Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 440 Let Fang Ce beware of Miss Nangong's Young Master Huoyang

Chapter 440 Let Fang Ce beware of Miss Nangong's Young Master Huoyang
The next day, in the inn.

After Fang Ce got up, everyone went to the hall to have breakfast together.

"Let's set off directly later, to the forbidden land of wild wolves."

Yang Xuefei opened the mouth and said.

"Hmm. This time there should be a better harvest than the forbidden land of the devil. Oh... I mean the harvest, the collection of remains and spiritual fruits..."

Nangong Yinghong said, she naturally couldn't be referring to the trophies left behind by Fang Ce after the powerhouses of the previous ten sects and seven kingdoms were dealt with...

"Hmm... is the mad wolf forbidden area richer in supplies than the devil's forbidden area?"

Yang Xuefei was curious.

"It can be said that the main reason is that compared with ordinary cultivators, the Forbidden Land of Wild Wolves is much more dangerous than the Forbidden Land of Demons. Because there are huge packs of demon wolves there, and cultivators who are less than the second-level catastrophe can enter there. There is a life crisis at any time."

"Oh...so that's the case, then we have to be more careful..."

Yang Xuefei nodded.

"Well, although there is Fellow Daoist Fang, there should be no place in this world that we cannot go to. But we still can't take it lightly, after all, Fellow Daoist Fang may not always be able to take care of it."

Nangong Yinghong knew that even if it was the second forbidden area, Fang Ce must be able to come and go freely.However, that is only limited to Fang Ce.If they rely too blindly on Fang Ce's strength and run around recklessly, once they are alone, they will still face fatal danger.

The girls were having breakfast while chatting.

And in the corner beside him, a figure was also eating breakfast, secretly watching Fang Ce's side, but it was the teenager who followed yesterday.

After a while, breakfast is over.

Fang Ce and the others got up and were about to leave, heading for the wild wolf forbidden area.

The young man left money as a fee, and got up, looking quite natural, unhurried, as if by coincidence, he walked in front of Fang Ce's group.

"Huh? The young master of the Fire Yang Sect?"

Nangong Yinghong was taken aback.

The teenager was also taken aback when he heard the words, turned around and looked at Nangong Yinghong in surprise: "This is... Young Master Nangong? You... Why are you here, and these friends?"

His surprised eyes looked at Fang Ce and Yang Xuefei again.

This young man is Wu Chun, the young master of the Fire Yang Sect.

"Oh, my son accompanied a few friends to come here to practice, and it just happened to be here."

Nangong Yinghong replied casually.

"Oh, that's it. It just so happens that I'm also going out for training, and I'm going to go to the wild wolf forbidden area. I don't know where you are going?"


Nangong Yinghong was stunned for a moment, thinking to himself what a coincidence?For a while, she didn't know how to respond, but she finally said: "What a coincidence, we are also going to the forbidden area of ​​the wild wolf."

"This...that's really a coincidence, how about going together?"

Wu Chun said in surprise.

"This... this... I'm afraid it's a little inconvenient..."

Nangong Yinghong looked at Fang Ce hesitantly, she didn't want anyone to disturb her and Fang Ce.


Wu Chun was puzzled.

"Because my son and these friends have to collect a lot of resources to bring back to the sect, they can't share them with outsiders."

"Oh, that doesn't hinder me. I'm just going out to practice and learn. It doesn't matter whether I share resources or not."

Wu Chun said in a very easy-going way.


Nangong Yinghong was stunned again, this time, she didn't know how to respond.

"By the way, are these distinguished guests from the Tianyu Sect according to the rumors? I have heard about it before. My Huoyang Sect Wu Chun, I have met you."

Wu Chun immediately cupped his fists politely to Fang Ce and the others, but mainly to Fang Ce.

Nangong Yinghong was taken aback again, this guy?
Fang Ce looked at Wu Chun casually, without saying a word.He could tell at a glance that this guy was here for him.Don't say that he didn't care about things originally, and although the guy in front of him looked easy-going and polite, he made too many petty moves, and it was even less likely for him to feel any sincerity.

Yang Xuefei and Shang Wu had weird expressions on their faces. Since this person obviously mainly wanted to say hello to Fang Ce, they naturally couldn't take the initiative to speak up.And they also knew that Fang Ce didn't want to take care of things at all. Isn't this guy just looking for boredom now?If you show them kindness, they will at least respond politely...

He Wu couldn't help showing a strange look, he vaguely felt that Wu Chun's appearance seemed suspicious.

For a moment, the atmosphere became extremely delicate.

At this time, Wu Chun didn't get a response for a long time. Under Fang Ce's gaze, his forehead couldn't help but see a little sweat. He swallowed slightly, and suddenly felt great pressure!It seems that his move was too hasty! ! !

