Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 329 The Demon Dragon's Disastrous Defeat, 3 Gods Guard

Chapter 329: Demon Dragon Fiasco, Three Gods Guard

Hearing the words, the Snake was really elated, and the little tail behind him couldn't help but cocked up, swaying, what belongs to her belongs to her after all...

"Your Excellency is really the servant of that vile snake?"

The magic dragon narrowed his eyes and showed suspicion again. If Fang Ce was really powerful, he would be subdued by the snake for no reason!
"So what if it is, and what if it's not? What's the difference?"

Fang Ce remained calm.

"Hmph, if so, then I don't need to be afraid of you!!"

The magic dragon snorted coldly, opened its huge mouth, and the dark Hong Bing spit out towards Fang Ce!Since Hua Snake can defeat Fang Ce, there's no reason why he can't!
"The beauty of Jiuying, help me guard the Hukou Pass."

Fang Ce landed with a sound, his figure flew out, the holy and evil aura erupted, facing the incoming torrent of ice, he unleashed the immeasurable sword art!

Rumble boom!

I saw that the torrent of ice was easily dissipated, and the remaining power of the sword energy continued to blast towards the dragon!
"What!? Evil Qi of the Five Realms!? Holy Qi of the Three Realms!? Both Holy and Evil Qi coexist! How is this possible!?"

The magic dragon was shocked at once, and then let out a muffled groan. He had been injured by the remaining power of the sword energy, and he retreated tens of feet!
"Jiuying! I want to see how you fight us!"

Jiu Calamity snorted coldly, but joined forces with Jiu Calamity to launch an offensive against Jiu Ying together!At the same time, let the three Nether Dragon Riders take action!

Liang Xue was stunned for a moment, and soon the power of water added to her body. She just got this new body not long ago, but she is not very familiar with it yet, and she doesn't know if she can handle it.And in order for her to perfectly integrate with this body, Fang Ce spent all the spiritual fruits left on his body!
At this moment, boom boom boom!

There were loud explosions!

Pain sounded!

Liang Xue was immediately blown backwards!Facing the Nine Disasters and the Nine Disasters joining forces, even if she uses the power of water to protect her body, she is still hard to resist!The main problem is that it appeared on the three ghost dragon rides!The destructive power of this Nether Dragon Rider is really terrifying!

Facing a single Nether Dragonrider, Liang Xue could actually deal with it easily.However, with the three Nether Dragonriders plus the Nine Disasters and the Nine Disasters, they simply have no time to deal with them!Fortunately, this Jiuying's water and fire possession ability itself is very powerful, otherwise, she might not be able to last for a while!

"Jiuying, you want to stop us just because of you? You really can't control yourself!"

Jiufu immediately disdains, he plans to clean up Jiuying as soon as possible, and then join forces with the magic dragon to deal with Fang Ce!

At this moment, one after another huge water dragons blasted towards Nine Disasters!Blast it back instantly!

"You cheap snake!!"

Nine misfortunes were furious, and instantly discovered that it was the snake who made the move!
"Dog, do you really think the deity is dead!"

The snake turned into a sneer, and has already cast a monstrous flood to escape, sweeping towards the Nine Disasters!Although she has been severely injured by the magic dragon, it is not a problem to suppress the Nine Disasters!
"And the deity! Roar!"

A roar!
Evil Ape propped up his seriously injured body, once again displayed his giant god power and the mighty golden city, got up and punched the Nine Calamities!Although his body protection power has been exhausted, it is still more than enough to deal with the Nine Calamities!

"You evil ape!"

The Nine Calamities were frightened and retreated in a hurry.

Afterwards, Xie Yuan, Liang Xue, and Hua Snake quickly joined forces to fight against the Nine Disasters and the Nine Disasters with all their strength!Among them, Liang Xue is in the best condition, and has the ability to regenerate nine heads, mainly blocking the three ghost dragonriders.

Transforming snakes and evil apes are responsible for suppressing the nine disasters!
And Fang Ce's side.

Horror sword energy overflows!
Fang Ce's immeasurable sword art was used repeatedly, and it actually suppressed the dragon, causing it to be injured one after another!
The magic dragon was furious and unbelievable. At this moment, he found that Fang Ce restrained him!The coexistence of holy and evil spirits can be said to restrain him to death who only has evil spirits!And his other advantage, the dragon energy of the four realms is useless in front of Fang Ce!Because both holy and evil qi are resistant to dragon qi, but neither can completely resist, and the coexistence of holy and evil qi has reached the extreme or even overflowed this resistance!Make his dragon energy completely useless!
It can be said that a large part of the reason why he can become the leader of all the big monsters is because of the absolute advantage he has gained in the evil energy of the five realms and the dragon energy of the four realms!For most living beings, their own strength will be greatly suppressed in the face of dragon energy and dragon power!Especially his dragon energy has reached the four realms!Big monsters like Jiu Huo, Jiu Ying, and Hua Snake, who have neither cultivated holy energy nor evil energy, can only display half of their cultivation strength in front of his four-level dragon energy!

