Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 254 The essence of the immortal soul, the Lord of the Holy Heaven is here!

Chapter 254 The essence of the immortal soul, the Lord of the Holy Heaven is here!

"Uh... yes, what's the matter? The snake beauty?"

Fang Ce looked puzzled, it seems that the snake is also aware of this immortal soul.

"Are you sure you're not mistaken? Do you know what an immortal soul is?"

"Eternal existence, any attack is ineffective?"

"Hmm... that's pretty much what Qilin said, the ancient god of the Great Desolation has an immortal soul?"

"Qilin said that the ancient god of the Great Desolation also claimed to be the God of Immortality. I have also learned that any attack method is ineffective against his soul state."

"Have you been taught?"

"Well, I have fought twice, but I have not been able to really win this Great Desolation Ancient God."

"Is it really the existence of mastering the immortal soul? The ancient god of the wilderness? The evil god? This deity has never heard of it... Why did you fight against the ancient god of the wilderness? And you just said that the ancient god of the wilderness has mastered extreme magic, you Can you fight against him twice and come back alive?"

The snake's eyes flickered involuntarily.

"It's Qilin who said that the Ancient God of the Great Desolation has mastered the extremely Dao spell, but it seems that because the Ancient God of the Wilderness has just been resurrected, the Taoism is not enough to perform it. He can only use the Dao Realm spell Fire Tribulation of the Sky, and it seems that there is another one who is also the Dao Realm A large piece of thunder from the spell?"

"It should be the Thunder of Hundred Tribulations, the thunder of the second level of Heavenly Tribulation."

"Oh, that should be it. As for the reason I fought against the Great Desolate Ancient God, it was because I helped the Blood Cultivator sacrifice tens of thousands of creatures to gain power. I didn't expect that the Great Desolation Ancient God would be resurrected and take away the Blood Cultivator. According to the blood Master Tu said that his technique to gain power was given by the ancient gods of the wilderness, and it turned out to be a trap.

So at that time, I fought with the revived Great Desolation Ancient God, but because it was the body of Lord Bloody, the Great Desolation Ancient God's strength could not be exerted much, and his body was directly destroyed by me.Then... the immortal soul of the Great Desolate Ancient God appeared, and at that time, I had no choice but to choose to escape.

Later, I got the news that the Ancient God of the Great Wilderness seemed to be going back to northern Xinjiang to lead the Huns to the south, and went to investigate the situation, but was discovered by accident, and then began to compete with the Ancient God of the Great Wilderness. Afterwards, Qilin suspected the identity of the subordinate, and followed him back to Kowloon City, but ended up falling out in Kowloon City. After a confrontation, Qilin came to Jiulong Mountain, and then..."

Fang Ce shrugged.

"So that's how it is. This deity somewhat understands that the Great Desolation Ancient God should have been sealed at the beginning. Then, with the help of a special technique, he broke the seal..."

"No, Qilin and the ancient gods of the Great Desolation have said it themselves. They were wiped out back then, and their souls were wiped out..."

"Impossible! How can the immortal soul be eliminated! What can be used to destroy it? There is no other way except sealing!"

The snake immediately retorted.


"Okay, don't bother me with this deity. Doesn't this deity know more about the immortal soul than you?"

"I really don't know, but Qilin..."

"What is a unicorn? This deity has been cultivating the ability of the immortal soul all these years. Can it be clearer than this deity?"

"Huh? Snake beauty, are you cultivating the immortal soul? Are you done?"

Fang Ce was surprised, this witch also cultivates the immortal soul?One Great Desolation Ancient God is so troublesome, and another one, how will he be troubled in the future?

"Not yet, it's still worse."

"Oh... That's really a pity. Since it didn't work out, how can you be so sure that the ancient god of the Great Desolation was not wiped out, but sealed? If it didn't work out, how could you be so sure? Don't they all have a half-knowledge?"

"Don't fart me, I don't know much about it? Immortal soul, isn't the meaning of these four words clear enough?"

"Uh... what is this? I still call myself the Eternal Body, but I still don't know about my situation? How convincing can a single name be?"

Fang Ce was helpless.

"The eternal body that farts on you, that's what you call yourself. The immortal soul, that's defined by its immortality."

The snake's beautiful eyes widened.

"Oh... What the Snake Beauty said really makes sense..."

Fang Ce nodded casually. Now it seems that this demon girl has no understanding of the affairs of the Great Desolation Ancient God, and she doesn't know how to deal with the Immortal Soul. It is meaningless to continue to fight with it, so I have to follow her ideas .

