Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 485 The Assault of the Xuanhu Sect and the Trace of the Snake Woman

Chapter 485 The Assault of the Xuanhu Sect and the Trace of the Snake Woman
Fang Ce couldn't help laughing and opened his mouth. He naturally saw the big cat queen's self-esteem, and knew that she knew nothing about Feng Shui here...

"Miss Kuiji, these are the basic books related to the Feng Shui Bureau. I will explain them to you word by word..."

Jiang Ling took out several classics.

"No, I'll see for myself, I'll ask you if I really don't understand."

The big cat female emperor took the classics casually and flipped through them.


Jiang Ling couldn't help being embarrassed.

"Ling'er, Miss Kuiji is talented and intelligent. Let her know for herself first, and you can save a lot of time."

Fang Ce smiled, he naturally knew that with the experience and talent of the Big Cat Empress, it is still very easy to understand these basic contents.


Jiang Ling nodded.

As the big cat female emperor read the content deeper, she couldn't help but gradually became serious, and in the end she was a little shocked and unbelievable.

Afterwards, the big cat empress looked up at Fang Ce in a daze.

"Huh? Miss Kuiji, what's the matter? But what's the point?"

Fang Ce was puzzled.

"These... are all true?"

The big cat queen said.

"What's real or fake?"

Fang Ce was even more puzzled.

"Why do you want me to learn this? Are you afraid that if I learn it, it will be countered by you?"

The big cat empress opened her mouth in a daze again. Although she hadn't really understood the Feng Shui bureau yet, she was already sure that this was something that could completely change the situation and change her destiny!
"Ha, if I'm afraid of even this kind of thing, then I can only stop."

Fang Ce shook his head and smiled.

At this time, the Big Cat Empress just stared at Fang Ce in a daze.

Jiang Ling on the side pursed her lips, feeling that the relationship between the two seemed complicated?
Afterwards, the Big Cat Empress didn't say anything more, and continued to read the classics.

A few days later, the big cat female emperor has gradually entered the Fengshui bureau, and started to exchange ideas with Jiang Ling.Of course, even with the talent and insight of the Big Cat Empress, it was the first time she came into contact with this feng shui bureau, and she couldn't beat Jiang Ling in a short time.

Half a month passed.

Fang Ce himself has mastered the Nine Routes Fengshui Bureau, and began to study the Ten Routes Fengshui Bureau.During this period of time, I also went to the surrounding area to look for the traces of Fei Lingzong's second uncle who was possessed by the evil, but nothing was found. The evil seems to have really left this area.

And the Big Cat Empress is now able to have a [-]-[-] match with Jiang Ling in the Feng Shui Bureau...

In addition, Yu Xiao found an open space in the village and built a residence by himself.

Just when everyone got used to this leisurely life.

"Listen, people in the village! Leave immediately! Evacuate to nearby towns as soon as possible!!!"

An anxious call was brought into the village by a young Taoist priest.

The people in the village were stunned.

"Young fellow daoist, what happened?"

Yu Xiao came to the young Taoist first.

Then Fang Ce, Jiang Ling, and the Big Cat Empress also rushed over.

"You are the feng shui masters guarding here? Quick! Let everyone leave immediately! Immediately! Or there will be a catastrophe!!"

The young Taoist said anxiously.

"Big disaster!? Fellow Daoist, please explain clearly!"

Yu Xiao glanced at Fang Ce in surprise. With Fang Ce here, apart from being surprised and puzzled, he was quite calm.

"A powerful evil has invaded our Xuanhu Sect! Several ancestors and many disciples of our Xuanhu Sect have been brutally murdered! Now the suzerain is using the Feng Shui Bureau to drag the evil to buy us time to escape! If you don't It's too late to go! At that time, I have to become the rations for that monster to improve its strength!!!"

The young Taoist responded anxiously.

"What!? You Xuanhuzong can't deal with the evil dye!?"

Yu Xiao was shocked immediately.

"Didn't your clan have masters who mastered the ten-way Fengshui Bureau?"

Fang Ce couldn't help being surprised.

"It's because the experts who mastered the ten-way Fengshui Bureau couldn't resist it, so I told you to withdraw! What are you still dawdling here!? Are you really going to stay and improve the strength of that monster!?"

The young Taoist became even more anxious. If he didn't want the monster to grow into a more powerful scourge, he wouldn't bother calling these people to run for their lives!
"Such a powerful evil has appeared here!?"

Both Jiang Ling and Yu Xiao couldn't help being shocked. After all, in the eyes of both of them, the Ten Route Fengshui Bureau was already unattainably powerful, and the evil dye that the Ten Route Feng Shui Bureau couldn't deal with was so terrifying!
"Okay, thank you fellow Taoist. Miss Kuiji, take care of this village first. I'll go to Xuanhuzong to have a look."

