Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 296: The Moon Saint Maiden Asks For Help, The Great Demon 9 Misfortunes Are Broken!

Chapter 296 The Holy Maiden of the Moon asks for help, and the great demon is broken by nine disasters!
"The Scarlet Chick Demon King, don't get excited. What you said, the snake beauty has considered it. But, do you think that the country is too powerful to keep up, so the kingdom of God will give up development? This self-defeating idea, If the Snake Beauty knows, what will she think of you?"

Fang Ce smiled.

"I...I didn't mean that..."

The Scarlet Chick Demon King quickly shook his head: "I mean, this idea is not realistic. How much spiritual fruit income does our kingdom of God have in a year? Even if the vitality is completely restored everywhere, there may be only 2000 years of spiritual power in a year." The amount of fruit, this amount is used on one person or several people, it seems quite a lot.

However, if it is used in the cultivation of the ancient battle formation, a thousand people in the ancient battle formation can exert its greatest power, then this year's income is only to allow 1000 people to improve their cultivation for two years on average!With a hundred years of cultivation, at least 50 years of income will be required!

It also means that we will not be able to catch up with Taigan's current tail in 50 years!Therefore, we can develop step by step now, and there is no need to rush to catch up with Taiqian.We are not some hostile country, aren't we all developing peacefully? "

"Peaceful development?"

Fang Ce smiled and shook his head: "O Scarlet Chick Demon King, peace is built on fists. Your fists are not strong enough, who will develop peacefully with you? It is purely wishful thinking. Of course, what you said is indeed reasonable, but even if you are slow , we can’t just give up, step by step, we can see the results after all, it’s better than just sit and wait.”

"Our Kingdom of God, don't you have Mr. Hua Snake and Mr. Shengxie now? Isn't this strength enough? How dare you touch us?"

The Scarlet Demon King frowned.


Fang Ce suddenly scolded and frowned, "Haven't you understood the meaning of the snake beauty?"

The Scarlet Chick Demon King and everyone were stunned for a moment.

The snake on the side was also slightly taken aback, what does she mean?
"Master Hua Snake will protect the Kingdom of God, but the Kingdom of God must have a place worthy of her protection! If the Kingdom of God is just a country that does not know how to make progress and only knows to rely on the protection of the gods, is it necessary to exist? God will only pity the real There are hardworking people who pursue, not lazy people.

Why the Snake Beauty named our country the Kingdom of God, because they hope to see that we can make this country flourish and thrive.Instead of letting us be self-sufficient, we will only rely on it blindly.Just like you, would you be willing to help someone who is unwilling to work hard and just waits for help? "

Fang Ce spoke quietly.

"This... this... is my slave's ignorance..."

The Scarlet Chick Demon King couldn't help but look ashamed.

Jiaolong and the others looked at each other and couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

On the other hand, the Transforming Snake had a strange expression on his face, and he felt a little disdainful in his heart. This guy really knows how to fool around...

"Okay, I didn't call you here to blame you, but mainly for discussion. After all, the development of a country cannot be separated from the growth of every citizen. It is right that you have the heart to become stronger. The snake beauty must also be pleased.

However, there must always be a balance between the interests of the country and the individual.If personal interests account for too much, they will often become blood-sucking worms parasitic on the country.Currently, in order to allow the Kingdom of God to develop at its maximum speed.I have temporarily drawn up a plan with Diao Wang.

In the future, before the Kingdom of God fully develops, cultivation resources such as spiritual fruits will mainly be used for the cultivation of the Ancient Battle Formation.As for your spiritual fruit supply, this is the plan at present, as long as those who are the core power in God's country, before the first crossing of the catastrophe on each floor, they can first obtain the supply of spiritual fruit, reaching the critical point of crossing the catastrophe.

If the tribulation fails, it is the first level of catastrophe, and the treasury can provide 300 years of spiritual fruit as a guarantee for restoring basic strength.For the second level of catastrophe, the treasury can provide 700-year-old spiritual fruits as a guarantee for restoring basic strength.

In this way, excessive waste of resources will not be caused.What do you think? "

Fang Ce looked at everyone.

"Hiss... In this case, it's quite reasonable. After all, if you fail to overcome the catastrophe on the second level, if you use the solution to resolve the catastrophe, you can still have 300 years of Taoism left, and with the supply of spiritual fruits for 700 years of Taoism, you can also restore it to 1000 years." Nian Daoxing. And the second layer of Heavenly Tribulation is inherently unlikely to succeed, if there is no limit to try your luck, it is indeed a waste of resources."

Master Ming Dao nodded.

"Well, indeed, I have no problem with that."

Jiaolong responded.

"If that's the case, it's still acceptable."

The Scarlet Chick Demon King nodded, and she was not unhappy if she could give her priority to provide her with the spiritual fruit that reached the critical point of crossing the catastrophe.

