Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 1075 Disappointment and Lost Love

Chapter 1075 Disappointment and Lost Love

The fourth child followed Nima to a bar, but the fourth child did not drink alcohol.People of their age are not legally allowed to sell them high alcohol.Therefore, when they drink, they drink some red wine and fragrant cakes occasionally on festivals or patients.

But today Emma is uncharacteristically, asking for whiskey when she enters the bar.The waiter is a woman in her 40s. Although her dress is relatively trendy, her age makes her out of tune with her clothes.

Hearing Nima order whiskey, the waiter shook his head directly: "No, children, whiskey is not suitable for you. If you have something happy, you can order some red wine or champagne."

Nima asked angrily: "Is it a happy thing to be broken in love? What do you think I should drink?"

The waiter glanced at her without any hesitation: "Then have some coffee, no sugar."

"NO, I want to drink! Get me whiskey quickly." Nima suddenly got a little manic and shouted.

The waiter was unmoved, and replied solemnly: "If you want to do this again, I can only invite you out."

The fourth child stopped Emma and smiled at the waiter: "Then let's have two bottles of beer. My friend needs a little alcohol right now."

The waiter nodded, brought two bottles of beer in a short while, and then left.

As soon as the fourth child filled Emma's glass, she picked it up and drank it down.When the fourth child fell again, she wanted to take the cup again, but the fourth child snatched it away.

"Tell me what happened? Otherwise you won't be able to drink a drop of wine."

"I can't stand him anymore. I'm so poor and my self-esteem is quite strong. Every time I say a few words about him, I quarrel with me. I don't know why poverty makes my self-esteem inflate?"

Emma lost control of her emotions and was obviously still angry.

The fourth child was silent. Although Emma didn't say anything specific, how could a couple break up because of one thing?It must be that the contradictions have accumulated too much and finally broke out.

According to Emma's tone, the fourth child also understood that it must be because of money.He couldn't say much about this aspect, he just asked:
"You and him are together for love, so don't mix it with other things."

Emma shook her head: "No, Yujie. I regret it. I shouldn't have left you. I used to think that love was enough, but now I realize that I was wrong."

The fourth child looked at Fa Xiao with some sympathy, and didn't know what to say?He is only 15 years old. Although he has made some achievements in his career, he is only 15 years old after all.

Nima picked up the wine glass and drank it down again, then grabbed the hand of the fourth child: "I made a mistake with Yujie, can we go back to the past?"

Seeing this familiar face covered with tears, the fourth child felt a little distressed, but he was never willing to let her cry.

But the matter is over after all, and this face now makes him feel a little strange, and there are more things that he can't like.

After being silent for a while, the fourth child finally shook his head: "I can't go back, get along with him well, it's not easy to meet, don't give up lightly."

Nima's eyes instantly opened like eggs. She didn't believe that the fourth child would reject her. This little man has never refused any of her requests since he was a child.

"You don't love me anymore, do you? How can you do this?" Emma suddenly felt angry.

Her anger was not because of the right or wrong of the matter, but because of the rejection of the fourth child. In her heart, this man should never reject herself in this life.

The fourth child looked at Emma with complicated eyes for a while, called out to pay the bill, and left after paying the money, without saying anything to Emma?This woman has made him a stranger.

Walking on the street, the fourth child suddenly wanted to drink some wine, even though he didn't drink a drop of beer just now.In his life, he had never wanted to drink alcohol.

I went to the supermarket to buy two cans of beer, and the fourth child took a car to the beach. The seaside is the most comfortable in the evening, with a cool breeze blowing, which instantly dissipated the heat of the day.

The sea is a good place, no matter how much you worry about it.When you sit on the reef and look at the boundless sea, your boredom will be blown away by the sea breeze.

The fourth child opened a can of beer and took a big sip just like Emma did just now.The cold liquid flowed down the throat, making the whole person refreshed.

"It's not good to drink alone, let me accompany you." A voice came from behind, and the fourth child looked back. It turned out that Jenny climbed up the rock and stood behind him at some point.

"What's wrong with you?" The fourth child was a little curious. The beach in Boston is very long. It's really amazing that two people can climb onto the same rock.

Jenny pointed to the bottom: "I was walking on the beach and saw that the one sitting on it looked like you, so I climbed up to have a look. It turned out that you were drinking here by yourself. If there is anything unhappy, tell me to make me happy ?”

Jenny was a smart girl. Although the fourth child didn't show any sadness on her face, sitting here drinking alone was obviously not because she was happy.

Although the two of them haven't been in contact for a long time, the fourth child has a good impression of this girl.Not because of her beauty, but because of her understanding.

Since the ring with Jackson, Jenny has done a lot silently.Otherwise, it might not be the result when voting.

Also during the fundraising period, in every store the two of them went to, Jenny would not pick out any faults with her hands behind her back like a big officer patrolling, but started to get busy as soon as she entered the store, her movements were clean and neat.

Generally speaking, pretty girls are not very good at doing things, because the face is a kind of capital.Wherever you go, you will be pampered.

Jenny is at school now, no matter what, as long as she moves her mouth, there will be countless young people waiting around.But she seems to have never had the consciousness of being served by others, instead she does everything better than others.

This makes the fourth child appreciate it very much. In fact, apart from cooking, he is quite poor in other aspects.If my mother wasn't around, I probably wouldn't even be able to put on a piece of clean clothes.

"I don't know if it's a broken relationship. It's been several months since we broke up. But she came to get back with me today, and I feel like a broken relationship."

The fourth child told the truth, but Jenny was a little confused. Could it be that rich people speak so profoundly?
After the fourth child told the whole story, Jenny opened the beer and took a big gulp before concluding:
"You are not broken in love, but disappointed. You are even more disappointed in Nima than broken in love."

The fourth child shook his head, expressing that he did not understand.

"During the first 15 years of your life, Nima was the first girl you really met. Everything about her is the best in your heart, isn't it?"

The fourth child thought for a while and nodded, he really agreed with this point.

(End of this chapter)

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