Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 495 The most powerful Dongyi who has no good intentions

Chapter 495 The most powerful Dongyi who has no good intentions

"It was the ancient tree that was originally in that place, but it disappeared after I woke up. There must be some chance hidden there, so I came across it."

Fang Ce responded thoughtfully.

"Ancient tree!?"

Jiang Ling had a look of surprise on his face.

"Where is that place? Can you let me go and see!?"

The big cat empress was excited, her eyes were burning hot, she thought maybe she could also take a chance!
"Uh... it's just over a mile northeast of the village."

Fang Ce said nonsense casually.

"Can you take me there personally? I don't mean anything else, just curious about what's going on..."

The big cat female emperor blinked her beautiful eyes.

"Hmm! I want to see too, Brother Fang, can you..."

Jiang Ling also echoed with a look of embarrassment.

"This...it's no problem to take you to see it, but the ancient tree has disappeared, and I haven't seen it after looking for it several times."

Fang Ce replied, how could he fail to see what the two women were thinking, and they both wanted to try to see if they could meet some chance.Of course, this is nothing, human nature.The problem is that he just talked about that place casually. As for the real opportunity to find the White Jade Pagoda, he didn't dare to say it casually.It wasn't that he didn't want the two women to meet their chances, but that place was too mysterious, it contained too many secrets, and the location was dangerous.Before everything was clarified, he didn't dare to take people there at will.

"Hmm! It's okay, let's just go and have a look!"

The Big Cat Empress and Jiang Ling nodded quickly.

"Okay, let's take you there now."

Fang Ce responded, and directly led the two women to the location he spoke of.

Coincidentally, this location happened to be where the nearby river passed by, and there was a conspicuous spacious area, which was directly used by Fang Ce.

"It's here. There used to be a huge old tree here. At that time, I saw the beautiful scenery here, and I was a little sleepy, so I slept for a while. Unexpectedly, when I woke up, the old tree was gone. Later I found out that it was three days and three days later. night."

Fang Ce pointed at the spacious place seriously.

"Is it right here... This place does look quite unusual..."

The big cat queen carefully groped in the spacious place with a concentrated expression.

"Is it an ancient tree... When I was a child, I heard people in the village say that there are some mysterious things near the village. Could it be this?"

Jiang Ling also had a serious face.

"Let me take a closer look, too."

Fang Ce also showed seriousness, and started searching together.I feel a little embarrassed...

In the following days, the two women took time to run here from time to time until several people arrived.

"Several distinguished guests, I don't know why you are here this time?"

Fang Ce looked helplessly at the person who came.

The few people in front of him were Cang Jian, Quan Si Wenyun, the ancestor of Qi Huanzong, and an old man in white robe.This time it was the old man in white robe who took the lead.

Jiang Ling, Big Cat Empress, and Yu Xiao looked at each other, each feeling weird.

"Old Dongyi Nieming, I heard that there are distinguished guests here, so I came to visit specially. I thought the distinguished guests were some old friends from other states, but I didn't expect that they were really strange faces."

The old man in white robe cupped his fists and said.

"It turned out to be Venerable! Our strongest existence in Dongyi!"

Yu Xiao was shocked immediately.

"Is this the strongest existence in Dongyi?"

Jiang Ling was surprised.

"Cut, how strong is it? Can it be stronger than that guy?"

The big cat queen was quite disdainful.

"Uh...Shangxian, it's hard to say about this little one, the venerable Nie has also mastered the existence of the Seventeenth Route..."

Yu Xiao responded cautiously.

At this time, Fang Ce responded with cupped fists: "It turns out that it is the Great Master Nie Ming, Xiaosheng was rude."

"I heard that the distinguished guest came here on a cloud tour?"

Nie Ming asked easily.

"Yes, sir, please rest assured, Xiaosheng has absolutely no malice towards Dongyi."

"Well, this old man believes in the honored guest. After all, with the strength of the honored guest, there is really no need to stay in this small village all the time."

Nie Ming nodded.

"Thank you."

Fang Ce responded with a smile.

"You're welcome. By the way, I heard that the distinguished guest has also comprehended the Seventeenth Road Fengshui Bureau. It's rare to come here. If you don't want to learn a thing or two, you can also communicate with each other and make progress."

Nie Ming smiled again.

"This... Dazun also mastered the Seventeenth Road Fengshui Bureau, the level is similar, and the result is probably a draw."

Fang Ce responded hesitantly, to the effect that both parties were successful in the [-]th Road Feng Shui Bureau, no matter how much they competed, the result would be the same, and it is impossible to improve here, so it is meaningless to compete with each other.

"Of course, but what if we compete in a field that we have never mastered?"

Nie Ming said with a smile.

"A field that has never been mastered..."

