Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 422 The Way to Seek a Favor from the Snake Beauty

Chapter 422 The strategy of negotiating a favor with the beauty of the snake
"Old man, you don't have to think about what's going on with our Tianyu Sect. Just based on your understanding of the Great Luo Sect and the people of this world, you can decide whether this sect is worth living or not."

Fang Ce smiled and said that the reason why he asked He Wu to decide the survival of the Great Luozong was because he was not from the Southern Continent, and he didn't know much about the personnel here.And He Wu is quite credible at present.

"This... this..."

He Wu still looked hesitant.

Everyone in the Great Luozong stared at He Wu eagerly, with a look of pleading and begging in their eyes.

"Fellow Daoist, you must be aware of the dangers of the Snake Forbidden Land. Over the long years, you should be able to understand the dedication of the ten major sects and the seven kingdoms! Is it too much to change the opportunity to reform now?"

Suo He said solemnly.

"This... Sigh, Fellow Daoist Fang, the Great Luo Sect has mixed merits and demerits at best. Now that the sect has been destroyed and the casualties are heavy, it is indeed possible to consider letting go..."

He Wu sighed lightly.

Hearing this, everyone in Da Luozong and Suo He breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Fang Ce.

"Well...in that case, let them go."

Fang Ce nodded casually.

"Thank you, Great Senior! Thank you, Great Senior!"

Everyone in the Da Luozong kowtowed their thanks one after another.

"My lord, please forgive me for not intending to offend you. Are you sure that your sect will not care about this matter anymore? For example, the guardian spirit evil ape? Or the suzerain?"

Suohe asked cautiously again.

"Oh, I have to try this to find out, but it shouldn't be a big problem. You wait here for the news. Junior Sister Shang Wu, you go back to Tianyu first, and ask the supreme one to sell me face, see Let's see if she agrees or not. Big cat, escort Junior Sister Shang Wu back."

Fang Ce responded with a smile, then turned over and flew to the boulder behind.


Shang Wu responded immediately.

The Big Cat Empress didn't talk nonsense, she just got up and left with Shang Wu.

But Suo and the others were all stunned, thinking about what Fang Ce meant by the supreme being. After all, this obviously didn't refer to the guardian god Evil Ape, and it shouldn't refer to the suzerain either.It also means that there is still an existence in Tianyuzong whose strength surpasses that of the guardian god Evil Ape! ?Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but shiver again.

And the supreme person that Fang Ce mentioned naturally refers to the beauty who turned into a snake. The reason why he said this was just because he didn't want to reveal too much information about Tianyu.After all, they are presenting themselves as disciples of the Tianyu Sect. It is inevitable to make people guess too much if they directly refer to Mr. Hua Snake or Mr. Shenming.

"My lord, is this girl refining holy artifacts? She is very talented at such a young age."

Suo He looked at Yang Xuefei who was still concentrating on refining the spiritual weapon.

At this moment, Fang Ce had already closed his eyes, ignoring Suo He's intention at all.

Suo He couldn't help but look embarrassed again.

"He... Mr. He, you... why are you here..."

Bai Hong hesitated to ask He Wu.

"Oh, this old man is just leading the way for a few distinguished guests."

He Wu responded.

"Lead the way?"

Bai Hong was puzzled.

"Well, the sects of the distinguished guests have been hiding from the world for a long time, and they are already unfamiliar with the outside world. It is the honor of the old man to lead the way."

He Wu nodded.

"Have you escaped the world for a long time?"

"Well, according to several distinguished guests, it must be ten thousand years old."


Bai Hong's eyes widened immediately.

Suo and everyone looked at each other in astonishment.

After a while, Tianyu.

"Is there any other information?"

The beauty of Hua Snake looked at the returning Shang Wu calmly.

"It's...Master Hui Hua Snake, I heard... I heard...Great Lord Evil Ape destroyed the Great Luo Sect?"

Shang Wu asked cautiously.

"Oh, the deity told him to destroy it, why?"

"It's like this, the people of the Great Luo Zong found the Lord God Envoy and begged him for mercy, hoping that Tianyu can amplify Luo Zong..."

"Huh? How dare you beg for mercy from that guy? Why? Don't tell me, that guy still agreed?"

"Uh...yes...God made Lord Rang Humble back, to ask you, Master Hua Snake, to save face..."

"Really agreed? What is that guy doing! You are full, and your compassion is overflowing, isn't it?"

The snake's beautiful eyes widened.

"It's... humble and I don't know, God Envoy seems to have some plans..."

"Well... Forget it, since it's that boring guy, let's leave it at that."

Hua Snake curled her lips, a mere Da Luozong, an insignificant existence, whether it is life or death, she can't put it in her eyes at all.Fang Ce asked her for favors for this, but she was more than happy.