Fang Ce gave an order, then took out a flying sword, pretending to be holding the sword and leaving.

"Hey!? You bastard!? Are you courting death!?"

The young Taoist was stunned.

"You don't need to worry about his safety, you can leave if there is nothing wrong."

The big cat female emperor casually glanced at the young Taoist priest.

"You! You... who are you?"

When the young Taoist heard the words, he wanted to reprimand the Big Cat Empress angrily, but when he sensed the powerful aura of the Big Cat Empress, he couldn't help feeling jealous.

"Little girl, let's go back."

The big cat female emperor ignored the young Taoist priest, and turned around and left with Jiang Ling.

"Eh? Miss Kuiji?"

Jiang Ling couldn't help being startled.

The young Taoist priest couldn't help opening his eyes wide, and his heart was full of anger. He sent a message out of kindness, and it's fine for these guys to be ungrateful, but they still despise him so much! ?This is so bullying!
"That...haha, little fellow daoist, it's nothing, you can leave first. Those two just now are reclusive masters, and they should be able to solve the evil contamination that is causing harm to the noble sect now."

Yu Xiao said in embarrassment.

"An expert in the hidden world? I heard from the suzerain before that there is also a Feng Shui master from the Jiulu Fengshui Bureau here. Are you sure that he is an expert in the hidden world, not an ignorant person who wants to die?"

The young Taoist showed a trace of disdain.

At this time, Yu Xiao just showed a polite smile, clasped his fists and saluted, signaling to send him off.Regarding Fang Ce, he naturally didn't dare to talk nonsense.Anyway, it has been reminded, what the other party thinks is the other party's business.As long as he is clear in his heart.

"Hmph, how kind to be treated like a donkey!"

The young Taoist snorted coldly and walked away.Since these people insist on thinking, he won't stop him!

Soon after, in the northern mountains.

Fang Ce has already arrived at Xuanhuzong, and he saw blood and wreckage everywhere!A tragic image!
He sensed it slightly, but first he sensed a familiar aura and a somewhat familiar aura!

That familiar aura is Guihuo, the suzerain of Xuanhu Sect!And some familiar aura was actually the former Second Martial Uncle Fei Lingzong!That is, the one with the evil-dyed body protector!

how is this possible! ?That guy has the strength to fight against the Shilu Fengshui Bureau! ?
Fang Ce was startled. Before that, Fei Lingzong's second master had clearly mastered the Nine Routes Fengshui Bureau's Tiger Swallowing Power. He didn't even grasp the Turtle's Back Movement. How could he fight against the existence that controlled the Ten Routes Fengshui Bureau! ?Could it be that there is such a big improvement in a short period of time?This is an exaggeration! ?
Although he was puzzled in his heart, he didn't delay at all, and quickly searched for the two breaths.

After a while, they found both of them on a mountain peak!
However, the scene in front of him made him frown.

I saw a phantom of the ten-way Fengshui Bureau hanging in the void, and there were two figures below the Fengshui Bureau, one of which was Guihuo, the suzerain of the Xuanhu Sect, and the other...

It is lying on the stomach, without right arm or left foot, and the left arm is over the top of the head and merged with the head, only a hideous and terrifying face is exposed.Skinless, flesh and blood leaking, an infiltrating monster that is neither human nor ghost!

And the aura of this monster is Fei Lingzong's second uncle, and his cultivation has reached more than 500 years! ! !It seems that this short period of time has grown very fast!

Sensing Fang Ce's arrival, the monster and Gui Huo looked over.

"It's you!?"

Both said in unison.

One is astonished, and the other has dark eyes!
At this moment, Fang Ce's eyes fell on the ten-way feng shui bureau in the void, and it can be seen that this bureau has entered the stage of ending and will soon end!
A humming sounded.

The corner of Guihuo's mouth was bleeding, and he pointed it out with his sword finger showing unwillingness.

Immediately, a red trend formed in the Feng Shui Bureau of the Ten Routes!
"You are defeated."

The gloomy voice sounded, but it was from the monster.

On the ten-way feng shui bureau, a dark green trend formed, and it was a foregone conclusion in an instant!The ghostly green potential that belongs to monsters has won a complete victory!
"Boy! Don't leave yet! Are you running here to die!!!"

Gui Huo couldn't help but roared, he knew he was finished and was about to be swallowed by monsters!
"To shut up."

The ghostly voice of the monster sounded.


A miserable howl!
Gui Huo was impacted by the power of the law, spewed blood and flew backwards, hit a boulder, and then hit the ground hard, unable to get back up again!

Fang Ce frowned, and quickly landed in front of Guihuo. It seemed that the monster in front of him didn't intend to directly kill Guihuo.

"Come on... what are you doing here..."

Guihuo's difficult and hoarse voice sounded immediately.