"You...you dare to perfunctory this deity!"

The snake's beautiful eyes couldn't help showing anger. She could clearly see that Fang Ce didn't take her words seriously, didn't recognize her field of expertise, and even thought her serious answer was self-righteous. How could she not be angry? ?

"Uh... no, I don't have that intention. The main thing is that the snake beauty talks about it, that is, it revolves around a title, and I don't know much about it. This has touched my blind spot. So..."

"So you're too lazy to argue with the deity?"

"No, no, I approve of your authority, the snake beauty..."

Fang Ce waved his hand with a wry smile. He really didn't expect this witch to be angry about it?It seems that it involves a theoretical issue, and even a monster of this level cannot avoid the emotion of trying to persuade the other party.Now he replied yes and no, no and no, I really don't know what to do...

"Huh, you don't know, do you? The deity will tell you that the immortal soul is a delicate balance between the disappearance and existence of the soul, so as to hide most of the judgments of the laws of heaven. It will be wiped out, but it can't continue to improve its strength. If you don't believe it, you can watch, as long as that ancient god of the wilderness doesn't recover his body for a day, his strength will never change!"

"A soul state between disappearance and existence?"

Fang Ce was amazed that what the Snake Beauty said was true, the strength of the Great Desolate Ancient God has never changed, which is much more reliable than Qilin's general statement of eternal change.

"Yes, in the judgment of most of the laws of heaven, this soul is already non-existent, and naturally it cannot be eliminated by any attack method. The sealing technique is an absolute isolation technique, forming a space of its own. Also It has become the only way to deal with the immortal soul. Therefore, what you said about the immortal soul being eliminated is a fallacy at all!"

"So that's how it is...the snake beauty is very knowledgeable, much better than the five auspicious beast unicorn..."

Fang Ce nodded thoughtfully, it seems that this demon girl is quite predictable...

"Hmph, don't compare those five things that are not on the table with the deity."

"Oh... yes, I have no experience. However, since you said that the snake beauty has concealed most of the judgments of the laws of heaven, that is to say, there are still some laws that can restrain this immortal soul. Is it possible? There is something that can annihilate this..."

"No! Get out! I don't want to talk nonsense with you fool!"

Hua Snake suddenly became annoyed, she realized that it was a wrong choice to discuss this issue with this guy, this guy is really stupid!

"Alright, alright, Snake Beauty, don't be angry, I am completely convinced by Snake Beauty now, I just have a little curiosity to ask. Since Snake Beauty said there is no, then there is no, I will not ask."

Fang Ce hastened to please the response. Although based on what he knew now, the ancient gods of the Great Wilderness were probably completely wiped out, but the Snake Beauty's views on the Immortal Soul should not be much different, after all This witch is indeed capable, he has to admit it.As for the reason, he now has a direction to ponder...

"Hmph, with your understanding ability, you are still trying to pursue this deity? It's ridiculous."

Hua Snake snorted softly, but the anger in his tone obviously subsided a lot.

"Haha... Don't be like this, Snake Beauty, I will work hard. By the way... The plastic rebirth you mentioned before, Snake Beauty..."

"No, go away."

"Eh!? Snake beauty!? Didn't you say before that you will give me the practice method of plastic rebirth? Are you talking too much?"

Fang Ce couldn't help opening his eyes wide.

"Hmph, the deity has already told you the essence of the immortal soul. Isn't this better than telling you the cultivation method of plastic rebirth? Don't be too greedy."

"This...but what's the use of this essence? I don't know how to cultivate?"

The corner of Fang Ce's mouth twitched. It seems that this witch is not so generous, but thinking about it, the understanding involving the level of the immortal soul is indeed extremely remarkable, but... the question is whether he can use this understanding now. up!
"Don't you know that many times, the most difficult thing is not knowing what the essence is? Isn't that enough?"

"Uh...that's the case, but you seem to have cultivated Snake Beauty for 2000 years and haven't mastered it. Maybe it's more than 2000 years? Are you tossing around?"

"Hmph, do you know how long it took me to figure out the essence of this immortal soul? How dare you speak nonsense here? You love to study and study, and don't study to drag you down."

"No, Snake Beauty, one size fits all, mastering this plastic rebirth, it's not all for myself, it's mainly for you, Snake Beauty."

Fang Ce smiled bitterly, and was even more puzzled in his heart. He didn't think that the snake beauty would have less time to practice this immortal soul. After all, this ability is so powerful, how could it be easily mastered?

