Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 287 Fang Ceqiang collects the snake soul, transforms the snake body into madness and breaks

Chapter 287 Fang Ceqiang collects the snake soul, transforms the snake body into madness and breaks the seal!
"That's right, the Ancient God of the Great Desolation is unmatched in strength now. Since you have no way to deal with the beauty of the snake, you can only seek help. It is a good choice to cooperate with those guys of Wurui Beast. After the Great Desolation Ancient God is completely resolved God, how to deal with the five auspicious beasts is also an easy matter."

Fang policy responded.

"Hmph! When the deity breaks the seal, the first thing to do is to destroy the five auspicious beasts! Then I will greet the descendants of the Saint Heaven Immortal Master. I want them to survive or die! Cooperate, that's wrong!" Possible things!"

The snake snorted coldly.

"Why...why? Is there such a big hatred? The Ancient God of the Wilderness will destroy the whole world. If you don't solve it first, you will also suffer from the beauty of the snake. Because this guy is absolutely impossible to tolerate the powerful He exists on an equal footing."

Fang Zhizhi frowned. He didn't expect that Hua Snake would be so hostile to Wurui Beast and Saint Heaven Immortal Master. It was a life-and-death situation!I'm afraid it's not easy to talk about...

"Old God of the Great Wilderness? You can't handle it, not necessarily the deity. At least, it is not easy for the ancient god of the Great Wilderness to do anything to the deity. As for the five auspicious beasts, the deity must get rid of it! Don't mention cooperation with the deity again, Otherwise, this deity will kill you too!"

Hua Snake stared at Fang Ce coldly. If it weren't for Fang Ce's evil spirit of the five realms, she would definitely not be with the five auspicious beasts, and she has always pursued her persistently, and she might really want to kill her up!

"Well... well, since the beauty of the snake doesn't like it, then I won't mention it. I wonder if you have any plans for the beauty of the snake after you break the seal. You can't just go straight to settle accounts with the five auspicious beasts, right? The Great Desolation Ancient God is also coming out? You have to be on guard, right?"

Fang Ce looked helpless.

"Hmph, isn't the current strength of our Nine Dragons Mountain almost the same? When I break the seal, I will lead you to directly rule the whole world. Those who obey will prosper and those who oppose will perish! It is impossible to give the five auspicious beasts any chance!"

The eyes of the snake turn into disdain.

"Well... it's okay, but... I have another suggestion..."

Fang Ce nodded silently.

"Huh? Any suggestion?"

The snake was puzzled.

"That is……"

Fang Ce's eyes were fixed, and the sword intent on his body suddenly exploded!The two razor-sharp sword intents directly killed the snake beauty who was right in front of her eyes!


The snake's pupils shrank sharply!Caught off guard, there was no time to react!

A scream rang out!
The snake was directly wounded by the sword intent, and the entire head appeared dim and dissipated!Now that Fang Ce's strength is already several levels stronger than when he competed with Hua Snake, how could Hua Snake's obviously soul-like state be able to withstand this sudden attack?
"Young Master Shengxie, how dare you treat this deity..."

The snake was startled and furious, but it didn't wait for her to finish speaking.


I saw that Fang Ce had already taken out a water sapphire bottle and performed the sealing technique, quickly sealing the snake forcibly!

"Hmm... As expected, it's soul consciousness..."

Fang Ce looked at the jade bottle in his hand and heaved a sigh of relief. He should be able to "persuade" well next time.

At this moment, the ground shook violently, no, it should be that the entire mountain range shook violently!
At the same time, the jade bottle in Fang Ce's hand also heard a frantic struggle! !


Fang Ce's face was startled, and he looked around at the situation of the huge stone monument, and instantly knew that it was the body of the snake beauty who was trying to forcefully break the seal!It can also be seen that what is sealed by him is part of the soul consciousness of the beauty of the snake!He didn't dare to stay for a long time, so he flew away in a hurry, and quickly left in the northeast direction.

Flying out of the Jiulong Mountains, the struggle in the jade bottle instantly became weak.But the shaking of the entire Nine Dragons Mountains became more intense!
Obviously, the soul consciousness of the snake beauty should not be too far away from the main body.

"Young Master Shengxie!? You succeeded in crossing the tribulation!? What's going on now? What's the situation in Nine Dragon Mountain?"

A voice sounded.

I saw the husband and the demon kings looking at Fang Ce from below.

