Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 1083 Deer Farm

Chapter 1083 Deer Farm
Cui Cui glanced at her sleeping son, and then stepped on the accelerator hard. Her car was a Cherokee, a professional four-wheel drive off-road vehicle.

In fact, the warrior car is more comfortable than this one, but as the general manager of Junken City Animal Husbandry Company, she runs in pastoral areas, and the car can't run on some roads.

As the second generation of the Corps, Cui Cui did not engage in administrative work like Zhao Linger and Ma Rong, but she participated more directly in the construction of the Military Reclamation City.

The company has been established for more than two years, and currently owns a thousand cows.It is enough for the dairy factory of my company to produce milk products.

Today, Junken brand milk powder has begun to sell well in the mainland, and it is very popular.Cui Cui did not intervene too much in the management of the deer farm.

The main reason is that since the establishment of Luchang, it has always had stable sales channels.Deer blood, velvet, and antlers are all bestsellers.Never have to plan anything?
What Cui Cui did was to move all the redundant personnel and family members into Junken City.Deer Farm only retained a lean team.Then it scaled up again.

Lu Dapao, the factory director of Luchang, is a veteran of the army. He is a veteran of the uprising of the 52nd Army of the Kuomintang. He is 60 years old this year.

Originally, he was supposed to retire this year, but this guy is stronger than a cow, so the company simply hired him back.

Lu Dapao's real name is Lu Changyuan, but because he has a loud voice and speaks out loud, no one remembers his real name.Because of this mouth, he was actually tossed a lot.

It's just that this guy's personality can't be changed at all, and there has never been a suitable person to replace him in this job in the deer farm, so he has been working as the director of the deer farm for 30 years.

The deer farm is the furthest pasture in Junken City, and you have to climb a big mountain to get here.This is also the highest and most dangerous mountain within the jurisdiction of Junken City.Known as the Little Tianshan Mountains, this mountain is indeed a branch of the Tianshan Mountains.

Cui Cui drove the car in a low gear with a high accelerator and climbed to the top of the mountain, which was thousands of meters high.It's just that the slope is relatively gentle.

But driving up such a mountain is not an easy task, because the road has been blocked by snow at this time.

Only those who are very familiar with the terrain and roads dare to go up the mountain at this time.The wheels wrapped with anti-skid chains keep blowing the snow behind on the mountain road, and a layer of fine snow powder is formed behind where they pass, making the road extremely clean and tidy.

Cui Cui has run this road countless times, and she can drive up it with her eyes closed at this moment, because she can clearly remember every pit and stone on this road.

It is most taboo to step on the brake when climbing a slope, because once you step on it, the car will slide down if you reverse the accelerator.Naturally, Cui Cui would not make such a mistake.

The car drove all the way to the top of the mountain without any danger.On the way down the mountain, there is no need to use the accelerator. Turn off the car and control the steering wheel and brakes to slip into the valley.

This mountain depression is very large, with a radius of more than ten kilometers, and it is this terrain that makes the temperature inside here obviously higher than outside.

Although deer are not afraid of the cold, they have higher requirements for forage than cattle and sheep, and the pasture here is undoubtedly the most suitable for them.

Cui Cui honked the horn several times, telling the people down the mountain that she was coming.This is a rule, because deer often run on this road, and an accident may occur if the brakes are not timely.And the shepherds will drive the deer away when they hear the horn.

Although there are no deer on the road now, people who come here will naturally follow this habit.

The reason Cuicui came here was because of Lu Dapao.The old man was stubborn again, and the person who was going to replace him as the head of the farm was a female worker in the original farm. This girl was called Wei Ping, a few years older than Cuicui, and she had been working in the deer farm.Worked great.

But Lu Dapao, an old man, is a bit old-fashioned. According to him: "If a horse can pull a cart, why do you need a horse?" To put it bluntly, he looks down on women.

Originally, when he retired, it was a matter of course for Wei Ping to take over, but considering the actual situation in the deer farm, Xi Xuehe and Cuicui decided to keep him for a few years.

But he has reached the retirement age after all, so the retirement procedures have already been completed.After the formalities are completed, in an administrative sense, he can only be the head of the field in name.

As for the administrative power, it naturally had to be handed over to Wei Ping.That is to say, in the future, Lu Dapao will have the final say on the production of this piece, and Wei Ping can only issue administrative orders.

Because of this matter, Lu Dapao got angry, had a big fight with Wei Ping, and put down the pick.Although he did not return to Junken City, he lay at home and slept every day, and it is said that he often did not eat for a day.

Wei Ping also has a fiery temper, and she didn't let him at all, so she took over the deer farm completely.But Xi Dehe and Cui Cui were still a little worried about her, fearing that she would not be able to shoulder the burden, so they came here.

Cui Cui's car drove to the office, and Wei Ping had already greeted her.He blamed: "You girl, why are you running into the mountains at this time? We can't afford to suffer if something happens."

Cui Cui glared at her: "It's not that you are causing trouble for us, so you can't let the old man be more?"

Wei Ping also stared: "Why should I let him? Opening his mouth is like a horse, so why look down on women? If it weren't for his age, his face would be full of embarrassment."

Cui Cui trembled in her heart: "You didn't do anything, did you?"

Wei Ping curled her lips in disdain: "I am not a person who bullies the old man. If he is 20 years younger, I must wrestle with him!"

"What's wrong with the old man? No matter how old I am, I'm still a man, how can I be afraid of you, a bitch?"

Cuicui looked up, and it turned out that Lu Dapao had also arrived at some point.He probably heard the sound of his car and followed him.

Wei Ping waved her hand: "You should go to bed quickly. You are already retired. Why do you stand around? You only eat and don't work. What old qualifications are you playing?"

Lu Dapao scolded angrily: "When did I just eat and not work? Your dad didn't come to the Corps when I was working."

"Then tell me, what have you been doing for the past half month? You are still the director of the factory. Comrades go to your house to ask for instructions. You lie on the bed and pretend to be dead. Even the meal has to be delivered. You don't call it just a meal. What is the job called?"

The old man was choked, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, but he couldn't speak.

Lu Dapao joined the Kuomintang army, and he already had a family when he was a soldier.After the army changed jobs in situ and became the Corps, his wife and children did not follow him.

At the beginning, it was because the parents were there, and the old man refused to leave home.By the time the two old people were sent away, the children would have grown up.

In this way, apart from visiting relatives every two years, Lu Dapao and his wife have always lived apart in the two places.Now that his grandson is about to get married, he hasn't seen him a few times.

In fact, Wei Ping rejected him because of this reason. He felt that he should go back to spend time with his wife after he retired.

(End of this chapter)

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