And the five auspicious beasts who have cultivated the holy energy of the three realms can only display [-]% of their cultivation strength in front of his magic dragon!So even if there is some restraint against him, the five auspicious beasts will not have any advantage at all!The appearance of Fang Ce now has completely broken this situation, completely disintegrating all his advantages in one fell swoop!
However, even though Fang Ce is completely suppressed to fight him now, Demon Dragon is not convinced, he is still trying his best to find Fang Ce's weakness!Because he doesn't believe that Hua Snake can restrain the strategy, he will not be able to find a way to deal with it!Fang Ce must have some special weakness!

Now if Demon Dragon knows that there is no way to restrain the snake, but is restrained by Fang Ce, and even Fang Ce has not exerted all his strength, he is afraid that he will be directly pissed off...

"Okay, it seems that Your Excellency's strength should only be so. Then I won't waste any more time."

A flat voice sounded.

Fang Ce has probably figured out the strength of the magic dragon, the evil energy of the five realms, the dragon energy of the four realms, the ability of giant spirits, and the undead body, and there is also a special power that he has not fully understood that makes it difficult for him to cause huge damage to the magic dragon. defense ability.With the addition of these abilities, the magic dragon can indeed be called the head of all the big monsters.But, unfortunately, this guy was restrained by his strategy!

In an instant, the terrifying sword intent erupted crazily on Fang Ce, blasting towards the dragon at top speed!

The magic dragon was shocked immediately, he didn't expect that Fang Ce still had such a powerful power that he hadn't used yet!
There is no time to react!
Amidst the terrifying explosions, the magic dragon was repeatedly wounded and kept going backwards, without any resistance!
"Master Demon Dragon!?"

Emperor Li was also horrified, he didn't expect the Demon Dragon to be completely crushed in front of Fang Ce!
"not good!!"

Nine Disasters and Nine Disasters both changed their expressions, sensing the danger of the situation!Because once the magic dragon falls, they will be taken care of by Fang Ce soon!
After all, Fang Ce now has Transforming Snake, Evil Ape, and Nine Infants by his side, and these three are not inferior to them in strength!If you add five auspicious beasts...

"Demon Dragon! Let's withdraw! This deity will cover for you!"

A low drink!
I saw Nine Calamities manipulating three Nether Dragon Knights to attack Fang Ce with all their strength!At the same time, she also quickly stood in front of the magic dragon, sharing Fang Ce's offensive for it!After all, her vitality can be said to be the best among all the monsters!Even if Fang Ce broke out with all his strength, it would be difficult to kill her in a short time!


Fang Ce frowned, facing the three Nether Dragonriders attacking with all their strength, he didn't dare to push him too hard, and immediately mobilized his sword intent to blast at the three Nether Dragonriders with all his strength!The destructive power of the Nether Dragonrider was terrifying, and he couldn't withstand many attacks from it!

In an instant, there was another bang, bang, bang!

I saw that under the full force of Fang Ce's sword intent, the last three Nether Dragon Riders of the Nine Calamities were all wiped out!
At this time, the demon dragons have already retreated quickly.

"Master Fang! Don't let them run away! Chase them!"

The evil ape roared and chased after it first, its huge body directly made the ground shake again and again!
Fang Ce frowned, and planned to follow.

However, at this moment, a depressive and terrifying atmosphere came from the north!
Everyone was startled.

"Huh? Transcend the tribulation? The second-floor catastrophe? Which direction is this?"

Fang Ce looked to the northwest direction in surprise, this direction was where the country of the Huns was located back then!

what happened?Could it be...

Fang Ce immediately showed surprise. At this moment, he couldn't help thinking of a long-forgotten person, the Xiongren Evil Emperor!A powerful existence who had met him once when he detoured to Black Dragon Mountain!Because this guy's original aura was close to the second level of catastrophe!
After going through a series of accidents, there was no sound of this guy before, and now he suddenly thought of this guy when he suddenly heard the second layer of catastrophe!Could it be the backhand of the Great Desolate Ancient God?
"The second level of catastrophe?"

Xie Yuan also frowned: "Forget it, no matter so much, Venerable Fang, let's continue to hunt down those guys like Demon Dragon! With you and Jiuying here, we will be able to kill them all!"

"Forget it, don't chase after the poor. Lord Xie Yuan, let everyone take care of their wounds first."

Fang Ce said in a low voice, his sword intent was almost exhausted, and the snakes, Qilin, and Xin Yu were all seriously injured, so it is really not appropriate to take too much risk.

"This... well, hum, count them lucky!"

The evil ape snorted displeasedly.

At this moment, Fang Ce has quickly dropped to the ground to heal Xin Yu.

After a while, return to Hukou Pass.

"Sorry, I'm late coming back next time."

Fang Ce sighed softly, this time Hukou Pass suffered heavy losses again, with many casualties, and the members of the Huanggu Battle Formation with more than [-] cultivation bases in Taigan were exhausted!

Qilin spoke, but he hadn't finished speaking yet...

