Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 460 The Nine-Headed Snake Who Needs Fang Ce's Approval To Be A Servant

Chapter 460 The Nine-Headed Snake Who Wants to Be a Servant
Time gradually passed.

In the capital of Yuelu Kingdom, the city walls were dilapidated, huge mountains stood everywhere, and blood flowed everywhere.In the dilapidated streets, alleys, and houses, strange snakes are eating the corpses of ordinary people, soldiers, or cultivators.Some of them are even alive, and they are alive and screaming in pain to be torn apart and devoured!
And in the palace, there are also huge mountains that smashed the palace buildings to pieces. A khaki nine-headed giant snake with a height of six feet and a length of more than ten feet looked around proudly, and it still had the aura of a fierce battle on its body. residual!
Surrounding the hydra, there are pieces of spiritual weapons scattered and a cultivator who has been severely injured and collapsed on the ground and has no combat effectiveness. The emperor and all the strong human beings in the southern continent!
In addition to the ancestors of the Fengling Sect, there was also a familiar figure of a young man, but it was Duan Ganfeiliang, the swordsman who had fought against Fang Ce in the Feiyu forbidden area before!
At this moment, Duan Ganfeiliang was covered in blood, holding a broken sword, kneeling on one knee to support him. He raised his head with difficulty to look at the terrifying and huge overlord Hydra in front of him.He looked as if he was gnashing his teeth and wanted to get up and fight again, but it's a pity that he is seriously injured now, and he can't get back up at all!

"Hmph, after countless years, you ants finally have a decent guy. It's a pity that you have no chance to grow up."

The hydra's eyes fell on Duan Ganfeiliang, and it directly ignored the ancestors of the Fenglingzong and swam away with its huge body.This guy with less than 6000 years of cultivation is not inferior to the ancestor of Fenglingzong who is also a martial artist!It caused him a lot of trouble. If he hadn't possessed a powerful regenerative ability, he might have sword marks all over his body!
If this human being is allowed to grow to ten thousand years of cultivation, maybe he will really have the strength to compete with him!But now that he is defeated in his hands, it is naturally impossible for him to give him this chance again!
Duan Ganfeiliang groaned in pain, gripped the hilt of the sword tightly, and stared at the huge body coming.At this moment, he was full of unwillingness, if not for his lack of cultivation, how could he have failed so miserably!

"As a compliment to you, this deity will enjoy your delicacy."

The head in the middle of the nine-headed snake opened its mouth, and it aimed to bite Duan Ganfeiliang!
At this moment, Duan Gan Feiliang couldn't help but close his eyes, welcoming the arrival of this last moment...


Seeing this, the ancestor of Feng Lingzong couldn't help but let out a sigh. He was really amazed by the sudden appearance of this talented young warrior in the battle situation.Thinking of their human cultivators finally showing a talented person, I didn't expect to see him fall with my own eyes in such a short period of time, I am really sad and helpless...

This ancestor of the Lingzong had already met with Fang Ce, and was crushed by Fang Ce until he lost his temper, but he was only amazed by Duan Ganfeiliang, not that he had forgotten Fang Ce.Instead, he was completely unwilling to think about Fang Ce, and did not regard Fang Ce as a human being.After all, Fang Ce's five realms are evil, and his strength is too outrageous. While he dare not think about it, he also doubts whether Fang Ce himself is human...

At this moment, at the moment when the hydra was about to swallow Duan Ganfeiliang in one gulp, he suddenly stopped, only to feel a strong beating sound from his heart!

The nine pairs of giant eyes of the hydra opened wide in an instant, and his whole body became stiff, because he sensed an unprecedented terrifying aura, as well as a sense of fear from the depths of his blood!

Duan Ganfeiliang couldn't help but opened his eyes in surprise, and was even more surprised when he saw the frozen nine-headed snake close to his head, but in just a short moment, his complexion changed slightly!Because I also noticed that there was a terrifying aura approaching rapidly!This is a powerful aura that is obviously more terrifying than the hydra in front of him! !
"what happened!?"

The ancestors of the Fengling Sect were also shocked.

"Who!? Where the hell is it!?"

The nine-headed snake quickly turned around to look, and couldn't help but tense up. It was a terrifying guy with nine heads, but it was a human head. He came quickly with a group of powerful monsters like dragons and a few humans. !
"Hydra!? Why is there another Hydra!?"

"What's going on!? Is there such a terrifying existence in the Forbidden Snake!? Wait! No! What's going on with those people behind? Why are they chasing the Hydra!?"

"Hiss! It seems to be the ancestors of the Yangma Kingdom and the Pumen Sect! What happened!?"

