Chapter 261 What is your Tao?
The ice-blue giant dragon descended, and saw its huge mouth, and the ice-blue cold light quickly gathered!Bitter cold envelops the world!

moment!A terrifying icy beam of light spewed out!

"This is!?"

Daoist Kuanglei and Duke Guo both showed shocking expressions on their faces!

I saw that the battle between the two masters of Kuanglei Daoist began to be frozen quickly!That terrifying power, if it wasn't for the ability of the battle formation to spread evenly, I'm afraid that the fighters standing in the front would be frozen into powder!
"That's the extreme ice torrent of Taoism! Withdraw immediately!"

The voice of the Great Desolate Ancient God came from afar, but it was seen that he had already run to the rear of the Great Desolation at some point!
Fang Ce was taken aback for a moment, but before he could react, the ancient god of the Great Desolation had already fled. It must be said that he was extremely cautious.If the Great Wilderness Ancient God hadn't escaped in time, he would have managed to seal it now!

After all, the coming giant dragon obviously has the ability to withstand the joint attack of the Daoist Kuanglei and the Duke of the Kingdom!
At this time, after hearing the words, the Daoist Kuang Lei and the Duke of the State had also led the army to retreat back while resisting the bombardment of the giant dragon's ice torrent with all their strength.

When the subordinates of the Great Wilderness Ancient God completely retreated, a large group of soldiers had already been turned into ice slag!Among them, there were hundreds of casualties among the soldiers in the battle!Although the number of hundreds may not seem large, but this is a battle soldier with a cultivation base of 600 years!Compared to tens of thousands of ordinary soldiers, it is far underestimated!

At this moment, everyone in Jiaolong stared blankly at the ice-blue giant dragon in front of them. With nearly 5000 years of Taoism, it is definitely a quasi-auspicious beast-level existence!

"Disciple, don't you even recognize me as a teacher?"

A flat voice sounded.

The ice-blue giant dragon immediately transformed into a very familiar human figure.


Fang Ce suddenly opened his eyes wide, with a look of shock on his face.

"Good and evil people!?"

Xin Yu and Liang Xue were also shocked!

"Good...good and evil Taoists..."

Jiaolong shuddered, after all, he still clearly remembered that Taoists good and evil wanted to use him to refine magic weapons! !

"Teacher, long time no see, the world is changing so fast."

The good and evil Taoist turned around and looked at Fang Ce with a smile.

"Senior, you...are you a dragon?"

Fang Ce couldn't help being surprised, he never knew that the good and evil Taoist could be a dragon!But, no matter how you think about it, it's wrong!
"Disciple? Young Master"

Jiaolong was even more stunned. Now, he was immediately confused.

"Fang policy?"

Xin Yu was also stunned, Fang Ce turned out to be the apprentice of the good and evil Taoist!This is something she could never have imagined!When did this happen! ?
Everyone present was also confused, no matter the relationship between the good and evil Taoists and Fang Ce, or the identity and origin of the good and evil Taoists themselves, they became completely incomprehensible doubts in everyone's mind...

The good and evil Taoist glanced at Xin Yu and the others, and didn't say much, just flew towards Kowloon City calmly with his hands behind his back.

Everyone couldn't help giving way, especially Jiaolong, who lowered his huge head tightly, not daring to look at the good and evil Taoist, as if he was afraid of being noticed, but at this moment, his huge body in the state of a giant spirit, even in the dark night It is also the most eye-catching in the audience, how can it not be noticed?This move is somewhat deceitful...

"Everyone, hurry up and clean up the battle situation. I will chat with senior."

Fang Ce spoke immediately.

"it is good."

Xin Yu, Diao Wang and others nodded one after another.

And ten miles away, in the camp of the Great Desolate Ancient God.

"What's going on? Why is there still a real dragon?"

The Great Wilderness Ancient God had a look of surprise on his face, considering his ability to be natural, it was impossible for him to be really afraid of the good and evil Taoists, and what he was afraid of was nothing more than being jointly sealed.In addition, the appearance of good and evil Taoists brings about huge changes, which are enough to disrupt his layout and the current situation!
"I don't know... the little ones don't know too well, let alone the dragon before, even the five auspicious beasts have never seen it before, I'm afraid that dragon is hiding somewhere..."

Daoist Kuanglei looked at a loss.

As for the Duke and the others, they all naturally looked confused.

"Hmm... Damn it... It seems that I can only draw it slowly, I can't be in a hurry... Let's retreat and tour the city for now, and send someone to find out the identity of the dragon for me!"

The Great Wilderness Ancient God spoke in a gloomy voice.


Daoist Kuang Lei responded one after another.

Dawn gradually came.

On the upper floor of the gate of Kowloon City.

I saw the Taoist good and evil woke up from the state of meditation, got up and came to the railing, looking at the morning scene outside the city.