"Hmph! How late do you know? Why don't you come back after the deity is dead?"

Hua Snake snorted angrily, this time she was really almost killed because of Fang Ce!How can you not be annoyed?

When Fang Ce heard this, he felt even more sorry, after all, he also saw Hua Snake's dedication in this battle.

Qilin couldn't help swallowing the words, he didn't want to conflict with the snake now, it was thankless.

"Forget it, I will forgive you this time, and it will not be an example. What is going on here?"

The snake turned a sideways glance at Fang Ce, and looked at Jiuying.Anger is nothing but anger, she can't really blame Fang Ce, after all, this matter is uncontrollable and unpredictable, and Fang Ce has given her enough face...

At this moment, Jiuying Liangxue has transformed into a human form. She is wearing a red and blue sexy short gauze dress and flowing trousers. She wears a bead chain on her head. There are eight dragon ribbons floating behind her. She is full of strangeness and beauty. A gorgeous, mysterious barefoot beauty.

"Oh, the Nine Infant Beauty has been persuaded by me to join our kingdom of God."

Fang policy responded.

"Persuasion again?"

Huaxing glanced at Fang Ce with a very suspicious look, and she naturally didn't believe Fang Ce's so-called persuasion.

The Qilin King Fuzun and the others also had strange expressions on their faces.

"Isn't this another profit sharing?"

Evil Ape couldn't help muttering, originally only he and Hua Snake would get more benefits.Now that there is one more Jiuying, the benefits he can get will not be the same as before.

"The Nine Infant Beauty joined the Kingdom of God this time mainly to atone for her sins and not to participate in the distribution of core benefits. Because she has brought a lot of harm after breaking the seal."

Fang Ce spoke again.


Hua Snake couldn't help looking at Liang Xue in astonishment.

"Not participating in the distribution of core interests?"

Xie Yuan also looked at Liang Xue in astonishment, feeling even more weird in his heart, but at the same time secretly pleased, because this meant that his interests were not harmed, and even his status was not affected in the slightest.He was invited by Fang Ce.And now it seems that Jiuying is here to be punished?

Liang Xue avoided everyone's gaze, just looked at the ground slightly, without saying a word.Now she is not only at a loss, but also does not know how to face everyone.

At this time, Xin Yu has a complex complexion, she has the ability of true knowledge, she can't see that the current Jiuying is Liang Xue, in fact, after she has the ability of true knowledge, she already knows that Liang Xue is Fang Ce's fairy puppet !It's just that she has been pretending not to know...

"Ahem, from now on, our kingdom of God will have three gods sitting in command, and we will be fearless."

Fang Ce coughed lightly to ease Liang Xue's embarrassment.

"Really? Frankly speaking, the deity welcomes Jiuying's joining. But, is it true that I won't give her some benefits?"

Hua Snake spoke again, as long as she can be sure that her unique supreme position will not be affected, it is impossible to reject the strong combat power to join.She is very clear about Jiuying's ability, so she definitely welcomes it.It's just that if you really want to not give any benefits, can this be justified?Can Jiuying really contribute to the Kingdom of God?Aren't you afraid of being tripped by him one day in the future?

"Oh... there is no need to worry about the beauty of the snake. It's not that the beauty of the nine babies doesn't want a little favor, she wants something else. It's inconvenient to say more about this."

Fang Ce smiled and cupped his fists. With him around, would Liang Xue get less spiritual fruit?There is no need to worry at all, okay?
"Oh, is that right? You've been doing some shady things behind your back all day long. What kind of cruel things did you do to Jiuying? It looks like you've been hit a lot?"

Hua Snake couldn't help sneering, she suddenly found that Jiuying seemed to be a different person, and she was not such a silent character before.If it wasn't for some huge blow, she would never believe it.

"Uh...haha, you are overthinking, Beauty Transforming Snake. You should take care of yourself first, I still have some private things to say with Beauty Nine Babies."

Fang Ce was even more embarrassed, this little girl really didn't have a good impression of him now.

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to care about you."

Hua Snake curled his lips, turned around and left without asking Fang Ce any more.

"Nine infant beauty, let's go for a walk outside. I'll take you to familiarize yourself with the familiar environment."

Fang Ce smiled and cupped his fists at Liang Xue.


Liang Xue responded lightly, and turned away with Fang Ce, feeling a little relieved in her heart.

Come to the top of the city.

"How, big beauty, are you still not used to it?"

Fang Ce looked out of the city and sighed softly.

"I...I don't know..."

Liang Xueyu's lips parted, and after a little silence, she spoke again: "Perhaps there is nothing wrong..."

She doesn't know whether she is still herself now, but the power she possesses is indeed something she never dared to imagine...

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, I'll take care of you."

Fang Ce spoke flatly.

Liang Xue was taken aback for a moment, and lightly nodded her head: "Thank you..."

At this moment, Li domestic.

"How? I didn't lie to you, right? Now this strategy can be dealt with by extraordinary power."

The ancient god of the Great Desolation appeared in front of the magic dragon calmly!
(End of this chapter)

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