Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 271 Desperate, Desperate, Fearless and Selfless, Intentional Sword Comes!

Chapter 271 Desperate, Desperate, Fearless and Selfless, Intentional Sword Comes!

"Regeneration ability!!"

Fang Ce's complexion changed.

I saw that the half-damaged body of the Great Desolation Ancient God was recovering rapidly!

Seeing such a situation, the meaning of despair is gradually lingering in everyone's mind!
The ancient god of the wilderness focused his eyes, and continued to use the extreme magic method, the fire hell world!The evil flame dragon reappeared!

Fang Ce gritted his teeth and had no choice but to continue to fight with all his strength!
The howling sound is still there!The battle is still fierce!

During this period, both Fang Ce and Taoist Good and Evil had exhausted their chaotic powers of good and evil, and they still couldn't help the ancient gods of the Great Desolation! !
"Withdraw! Withdraw immediately! I can't hold it anymore! Give up Kowloon City!"

Fang Ce finally had to grit his teeth and make a decision!Although he can last for a while, the good and evil Taoists are obviously reaching their limits!
"Get out!"

Both Tianshi Wuzun and Fu Zunwang couldn't help agreeing, the overall situation has been settled, if no decision is made, everyone will be buried here!

All the people couldn't help retreating to Kowloon City.

"Do you want to escape now? It's too late."

The faint voice of the Great Wilderness Ancient God sounded.

I saw raging flames erupting all around!


Fang Ce's face was horrified, at this moment he understood instantly, it turned out that the ancient gods of the Great Desolation hadn't exerted their full strength all this time, and they were deliberately delaying and consuming them in order to wipe them all out! ! !
Rumble boom!

One after another fire snakes scurrying around!Crazy devouring Kowloon City soldiers!Bring out a piece of miserable howl!


Shout out!
I saw that Diao Wang was quickly and severely injured!

"Little Mink!"

Fang Ce was shocked and hurriedly caught it to protect him!

"Fang Ce! This deity will let you watch everything you care about be destroyed one by one in front of your eyes today, and there is nothing you can do!!"

The ancient god of the Great Desolation looked darkly, what happened during this period of time can be said to have made him extremely unhappy, if he didn't torture Fang Ce to despair today, it would be hard for him to get rid of his anger!
"Fairy leads people away! Go now!! I will cover for you!"

Fang Ce hurriedly threw Diao Wang to Xin Yu.

Xin Yu caught Diao Wang and couldn't help being startled, and finally had to grit his teeth and retreat to Kowloon City!
At this moment, except for Fang Ce, Taoist Good and Evil, and Jiaolong, everyone quickly retreated to Kowloon City!
"Hahahaha! Escape! Escape as much as you want! See if you can really escape from the palm of this deity!"

The Ancient God of the Wilderness opened his six arms, laughed wildly, and then focused his eyes: "Kill me! No one will be left!!"

Immediately, terrifying flames and snakes engulfed everyone in Kowloon City!



The Daoist Kuanglei also led the army, chasing and killing them frantically!

"Hahahahaha! Kowloon City is over! It's over! Diao Wang! Master Shengxie! Are you still arrogant!"

The king of sheep is even more complacent and crazy.

Rumble boom!

Fang Ce gritted his teeth and backed away, while all the talismans were thrown out desperately!Together with Taoists Good and Evil, and Jiaolong, they blocked the attack of the Great Desolation Ancient God's army with all their strength!
It's just that the three of them couldn't resist the huge and terrifying attack, and soon all three of them were seriously injured!Especially Jiaolong!

"Jiaolong! You also retreat!"

Fang Ce gritted his teeth and opened his mouth.


Jiaolong also gritted his teeth and backed away, because he really couldn't hold on anymore!

In the end, Fang Ce and the good and evil Taoists struggled to resist!

Gradually, at the moment when the two also retreated to the city wall!