The emperor of Yuelu Kingdom and others looked at the gradually clear figures, and couldn't help being even more stunned.

Nine Disasters and Jiaolong soon arrived at the dilapidated Yuelu Palace.

"You are the culprit, aren't you?"

Jiufu looked down at the Hydra indifferently.

"This... venerable... venerable... I don't know who is sacred? Why come here... I don't seem to have provoked venerable..."

"Looking for death! How dare you pretend to be the deity in front of the deity!?"

Before the Nine Woes could finish speaking, he was already furious, and immediately spewed out nine big mouthfuls of huge black flood!

"not good!!"

The Hydra's complexion changed drastically, and the power exploded from its body, and giant mountains rose up in front of it rumblingly!

Boom boom boom!
The terrifying black torrent quickly collapsed the giant mountain, and the backflow spread towards the Hydra!

"Quick! Save people!!"

The ancestor of the Pumen Sect gave a low call, and quickly flew to the ancestors of the Yuelu Kingdom with the ancestors of the Yangma Kingdom, Shangguan Jin, Nangong Yinghong and others, and pulled them up one by one.The reaction can be described as extremely fast, and the movements are also extremely skilled.

Because they followed Nine Disasters to kill these strange snakes all the way, and the flood of Nine Disasters spewed out, which was a disaster. Whether it was the enemy or their own people, they were basically turned into bones...

At this moment, the sound of corrosion sounded, and the Hydra soaked in the black flood was constantly damaged, but it recovered quickly!


The hydra was startled, and knowing something was wrong, he hurriedly flew into the air in order to avoid being corroded by the black flood.

However, how could the Nine-Headed Snake do what the Hydra wished, it jumped directly at the Hydra, crushed it to the ground in a daze, entangled with each other, and began to bite crazily!

The hydra was so frightened and furious that it couldn't help fighting back frantically.

Suddenly there was a rumble, the ground trembled, the mountain collapsed, and the surrounding ruins became even more dilapidated.

"This... this! Patriarch of the Pumen sect! What is going on here!?"

The ancestor of Feng Lingzong looked at the scene in front of him with a look of shock and bewilderment. The murderous nine-headed monster that suddenly appeared was their companion! ?

Everyone in the emperor's ancestors of Yuelu Kingdom also looked shocked and puzzled.

"Good...what a terrifying strength...what is the origin of this guy!?"

Duan Ganfeiliang also stared at Nine Woes in astonishment, this guy obviously possessed overwhelming power, the Hydra was basically in a state of being beaten by Fatty!If it didn't have the terrifying regenerative ability, I'm afraid the hydra would have been beaten to death long ago!

"Oh... this is Lord Nine Disasters, the patron saint of Tianyu. The gods of Tianyu have already let go of the word that they want to erase the forbidden area of ​​strange snakes, so they sent this patron saint to help us..."

The ancestor of the Pumen sect replied with an unnatural expression, because he really couldn't feel any kindness from Jiu Huo...

"What... what!? The patron saint of Tianyu!? There is such a terrifying existence in Tianyu!?"

The ancestors of Fenglingzong were even more shocked!

Although Jiu Woe's strength is not as strong as Fang Ce's, but now the movement of the battle, coupled with Jiu Woo's huge body and ferocious image, can be said to have brought a far more shocking effect to everyone than Fang Ce.Coupled with the title of Tianyu Guardian God, the difference from this image is a very huge impact.For a moment, everyone had the illusion that Nine Disasters were stronger than Fang Ce...

"Don't...don't fight! Spare me! Spare my life! Your Majesty! I have surrendered! I am willing to be your servant! Spare my life!"

There was a panic begging for mercy, but it was the hydra that was directly frightened by Jiu Huo's brutal beating.

Everyone in the ancestors of the Fengling Sect was stunned again. They never thought that the extremely powerful Hydra, the overlord of the forbidden land, would cry and beg for mercy one day, and they would still witness it with their own eyes...


Nine Woes couldn't help but stop, and looked at the Hydra, because he heard the words 'willing to be a servant'.And this guy in front of him can barely be regarded as his kind, and his strength is not bad, if he is taken as a servant, it will be inevitable.

At this time, the nine heads of the hydra were already lying down, with an appearance of complete obedience.

"Hmph, it's not impossible to become a servant of this deity. However, whether you can survive or not, you have to obtain the consent of Tianyu. Otherwise, you will still die."

Nine disasters spoke softly.

"This!? The one from Tianyu!?"

The hydra couldn't help but look shocked, the incomparably powerful kind in front of him was not the strongest yet, there was something more powerful than it! ?

