Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 453 Ask Fang Ce for the Nangong Girl to stay in Tianyu

Chapter 453 Ask Fang Ce for the Nangong Girl to stay in Tianyu
At the gate, I saw a delicate figure flying out, with small hands on hips, with a high-spirited and triumphant look.If the person who came was not Taimei Sun, who could it be?

Big... big sister...

Nangong Yinghong and the others all looked at Sun Taimei in astonishment. With such an arrogant posture, she really had the demeanor of a senior elder sister...

"Girl, is the suzerain here?"

Fang Ce said angrily. Naturally, he couldn't call this little girl a senior sister. Does he want to lose face?

"What girl! I'm your senior sister! Hmph! Sister Suzerain is not in the door now, come in."

Sun Taimei waved dissatisfiedly, Fang Ce didn't want to call her, and she couldn't do anything either, after all, she couldn't beat her...

As for how to greet outsiders, she had already been instructed by Xin Yu.

"Let's go."

Fang Ce said to Nangong Yinghong and the others, and then walked towards the main hall.

"oh oh……"

Nangong Yinghong and the others hurriedly followed, but how many of them were a little taken aback by the "Sister Sovereign" that Sun Taimei said?At the same time, I am also curious about the relationship between Fang Ce and Sun Taimei.

Come to the hall.

Taimei Sun led several people to sit down in the living room on the left.

A disciple quickly came up to serve tea.

The main hall is directly entered from the gate, and opposite is another door leading to the courtyard.Because this hall is an inverted house, but the construction is a little more luxurious.And this land that is classified as Tianyuzong is a large-scale courtyard with a total of seven entrances and complete facilities.

"I have met the elder sister of Tianyuzong, and the young master of Xiapumenzong Nangong Yinghong."

"I have met the elder sister of the Tianyu Sect, and I, Wu Chun, the young master of the Huoyang Sect."

Nangong Yinghong and the others saluted Sun Taimei one after another.

"Well, you don't have to be polite. What's your business, distinguished guests, who have come from afar?"

Sun Taimei took a sip of tea casually.

"Don't dare, I have been waiting to pay my respects to Tian Yuzong for a long time, and I just came here to learn more."

Nangong Yinghong responded quickly.


Sun Taimei nodded: "If this is the case, then there is no need to bother the suzerain sister."

"no, I'm fine."

Nangong Yinghong quickly waved her hand again. Her original plan was to find the position of Tianyuzong first, so that she could come to establish diplomatic relations in the future.After all, she has not yet negotiated with the sect, and she has no direction plan at all.When I saw the head of the Tianyu Sect, I didn't know what to say except for staring and staring. Isn't this a waste of other people's time?

And Wu Chun is naturally in the same situation.

"By the way, Senior Sister Tianyuzong, I don't know if we want to visit Tianyuzong in the future, what should we pay attention to?"

Nangong Yinghong asked again.

Wu Chun immediately pricked up his ears, this is what he wants to know now.

"Uh... If you visit this place... At present, if there is no one to lead the way, it is difficult for outsiders to enter Tianyu, let alone visit here. Because there are two patron saints with terrifying power outside Tianyu. Outsiders If you approach Tianyu casually, you will be eaten directly."

Sun Taimei responded.

"Huh? Patronus!? Eat it!?"

Nangong Yinghong and the others were all shocked. In fact, when they entered Tianyu with Fang Ce, they already faintly felt a terrifying aura hiding!
"Yeah, eat it, because the two patron saints are ancient monsters, and it's not uncommon for them to eat small animals or something."

Sun Taimei nodded.

"The ancient monster... eats small animals..."

The corners of Nangong Yinghong and the others twitched suddenly. Is this human?

"Then... that is... I can't take the initiative to come and visit?"

Nangong Yinghong couldn't help hesitating, and became entangled in his heart.

"At present, it is like this. After all, the rules of Tianyu are like this, and outsiders are not allowed to enter casually."

Sun Taimei responded.

"Then... please forgive me for asking, how did Fu Lanzong establish diplomatic relations with Guizong?"

Wu Chun couldn't help but speak, now he doesn't care about He Wu who is on the sidelines, anyway, it's just an insignificant little sect, if there is no Tianyu, the Fulan Sect is nothing.

When He Wu heard this, he couldn't help frowning, feeling a little displeased, but he didn't dare to say anything more.After all, Fu Lanzong really couldn't touch the top ten sects.

"Oh, that's the Fulan Sect that our Tianyu Sect is looking for."

Taimei Sun replied.

"This... If my Huoyang Sect wants to establish diplomatic relations with the Tianyu Sect, what should I do? I wonder if Elder Sister can give me advice."

Wu Chun asked again.

"I just don't know about this, it's all decided by the Suzerain."

Sun Taimei spread her hands.