"By the way! Several distinguished guests, I heard from the elders in the sect that I accidentally offended several distinguished guests due to some misunderstanding. I sincerely apologize here, and I hope I will accept this small gift."

With an idea, Wu Chun took out a water-blue three-headed snake pattern mirror, but it was a top-quality spiritual weapon.

The crowd was stunned again.

"Oh? It's easy to say, junior sister accepts the gift."

Fang Ce suddenly smiled and said, although this top-grade spiritual weapon is nothing to him.But don't give up a gift for nothing.

"Oh... yes, brother."

Shang Wu immediately took over the top-quality spiritual weapon.

Seeing this, Wu Chun breathed a sigh of relief, and then said again: "This distinguished guest, I wonder if I can gain some knowledge with you. Don't worry, I will definitely not hinder you in any way."

Seeing this, Nangong Yinghong's complexion became even more sour, and she began to regret it, she shouldn't have called this guy!In fact, even if she didn't stop Wu Chun, Wu Chun had already thought of another way to meet Fang Ce by chance...

"Don't ask Xiaosheng, the two junior sisters are in charge here, Xiaosheng doesn't care."

Fang Ce waved his hand with a lack of interest. If it weren't for the gift from this guy, he wouldn't even bother to pay attention.


Wu Chun was stunned, and stared blankly at Yang Xuefei and Shang Wu. Isn't the absolute master in charge?What's going on?

"If you want to follow, you can follow as you like. However, ugly words first, follow us, and you will not be able to share any gains."

Yang Xuefei said lightly, in her opinion, this guy most likely came to make amends to Fang Ce on behalf of the sect.Since she accepted the gift, and the other party was quite polite, she was not too embarrassed.

"It's natural, it's natural."

Wu Chun nodded repeatedly.

Nangong Yinghong couldn't help curling his lips, quite displeased.

"If there is nothing else, let's go."

Yang Xuefei said.

"Okay, Miss Yang."

Wu Chun said respectfully.

At this time Nangong Yinghong was too lazy to say anything.

Afterwards, the few people left the inn and headed towards the wild wolf forbidden area.


Out of the city, on the way, I saw Yang Xuefei driving Fang Ce and Shang Wu in a fifth-order psychic off-road vehicle, while Nangong Yinghong and the others were driving spirit weapons, following around.

"Young Master Nangong, have you entered the second level of Heavenly Tribulation?"

Wu Chun came to Nangong Yinghong and asked curiously.

"Hmph, what's the matter?"

Nangong Yinghong showed a hint of complacency.

"No, I'm just curious about what kind of opportunity you got, Young Master Nangong, to step into the realm of the second-floor catastrophe."

Wu Chun smiled.

"There is no chance, it's just luck, and it's like this."

Nangong Yinghong shrugged, how could she tell this guy that it was because Fang Ce borrowed the top-grade sacred artifact to save her?Let this guy know, why not pester Fang Ce?

"Uh...so that's the case...Young Master Nangong dares to fight, I admire you..."

Wu Chun nodded, but he didn't believe it in his heart.Who would attack the second-floor catastrophe at a young age without being sure?Isn't this courting death?He is sure that Nangong Yinghong must have obtained the top-grade sacred weapon to be able to attack the second-floor catastrophe at this time!
"You don't need to admire, Young Master Wu, if you work hard, you can do it."

"Haha, Young Master Nangong was joking, how can I be compared to you? By the way, Young Master Nangong, how did you get acquainted with the distinguished guests of the Tianyu Sect?"

Wu Chun asked curiously.

"Oh, I happened to meet, and we became acquainted as soon as we saw each other."

"Is that so... that distinguished guest doesn't care about anything? The affairs here are handled by those two girls?"

"Basically, why are you asking so many questions? These people are not something you can provoke. I advise you to inquire less."

Nangong Yinghong said calmly.

"No, no. Young Master Nangong, don't misunderstand, I'm just out of curiosity, nothing else."


"I will ask the two girls about the situation and see if there is anything that needs help."

Wu Chun spoke again, clasped his fists and flew towards Yang Xuefei.

Nangong Yinghong pouted.

"Miss Yang, your spirit weapon is very unique and special, did you refine it?"

Wu Chun said in admiration.

"Oh, no, this is a unique spirit weapon of our Tianyu. I just have the right to use it, not own it."

Yang Xuefei responded casually.

"Spiritual weapon unique to Tianyu? So that's it, it's really special...Miss Yang, is there anything I can help you with?"

"No, thank you very much."

"Okay, then I won't bother you any more."

Wu Chun cupped his fists, he could see that Yang Xuefei didn't want to say anything to him, so he just let it go.

