Feng Shui apprentice ten years debut is the Celestial Master

Chapter 507 Easily suppress the No. 1 master of the Wei family

Chapter 507 Easy to calm down the first master of the Wei family
elder sister?

Fang Ce and the others were stunned for a moment, and when they looked around, they saw that it was a young cultivator. They had also heard from Wei Shui before that they had a younger brother at home. It seemed that this was the person in front of them.

When the aunts heard the words, they all shut up.

"Oh! Weiying! That's right, your sister is back. I met her on the street before, so she should be at home now."

Aunt Liu replied.

"That's great!"

The young cultivator's eyes lit up, and he hurried back.

Fang Ce winked at the three women, and followed slowly.

After a while, they arrived outside Wei Shui's mother's house, and Wei Ying hurried into the yard.

"This is my sister-in-law's house, let's go."

Fang Ce smiled, and prepared to leave first. After all, he couldn't go to Wei Shui's mother and son right now, otherwise there was no need to say goodbye and pretend.

However, just when several people were about to leave.

"Who are you! Why are you following my people!?"

A deep voice sounded.

Fang Ce and the others were taken aback, only to see a handsome young man in white brocade.

"My friend, I'm just passing by your family, and I'm a little curious to walk around casually, and I don't have any other intentions."

Fang Ce clasped his fists and saluted, in fact, he had discovered this young man a long time ago, but he didn't take it seriously, and he and the others are upright, so why don't they look like bad guys?I didn't expect this young man to care about it.

"It's Wei Xuan."

"Wei Xuan, what happened?"

"what happened?"

At this time, some clansmen from all around hurried over and surrounded them.

Fang Ce was stunned, it seemed that this young man called Wei Xuan seemed quite prestigious here.

"Lu Jing? Curious? Who are you?"

Wei Xuan asked.

"Here, Weiyun, his two wives, and his younger sister came from outside. I heard that there is a family with the surname Wei here, so I came here to have a look."

Fang policy responded.

"is it?"

Wei Xuan glanced at Fang Ce, then at the three daughters of Huo Fenghuang, hesitating slightly, after all, such a combination really doesn't look like a meticulous workman.

"Wei Xuan, since these guys are suspicious, let's detain them first and then talk about it. After we figure it out, we can make a decision, just in case."

An uncle spoke.

"That's right! People stay here first. If there is a problem, wouldn't they be run away?"

"Yes, keep these people here."

The people around unexpectedly joined in one after another.

Fang Ce was speechless for a moment, and quickly apologized: "My friends, we really didn't mean any harm, it was really just a misunderstanding."

"Hmph! Who knows if you have any malicious intentions! Let's talk about it after we find out! Or what substantive proof you can come up with!"

The surrounding people became aggressive.

And Wei Ying, who just got home, also ran out, not only Wei Ying, but also Wei Shui, mother and son, Wei Xiong, Wei Jie and the whole family ran out, but they were not yet able to get together and get to know each other more, so they were attracted by the outside movement come out.

People from the nearby Wei family also poured in one after another, and more and more people surrounded them.


Fang Ce was completely speechless, why did he stab a hornet's nest all of a sudden?

Huo Fenghuang and the big cat empress looked cold and didn't take it seriously at all. Anyway, for them, these people can be killed easily, mainly because they don't have so much human sophistication to say.

Jiang Ling blinked slightly.

"It seems that only a few people can be left behind. Let's question them."

Wei Xuan frowned and said, in the current situation, even if he didn't plan to force Fang Ce and the others to stay, there was nothing he could do.

"Uh... Since everyone wants to interrogate them, you can interrogate them. I will be able to sit upright, so I am not afraid."

Fang Ce said helplessly.

"Hmph, you are not afraid? We are not afraid. Tie it up for me honestly. It's okay if there is no problem, otherwise, you will suffer!"

The big man sneered, and brought the rope, walked towards Fang Ce and the others, but wanted to tie them up directly.

"This... I'm afraid it's not good enough? How do you interrogate me? I can cooperate. There is really no need to do this..."

Fang Ce himself doesn't care, but Huo Fenghuang's violent temper can be ignited at any time, and it will not end well at that time.And he didn't want girl Jiang Ling to be wronged because of this.

"No need? This is what you say? Aren't you fearless? If you don't tie them up, how can you answer honestly."

Dahan Road.


Fang Jue was speechless, then sighed softly and said, "If you want to interrogate, I can cooperate. But my two ladies and younger sister, I don't want them to be wronged. I will let you tie me up, okay?"

The big man was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the three daughters of Fire Phoenix.

Huo Fenghuang had a strange expression on his face: This guy is real, wouldn't he be honest if he just taught these guys a lesson, why is he always so troublesome.