"Well, everyone agrees, right? Then I will ask the Beauty Snake for instructions later. As for whether to accept it or not, it depends on the Beauty Snake's opinion."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

Jiaolong and the others glanced at each other, and each nodded.

Then the meeting broke up and everyone left.

"Shui Ling'er, I'm leaving too, you..."

Fang Ce smiled and came to Hua Snake.

"Walk with me in this palace."

The snake calmly got up and left.


Fang Ce shrugged and followed.

After a while, they came to a courtyard of the palace.

"Shui Ling'er, you heard the discussion just now, right?"

Fang Ce casually accompanied Hua Snake.


The snake also responded at will.


Fang Ce asked with a smile.

"It's okay."

"That makes sense."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

Hua Snake curled his lips, and opened his mouth again: "Remember that you also have a master, a good and evil Taoist, who is also the existence of the second level of heavenly calamity?"

"Oh... yes, I don't know Hua... Shui Linger, why do you ask this?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"Did he not come to the Kingdom of God?"

The Snake spoke softly.

"No, master, his old man belongs to the idle cloud and wild cranes. He is devoted to seeking the Tao, and now basically rarely gets involved in worldly affairs. He was born to help when the ancient gods of the Great Desolation were in trouble."

Fang Ce replied, it seems that the beauty of the snake is trying to attract his master to the Kingdom of God to increase his strength...

"Oh? He is very strong? It is said that he...is good at ice spells?"

The snake asked quietly again.

"Strength... At least not inferior to any of the five auspicious beasts, maybe not inferior to the holy master of the sky. He is indeed good at ice magic, and it seems that this is the way he is walking."

Fang Ce nodded.

"Not under the Saint Celestial Master back then?"

The snake raised its eyebrows.

"what happened?"

Fang Ce was puzzled. In his opinion, the good and evil Taoist is good at ice spells, and may be able to restrain the beauty of the snake, but now the way is far away, and I'm afraid it still can't suppress the water ability of the beauty of the snake.However, if he joins forces with good and evil Taoists, it may not be so.This was also a plan he had considered before to deal with the snake beauty.Now that the Snake Beauty asks about this, I'm afraid she is also afraid of it?

"What about you? How is it compared to you?"

The snake turned to ask again.


Fang Ce was taken aback for a moment, then pondered for a while: "Hmm...it should be worse than this one..."

Hua Snake couldn't help curling his lips when he heard the words, and instantly understood the meaning of Fang Ce's words.
"Arrange a quiet place for me in this palace, just not far from you. I may come here often in the future."

The Snake spoke softly.


Fang Ce couldn't help being taken aback.

"Hmph, don't think too much about it. My deity... This girl is just to better monitor your progress, and have you played any tricks?"

The Transforming Snake spoke softly again.

"Oh fine……"

Fang Ce nodded. The witch said surveillance, but nine times out of ten it wasn't surveillance...

"Since you want to be under surveillance, why don't you just stay at my residence, since it's usually quiet anyway."

Fang Ce spoke again.


The snake nodded.

Fang Ce's face was strange, and he was even more sure that the witch was not for the so-called surveillance.

Gradually, three years passed.

The number of soldiers who have cultivated for 100 years in the Kingdom of God has increased by more than 200, the number of soldiers who have cultivated for 30 years has increased by 400, and the amount of spiritual fruit has increased by [-] years.Because the vitality of the earth is still recovering, the number of natural treasures is also slowly recovering every year.

And Fang Ce himself, because of the governance of the Kingdom of God, has also obtained a lot of spiritual fruits from the Fengshui scrolls. In three years, his Taoism has been raised to 300 years!
The palace, inside the chamber.

Everyone is discussing the development of the Kingdom of God.

Hua Snake was also sitting at the side, listening calmly. In the past three years, she has basically integrated into the environment.Everyone is completely used to her being Fang Ce's fiancée, Shui Ling'er...

"My lord envoy, the progress of the Kingdom of God is still too slow, what is the attitude of Lord Hua Snake now?"

Diao Wang sighed softly, the Kingdom of God is too young after all, if there is no change, I am afraid that it will always be crushed to death by Taiqian.Of course, it does not refer to diplomatic issues, but the issue of national power comparison.Basically, there is no possibility of catching up with Taigan.She had to worry about whether Master Hua Snake would be impatient.

Jiaolong and the others also looked helpless.

"Oh, don't worry too much. Master Hua Snake has seen your hard work and will not blame you."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

In the past three years, Hua Snake has spent [-]% of his time in the Kingdom of God. It can be said that he has been watching the development of the Kingdom of God and the efforts of everyone.Therefore, Fang Ce is not too worried.