"Alright... alright, Senior Sister Tianyuzong, this is a small meeting gift, I hope you can accept it."

Wu Chun flipped it over casually, but he handed out a high-grade spiritual weapon, the Wood Wolf King Sword.


Sun Taimei didn't even bother to think about it, so she took it bluntly.

"You're welcome."

Wu Chun did this because he saw that Taimei Sun had a very close relationship with the suzerain of the Tianyu sect who had never met before, after all, it was all called by the suzerain's sister.If the suzerain of the Tianyu sect has any plans to hand over to the outside world in the future, Sun Taimei might be able to mention their Huoyang sect.

"Sister Tianyuzong, I also have a meeting gift, I hope you can accept it."

Nangong Yinghong also quickly took out a high-grade spiritual weapon.


Taimei Sun happily took it again. Although this high-grade spiritual weapon does not help her current strength, it is still a treasure anyway. It is worth money. It can be exchanged for spiritual stones or spiritual fruits.

"Elder Sister, this is a meeting ceremony for the old man."

He Wu also had to take out his previous high-grade spiritual weapon as a gift. Although Fulanzong has established diplomatic relations with Tianyuzong now, this does not mean that Fulanzong is stable. After all, there are Pumenzong and Huoyangzong now. Fu Lanzong might not be able to replace these two fierce rivals who were eyeing on tigers.

"Well, everyone is too polite."

Sun Taimei smiled happily again: "Okay, my senior sister will take a few fellow Taoists for a walk around the sect."

"Thank you, Sister Tianyuzong."

Nangong Yinghong and the others responded one after another.

Seeing this, Fang Ce felt even more amused.

Afterwards, Taimei Sun led everyone to watch around the sect, and Fang Ce also accompanied him, because he was a little curious about the sect that was suddenly established.

In the huge courtyard, there are four columns in the main seven entrances, and there are more than 20 courtyards, including lakes and small bamboo forests.Moreover, every place has disciples who are practicing or busy with work, as if it is a formal sect.In fact, Hua Snake did use this temporarily established Tianyu Sect as an official sect.

After a while.

"Guests, Xiaosheng will send you out personally. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be bad if something happens to the two patron saints."

Fang Ce smiled.

"Okay, we have fellow Daoist Lao Fang."

Wu Chun nodded.

"That... Fellow Daoist Fang, can I stay in Tianyuzong for a while? Don't worry, I will pay for the accommodation."

Nangong Yinghong blinked her beautiful eyes.


Fang Ce was stunned for a moment.

Wu Chun and the others were also stunned.

"Little Lord?"

The beautiful woman opened her eyes wide.

"Mr. Nangong, are you still planning to go back? Are you not afraid that your father will worry?"

Fang Ce couldn't help being amused. If Nangong Yinghong wanted to stay in Tianyu, it wouldn't be a big problem, because he could rest assured of this little girl's character.As for Wu Chun's words, he was too careful and liked to make small moves behind his back, Tian Yu would definitely not take him in.

"It's okay, I'll let Protector Zhu go back and report to his father and the others."

Nangong Yinghong responded.

"This... well, if you want to stay, you can stay, but Tianyu has strict rules, so you have to be careful. Otherwise, Xiaosheng won't be able to keep you."

Fang Ce nodded. With his strength and status, even if he violated the rules of Tianyu, no one dared to say anything if he wanted to force someone to stay.But since there are rules, they must be followed.Otherwise, if the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, how can this rule be dignified and convincing?

"Hmm! Thank you, Fellow Daoist Fang!"

Nangong Yinghong immediately nodded happily.

"That...Friend Daoist Fang, I also want to..."

Seeing this, Wu Chun couldn't help but open his mouth, after all, if he could stay for a longer period of time, he would have more opportunities!

"Young Master Wu, you can't stay in Tianyu."

Fang Ce immediately rejected it.


Wu Chun was stunned.

"Because Xiaosheng can't guarantee you."

"This... well..."

Wu Chun knows that Fang Ce doesn't trust him very much, and guys like Nangong Yinghong and He Wu have obviously been in contact with Fang Ce for a long time, so he really can't compare...

"Okay, Xiaosheng will send you away first."

Fang Ce smiled.


Wu Chun nodded.

He Wu also nodded slightly. In fact, he also wanted to stay in Tianyuzong as a guest for a while, but seeing Wu Chun being rejected, he didn't dare to speak again, worried and afraid that he would be rejected.Moreover, he has no reason to stay as a guest and the capital of self-confidence now.After all, he is not as eloquent as Nangong Yinghong, and he is a great beauty...

In fact, He Wu's concerns were not wrong, because although Fang Ce would not refuse He Wu's stay now, he had nothing to do besides being idle in Tianyu.Tianyu made any decision, not because of He Wu's influence.It is impossible for Fang Ce who returned to Tianyu to accompany He Wu here.