"Fang Ce, can you, Master False Dragon, survive this last blow?"

The plain voice of the Great Wilderness Ancient God sounded.

At the same time, the giant evil flame dragon blasted directly at the good and evil Taoists!
The good and evil Taoist suddenly shrank his pupils, knowing that he was doomed!Because his regenerative ability has also reached its limit!


Fang Ce let out a low shout, but he stood in front of the good and evil Taoists, and cast out dozens of mountain talismans!

High mountains quickly rose from the ground and stood in front of them!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Amidst the intense explosions, all these mountains were destroyed!
The evil flame dragon continued to roar, and swallowed Fang Ce directly with a miserable howl!Immediately afterwards, it continued to fall on the good and evil Taoists!

The good and evil Taoist also let out a miserable howl and was directly beaten back to his original shape. He hit the city wall with a bang, and fell to the ground again!

Lie Yan passed by, and Fang Ce's figure appeared intact!

Against fate!

"Hmph, among the ants, you are indeed outstanding. But... in front of the gods, you can't change anything!"

The Ancient God of the Great Desolation focused his eyes, and the turbulent breath spread!

In an instant, the entire Kowloon City was surrounded by flames!

The people of Xinyu and the soldiers of Kowloon City couldn't escape at all!
The whole world seems to be trapped in a fiery purgatory!

Fang Ce stared at the Great Desolation Ancient God, but besides being angry, he didn't know how to deal with this monster at all!

"Fang Ce, why don't you quickly kneel down and beg for mercy! Bark twice, be a good dog, maybe the ancient gods of the Great Desolation will spare your life, hahahahaha!"

Yang Wang's triumphant and maniacal laughter sounded.

"Fang Ce! We can only fight to the death!"

Liang Xue's voice sounded, and she and Xin Yu all returned to Fang Ce's side.

"Master! Why are you doing this! Huh..."

Sun Taimei was weeping and worrying under the city wall to heal the wounds of the good and evil Taoists.

"Well... I'm fine as a teacher..."

The good and evil Taoist took the elixir and recovered quickly. With the ability to regenerate, he absorbed and recovered much faster than ordinary people.

"Fight hard? Do you have the qualifications? Huh?"

The Ancient God of the Great Wilderness looked at Liang Xue, and suddenly the terrifying evil flame dragon rushed out again!

"Miss Liang, be careful!"

Fang Ce was shocked immediately, and quickly blasted out the Wuliang Sword Art to block it!

Xin Yu also hastily used the extreme ice torrent to help!

Boom boom boom!
A groan sounded!
Fang Ce was directly blasted onto the city wall, his body was severely injured, and his regenerative ability quickly recovered!

"Can you really save it?"

The Great Wilderness Ancient God let out a plain sigh.

The evil flame giant dragon and the terrifying fire snakes all around crazily blasted at Xin Yu, Tianshi Wuzun, and King Fuzun!


Fang Ce was terrified and had no choice but to continue to stop him with all his strength.

However, now that everyone is exhausted, facing such a fierce offensive from the Great Desolation Ancient God, it is simply difficult for one person to deal with it with a single strategy.

Just for a moment.

boom! boom! boom!
Everyone was bombarded on the ground!
Fang Ce, who had withstood the most attacks, was no exception. His scorched and weak knee fell to the ground, supported by his broken long sword!


Fang Ce raised his head tremblingly and stared at the Great Desolation Ancient God.

At this moment, the Ancient God of the Great Wilderness walked towards Fang Ce step by step, his gaze cast a contemptuous look: "Provoking the majesty of the gods, can you really bear the consequences?"

He pointed out with one hand that the target was directed at Xin Yu who was seriously injured and collapsed to the ground!

Immediately, a fire snake rushed towards Xin Yu!

"Do not!!!"

Fang Ce's eyes were about to burst, but he couldn't get up at the moment.

"Xin Yu!?"