"That's good, but it's been like this all the time, and there's no big progress, so I always feel uneasy. How about...Master God Envoy, let the fairy come over, and see if you can find one or two more people in the country who are suitable for practicing the ancient battle formation general?
The strength of the ancient battle formation cannot be raised in a short time, so it would be good to train one or two more generals.Master Hua Snake will be happy when he hears this. "

Diao Wang spoke.

"That's right, let's call out guys with a little bit of cultivation and ability, and line up one by one for that fairy to appraise. We can always find one or two, right?"

The Scarlet Chick Demon King also opened his mouth.

"This... is a good idea, but it's not necessary. There are no soldiers, and so many generals are brought out, and now it's just a display, and it's just a mess. Lord Hua Snake must be able to understand your thoughts, so don't bother with these meaningless things gone."

Fang Ce smiled helplessly.

"Fairy, you mean the one who should be robbed?"

The Snake spoke softly.

"Oh... yes, the fairy can easily see who has the talent to master the ancient battle formation. Before that, the Diao King and the Tiger King were all identified by the fairy."

Fang policy responded.

The snake nodded.

"If there's nothing else, let's stop discussing here. The development of national power is not a matter of overnight. It is enough to draw up a policy and go forward step by step."

Fang Ce spoke again.


Diao Wang nodded, and wanted to let the crowd disperse.

"Report! Outside the Southwest Kingdom, there is a tribe called the Moonman who has flooded a large number of refugees! It is said that a big monster has been born! Now the leader of the Moonman tribe, two saintesses are asking for help outside the temple! "

A guard arrived in a hurry.

"What!? The big monster outside the Southwest Kingdom broke the seal!? The Moonman Tribe!?"

Diao Wang looked at Fang Ce in shock.

"The big demon broke the seal?"

Fang Ce looked at the snake in surprise.

Hua Snake frowned slightly.

"Let the two saintesses wait in the main hall, I will be there soon!"

Diao Wang immediately opened his mouth, and she didn't need to ask about the breaking of the Great Demon's seal, she also knew that Fang Ce would definitely meet and understand!

The guard quickly retreated.

"My lord envoy, and everyone, let's go."

Diao Wang looked at Fang Ce and Jiaolong.

Everyone in Fang Ce nodded, and followed Diao Wang up and left.

After a while, came to the main hall.

I saw a pair of exactly the same appearance, almost the same demeanor, also wearing a moon white long gauze skirt, bright and demure beauties standing in the hall with willow eyebrows slightly frowning.

Twin sisters?

Fang Strategy was slightly surprised. The two girls were almost identical in appearance, clothing, aura, and cultivation. He couldn't tell the difference at a glance...

Diao Wang and Jiaolong were also slightly surprised.

At this moment, seeing everyone coming, and King Diao sitting on the throne, the two moon saints glanced at each other, and they clasped their fists together and bowed to salute: "The moon saints, Shang Wu, Shang Le, pay homage to Your Majesty the Queen of the Kingdom of God! "


Diao Wang lightly waved his hand, and then said again: "Speak up, what's the matter with the big monster breaking the seal?"

"Well! Back to Your Majesty, we are the Moonman tribe who live in seclusion in the Shangyue region of the southwest, and have guarded the seal of the ancient great demon and nine disasters for generations. Over the years, I don't know what happened, and the seal often changed, until not long ago. Before that, the seal was suddenly broken directly.

The seven mountains that served as seals all collapsed, allowing the Nine Disasters to break out. The patriarch has already sacrificed in order to cover the evacuation of our clan.Before leaving, the patriarch asked us to come to the Central Plains to seek help from the descendants of Master Shengtian!He said that only the descendants of the Saint Celestial Master can deal with this monster! "

Shang Wu looked sad.

"The Great Demon Nine Disasters?"

Diao Wang and Fang Ce are both puzzled.

The snake on the side still frowned slightly.

"It's a huge snake-shaped monster with nine ferocious heads. It can spit out a terrible black flood. Almost everything it touches will be corroded! It's very scary! Now our Shangyue area should have been completely destroyed..."

Shang Wu's eyes were red.

Nine misfortunes of the great demon in ancient times... Looking for the descendants of the Saint Celestial Master... One of the great demons who was sealed by the Saint Celestial Master 6000 years ago?

Fang Ce looked at the snake in surprise.

"You said you came to find the descendants of the Saint Heavenly Immortal Master to deal with the great demon Nine Disasters? Can you be sure that the descendants of the Saint Heavenly Immortal Master can deal with it? What is the strength of the Nine Disasters?"

Diao Wang frowned. As far as she knew, the descendants of the Saint Celestial Master should be the fairy Xin Yu, but now Xin Yu's strength, although it cannot be said to be weak, is not too strong, at least not as good as the five auspicious beasts, Not to mention Fang Ce and Master Hua Snake!

(End of this chapter)

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