"The Snake Beauty is about to break the seal. I'm afraid Nine Dragon Mountain will be destroyed. You first lead everyone to the capital to seek refuge with Diao Wang and Lord Jiaolong. Remember to abide by the rules. That is not a place where you can mess around."

Fang Ce responded and continued to leave quickly.

"What!? Lord Transformation Snake is going to break the seal!?"

The demon kings of the husbands suddenly looked suspicious. Regarding the breaking of the snake, he didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. Although he was loyal to the snake, who would know what the snake would do after it was broken?
At this moment, Fang Ce flew all the way, and finally came to a remote mountain range in the northeast of Taigan.

fall to the ground.

Fang Ce casually opened the seal of the water sapphire bottle.

What flew out was not the head of a beautiful woman who turned into a snake, but a mass of water-blue energy.

"Huh? Too weak?"

Fang Ce was surprised, he could sense that the water-blue energy body was the breath of the snake, and now it seems that it is too far away from the body to form?I don't know if it will be affected...

"Forget it, I can't control that much anymore. Beauty of the Snake, this is for your own good."

Fang Ce raised his hand, and a formation immediately unfolded!Immediately, a drop of blood essence condensed from the fingertips and flew towards the water-blue energy body of the snake beauty.

He sat down cross-legged slowly, evil spirit surged out of his body, his hands quickly formed seals, waves of energy spread, and the entire formation suddenly lit up with a strange light...

One day passed, inside Nine Dragons Mountain.


Terrifying tremors fluctuated continuously!The entire mountain range is already shaking!

In the deep valley, boom!boom!boom!boom!boom!
There were repeated explosions that shook the sky!But all the nine huge stone tablets that had already been broken into pieces exploded! ! !

"Young Master Shengxie!!!"

There was a sharp whistling sound!
Wow!boom! ! !
The entire deep valley was instantly flooded and collapsed by the terrifying torrent from the ground!

Whoa!Whoa!Whoa! !

The monstrous torrents spread and continued to rush towards the mountains in all directions! !

A huge wave protrudes like a hill, and on the huge wave, an extremely beautiful aqua-blue creature that is half human and half snake gradually emerges!

The creature has water-blue twin wings, a long snake tail covered with crystal scales, and water-blue fluff that clings to its body like clothes, presenting a graceful body.His complexion is white and beautiful, his hair is flying, and his slender ears like dragon fins are exposed.She is a beauty who turns into a snake!
At this moment, the snake's eyes were a little dull, and the jade lips kept revealing a cold voice: "Young Master Shengxie...Young Master Shengxie...Young Master Shengxie..."

Immediately, the monstrous flood carried the snake to the northeast!

Wherever the flood passed, the flowers, plants, trees, and even boulders were all washed away!

Soon after, in the imperial palace of the capital.

"Report! Your Majesty! There is a terrifying torrent coming from the west, destroying countless villages and towns, and it is rushing towards the northeast direction! It is accompanied by a terrifying evil spirit! It is suspected of being haunted by a big monster! And this path may pass through the capital!"

A soldier came to the court in a hurry!

"What!? Could it be that the snake has been broken!?"

King Fu Zun looked shocked.

I saw that in the court hall, Tianshi Wuzun, Xin Yu, and Jiaolong were all there, and the demon kings of the husband and the demon king of Shangyang were also there!
The Fuzhu Demon King and the Shangyang Demon King arrived at the capital today with the submerged cultivators from Jiulong Mountain who were forced to cross the catastrophe by Fang Ce, and brought the news that the snake was about to be broken.Immediately attracted King Fu Zun and everyone to discuss urgently.Unexpectedly, it didn't take long before such news came again!

"Master Transformation Snake has broken the seal?"

Jiaolong was surprised.

"You two demon kings, did Fang Ce tell you anything else?"

Xin Yu couldn't help but hurriedly asked her husband the demon kings and the Shangyang demon king.

"No, I just said that Master Hua Snake is about to break the seal, let us come and settle down."

Fuzhu Yaowang hesitated to respond, and now he didn't know whether he and Taigan were enemies or friends, but Jiaolong and Banjiao were all here, and they were ordered by Mr. Shengxie, so he let go of his guard.

"Well... get ready to meet the enemy!"

King Fu Zun's face darkened, and he instantly saw that this was a warning signal sent by Fang Ce!Otherwise, there must be another explanation!
The purpose of Xin Yu's questioning is also to distinguish Fang Ce's meaning.


Daoist Kuang Lei nodded immediately.

"What? Meet the enemy? Are you going to fight against Master Hua Snake?"