A scream sounded!
A figure suddenly stood in front of Xin Yu!It was Xin Lan!

The Great Wilderness Ancient God frowned, flipped his hands, and immediately stopped attacking.

"Uncle... Aunt..."

Fang Ce breathed a sigh of relief.


Xin Yu also made a weak voice.

At this moment, another exclamation sounded!
The Ancient God of the Great Wilderness instantly sucked Xin Lan into his hands, and greedily sucked out waves of abundant energy from her body!


Xin Lan could not help but struggle in pain.

"Xin Lan..."

The sword of Master Wuzun trembled on the ground. Today, Master Wuzun was so worn out that he couldn't even show himself!Facing the suffering Xin Lan could only struggle helplessly.


Fang Ce gritted his teeth and looked at the scene in front of him, and he could see that, in fact, the ancient god of the Great Desolation was not only targeting him this trip, but also Xin Lan!The current Xin Lan doesn't seem to have suffered much damage, it's all because of the ancient gods of the Great Desolation!

"Hahahaha! Diao Wang! What about your pride before? Huh?"

King Yang laughed wildly, and at this moment, he was stepping on King Diao with his foot, and was crushing hard, making King Diao groan in pain.

"Little mink...you, king of sheep!"

Seeing this, Fang Ce's eyes turned red instantly, and the hand holding the hilt of the sword was even more bruised!

"Oh? Young Master Shengxie? What? Do you have a problem with this king? Do you still care about this little demon? After a while, this king will reward her to his subordinates. What do you think?"

King Yang looked at Fang Ce triumphantly, as if you couldn't help it.


Fang Ce's pupils shrank, and a murderous intent erupted from his body!
"Yo? Do you still dare to murder this king? With your appearance, can you really do anything to this king? Now this king can do whatever he wants to do with this little bastard. You can try to touch this king?"

King Yang showed a sneering smile, and moved his feet vigorously, which immediately made King Diao spat out a mouthful of blood in pain!

"Sheep King!!!"

Fang Ce was even more frightened and furious, but he was seriously injured and could only slowly prop up his body tremblingly and with difficulty.

"Come on, come on."

Yang Wang smiled, and was lucky again, which made Diao Wang spit out a mouthful of blood in pain.


The root of Fang Ce's bite was already bleeding, but he could only tremble and slowly get up, and he might not even be able to get up!Feeling angry and hopeless...

"Hahahahaha! Young Master Shengxie, Young Master Shengxie, I think how high-spirited you were back then, but now you are nothing more than that... Today, this king will let you watch this little slut be tortured to death!"

Yang Wang even laughed maniacally, with a smug look on his face.

Accompanied by King Yang's maniacal laughter, there were low groans of pain from all around Fu Zunwang.

Feeling the desperation in front of him, Fang Ce felt his eyes were a little moist, and there was an obsession in his heart, he wanted to get up!To kill the enemy!Even if the body has already reached its capacity, as long as the sword can be drawn again, this remnant body will be gone, so what the hell!

Out of the sword!

Out of the sword!

Take out the sword!
All of a sudden, a heaven and earth zhifeng slowly condensed out of consciousness!

This is! ?
Fang Ce's eyes were fixed, and at this moment, his consciousness was completely clear!Seeing the way that belongs to him!
A low drink!
Fang Ce's body surged with sword intent!In an instant, a stern figure flashed out at a high speed, and the extremely sharp edge went straight to the king of sheep!


Yang Wang's pupils shrank suddenly, with a look of horror on his face!But at this moment, there was no time to react, and the figure had already passed through him!


The Ancient God of the Great Wilderness who was absorbing Xinlan couldn't help being startled, and stopped moving.


A grunt.

The King of Sheep stared blankly at Fang Ce, who was half-standing up in front of him, and faintly saw a peerless sword drawn out of its sheath!



A miserable howl!
I saw the sword energy erupting from King Yang's body, tearing him apart!Blood dripped down!