But even though she thought so in her heart, there was still a bit of shyness in Fang Ce's words...

The big cat queen also looked at Fang Ce quietly. She has been riding as a mount for so long, but this time she has received such care?

"Oh, I can't see it, is it quite responsible? Then I promise you."

The big man nodded approvingly.

"Thank you."

Fang Ce smiled and stretched out his hand, as if letting go.

The wariness on Wei Xuan's face before had completely disappeared at this time, and he must have misunderstood someone secretly, but it's just that it's hard for him to say anything in the current situation, so he can only apologize afterwards.

The big man didn't say much, and stepped forward to tie up Fang Ce with a cold face.

Fang Ce sighed helplessly, secretly thinking that these guys can rest assured, right?
However, at this time, the big man took out the rope from his arms again, and looked at the three daughters of Fire Phoenix: "Okay, it's your turn?"

Fang Ce was stunned.

The three daughters of Fire Phoenix were also taken aback.

"Uncle Yao!?"

Wei Xuan couldn't help but be astonished.

"Hmph, do you think you can get over it with just a few words? Who knows what you three girls will do secretly? Playing tricks on me? Stealing chickens is not enough to lose money, right? I advise you to be more honest."

But the big man sneered in disdain, so he wanted to go to the three daughters of Fire Phoenix and tied one of them up.

At this time, the fire phoenix's eyes turned cold, and a murderous intent emerged in an instant!She was extremely furious in her heart, and what was furious was that this ants dared to deceive her husband! !

"Uncle Yao! Be careful!!!"

Wei Xuan's back was inexplicably cold, and he felt something terrifying appeared, and he couldn't help being shocked.

"Those who break their promises should be punished."

There was a dull sound.

Then there was a bang!

Amidst the howling sound, the big man spurted blood from his mouth, flew out backwards, fell hard to the ground, and was severely injured.

I saw that Fang Ce was the first to break free from the restraints, and slapped the big man with a powerful palm!In fact, his action saved the life of the big man, because he immediately sensed the strong killing intent of the fire phoenix, once he did it, the big man would definitely end up in ashes.And because he shot hastily, and the opponent was too weak, his strength was a bit difficult to control, and he almost killed the big man on the spot...

"You!? Master!!"

Wei Xuan's face darkened, and his figure moved, directly attacking Fang Ce.

"You two ladies, watch from the sidelines, don't act casually."

Fang Ce gave a soft order, and fought with Wei Xuan who was attacking, and saw him waving his hands, repeatedly defusing Wei Xuan's offensive, and for a while, he seemed to be on par.

When Huo Fenghuang saw this, he couldn't help curling his lips, as smart as she was, how could he fail to see that his husband's actions just now were intended to save people, not to punish them.And now the fight with Wei Xuan is even more dramatic, it's too outrageous.She can be sure that if her husband really wants to clean up the other party, it's just a matter of looking at each other, and this fight is like an ocean.

"Hiss! What a powerful thief! He was able to fight Wei Xuan so far! It's really hidden! I just said, there must be something wrong with these people! Did you think you could hide it from my eyes? Fortunately, I left a Be careful! Otherwise, everyone will be deceived!"

The big man got up with difficulty, and said fiercely, with a bit of complacency in his tone, secretly praising his cleverness just now.

"This man is so powerful, what is he doing here?"

"Hmph, there must be ulterior motives!"

"I heard that someone seems to be following here?"

Those members of the Wei family all around were astonished.

"Mother... Mother... Do you think those people look familiar, could it be Uncle Kuiwu and the others..."

Bai Rong gently pulled his mother's jade hand, because they are a combination of one man and three women, which is quite mysterious and familiar, and it was at this time that he and his mother were found here. Due to various coincidences, his first instinct was, I guessed Fang Ce and the others.He has heard that there are some disguise techniques in the Jianghu, which can subtly change the appearance, and it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish, especially when the opponent's strength is advanced!

"Hmm...it's very possible..."

Wei Shui lightly tapped the scorpion's head, she also had this intuition immediately, and now that her son has said it, it is almost certain, but...

"It must be! Mom! I'm going to help Kui..."

Bai Rong got excited and wanted to rush out to rescue Fang Ce and the others.

"do not!"

Wei Shui quickly grabbed Bairong.

"Ah? Mother, what's the matter..."

Bai Rong was taken aback, and looked at Wei Shui in confusion.

"Shh, you're going to do something bad."

Wei Shui said softly, she knew that if Fang Ce really needed her and Rong'er to get out of the siege, she could just express her intentions directly, and she would definitely come forward to clarify, but she didn't say anything, obviously because she didn't want to reveal her identity and purpose, she naturally couldn't let Rong'er act rashly .