Not to mention He Wu, even Nangong Yinghong would not accompany Fang Ce in Tianyu...

After a while.

Fang Ce then sent He Wu, Wu Chun, the beautiful woman and the four beauties to the outside of Tianyu.

"Everyone, let's go."

Fang Ce smiled and clasped his fists.

"Well, Fellow Daoist Fang, there will be a time later."

Wu Chun clasped his fists in response, and retreated respectfully.

"Well, my lord, there will be a period later."

The beautiful woman clasped her fists and looked at Nangong Yinghong again: "Young master, you are alone in Tianyu, so you should be careful and don't mess around."

What she is worried about now is that if Nangong Yinghong stays alone in Tianyu, he will not be able to bear the loneliness, and something will happen.After all, her four lovers will also follow her back to the Zongmen.In fact, both she and Nangong Yinghong have the idea of ​​letting the four beauties stay together, but knowing that Tianyu does not easily keep outsiders, it is really difficult for them to make further progress.

"Hey, don't worry. Do you still need to worry about my work?"

Nangong Yinghong waved his hand dissatisfied.

"Well, we're going back."

The beautiful woman agreed, and left with the four beauties.

He Wu also said goodbye and left.

"Okay, girl, you take Mr. Nangong back to the sect and arrange a place for her. I'm going to see Lord Shenming. Mr. Nangong, excuse me."

Fang Ce said, and left directly.

"Oh, Young Master Nangong, come with me."

Sun Taimei responded and looked at Nangong Yinghong.


Nangong Yinghong was slightly taken aback, and followed Taimei Sun back to Tianyuzong.

On the road.

"Sister Tianyuzong, may I take the liberty to ask...about that Lord God?"

Nangong Yinghong hesitated to speak, she was really curious.

"Oh, you want to ask Lord Shenming? What do you want to ask?"

Taimei Sun was puzzled.

"What's going on with this lord god? What kind of existence is it?"

"Well... I don't have much to say about Lord Shenming. Generally speaking, he is very powerful. He is the master of this heaven, and he is also the most beautiful woman in the world."

Sun Taimei pondered and responded.

"Peer... the number one beauty in the world!?"

Nangong Yinghong's beautiful eyes widened immediately. Speaking of this, she immediately became excited, and even the identity of the god didn't seem to matter much...

"Yeah, so far, I haven't seen a more beautiful existence than Lord Shenming."

Taimei Sun nodded. When she said good-looking, she simply meant good-looking, not just beauties.

"This... means that, Senior Sister Tianyuzong, you have met Lord Shenming, right?"

"Of course, I don't know how many times I've seen it."

"Oh...then will I be able to see Lord Shenming as well?"

"This... I don't know. I was able to meet Lord Shenming because of my younger brother. It's really hard to say what you said. Ordinary people can't meet Lord Shenming. And Lord Shenming is not so easy to get along with. If you accidentally provoke it, the consequences will be very serious."

"Is that so... Why did Fellow Daoist Fang become the envoy of God? Because of his strength?"

"more or less."

Sun Taimei's face is a little weird. As far as she knows, Fang Ce's strength is the strongest in the Tianyu, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is invincible...

Nangong Yinghong nodded. From Sun Taimei's words, she can judge that Sun Taimei's strength is not as good as Fang Ce's.And Fang Ce's strength is in Tianyu, so he should also belong to a very top-level existence, otherwise, how could he become an envoy of God?

However, looking at it this way, Tianyu's strength is still too outrageous, right?A divine envoy can easily sweep the entire world.So what about that godly lord?What about the strength of the entire Tianyu?My scalp tingles just thinking about it.

"By the way, big sister of Tianyuzong, where are the Shangwu girl and Yang Xuefei girl? These two should also be your junior sisters, right? I was in the sect just now, it seems that I haven't seen her two?"

Nangong Yinghong was puzzled, logically speaking, she and Fang Ce came back.These two should come out to greet them.After all, the relationship between the two women and Fang Ce is obviously good.And it seems that Fang Ce seems to like those two junior sisters more than this senior sister, after all, this senior sister seems a bit unreliable...

"Oh, you said those two junior sisters, I don't know either. There are so many disciples in the sect, I can't be idle and just stare at them."

Sun Taimei responded.

"All right……"

Nangong Yinghong nodded, and his guess became more certain in his heart. This senior sister is indeed unreliable...

In the temple at the moment.


Fang Ce walked into the hall slowly, yawned lazily, finally subsided, and he could finally live a leisurely life again.

"Finally back? What do you want to say to this deity?"

The beauty who turned into a snake glanced at Fang Ce, seeing Fang Ce's appearance, she couldn't help feeling a little angry, but she calmed down very well.

(End of this chapter)

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