"Oh? For the deity? Come, talk about it, and see if your rhetoric can impress the deity."

Hua Snake's tone was disdainful, obviously not believing what Fang Ce said.

"Hey, I'm here for the snake beauty, you will have fewer powerful enemies after you break the seal in the future. Because I have to deal with the ancient gods of the wilderness. If you don't have more skills, how can you win?"

"To deal with the Great Desolate Ancient God? Didn't you say that that guy has already been suppressed by Qilin?"

"No, it's only for the time being. Qilin doesn't even know how to deal with the ancient god of the wilderness now. He said that the five auspicious beasts will come out of the mountain to deal with the ancient god of the wilderness. However, it seems very dangerous now. The ancient god of the wilderness is not only about strength Powerful, scheming, and extremely cunning. He will create a kingdom and cultivate a body for resurrection. The situation is extremely pessimistic.

Snake beauty, think about it for yourself, in order to deal with this ancient god of the wilderness, the holy heavenly master and the five auspicious beasts sacrificed to subdue it.Do you think the current situation outside can cope with this ancient god?Once he restores his strength, do you think the snake beauty will do us any good? "

Fang Ce smiled wryly.

"Heh, what you said is indeed quite reasonable. However, in the current situation, with the strength of the five auspicious beasts, even if they can't deal with the ancient god of the wilderness, can't they delay the progress of the ancient god of the wilderness? If even the five auspicious beasts can't solve it , You, a guy who hasn’t even survived the second level of catastrophe, what are you messing with? Tired of work?”

"This... The problem is, it will be a matter of time before you break the seal of the snake beauty, and if the ancient god of the Great Desolation continues to keep it, I am afraid it will become a hidden danger..."

Fang Ce frowned slightly, it seemed that the witch was planning to let the Ancient God of the Great Desolation continue to make a mess outside, so as to speed up her breaking the seal...

"Okay, don't think that this deity doesn't know what you're thinking. Don't you just want to take advantage of this deity? Since you want to reshape and regenerate the ability so much, this deity will give it to you. However, you have to wait for this deity to break the seal. After all, It's too easy to get, and you don't think it's precious, you say, right?"

"Sigh... well, since the beauty of the snake said so, what else can I say."

Fang Ce sighed helplessly. When the witch is broken, whether he will admit it or not is the same thing. How could he believe it easily? After all, it is more likely that he intends to tie him up for a while...

"Stop moaning and sighing for this deity. This ability is different from spells. It is not something you can master after telling you. There may even be situations that you will never be able to master. This has nothing to do with your understanding, but because it involves a deeper level. thing."

"Oh? Something deeper?"

Fang Ce couldn't help but be surprised.

"Don't worry, as long as you are really loyal enough to this deity, this deity will naturally not treat you badly."

"Well... well, since you have nothing to do with the snake beauty, I will go back to Kowloon City first. Because that Qilin let go of the word before, saying that he would liquidate Kowloon City. He should be busy with the affairs of the ancient gods of the wilderness now, and he doesn't have much time to deal with it. Kowloon City, but I can't be too careless. If I don't do it well, I might have to come back together to seek your shelter, the snake beauty."

"Yes, but with the current situation of this deity, it may be okay to deal with Qilin. But if the five auspicious beasts come together, you may have to escape to another place for a while."

"Well, I will take my leave."

Fang Ce cupped his fists and turned to leave.

A day has passed.

A powerful breath suddenly descended on Kowloon City!

Fang Ce quickly came outside, and couldn't help showing surprise: "Fairy? And... who are the three seniors?"

I saw four people coming.

The first one is a white-haired old man wearing a crane Taoist robe with a solemn and solemn face. His aura has been close to 3000 years of Taoism!

On both sides of the old man, there is a middle-aged man with a serious face in a white Taoist robe with fire patterns, and a beautiful woman in a light blue Taoist robe with a cold breath.

Behind the three of them was Xin Yu with a worried expression on his face!At this moment, Xin Yu opened her mouth slightly, wanting to convey something.

"Old Master Holy Heaven, Wei Yin!"

The head of the old man's gaze was fixed, and the vast aura surged out of his body!He actually has the holy energy of the four realms and the stellar energy of the three realms!
"Holy Lord!?"

Fang Tzuyu was slightly surprised, at this moment, the holy and evil spirit was instantly forced out!

He had vaguely guessed the origin of the old man just now, but he was not sure yet!

Seeing the holy and evil aura in Fang Ce's body, Master Shengtian couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly!

(End of this chapter)

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