Fang Ce couldn't help showing surprise, he had no interest in competing with Nie Ming.But now that the other party made this proposal, he couldn't help but make him have some guesses about Nie Ming's mind.You must know that once you lose this feng shui game, your opponent will control your life and death. If the opponent has a plan in mind, it is a risky move.And Mie Ming dared to make this suggestion, presumably he already had a good grasp of the Eighteenth Road Fengshui Bureau.

"How? You don't have to worry too much, this is just an ordinary discussion and exchange."

"This one……"

Fang Ce couldn't help hesitating, thinking about how to refuse.Of course he wasn't afraid, after all, he had already mastered the Eighteenth Road Feng Shui Bureau!It's just that he doesn't want to expose too much here.

However, just when Fang Ce hesitated.

"Come on, it's just an exchange, there's no need to be so formal."

Nie Ming smiled and opened his mouth, and at the same time mobilized the power of the law of Feng Shui to directly pull Fang Ce in!

Fang Ce was stunned for a moment, because the other party's behavior was extremely rude and taboo!After all, if it is really a discussion and exchange, no matter what you do, you have to ask for his consent!And this approach is no different from forcible action!
Seeing this, the big cat female emperor couldn't help frowning slightly.

The three of Cang Jian were all taken aback, they all felt that Nie Ming's actions were intriguing.

At this time, Nie Ming was also taken aback, looking at Fang Ce with some horror: "You...you..."

He originally thought that Fang Ce's hesitation was because he hadn't dabbled too deeply in the Eighteenth Road Feng Shui Bureau, so he didn't dare to take it because he was not sure.Unexpectedly, he is not given a choice of Feng Shui bureau now, which means that Fang Ce's realm is higher than his! ! !

This moment, it made his heart skip a beat!After all, he dared to do this because he thought he had seen the depth of the strategy and was already extremely confident!This mentality is naturally different.Now suddenly tell him that the other party is stronger than him!And this feng shui bureau involves life and death!
At this moment, Fang Ce just glanced at Nie Ming lightly, and the vast Eighteenth Road Fengshui Bureau appeared in the void! !
Nie Ming's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart became horrified, and he was completely sure that Fang Ce's realm was higher than him! !And his actions just now, I'm afraid Fang Ce has been upset!

"Good luck, it was Xiaosheng who took the lead."

Fang Ce said calmly, and immediately fell into the game, and suddenly a strong wind overflowed and coiled out!

"That... that... honored guest, we are here for friendly discussion, there is no other meaning, and you know it."

Nie Ming pulled out a stiff smile.

Hearing this, Fang Ce just smiled and didn't respond.He doesn't know what the other party is planning in his heart, but at least he can be sure that it is not as friendly as it seems on the surface!

Nie Ming smiled stiffly again, but quickly calmed down and concentrated on the game.When the momentum falls, it is also a turbulent situation!

At this time, everyone in Jiang Ling concentrated on watching the battle, and no one dared to make a sound.

The two sides fought dozens of hands again and again.

"The power of Lei Pixiu!?"

Nie Ming looked at Fang Ce with a look of shock on his face, he had already seen the embryonic form of Fang Ce's general trend!And the reason why he was shocked was because of the particularity of Lei Pixiu, in the Eighteenth Route Feng Shui Bureau, Lei Pixiu could turn into a starry sky dragon!

This situation took shape quickly, and once it took shape, the outcome was decided, and there was absolutely no possibility of a confrontation!The starry sky dragon's posture is also the most difficult to master in the [-]th Route Fengshui Bureau, and mastering it almost means that you have completely mastered the [-]th Route Fengshui Bureau!And Fang Ce's realm is higher than his, and the move of Lei Pixiu basically told him clearly what it means! !

"Oh my god! Big brother Fang has even mastered the general situation of the Eighteenth Road Fengshui Bureau!?"

Jiang Ling on the other side couldn't help being shocked.

The big cat queen was even more envious and unhappy, why didn't she meet such a good opportunity! ?

"This this……"

Cang Jian and the others also looked shocked.

At this time, Fang Ce was still calm and didn't say much.

Nie Ming, who didn't get a response, suddenly looked embarrassed, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth looking at the Feng Shui Bureau and began to think hard.He must try to make peace now, because the current situation has clearly told him that he has no chance of winning!If you still fantasize about defeating the opponent, you are definitely committing suicide!
Fortunately, he is following the trend of the golden unicorn. If this trend is carried out well, there is still a chance for a draw!
After thinking for a long time, Nie Ming had sensed the coercion of the power of the law, and finally had to give up.

Every step that followed, Nie Ming was sweating profusely, thinking so hard that he was about to be unable to withstand the pressure of the law, and then he fell down. After all, this is a matter of life, and he cannot allow him to have any chances!

"What...what's going on...not even the Venerable..."

The ancestor of Qi Huanzong's face was stiff, with a complex look on his face.

"This... this... I don't know..."