"This old man also belongs to the Tianyu Sect?"

Wu Chun came to He Wu's side. The existence of He Wu made him very confused. He was sure that He Wu was definitely not in the same group as Nangong Yinghong, so the rest should also belong to the Tianyu Sect, but He Wu seemed to be of seniority. Obviously not small, but seems to be a marginal figure, could it be a follower or something?He wasn't quite sure, so he was quite conservative in asking, so as not to say the wrong thing.

"Uh... no... the old man is not from the Tianyu sect..."

He Wu shook his head, his face became strange, he was actually called an old senior by the young masters of the top ten sects?This is simply something he never dared to think about in his life.But thinking about it now, he is already a second-tier Heavenly Tribulation. In the eyes of the young master of the Huoyang Sect, he is naturally at the senior level.Not to mention, he is still walking with Fang Ce and the others...

"No? I don't know who you are, old man?"

Wu Chun was taken aback.

"Old man He Wu is nothing more than a Keqing elder of Fu Lanzong, a small sect in Yangma Kingdom."

He Wu clasped his fists together. Although he had stepped into the second-floor catastrophe, he was just borrowing the top-grade sacred weapon to cross the catastrophe, and he had no strength at all.And with his status, it is impossible to provoke the top ten sects, so naturally he dare not offend easily.

"Yangma Guofu Lanzong? I don't know...why are you here, old man?"

Wu Chun had never heard of such a sect, logically speaking, it should be a not-so-good sect, but the problem is that He Wu is now working with Fang Ce and the others, so he dare not jump to conclusions.After all, Fang Ce and the Tianyu Sect, which is also unknown, have become taboos of the top ten sects and seven kingdoms!

"Oh, this old man just happened to meet a few distinguished guests from the Tianyu Sect and came out with him to learn more."

He Wu replied.

"I see."

Wu Chun nodded, and then sighed: "It's really unexpected that there is such a powerful existence in this world."


He Wu also showed a look of exclamation.

"Senior, being able to meet here is also a matter of fate. If you need anything in the future, you can go to the Fire Yang Sect to find me, and I will definitely help you."

Wu Chun solemnly clasped his fists.

"The young master of the Fire Yang Sect is polite! You are polite!"

He Wu hurriedly clasped his fists in response, the young master of the Huoyang Sect gave him a much better impression than the other young masters of the sect, he was polite and humble, he was really worth getting acquainted with.Although this is inseparable from his meeting Fang Ce, since the first meeting, the young master of the Fire Yang Sect has at least been very easy-going and easy-going.

Then the two chatted all the way, very harmonious.

At noon, everyone had arrived at a boundless and dense forest, which was the forbidden land of wild wolves.

At this time, Fang Ce and the others were still on the outskirts of the mad wolf forbidden area.

"Here we are, this is the place. Do you want to rest for a while before searching?"

Nangong Yinghong looked around at the surrounding trees.

"Well, yes. Sister, what do you think?"

Yang Xuefei looked at Shang Wu.


Shang Wu nodded.

"Okay, let's rest here first."

Yang Xuefei went to the stones beside her and started to clean them casually.

The rest of the people also found a place.

Fang Ce turned over and lay down on a big tree...

After a while.

"Anyway, it's okay. I'll stop by and look around at random."

Yang Xuefei said, anyway, she was resting and relaxing, she walked around without wasting time.

"Miss Yang, I'll accompany you. This wild wolf forbidden area is still quite dangerous, so try not to go alone."

Nangong Yinghong hurriedly followed.

"Oh...thank you..."

"Let's walk around, too."

The beautiful woman followed behind her with four stunning looks, but she was worried that Nangong Yinghong would not be under her nose.

"Uh... Brother, let me go to the other side to have a look..."

Shang Wu felt bored, and couldn't help but speak.

"Ha, don't go too far."

Fang Ce laughed.

"Yes, brother."

Shang Wu nodded.

"Well, the old man will also go with the Shangwu girl. In case of any situation, there is also a care. I don't know the Shangwu girl, do you mind?"

"Thank you, sir."

Shang Wu responded, she just walked around casually, naturally she didn't mind or didn't mind.

All of a sudden, everyone left, only Wu Chun and Fang Ce were left behind.

A moment of silence.

"This Dazun really dotes on the two junior sisters. It is really enviable to have a senior brother like Dazun."

Wu Chun said with emotion.

Fang Ce ignored it, and still lay leisurely on the tree trunk.

"My lord, there are some words that I don't know whether I should say..."

Wu Chun hesitated to speak.

Fang Ce still didn't respond.

Wu Chun frowned slightly, and then said again: "This young master of Nangong is quite casual, it's probably not a good thing for Miss Yang to get in touch with her like this."

(End of this chapter)

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