him gently.

However, Diao Wang was still crying.


Fang Ce couldn't help frowning slightly, this situation seems a bit wrong...

He looked up, but saw Liang Xue looking at him and Diao Wang strangely.

what happened?What happened?

"Fang policy..."

A soft sound suddenly came from his arms.

Fang Ce was stunned: "Little... little mink beauty?"

He felt inexplicably abrupt in his heart, this was obviously his real name, but at this moment it made him feel extremely strange...

"I'm going to take over government affairs..."

Diao Wang gently broke free from Fang Ce's embrace, turned around and left.


Fang Ce couldn't help watching Yi Ren go away in a daze.

After a long time.


Fang Ce sighed lightly, it seems that his real identity reminded Diao Wang of many things...

"Oh, this time, the little beauty's heart is broken."

Liang Xue also sighed lightly.

"You... what did you say to her?"

Fang Ce frowned slightly.

"It's not my fault. She has so much information on hand. As soon as your identity is passed on, she has already figured it out. At most, she will ask me to confirm the situation."

Liang Xue was helpless.

"Then how is she now?"

"How do I know? I might find out that the eldest wife is not her, so I feel very sad."

Liang Xue shrugged slightly.


The corner of Fang Ce's mouth twitched, and he didn't bother to pay attention to these girls who were gloating.

In the days that followed, although Fang Ce had contact with Diao Wang, they were all deserted, neither far nor close, which made Fang Ce feel quite sorry.After all, when he first came into contact with Diao Wang, it was purposeful, but now...

"Little Diaomei, I'm going back to Jiulong Mountain to have a look."

In the yard, Fang Ce spoke softly.

"Hmm... go back and look for Master Hua Snake?"

Diao Wang turned his back to Fang Ce and spoke quietly.

"um, yes……"

Fang Ce nodded slightly.

Diao Wang did not respond.

"Sorry for keeping you a secret for so long."

Fang Ce couldn't help but speak.

"It's nothing, in fact, I knew from the beginning... I shouldn't be very important to you... and I... actually just want a backer..."

Diao Wang responded lightly.

Fang Ce was stunned, then turned around slowly: "Don't think so much, as long as I'm here, no one will hurt you. I'm leaving. If you need anything, you can find Fairy and Lord Bloody. They will help you." take care."

Diao Wang was taken aback for a moment, then turned around to look, but Fang Ce was no longer there.

The breeze blows over the white gauze skirt, leaving only a sense of loneliness...

(End of this chapter)

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