Bai Rong seemed to understand something, but he was still a little worried that something would happen to Fang Ce.

"Look first."

Wei Shui said softly again.



At this time, Fang Ce and Wei Xuan had used dozens of moves.

Wei Xuan was astonished, what a formidable opponent!This defensive ability is simply impeccable! ! !
"Everyone, this thief is very capable! Let's help out together, first take down those little girls! Then deal with that thief!"

Before that, Uncle Yao greeted the people around him.

"it is good!"

Immediately, many cultivators responded and surrounded the three daughters of Fire Phoenix!

"We're going to help too!!"

Weiying also greeted the two younger brothers.

"and many more……"

Wei Shui became anxious immediately, forget about the rest of the tribe, his younger brother also went up to deal with the benefactors, what a matter! ?Moreover, she has already identified that Weiying only has 40 years of cultivation, and if these three younger brothers are accidentally injured...

"It's a good one to deceive others with more."

Fang Ce's expression was indifferent, but suddenly he pointed out with a sword!Immediately, a fierce sword energy erupted!

"not good!!"

Wei Xuan was startled, and immediately used his spiritual energy to resist!


A groan!
Blood was bleeding from the corner of Wei Xuan's mouth, and he couldn't help but retreat in a hurry!He hurriedly stood still, and quickly roared: "Stop it all!!!"

The people around were all taken aback, and upon hearing Wei Xuan's words, they all stopped in their tracks, looking ready to guard Fang Ce.

Fang Ce's sword pointed sideways, with a calm and composed attitude.Originally, he just wanted to hide his strength as much as possible to make Wei Xuan retreat, but he didn't expect that these guys really didn't talk about martial arts at all, and they wanted to attack the three daughters of Fire Phoenix.

Of course, he couldn't be worried that the three daughters of Huo Fenghuang would be injured, but he was afraid that Huo Fenghuang would make a move, and these guys would all die.To put it bluntly, these are also members of Wei Shui's clan, and he didn't want to make such an ugly scene.

At this moment, Wei Xuan stared at Fang Ce with a suspicious expression on his face: This person is so powerful!I'm afraid I haven't done my best yet! !
"Wei Xuan!? Are you okay!??"

Uncle Yao couldn't help but worry in a low voice.

"It's okay, forget it. These are not enemies, we misunderstood."

Wei Xuan opened his mouth and said, and immediately saluted Fang Ce: "Your Excellency is very powerful, thank you for your mercy!! It was Wei Xuan who offended him before!"


Uncle Yao couldn't help opening his eyes wide.

The rest looked at each other in blank dismay.

Both Wei Shui and Bairong heaved a sigh of relief.

"No, it's not right for us to come to your family's territory without authorization. It's human nature to be suspicious and wary. Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, I will leave first with the two ladies and the younger sister. I will leave here. Please."

Fang Ce clasped his fists and saluted, then turned around and left with the three daughters of Fire Phoenix.

"This...OK, a few walk slowly..."

Wei Xuan originally wanted to say something more, but seeing that Fang Ce and the others had already decided to go, and there were indeed many offenses among the clansmen, the relationship might be a little stiff, so it is really not appropriate to force them to stay.

And the members of the Wei family all around couldn't help but give way one after another, and didn't dare to say anything, because Wei Xuan, the strongest, was not Fang Ce's opponent, and he had already let go of the reconciliation, so they naturally didn't dare to stop him easily , which is purely self-defeating.

"Wei Xuan, what is the background of that person just now? Is his strength really stronger than yours?"

Uncle Yao said in surprise.

"Strong! Very strong! It's hard for me to beat him!"

Wei Xuan nodded solemnly.

"how can that be……"

Uncle Yao couldn't help but couldn't believe it.

"Okay, let's not talk about these for now, everyone disperses, let's go to work, there is nothing to do."

Wei Xuan spoke humanely to the surrounding clans.

Everyone responded and left, and couldn't help discussing Fang Ce.

"Sister, let's go back too. How come..."

Wei Ying frowned and said that it was difficult for him to accept that someone more powerful than Wei Xuan appeared in the family territory, or he felt a little humiliated.After all, in his own territory, people can come and go freely...


Wei Shui nodded.

"Wait, Weiying!"

Wei Xuan's voice suddenly sounded, calling Wei Ying to a halt.

"Ah? What's the matter? Brother Wei Xuan?"

Wei Ying was a little stunned, did not expect that Wei Ying would take the initiative to find him?
"Do you know those people just now?"

Wei Xuan clasped his fists and asked.


(End of this chapter)

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