"Well, I'll go back later and tell the envoy of God."

"During this time, what was that guy doing outside?"

"It's nothing, just collecting information and helping General Yang to find various materials and refine spiritual weapons. Now General Yang is refining top-grade spiritual weapons in the Leijiao Forbidden Land."

"Huh? Refining spiritual weapons?"

"Yes, General Yang seems to be very talented here. These were all refined by General Yang for Tianyu, and the humble brought them back to Tianyu by the way. General Yang is going to try to refine the holy artifact later. "

Shang Wu took out the spiritual weapons refined by Yang Xuefei.

"Oh? That girl has talent in this area?"

The beauty who turned into a snake casually took a high-grade spirit sword and began to play with it.

"Yes, after learning all kinds of knowledge about refining spiritual weapons here, General Yang began to try and found that it was very effective. Humble also saw her rapid progress in this area with my own eyes. It seems that refining sacred weapons is very beneficial. For her, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Okay... yes, I'm planning to recruit talents in this field. It's so good, this girl can be well trained."

The beauty who turned into a snake nodded.Her current plan is to recruit some talented craftsmen from the Southern Continent.Knowing that Yang Xuefei has talent in this area, I feel even more joyful. After all, my family members can always feel at ease.

"I don't know if Master Hua Snake has any other orders?"

"Have you gone to the forbidden area? It just so happens that Tianyu is going to collect a large number of remains that can be used to refine spirit weapons. You call that guy and go through the forbidden areas. All the available remains will be collected by the deity."


"Don't ask too much, just do it."


Shang Wu responded and quickly retreated.


Wait until Shang Wu and the Big Cat Empress return to Lei Jiao's forbidden area.


Fang Ce asked with a smile.

Everyone in Da Luozong also looked at Shang Wu eagerly.

At this moment, Shang Wu just tapped his head to Fang Ce.

Everyone in Da Luozong was overjoyed when they saw this.

"Okay. Now you can leave with confidence."

Fang Ce nodded and looked at the people of Da Luozong.

"Thank you, Great Senior! Thank you, Great Senior!"

The elder of Da Luo Zong immediately kowtowed again and again.

"Your Majesty, I don't know where your lord is? I plan to bring a generous gift in the future, so I will come to thank you!"

Suohe asked.

"Great gift? How generous? If it's not the artifact, the source of fire, etc., then you don't have to worry about it. Tianyu doesn't accept outsiders at will."

Fang Ce smiled.

"This... Divine Artifact, Origin Fire?"

Suo He's face froze immediately.

The rest of the people were also stunned. They didn't expect Fang Ce to say that it was such a treasure. Are you sure this is not a joke?
"If you are reluctant to part with it, what kind of gift is there?"

Fang Ce shook his head.

"No...it's not...it's because I really can't get these things out. This is such a treasure, where can I find it. Could it be Tianyu..."

"Oh, no? That's it, let's go, don't be an eyesore here."

Fang Ce waved his hand, it seems that these guys don't know the whereabouts of Yuanhuo?

"Yes Yes……"

Suo He responded, and retreated cautiously with everyone in Da Luozong.

"Oh, full of boring people."

Fang Ce shook his head and sighed, turned over and landed on the big cat empress, lying comfortably.


Shang Wu's hesitant voice sounded again.

"Huh? Junior sister, is there anything else?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"Is such that……"

Shang Wu came to Fang Ce's ear and whispered in Fang Ce's ear, telling the instructions of the beauty who turned into a snake.Since He Wu was also there, it was inconvenient for her to speak directly.

"Uh... come to torment me again... Forget it, just walk around."

Fang Ce shook his head helplessly, the little lady who turned into a snake gave him face, and he couldn't refuse her request now.

He Wuduan sat not far away, flipping through the classics, as if he didn't dare to listen to Fang Ce's conversation.

A total of about nine days passed.

Rayman's masterpiece!

A strong breath spread, and the phantom of the Yangma animal head emerged!A wide flying sword entwined with lightning flew out of the Zhongpin Bagua Wuxing Furnace and landed in front of Yang Xuefei!
"It's done?"

Fang Ce smiled.

"Extreme Spirit Tool!!"

He Wu was surprised.

Shang Wu was also surprised.

"Well, it succeeded, and it's still a good flying spirit weapon, capable of reaching the speed of 500 years of cultivation!"

Yang Xuefei spoke happily.

"Hiss! The speed of 500 years of cultivation!?"

He Wu was shocked, this speed is simply an escape weapon for cultivators of their level!

"Brother, I'm going to adjust my breath for a while, and then try to use the hideous remains of that strange beast to create a holy artifact!"

Yang Xuefei spoke again.

