Chapter 1052
Dieter Schwarz looked at them in surprise, a little unsure of the accuracy of the news.

The person directly took out a document with the detailed shareholding structure of the brother company. Dieter Schwarz sighed and almost cried after reading it.

Nima, thanks to myself, I still treat him as my own. This is a typical example of my own people cheating my own people!
However, there was no anger in the old man's heart, but a sense of pride.Here is another brother company, how much property does this kid have?
The key point is that this kid is only 25 years old. When I was 25 years old, I was still driving a small truck to buy goods for my small shop.

Thinking of this, he politely rejected several proposals put forward by the relevant units.Instead, he said he was going out for a walk.And only with translations.Several people had no choice but to say goodbye.

After some discussions in the car, several people agreed that this German guy was a bit stupid, close to the state of dementia.

Dieter Schwarz took out an address and handed it to the translator, who called a car and took them to Nanchizi Street.This is a relatively complete ancient architectural street preserved in the capital.

Dieter Schwarz hurriedly called the car to stop. How could he pass by such a unique place in a car?

Walking and watching all the way, I couldn't help secretly praising in my heart, the buildings hundreds of years ago are so magnificent, who can say that China is backward?

At any rate, this place is not far from the five houses, and we arrived there after a short walk with the interpreter. Looking at the vermilion gate and the stone lions on both sides, Dieter Schwarz couldn't help asking: "Is this five? Ordinary people, right?"

The interpreter shook his head: "He is just an ordinary citizen, and this area is all private houses. No one who is an official lives here."

Dieter Schwarz sighed complicatedly and started knocking on the door.

Ye Yuze ran out to open the door, saw that it was Dieter Schwarz, was taken aback, and asked involuntarily, "How did you find it?"

Na Wu smiled from behind and said, "It's the address I gave him. This foreigner is not stupid, and he was able to inquire about it."

But seeing the translator behind him is no exaggeration.With the address, even a Chinese can find it.

The set that Na Wu lives in is a courtyard with a back garden.Originally, Lao Rou also lived here, but after they got married, because they had to take care of the old man, they also moved to Beihai.

The father-in-law was afraid of being lonely, so he had to stay with the neighbors, and ran away within two days after taking over.Because Na Wu didn't like to talk to him.

The old man also has the old man's criteria for choosing friends. Those five old men who are incapable and still love to talk, belong to the type of people who just play with their mouths, and he looks down on that kind of people the most in his life.Laorou couldn't afford to offend anyone, so he had to run at both ends.

Dieter Schwarz began to grope around as soon as he entered the yard, feeling extremely envious.This shit is called a big house, there are so many houses that there is no need to climb stairs.

Those five were two years older than Dieter Schwarz. They were very dissatisfied with Dieter Schwarz's mouthful of each gentleman, and said angrily: "Take me as an outsider, don't you? Our brothers hit it off, and I called out if I could afford it." One brother."

The translator translated those five words and made some explanations, that is to say, good friends are brothers, and you can't call them Mr., which means the same as a German nickname.

Therefore, the first Chinese sentence that Dieter Schwarz learned was "brother."

Ye Yuze quickly told Na Wu that this Dieter Schwarz is the richest man in Germany, and told him to be careful.However, those five had no idea about the richest man in Germany, but were very happy to have an extra brother.

I took the initiative to take him to visit some collections. Of course, those in the basement were not exposed, just some antiques and furniture in the room.

Europeans also have the habit of collecting antiques. For example, many furniture and furnishings in Dieter Schwarz’s castle are antiques.But compared with those five things, things in Europe are a bit rough.

The two chatted so lively that Dieter Schwarz forgot his annoyance at the failure of the negotiation with Erhong.Later, when Na Wu saw that Dieter Schwarz was thirsty, he brought him a purple sand teapot.Each person sat in the yard with a teapot and drank tea with a pinch of Gao Mo.

Germans also drink tea, but they are all black tea, and they are used to adding sugar.And those five like to drink jasmine tea, the so-called high foam is the tea foam, which is of a lower grade.

It's not that those who can't afford to drink five drinks are good, but that the old capital people are used to this sip.Just like many people who smoke, they like the choking of Zhongnanhai, and they are not used to smoking in Zhongnanhai.

Dieter Schwarz was not used to drinking it at the first few sips, but this teapot was indeed made by Nawu. It is said that this thing came from the imperial palace, and Lord Qianlong even drank tea from it. Most people are really reluctant to come to Nawu. take it out.

After a few sips, the bitter taste of the tea leaves disappeared, and the rich tea fragrance accompanied by a faint taste of jasmine filled his mouth. After knowing the origin of the purple sand teapot, Dieter Schwarz immediately couldn't put it down.

Looking at Dieter Schwartz who was holding a purple sand pot and making a "sizzling" sound to the spout, Ye Yuze shook his head helplessly. What kind of gentleman is he?If I give you a long gown, you will become old and young.

As a result, before the thoughts changed, the two of them were already chatting about clothes.Those five people didn't wear long gowns, but Burmese crotch trousers, Chinese double-breasted jackets, and cloth shoes with thousand-layer soles.

And Dieter Schwarz's suit and leather shoes, shiny leather shoes, this thing is okay to see guests, but lying on a deck chair like Na Wu and drinking tea is not fish or fowl.

When Dieter Schwarz said Martha, did the five know who this person was?Although Ye Yuze is not his apprentice, but the old man treats him like a son, this mother-in-law?
Na Wu hurriedly dragged Dieter Schwarz into the house, and took out a silk Tang suit that he was usually reluctant to wear, and added a pair of mille-soled cloth shoes.

After Dieter Schwarz put on, he immediately felt refreshed, took the teapot, and went out to play chess with Na Wu.

Ye Yuze and the translator followed closely behind, like two attendants.As a result, those five guys were not good at chess, and started arguing with others.

Dieter Schwarz doesn't understand Chinese chess, but he can tell when Na Wu quarrels with others?While speaking in a language that no one can understand, they helped to make noise.In the end, they were pulled back together by the helpless Ye Yuze.

At noon, Ye Yuze wanted to take them out for dinner, but Na Wu shook his head and told him to pick up Mr. Zheng, while he called a nearby restaurant and asked for food to be delivered.

As a result, just as Ye Yuze was going out to get in the car, Mr. Zheng had already strolled to the gate and was welcomed in by Ye Yuze.

The fifth master ordered the food, and the restaurant took it seriously, and didn't dare to delay for a moment, and immediately fried it and asked someone to bring it over.The dishes are simple.Water-boiled belly, shredded pork in Beijing sauce, and fried fish fillets.Add a box of dishes and a stack of spring pancakes.

To be honest, this hot belly Dieter Schwarz really didn't dare to try it, he looked suspicious in the dark.The Shredded Pork with Beijing Sauce and Box Dish Dieter Schwartz is mouth watering.

This box contains smoked big belly, pine nut small belly, furnace meat, clear sauce meat, smoked elbow, smoked chicken, sauced duck, etc., and a few home-cooked side dishes, which are the most delicious when rolled into spring pancakes.

There is also shredded pork in Beijing sauce wrapped in tofu skin, which is also very suitable for his taste.

He didn't dare to eat fried fish fillets at first, because freshwater fish had many bones, and they all ate deep-sea fish that had no words.

It's just that as soon as the outside is burnt and the inside is tender, once you enter it, you can't stop it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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