"Sword Intent!?"

The Ancient God of the Wilderness couldn't help looking at Fang Ce in shock.

Fang Ce looked at the Ancient God of the Great Desolation, and stood up slowly, with a surging sword intent brewing wildly on his body!Just standing in that place is like an invincible divine front!
"What's the matter with this guy!?"

Dao Master Kuang Lei couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

"Hahahahaha! Disciple, you have finally entered the Tao... Cough cough cough..."

Daoist Good and Evil laughed loudly, but he, who had not recovered from his injuries, couldn't help coughing painfully.

"Master, do you still have the strength? Take everyone away, and the disciple will clean up these guys."

With a sound of Fang Ce's fall, a fierce figure flashed out of his body at a high speed, directly killing the ancient god of the wilderness!
The ancient god of the Great Wilderness shrank his pupils, and before he had time to react, he snorted and was cut off from holding Xin Lan's big hand, and blood spurted out instantly!

"You!? Do it! Kill them all!"

The Ancient God of the Great Wilderness was frightened and furious, and immediately cast the ultimate magic method, the fire hell world, and blasted towards Fang Ce!

Daoist Kuanglei and the snake girl Jiaxie responded, and they all shot with all their strength!

A wave of Taoism crazily bombarded everyone in Xin Yu!

Fang Ce's eyes were fixed, and he flew up directly, and at the same time, the sword intent on his body exploded violently!In an instant, stern figures flew out of the sky at high speed!

Boom boom boom!
I saw that the attack of the ancient gods of the Great Desolation was directly blocked!
At this moment, Fang Ce was directly pressing towards the ancient god of the wilderness, and figures with sword intent poured away!


The ancient gods of the Great Desolation couldn't help being terrified, and quickly used the fire hell world to resist.

However, under the attack of Fang Ce's terrifying sword intent, the Ancient God of the Great Wilderness was unable to resist, and was forced to retreat repeatedly, with streaks of blood continuously drawn on his body!If it wasn't for the ability to regenerate, I'm afraid he would have been beheaded!

"How!? How could this guy suddenly become so powerful!?"

Daoist Kuanglei was shocked.

Snake girl Jiaxie and the others also had shocking expressions on their faces!

"Hahahaha! Fearless and selfless, the sword is coming! I finally saw it in my lifetime! My dear disciple, don't worry about fighting! Leave the rest to the teacher!"

The Taoist good and evil laughed loudly, and supported Fang to recover a little bit of his body, transformed into an ice-blue giant dragon, and then quickly left with Xin Yu and the others with Sun Taimei.


The Ancient God of the Great Wilderness was furious, but at this moment in order to resist Fang Ce's offensive, he had to deal with it with all his strength, because if he was not careful, he might be destroyed by Fang Ce!At that time, the remaining immortal soul will also be greatly reduced in Taoism, and it will be restrained everywhere!
A howl sounded!

However, under Fang Ce's crazy offensive, many soldiers under the command of the Great Wilderness Ancient God were killed by mistake, and they were directly torn apart!
For a moment, the terrifying power made everyone run away in horror, allowing the ancient gods of the Great Desolation to be forced to retreat in succession!

However, after Taoist Good and Evil took everyone away completely.

A groan!
The sword force on Fang Ce's body suddenly dissipated, and all attacks came to an abrupt end, and he fell directly to the ground!
"Hmph! Have you finally reached your mental capacity?"

A cold hum.

The Ancient God of the Great Wilderness slowly walked towards Fang Ce with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Uh... ah..."

Fang Ce was paralyzed on the ground, struggling to get up. At this moment, he only felt a splitting headache and his consciousness was blurred!
"Back then in the heavenly realm, this deity also competed with the sword-intent practitioners a lot. I'm afraid I know the sword-intent better than you."

The Ancient God of the Wilderness grabbed Fang Ce's head with a big hand, and lifted it up!

(End of this chapter)

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