"Oh? You are confident, so let's work hard."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded.

"En! Thank you, brother! Take this top-quality spiritual weapon and try it."

Yang Xuefei handed out the spirit weapon that Fang had refined.

"Junior Sister Shang Wu, you can play with it."

Fang Ce looked at Shang Wu.

"Oh, alright……"

Shang Wu nodded, and took the top-grade spiritual weapon with some curiosity. It can reach the speed of 500 years of cultivation, which is obviously not something she can do at her current level.Basically, only those monsters with strong talents in speed can reach this level before 3000 years of cultivation.

After half a day passed, Yang Xuefei readjusted her state and started to refine the spiritual weapon again. This time, the sacred weapon to be refined was naturally the remains of an ancient beast with a cultivation level of 4000 years as the material!

During the period when Yang Xuefei was refining the holy artifacts, the news that the Great Luozong had been destroyed and rebuilt had spread rapidly, directly shocking all major forces.

The nearby sects and empires have investigated the origin of the evil ape.These forces basically only know that a huge peak-like white giant ape suddenly ran to the Great Luozong and destroyed the entire Great Luozong.Because Da Luozong and Yangma Kingdom themselves did not spread the truth.

The news known to the major forces was only spread by the cultivators who just happened to witness the battle that day in the Daluozong mountain range.This sudden appearance, the terrifying existence that wiped out the entire Da Luozong with his own power, naturally made everyone startled.

People from the top ten sects and the seven kingdoms also quickly sent people to Da Luo Zong to inquire, but the elders of Da Luo Zong didn't reveal anything, they only said that they were unlucky and didn't know what happened.Because this matter is too embarrassing to them, and they don't want to mention it at all...

Another reason is that everyone in Da Luozong is really afraid of Tianyuzong, and they dare not speak casually to outsiders.Even the elders and suzerain of Da Luozong have directly designated Tianyuzong as the third forbidden area, second only to the forbidden area of ​​strange snakes, squeezing out the forbidden area of ​​Leijiao.

Of course, this is because they still don't know how terrifying the real strength of the entire Tianyu is, otherwise, it would definitely make Tianyu the only absolute forbidden place...

As for the fact that Da Luozong wanted to destroy Tianyuzong, it has been forgotten by everyone. At most, it means that Tianyuzong was lucky, and it should have avoided catastrophe in a short time...

On Tianyu's side, they no longer paid any attention to the matter of Da Luozong, but started to plan to join the world.

At this moment, Fu Lanzong is inside.

Dozens of psychic vehicles were placed on the square.

"Sovereign Shangguan, this is a special spirit weapon made by our Tianyu, and it is now given to the noble sect as a gift."

Shang Le smiled.

At this time, there were still several wingmen following Shang Le.

"This... this... a special spirit weapon made by Tianyu!? Such a generous gift..."

Shangguan Jin and several elders all looked terrified.

"This is not a generous gift. At best, it is just a low-grade spirit weapon. It's just that compared with ordinary spirit weapons, the method of use and ability are more special. These instructors are here to teach you these special weapons. How the spirit weapon is used.

Although these are only low-grade spiritual weapons, they can reach a speed of 300 years.For ordinary disciples, it is not bad.Of course, it can only be used for transportation.Oh, and life insurance. "

Merchant responded.

"Oh... this... is that so?"

"Well, Tianyu gave you these spirit weapons mainly to let you try these spirit weapons. It is for the most ordinary disciples to try. When the time comes, you can give us feedback on the effect."

Shang Le smiled and nodded.

"Okay... okay... By the way, our sect also has some spiritual weapons lying around..."

"No need, if you have the resources, you can develop with peace of mind first. In the future, the Tianyu Sect may still have important responsibilities. If the noble sect can't do it by then, it will be bad."

Shang Le immediately waved his hand.

"This... good! Good! Thank you, Miss Shang Le!"

Shangguan immediately clasped his fists solemnly.

Soon after, Shang Le left.

Shangguan Jin has also arranged for some disciples to learn how to drive the psychic car.

"Hiss... What is the meaning of Tianyuzong suddenly sending us these special spiritual weapons?"

The Great Elder looked puzzled.

"Yeah...it shouldn't be as simple as just letting us test whether these spiritual weapons work well?"

Shangguan Jin also thought about it.

"Forget it, anyway, let's keep up with Tianyuzong's pace."

The Great Elder shook his head. If he couldn't figure it out, he stopped thinking about it.Anyway, they already have a deep understanding of the strength of Tianyuzong.After all, the Great Luozong was destroyed before, and they watched the evil ape come and go here with their own eyes!Such a terrifying existence that even the top ten sects said would be destroyed, they just obeyed the order...

(End of this chapter)

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