Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 1019 Women's Dairy Farm

Chapter 1019 Women's Dairy Farm

Everyone laughed and discussed the issue of whether there is milk or not.Until it extends to the matter of husband and wife.Although Cui Cui is married, she has never experienced this kind of topic.A small face was already red like a piece of cloth.

Seeing her like this, Chi Na'er asked curiously, "What's wrong with Cuicui? Are you uncomfortable?"

It was only then that everyone discovered Cui Cui's strangeness, but soon understood the reason, and couldn't help laughing.

Only Chi Na'er, Tie Hanhan, looked puzzled and couldn't understand.

"Okay, okay, since everyone agrees, let's make a deal!" Cui Cui recovered and hurriedly struck while the iron was hot.

"Okay, okay, okay, let's not do anything wrong, don't let these men replace us like cows. Also go to introduce foreign breeds." A woman shouted loudly.

Then there was a roar of laughter, Chi Na'er opened her mouth, wanting to refuse, but looked at the sisters around her, bit her lips and stopped talking.

In fact, today's dairy farms really don't need men if they are raised in winter.They are only needed during grazing season.

But this is not absolute. In the past, men relied on grazing because the livestock were not very obedient.But these cows are as honest as little sheep, and a dog is enough.Cuicui's wish came true, so she ran to find Zhang Jianmin.

When Zhang Jianmin heard that his wife had agreed to be the head of the dairy farm, he was surprised at first, and then relieved.To be honest, the dairy farm has been established for more than a year, and Chi Naer has more worries than herself.She deserves her name as the head of the field.

Cuicui called Ma Quanyi, and Ma Quanyi was naturally happy.Military Reclamation City looks huge at present, but in fact it is still short of people.

At present, the population is basically transferred to the industry, but agriculture and animal husbandry are indeed industries that must not be underestimated.After all, this is the foundation of the Corps.

In addition, wineries and dairy factories are two big food and milk eaters.Land and pastures are even more important.

There is also a pharmaceutical factory, that guy is more vicious than a cow when he eats herbal medicine.If these factories hadn't been upgraded from Junken City, they would have had to rent land elsewhere.

However, with the introduction of agricultural machinery and imported dairy cows.It has indeed saved a large number of people, and what needs to be solved now is the problem of planting traditional Chinese medicine.

The engineers at Martha's implements were already working on the subject.If the planting of traditional Chinese medicine, picking can also be mechanized.Ma Quanyi didn't have to worry about anything.

The transformation of the Gobi Desert is still in progress. Although it is winter, the permafrost is vulnerable to powerful machinery and equipment.

Besides, it is picking stones and sowing grass seeds, and the requirements for land are not strict.No need to work hard.So in nearly a year, the Gobi Desert has been remodeled by more than half.

After the transformation is completed, Ma Quanyi does not intend to use it for herding.Instead, we plan to build a high-quality alfalfa base. Alfalfa is a kind of feed that livestock love to eat no matter whether it is wet or dry, and has rich nutritional value.

This thing does not need to be managed, just like pasture, it grows after the seeds are sown, and the mower will directly harvest it, and just bundle it.

What Cui Cui reported just now undoubtedly solved the big problem.Because of the particularity of the times in our country's agriculture, men are the main force of labor. There is no way, there are few machines, and it mainly depends on strength.

No matter how capable a woman is, she can't compare with a man in terms of strength, can she?So many times the lack of men is actually a lack of men.

Just like the previous animal husbandry company, the men go to herd the animals, and the women basically have nothing to do in the company, but you can't afford less wages.Because they are also Corps soldiers!Live on wages.

So the company commander instructor had to try his best to arrange work for the women, many of which were actually worthless at all.Imagine a farming company, what can you do if the sheep are not in the company?
Ma Quanyi often went to the dairy farm, but his inherent thinking mode imprisoned him, and he didn't think deeply about it.But Cui Cui's phone call just now opened his mind.

Yes, this kind of mechanized farming seems to be no problem without men. In this way, the male labor force can be liberated.How much can it do?

Ma Quanyi quickly took out the map and checked all the wasteland in Junken City and the Gobi Desert.I wondered where the next piece of the Gobi Desert should develop after the transformation of this Gobi Desert is completed?
The area occupied by the Ninth Division is all on the border of Kazakhstan.It is to isolate a long and narrow safe zone for herdsmen along the border.It is [-] kilometers long from north to south.

It is the division with the longest personal guard area in the entire Corps.Accounting for one-fifth of the entire border area.

The reason for this is that when the relationship between the two countries was tense, there were many disputed areas.If the herdsman's flock accidentally breaks into those areas, the flock may be taken over by neighboring countries, and if they resist, they will be threatened.

In order to prevent this from happening, the leaders of the Corps formed the Ninth Division.He kept the danger to himself and prevented the herdsmen from stepping into the disputed area.

But this situation has eased a lot now, and now the neighboring country has become Kazakhstan.With the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, bilateral relations have been developing very well, and some small frictions that often occurred in the past have not happened for a long time.

Moreover, the soldiers of both sides will greet each other warmly when they meet, as if the high-level leaders of the two countries are also discussing the issue of territorial re-division in the disputed area.If this problem is resolved, the so-called disputed area will no longer exist.

Without the disputed area, Ma Quanyi would have an extra large pasture.These things will not be handed over to Xi Xue and them.

Although the guys from the agricultural company are also members of the infrastructure company.But on the issue of principle, Ma Quanyi won't talk about face with anyone.It depends on strength.

Now what Ma Quanyi is focusing on most recently is the construction of a dairy factory. There is a winery in the agricultural company, how can he be reconciled if he doesn't even get involved in a company?

Now he and Xi Dehe are still in a lawsuit at the Chinese medicine planting base of the pharmaceutical factory.Ye Wancheng and Liu Qingshan felt headaches when they saw the two of them.Originally, I have been stirring a horse spoon in a pot for half my life, but when I get old, I pick it up.

Originally, Xi Xuehe was a little afraid of Ma Quanyi, because he had always been his direct leader.As a result, the level is the same now, and his waist is also hardened, so he doesn't give Ma Quanyi any face.

But Liu Qingshan and Cuicui were obedient in front of the two powerful secretaries, and it was useless to take shares.There's no way, I'm used to being bullied by them.

After discussing with Ye Wancheng, Liu Qinghua decided to isolate the traditional Chinese medicine base and forget it.But Ye Wancheng still shook his head after thinking about it for a long time, because setting up one more company would bring more people.There are more people in the leadership of the company.

 Reply to the post of the operation officer first and then vote for the monthly ticket, there is a subsidy, hurry up
(End of this chapter)

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