"Hmph, I was thinking of going to Jiangcun to find you, but I didn't expect you to come to my door on my own initiative?"

The monster let out a sinister laugh.

"You've already become this ghost, and you're still thinking about Xiaosheng? Or is it just a thought that came about after devouring your memory?"

Fang Ce looked at the strange scene in front of him, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether it was the consciousness of a monster or the consciousness of the second uncle Fei Lingzong.

"Ah, why does he have resentment towards you in his memory, so I should avenge him, right?"

The monster let out a sigh.

"Oh, that Xiaosheng figured it out..."

Fang Ce nodded.

"Just figure it out!"

With a sound of the monster falling, the power of law spread out, pulling Fang Ce in instantly!

Immediately, in the void above the two of them, a huge ten-way Feng Shui phantom formed!

"It's over... It's over... What an idiot..."

Guihuo's light sigh sounded.

"Ten Road Feng Shui Bureau? When did you master it?"

Fang Ce calmly looked at the Feng Shui Bureau in the void. This time he was lucky and got the upper hand.but……

10% chance of winning!

The highest chance of winning shown on the Feng Shui painting scroll is only 10%!

"Boy! This monster's ten-way feng shui bureau is obtained from the master and the senior elders! You can't win!"

Guihuo's resentful and unwilling voice sounded.

"Huh? The monster itself didn't master it? Then how did it win over the seniors of the noble sect?"

Fang Ce couldn't help being taken aback.

"It was an extremely powerful Snake Girl Gang that monster forcibly devoured several ancestors!!"

"Snake girl?"

Fang Ce was startled, then asked in surprise, "Does it have wings?"

"Wings? No, it's a half-human, half-snake black-scaled snake demon! But its cultivation is extremely powerful!"

"Black Scaled Snake Demon!?"

Fang Ce's pupils shrunk, could it be her! ?

At present, there are only two high-level snake girls he knows, and they will do this kind of thing. Basically, the target can be confirmed!

"What? Kid, haven't you seen Shilu Fengshui Bureau, are you afraid?"

The monster's gloomy and triumphant voice sounded.

"Oh, it's quite scary."

Fang Ce nodded, and made a gesture casually.

"Heh heh heh, then you should enjoy the last fear and trembling in this life!"

The monster let out a sinister laugh again, and it was also making a gesture, forming horns with Fang Ce.

Fang Ce pondered calmly, and then made a move in a corner of the vantage point.

But the monster's second step is to launch a direct attack in the northeast corner and fight Fang Ce!
Fang Ce frowned, and was not in a hurry to compete with the monster, but took another corner.

The third step of the monster was to press forward from the opponent in the northeast corner.

At this time, Fang Ce also had to deal with it. He took precautions and focused on defense.

Immediately, the two sides fought again and again.

9% chance of winning!

8% chance of winning!

7% chance of winning!

It's just a contest of six or seven moves in the northeast corner, and Fang Ce has already fallen into a disadvantage!

And he could see that the monster was using a general trend similar to the nine-way feng shui bureau's engulfing force!It's just because there are more roads, it becomes more complicated, and it's obviously not going to be a tiger!
He had also tried to learn from the nine-way Fengshui Bureau's tiger-swallowing and turtle-backed tactics before, and explored the ten-way Fengshui Bureau, but it was just a clue. There was a clear gap between the nine-way and ten-way changes. Derived from it!

Just like between eight-way Go and nine-way Go, in eight-way Go, players with a little level can win first.However, once it comes to Nine-way Go, the changes are endless!The top masters can't do it first and win!This is the huge change brought about by the journey!

After the defeat in the northeast corner, the two sides competed again in the northwest corner. This prescription was on par with the monster, but the overall chance of winning the situation has dropped to 3%!

After all, there is one disadvantage. In the end, even if you lose only one trick, you still lose. The duel between masters is often a trick and a trick!
"Can't win... can't win..."

Gui Huo raised his head and looked at the situation blankly, with a look of despair on his face. He had already competed with Fang Ce before, and he knew that Fang Ce was at the level of the Jiulu Fengshui Bureau. In such a short period of time, it was not easy to achieve something in the Tenth Route Fengshui Bureau. ?What's more, facing the monsters who have mastered the ten ways of the predecessors ahead!

"Heh heh heh... How about it, boy, how does it feel to be a game with no hope?"

The monster couldn't help laughing smugly.

"Very good, I haven't felt this kind of oppressive feeling for a long time, you... you are very good..."

Fang Ce smiled and nodded, looking like he was enjoying himself.

"Hmph! Are you still trying to be brave? Let's see if you can still laugh when I have a complete grasp of your life and death!"

The monster seemed to be irritated by Fang Ce's attitude, and continued to suppress Fang Ce mercilessly!

0% chance of winning!

(End of this chapter)

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