The husband demon kings and the Shangyang demon king all frowned.

Jiaolong showed hesitation on his face. Although the relationship with Taigan was very harmonious during this period of time, relatively speaking, those of them who came from Jiulong Mountain still tended to turn into snakes in their hearts. Less good fortune and shelter!
"If it's inconvenient for you, you don't need to interfere with this matter. It's not too late to make a decision when Mr. Shengxie comes back. We are just protecting ourselves now, just in case. Of course, we will also try to negotiate with the snake, and I hope everyone Give me some face."

King Fu Zun looked at Jiaolong and the others.

"Okay, let's see what's going on when Young Master Shengxie returns."

Jiaolong nodded, and at the same time signaled his composure to the Fuzhu demon king and Shangyang demon king.

"Don't worry, Mr. Hua Snake is not us crappy little monsters. Being too dry is only for defense, and it is impossible to really fight against Mr. Hua Snake."

Diao Wang also spoke at the right time, she was telling the truth, not just consolation.

"it is good."

The Husband Demon Kings and the Shangyang Demon King each nodded.

Afterwards, King Fu Zun quickly left the palace with Tianshi Wu Zun and Xin Yu, and led the army out of the capital.

Came outside the capital.

King Fu Zun, Daoist Kuanglei, Diao Wang, and Tiger King each formed the ancient battle formation.

Jiaolong and the others also flew out, each with complicated moods.

For the Jiulong mountain crowd, the snake is the supreme existence, but because of this, they are somewhat worried about what impact it will have if it breaks the seal now.

Gradually, the ground trembled.


bang bang...

Boom boom boom...

The dull sound of the torrent can also be heard clearly!


King Fu Zun's pupils shrank.

In the distance, the terrifying flood is rolling in!

Everyone couldn't help but feel dignified!
That flood was extremely fast!

In a short while, they were several miles away from everyone!

And with the eyesight of everyone, they have already seen the beautiful creature carried on the flood!Turn into a snake! !
"Master Snake!!"

"It really is Master Transformation Snake!!"

Jiaolong and Banjiao all looked solemn.

"The person who came is the supreme Snake Lord of Nine Dragons Mountain! I am King Fu Zun, so I'm being polite here!"

King Fu Zun said loudly, he had also sought help from Hua Snake back then, and he had some contacts, so he wanted to see if he could use this to negotiate with Hua Snake.

However, the snake did not respond at all, but manipulated the monstrous flood to continue rushing towards the capital!But his mouth was still cold and dull, repeating the words "Shengxie Gongzi" repeatedly!Rather than saying that she didn't respond, it's better to say that she didn't receive any messages at all!

"Damn!! Prepare to fight!"

King Fu Zun's heart sank, and he had to make a decision!

Everyone in Xin Yu nodded.

The moment the snake enters the range of one mile.

Xin Yu's eyes froze, and the strength in her body moved, and the cold air enveloped in an instant!In the void, the ice blue light group condensed, boom! !The terrifying torrent of ice blasted out!

Dao Realm Magic Extreme Ice Torrent!

The monstrous flood that rushed straight was quickly frozen and stopped!

But, just for a moment, boom!boom!boom!
Continuous explosion!

The ice was completely washed away!Because the water potential is too strong!It's not a level of collision at all!

King Fu Zun and the others couldn't help but change their expressions slightly.


There was another soft drink!
I saw that Xin Yu shot again, but quickly and flatly summoned a series of giant mountains to block the front!

Dao realm spells move mountains and fill seas!

This is naturally learned from the auspicious unicorn.

The terrifying flood hit the backflow, and then continued to hit the backflow again!

The giant mountains were about to collapse soon!And it is inevitable that the mountain torrents will continue to rush towards the capital!
"Let's do it all! This battle is inevitable!"

King Fu Zun couldn't help opening his mouth in a deep voice, and then he let out a low shout. The huge power on his body exploded, and he quickly mobilized the power of the ancient battle formation, and the eight stars burst out, blasting towards the huge wave!
The Dao Master Kuanglei directly used the sky thunder technique to blast the snake!
"Young Master Shengxie...Young Master Shengxie..."

Hua Snake was still chanting sluggishly and coldly, but facing the counterattack of King Fu Zun and Daoist Kuang Lei, she still had an instinctive reaction, and she directly escaped into the flood without disappearing!


The sky thunder of Daoist Kuanglei immediately smashed through the sky!