Fang Ce came to the side respectfully.

"What? Is Pindao not qualified enough to call you Master?"

The good and evil Taoist spoke softly.

"Uh... no... it's just too sudden, and this junior still has too many questions..."

"Come on, what do you want to ask?"

"Senior, your identity? Dragon?"


The Taoist good and evil shook his head.

"No? Then what happened to you last night? That's not an illusion..."

Fang Ce was puzzled at once, he could clearly feel that Taoist Good and Evil's incarnation of the dragon last night possessed real dragon energy and power!However, at this moment, the aura of Taoist Good and Evil is indeed only human, and it can't be seen that it was transformed by a dragon, which made him even more puzzled.

"That's just the ability to change. As a teacher, you can change into a tiger or a wolf. The changed thing only has some of its characteristics to cope with different environments, and it is not a real species."

"The ability to change? That's how it is... I didn't expect to be able to change into a dragon. It seems that the senior is really capable of reaching the sky..."

Fang Ce couldn't help showing surprise.

"Stop flattering me as a teacher, will your kid have less heaven-defying ability?"

"Hey, I don't dare to compare with the seniors. The seniors have already survived the second-level catastrophe. The second person who has survived the second-level catastrophe since he was the Saint Heaven Immortal Master can be said to be No.1 today. ..."

Fang Ce sighed, he really didn't expect that this good and evil Taoist who had disappeared for so many years, when he met again, he was already an existence at the level of an auspicious beast.

and many more……

Fang Ce suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help but speak again: "Senior, the one who crossed the catastrophe a few days ago, could it be you?"

At this moment, he thought of the image of the catastrophe in the distance when the five auspicious beasts and the holy heavenly masters went to the northern border to fight against the ancient gods of the wilderness.

"Indeed, to be a teacher is to cross the catastrophe a few days ago. It's just the second level of heavenly tribulation. Don't you already have the conditions to cross the catastrophe? What's more, whether you can successfully cross the catastrophe depends not only on your own strength, There are many external factors. Is there anything to brag about?"

"That's what I said, but, can this junior really survive the second level of catastrophe?"

"Whether you can get through it or not, only you know. If you don't have confidence, you won't be able to get through it. If you have confidence, you will get through it."


Fang Ce couldn't help being taken aback, the idea of ​​a good and evil Taoist is absurd.

"Boy, tell me first, what is your way?"

"My way?"

Fang Ce was taken aback again.

"Oh? It seems that you haven't even found your own Tao yet?"

"This... I still hope that the senior will give me some advice..."

"Everything is Tao, and Tao can be fire, water, mountains and rivers, and you... what is the Tao you are looking for?"

"What is the way I am looking for? The junior should be pursuing purely becoming stronger, right?"

Fang Ce hesitated to respond.

"Heh, so you learn this and that? You know everything, but you're not proficient in anything?"


"It is true that your talent is astounding, you have learned everything, you know everything, and in the eyes of ordinary people, you are also proficient in everything. But, have you ever thought that compared to yourself, you are just a mediocre person?"

The good and evil Taoist spoke flatly.

"Compared to itself... just mediocre?"

Fang Ce was stunned, vaguely understanding something. Over the years, he has easily mastered various abilities because of feng shui painting scrolls, and he also feels that he can learn everything...

"God gave you the highest starting point, but you are lost because of it. If one day, you find that everyone has the same talent as you, how will you stand out?"

"The same talent, how to stand out? Good at... one?"

Fang Ce couldn't help but stare at the palm of his hand.

"It's good to be proficient in one thing, but you can't be so obsessed that you can't see the direction. God has given human beings unlimited possibilities, and it doesn't mean that people try to grasp everything. Tao is one and ten thousand. There is always a relationship between each other. Find your own Tao, and the rest exists to assist the Tao.

The reason why the big monster can surpass all living beings is because God has set the way for it from the beginning. Every big monster knows which way he is going to walk from the beginning, and his abilities are formed around this way. .

If you continue to go on like this, sooner or later you will find that even if you have mastered the method of restraint at the same level, you still cannot compete against the monster who only specializes in the same ability.

Find your way, you are just a piece of perfect jade that has not yet formed.Although it is beautiful, it cannot be called Dao after all. It can only be compared with ordinary jade carvings, and it cannot be compared with rare treasures.Whether you carve into a dragon or a phoenix, only when it is formed can you bloom your own brilliance.

At that time, you will not ask the teacher whether you can survive the second catastrophe. "

"Thank you, Master, for your teaching!"

Fang Ce couldn't help clasping his fists and bowing to salute. At this moment, he could only be grateful to the good and evil Taoists. After all, he was really teaching him as an apprentice!Moreover, good and evil Taoists are indeed good enough to be teachers, no matter their seniority or seniority, or their perception of Tao.

"Now tell me, Master, what's going on outside here."

"Oh... this matter..."