Cang Jian trembled slightly, how could he not see the pressure of Nie Ming now?Just look at the time of the trend of both sides, and you can get a clue!It's just that he couldn't accept this fact in his heart!
Fang Ce's expression was calm all the time. He could see that Nie Ming should have mastered the power of the great dragon of the Five Elements Mountains and Rivers. Only the more powerful Ice World Dragon and Starry Sky Dragon had not yet mastered it. The contest of Fengshui Bureau.It's a pity that he has already mastered the [-]th Route Feng Shui Bureau, and it is much more difficult for Nie Ming's golden unicorn to compare with the comparable ice pixiu.What's more, it is still under the circumstances that the latter has not fully grasped the Eighteenth Road Fengshui Bureau!

As the two sides fell down, I don't know how long it took.

The sky-shaking roar sounded.

Fang Ce's Thunder Pixiu is fully formed, and the terrifying Thunder Mang ravages the entire Feng Shui Bureau!

Nie Ming's face was terrified, he felt the endless pressure on his body, his golden unicorn was still seven times short of potential!

"Wow... Is Brother Fang really so outrageous? Isn't he already at the level of a saint?"

Jiang Ling was completely dumbfounded.

"Holy... Saint Master... This... This is impossible..."

Yu Xiao couldn't believe it.

"Who the hell is this person..."

The three of Cang Jian stared blankly at Fang Ce.

The contest continues.

Although Fang Ce's Lei Pixiu has been completed, he is not in a hurry to attack. Although he has a clear advantage now, there is a high possibility that Nie Ming's golden unicorn will take shape before being defeated. At that time, the opponent will have a chance to draw!Therefore, he chooses to stick to his Thunder Pixiu potential and continue to gain momentum!As long as Lei Pixiu transforms into a dragon successfully, there will be no suspense.


Nie Ming clenched his teeth, sweating profusely to make the golden unicorn into shape.

It's seven times in the past.

Another roar sounded!
As the golden glow flickers, a golden unicorn appears on the feng shui board, forming a rivalry with Fang Ce's Lei Pixiu!

"That guy's momentum has also come out, but he's much slower than Big Brother Fang!"

Jiang Ling said, if in the past, she would have been respectful to see the strongest Dongyi, after all, she is also from Dongyi.But now that her elder brother Fang is here, it is naturally impossible to have a good look at the strongest Dongyi.

"Your Majesty's general situation has finally come out, there should be a battle..."

Cang Jian heaved a sigh of relief, but he was still very unconfident in his heart, after all, the general trend of Nie Ming came out so much too late!
At this time, when the golden unicorn was formed, Nie Ming unceremoniously launched a fierce attack on Fang Ce's Lei Pixiu. He had to stop Lei Pixiu from transforming into a dragon, so as to have a glimmer of hope for a draw!

However, Nie Ming is too far behind after all, and his strength is obviously worse!It's just a contest of dozens of hands.

With Fang Ce's final move, he fell.

In an instant, the world changed!
I saw a starry sky descending on the Feng Shui Bureau!

A dragon's chant soared straight to the sky!
Lei Pixiu directly turns into a mysterious dragon hovering in the void like a starry sky!
"This! This! This! The rumored dragon power in the starry sky!? The general trend of the [-]th Feng Shui Bureau that only Master Mi Sheng masters today!?"

Yu Xiao was shocked.

"Oh my god! Brother Fang is really at the level of a saint teacher!?"

Jiang Ling couldn't help exclaiming.

"Star... starry sky dragon!? Saint master level!? How is this possible!!!"

Cang Jian and the others were also frightened dumbfounded, after all, this means the strongest existence today!
"It's over... it's over..."

Nie Ming looked at the mysterious and terrifying Starry Sky Dragon with a pale face, and couldn't help but tremble all over.

At this moment, in the feng shui bureau, Starry Sky Dragon looked down at the golden unicorn, opened its huge mouth, and let out an angry roar, boom rumble!The terrifying force instantly wiped out the golden unicorn as if the world had collapsed!
Nie Ming was so frightened that he staggered and almost fell.

"The victory and defeat are already divided."

Fang Ce looked at Nie Ming calmly.

Nie Ming suddenly became excited, and hurriedly saluted with trembling: "Your Excellency is so powerful! This old man really opened his eyes and benefited a lot! Thank you for your enlightenment!"

"Do you have any last words?"

Fang Ce responded calmly.

Nie Ming was stunned for a moment, and then his complexion changed greatly: "Your Excellency!? What do you mean!? Aren't you and I friendly!?"

Cang Jian and the others were also terrified by Fang Ce's understatement, their eyes were all wide open, and their faces were terrified.

"The question is, did I... agree?"

Fang Ce's gaze was fixed, and his palm was stretched out at will.

"No!! Wait! Your Majesty! Please listen to my explanation...Ah!!!"

Nie Ming's horrified words had no time to finish, and they turned into mournful howls, and were annihilated by the power of the law in an instant!

Immediately, Jiang Ling, Cang Jian and the others were all stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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