Everyone in the ancestors of the Fengling Sect was shocked when they heard the words, but what they thought was that the gods of the heavens turned into snakes, and they didn't know that the Nine Calamities were referring to Fang Ce...

"Okay, this shit is over, you go back to Tianyu with this deity first, and see if that person agrees."

Nine disasters flew up and turned around.


The hydra immediately flew up in fear and followed.

These two big fellows ignored the ancestors of the Fengling Sect who were present, it could be said that they didn't even bother to take a look.Because for them, these ants are not worth paying attention to at all...

And the ancestors of the Fengling Sect were all staring blankly. Faced with the sudden cessation of the disaster of war, they still couldn't recover, as if they were dreaming...

And Fang Ce, who was in the sky, had already returned home.From the beginning to the end, no one knew that he had been watching this war...

"Win...win! We won!?"

The voice of Yuelu Kingdom's emperor's surprise sounded immediately.

"Well...it's over, this long war is finally over..."

The ancestor of Feng Lingzong said in a daze, the end of this war is the real end, because there will be no forbidden place for strange snakes in the future...

"Finally the world is peaceful..."

The Patriarch of the Pumen Sect let out a sigh of emotion. At this moment, his complexion was extremely complex, with colors such as joy, melancholy, and emptiness.Because for them, this war ended inexplicably and unimaginably.In general, it seems that it is purely a gift from the gods, lacking a sense of fulfillment...

However, although these bosses were in complicated moods, the ordinary people and soldiers began to cheer excitedly.For these low-level people, they don't care much about how the war ended. They care most about the coming of peace and living and working in peace and contentment.

"My ancestors and seniors, let's not rush to celebrate. Tianyu still has a task for us, so we must complete it first."

Nangong Yinghong came to the crowd and spoke.

"Huh? Tianyu still has a task for us?"

The ancestor of Feng Lingzong and others were all taken aback for a moment, and felt even more weird in their hearts. At this moment, they seemed to have no choice but to take Tianyu as their leader!Because no matter in terms of strength or morality, they were all controlled by Tian Yu!

First of all, in terms of strength, they are hitting a stone with an egg in front of Tianyu.And morally, Tianyu saved all their forces and the whole world.If they want to fight against Tianyu now, they won't be able to stand up. The result will probably be ruthlessly obliterated, and no one will sympathize...

"Tianyu said that all the resources in the forbidden area of ​​the strange snake belong to Tianyu. Let the ten major sects and the seven kingdoms take good care of them, and no one is allowed to enter and steal resources."

Nangong Yinghong responded.

"This... so...the old man Feng Lingzong has no problem..."

The ancestor of Fenglingzong heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that Tianyu was going to ask them to do something.If that's the case, they can still accept it.After all, the forbidden area of ​​the strange snake was originally solved by Tian Yu, so it is understandable for Tian Yu to want all the resources in the forbidden area.And the hydra is not dead yet, it was just taken away, in case Tianyu is not happy, it will be released again...

"No problem! Our Moon Deer is also fine!"

The emperor of Yuelu Kingdom also responded quickly.

"Yangma is fine!"

The emperor of Yangma Kingdom also responded.

The rest of the Great Luo Sect, Lietu Sect, and Jinyang Kingdom also nodded in agreement.

"It's good that there is no problem, then go back and make arrangements. After all, this side ends the war, and I'm afraid it won't be long before there will be courageous guys who don't know how to live or die..."

Nangong Yinghong said.


The ancestors of Fenglingzong agreed, and then said goodbye to each other and left.After all, in addition to the matters explained by Tian Yu, there are still many trivial matters that need to be arranged by them in the reconstruction after the war.

"Hong'er... What's the situation in this Tianyu now..."

The Suzerain of the Pumen Sect sounded hesitant. At this moment, he was looking at his precious daughter eagerly, and now he had to admit that his precious daughter's move to stay in Tianyu was simply extremely wise!And he had foolishly tried to stop him many times before!

"Father, do you want to ask Tianyu's attitude towards our Pumen Sect? It's hard to say now, my boy. I can only say that it won't be bad. After all, my boy has helped a lot in Tianyu. I also saw the rumored My Lord God. I don’t know if I can still go to the Tianyu..."

Nangong Yinghong responded helplessly.

"It's good that it doesn't break, Hong'er has really worked hard on you these days! You are a great hero of our Pumen sect!"

The Patriarch of Pumen Sect sighed.

"That's right, the little guy is really doing really well."

The ancestor of the Pumen sect couldn't help but admire.

"This... this young master of Nangong... I still remember..."

A hoarse voice sounded.

But it was Duan Gan Feiliang who came to the side, and at this moment, he saw the complicated expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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