Fang Ce spoke slowly.

"The evil god from 3000 years ago? The immortal soul? The ancient battle formation..."

The good and evil Taoists frowned.

"How? Master may think of a countermeasure?"

"Being a teacher is just stepping into the second level of catastrophe, and I have no clue about this kind of existence. If this world is too chaotic and has affected everywhere, I originally planned to continue to cultivate for a while."

"Then Master is going to stay and help the disciple deal with this ancient god?"

Fang Ce was overjoyed. He was worried that the good and evil Taoist might just show up and disappear. After all, it was basically like this before...

"This is no longer a question of whether to help you or not. It will not do me any good to let this scourge continue."

The Taoist good and evil shook his head.

"That's great. With Master here, I don't have to worry about the safety of Kowloon City. This disciple can also rest assured to find a way to deal with this ancient god."

"Hmm... Go and do your work. If you have nothing to do, don't let anyone disturb Qingxiu as a teacher. As a teacher, I also want to think about how to deal with this ancient god of the wilderness..."

"Yes! Master! Disciple resigns."

Fang Ce saluted and then retreated.

After walking down the city gate tower, Fang Ce couldn't help but fell into deep thought, what is his way?He really didn't think about this problem before, anyway, he can learn whatever is good.But thinking about it now, it seems that he really doesn't have a clear direction.So what path will he take in the future?water?fire?thunder?or something else?

A pleasant whisper sounded.

Fang Ce was startled, only to see Xin Yu, Diao Wang, and Tianshi Wuzun waiting in front of him.

"Huh? Everyone, what's the matter?"

Fang Ce vaguely knew why everyone was here.

"That Taoist good and evil is really your master? He turned out to be a dragon? He's still so powerful now? Is this the strength of an auspicious beast? What's going on here?"

Diao Wang was the first to ask excitedly like a cannonball.

"Uh... Actually, the situation between me and Master is a bit complicated..."

Fang Strategy is slightly embarrassed, his relationship with good and evil Taoists is indeed complicated, and it would be inconvenient for him to elaborate...

"It's really your master!? That's great!!! In other words, our Kowloon City also has auspicious beasts sitting in town!! Don't be afraid of those big yellow dog gods! After that, even if it's a unicorn, holy The Lord of Heaven is here, don’t be afraid, right?”

Diao Wang was immediately overjoyed.

Fang Ce couldn't help laughing, this is what this little girl cares about, the identity and origin of the good and evil Taoist is second, the key is the ability to hold it...

"It's really your master..."

Xin Yu couldn't help but speak quietly.

"Ha, if you want to talk about Master, don't you count as a fairy?"

Fang Ce was funny, he felt that Xin Yu seemed a little jealous.

"No, don't talk nonsense. I know my own level."

Xin Yu hurriedly waved her hands, although she was a little concerned, but she really couldn't compare with the good and evil Taoists now, not to mention her, even her great-grandfather, Shengtian Taoist, could not compare with the good and evil Taoists now !She really didn't expect the good and evil Taoists to reach such heights...

"That... Young Master Shengxie..."

Jiaolong's hesitant voice sounded.

"Oh, Lord Jiaolong, I know what you want to say. Don't worry, the current master no longer looks down on you."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"Eh? This? What were you before that?"

Jiaolong was stunned.

"Master gave me the steps before, but in that battle, Master was far from doing his best."

Fang Ce shrugged. In fact, he is also quite curious about the true strength of the good and evil Taoists. How does it compare with the five auspicious beasts?Before, he always thought that Taoist Good and Evil was about the same strength as him. Now that he thinks about it carefully, being able to create his own cultivation skills such as the Taoist Sutra of Good and Evil shows that Taoist Good and Evil is innately terrifying, perhaps not as good as the original Shengtian Immortal Master. Where is the difference...

"Oh... well, it seems that you two, master and apprentice, really played around..."

Jiaolong couldn't help but look depressed.

"My lords! There are people making trouble in the city! She is a demon girl who has crossed the robbery, and she is very powerful. All the city defense forces can't do anything about it! Moreover, it seems to have a lot of background!"

A soldier came in a hurry, with an anxious expression on his face, and peeked at Fang Ce from time to time.

"Huh? There are still people making troubles at this time? Who is so blind? Could it be that the ancient gods of the Great Desolation sent the secret work!"

Diao Wang's face darkened.

"The demon girl ate and drank in an inn in the city without giving money, and then returned... She even claimed to be the senior sister of the Holy Evil Supreme, and asked the younger ones to find the Holy Evil Supreme if they had anything..."

The soldiers looked at Fang Ce hesitantly.

"What? Young Master Shengxie's senior sister?"

Everyone looked at Fang Ce in astonishment.

Fang Ce was also taken aback, his expression became strange, is he also the apprentice of the good and evil Taoist?
(End of this chapter)

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