Daoist Kuanglei couldn't help being stunned, he lost the lock on the target in an instant!
"Young Master Shengxie! Young Master Shengxie!!"

The eager and cold voice suddenly echoed in the void!
The flood has also become more turbulent and turbulent!
"Young Master Shengxie!? She's looking for a solution!?"

King Fu Zun was startled.

Everyone in Xin Yu was also a little surprised.

However, don't wait for everyone to think about it!

boom!boom!boom!boom! !

I saw giant trees rising straight up to the sky!This is a towering giant tree that is different from Baili Xianlin. If you say that the giant tree in Baili Xianlin is just because it looks towering, but now these giant trees are really straight to the sky, and you can't see the top!

This is the Taoist technique that supports the heavenly tree!

And with the appearance of these giant trees, all those giant mountains displayed by Xin Yu were disintegrated!
The terrifying torrent suddenly came from the giant tree and continued to surge towards everyone!


Xin Yu was startled, and when she pressed her hands together, a golden light shone out of her body!

In an instant, I saw King Fu Zun and his people, and even the entire capital behind was shrouded in golden light!

This is the golden city of Taoism and magic!

As long as they are under the cover of this mighty golden city, everyone can get strong defense protection!This is what Xin Yu learned from the auspicious beast Pixiu!It's just that this is a gold-type spell. When facing the ancient god of the wilderness, it was basically useless. It was completely restrained by the fire ability of the ancient god of the wilderness...

The monstrous flood quickly impacted on the four ancient battlefields of Fu Zunwang, Kuanglei Daoist, Diaowang, and Huwang!
The terrifying impact caused the four ancient battle formations to retreat slowly, and everyone had to resist with all their strength!

"What a terrifying power! Is this what Master Hua Snake can do!?"

The Fuzhu demon kings and Shangyang demon kings in the air watched the battle on the ground with shocking faces.

"Young Master Shengxie! Young Master Shengxie!!"

A cold voice sounded.

Immediately, boom! !

Thunder exploded!

I saw a series of sky thunders crashing down!It actually bombarded everyone indiscriminately!


The Fuzhu demon kings and the Shangyang demon king all looked terrified, and they had already been tricked before they had time to react!But fortunately, she was protected by Xin Yu's mighty golden city, so she was a false alarm!
"Damn! How to deal with this monster!?"

Daoist Kuang Lei couldn't help but curse.

He found that under the impact of the flood and the thunder, he couldn't find the snake at all!Apart from resisting, there is no way to deal with it at all!
"Is this the big monster my father and the others fear!"

King Fu Zun also had a shocked expression on his face. This power might not be as hopeless as the Great Desolation Ancient God, but it was obviously far from being something they could contend with! !

Xin Yu in the air is also frowning, her true knowledge ability is able to see what is going on, the snake transformation is a spell cast in the water, so in this endless torrent, it is impossible to find it!This is an ability far surpassing the Water Escape Technique!It can be described as the embodiment of water!

"Not good! If this goes on, we will be consumed to death! Where did Fang Ce go! What's going on!?"

Liang Xue was even more anxious, now the snake was obviously brought by Fang Ce, maybe only Fang Ce can solve it!
However, at the moment when everyone was anxious.

The power of the flood gradually weakened, to be precise, it bypassed everyone!After bypassing the capital, continue heading northeast!

"Young Master Shengxie...Young Master Shengxie..."

I saw the snake appeared again, but at this moment it only left its back in the distant torrent for the astonished people.


King Fu Zun was stunned.

"Is this gone?"

Daoist Kuanglei also had a dazed expression on his face, thinking that he was going to suffer a heavy loss this time, but he didn't expect it to pass like this?

"Master Hua Snake went to find Mr. Shengxie? What's going on? What did Mr. Shengxie do to Mr. Hua Snake?"

Jiaolong couldn't help but speak in a daze.

"You two demon kings, what's going on?"

Diao Wang couldn't help frowning and looked at Fuzhu Demon King and Shangyang Demon King.

"This... we don't know, Mr. Shengxie didn't explain anything before..."

The husband and the demon kings also looked at a loss.

"Just to find Mr. Shengxie? Didn't Mr. Shengxie always say that he wanted to pursue Master Hua Snake? Could he have done something disrespectful to Mr. Hua Snake..."

Tiger King couldn't help but look weird.

"Merry debt?"

Liang Xue also had a strange expression.


Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, and then looked at each other, confused and curious.

Xin Yu frowned lightly, with a worried look on her face.

Diao Wang also frowned lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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