Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 1086 Mother's Love Boundless

Chapter 1086 Mother's Love Boundless
It was already two o'clock, and Cui Cui couldn't open her eyes.She has been short of sleep. The child sleeps in the car during the day and will be refreshed at night, so she has not been getting enough sleep.

Today, for the first time in history, the child did not wake up. She couldn't hold on anymore, and finally fell asleep in a daze.

Ye Wancheng immediately called the guard company on duty.Because Junken City belongs to the Corps unit, some establishments are still preserved.Such as the guard company.

The soldiers of this company are all young people under the age of 30. After receiving a call from Ye Wancheng, they immediately drove a few crawler tractors towards the deer field.

Chain track tractors can cope with various complex terrains, and are most suitable for travel in such weather.

Wei Yuxiang also received the call, got out of bed and drove out.

Soon, the news spread in the infrastructure company. Countless people got up and drove various vehicles, regardless of the wind and snow, and drove towards a goal.

Wan Shanhong was very anxious, his wife was going to give birth soon, but he was blocked in Tacheng by the wind and snow.After several phone calls, his wife was sent to the hospital. Wan Shanhong couldn't wait any longer, and got into the car after checking out from the guest house.

This trip he brought back a cart of emery for Junken City.He is now the deputy general manager of Junken City Transportation Company, but he doesn't like to sit in the office, and from time to time he will personally run the transportation.He likes the unrestrained feeling of driving a big car.

Now that the train is open, there are not many opportunities to go to the provincial capital, so he decided to take this trip.

In fact, he shouldn't have come because his wife was about to give birth.They already had a daughter, but Wan's mother insisted that they have a son. Wan Shanhong and his wife couldn't resist her.

But calculating the time, his wife had half a month before her due date, and his mother had been at home after retirement, so he dared to leave.

Who knows, in a few days, my wife's due date will be brought forward.I rushed all the way back, but when I arrived in Tacheng, there was a blizzard.

As an experienced old driver, he knows that this kind of weather is absolutely impossible to hurry.What's more, the front is the old outlet where drivers are frightened.

Normally, when there is not much wind outside, winds of force seven or eight are common inside the old tuyere, let alone in such a snowstorm.

It's just that I didn't expect that when I called the hospital just now, my wife had signs of dystocia, so how could Wan Shanhong stay in the guest house?

However, he walked like this not out of sheer boldness, but because his car was heavily loaded, and it was a good wind to go back to Junken City from Tacheng and cross Laotukou. As long as he didn't deviate from the road, generally nothing would happen.

The waiter at the guest house yelled at him a few times but didn't stop, and went back after cursing him as a lunatic.The truck went all the way through the urban area, got on the 221 National Highway and headed north.

The snow on the road is already very thick, and in many places it is not clear where the road is.With so many years of driving experience, Wan Shanhong judged the route based on the feeling of the wheels grinding the ground.

Ye Yufan was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot in the office.The political commissar rushed over to ask about the situation and shouted, "Go and have a look, I'm here!"

Ye Yufan was just about to leave, but stopped after looking at the situation outside.Such a big snowstorm, the train will not stop.A carload of goods is still entering the customs in a steady stream.

Such weather undoubtedly made the inspection more difficult. The rest of the soldiers all got up and went on duty together. How could he walk away as a detachment leader?

Seeing Ye Yufan go back to the warehouse with firm steps, the political commissar cursed and punched the table.

After thinking for a while, he picked up the phone and called the brigade.When the captain's voice came over the phone?The political commissar immediately reported the situation at Ye Yufan's house.

The other side was silent for a while, and said in a stern voice: "I will contact the Junken City government immediately, but you are soldiers, and the weather and environment like this make it impossible for you to leave your post. I think Ye Yufan is more disciplined than you, otherwise, this call will be in vain. You didn't hit it."

The political commissar was silent, it seemed that the captain really knew Ye Yufan better than him.He silently put on his coat and walked towards the warehouse with a flashlight.I saw Ye Yufan and the soldiers inspecting the goods wagon by wagon.

His expression was focused and serious, as if nothing had happened in his family.

Cui Cui was awakened by the cry of the child, but before she opened her eyes, a biting chill made her whole body tremble.

She hurriedly turned on the flashlight to check, and it turned out that the car had been turned off.She hurriedly climbed to the front to restart the car, but when she got to the front, she realized that it was out of gas.

The child obviously woke up from the cold, and his little face was already a little blue.And Cui Cui's own body seems to have lost any warmth.

Looking outside, the blizzard was still raging, Cuicui gave a wry smile, and hugged Ye Shan, ignoring the cold on her body, she unbuttoned her clothes and began to breastfeed the baby.

Her hands had already started to become stiff, and she seemed to be unconscious while holding the child.It seemed that even the blood in his body had frozen.

Although the little guy turned blue from the cold, he still greedily sucked his mother's milk. The younger the child, the stronger his vitality, probably because they have no thinking, only instinct.

The child finally had enough to eat, but still started crying.Cuicui mechanically opened the baby's swaddle with her frozen hand and changed his diaper.

Born in northern Xinjiang, she still has the minimum knowledge.While changing a diaper will lower your child's temperature, a wet diaper can kill your child if it is not changed.

The son's quilt is not thick because the car is always warm. It is too thick for the child to bear, but who would have thought that such a thing would happen?
She was wearing a sheepskin coat all over her body, which was standard for members of the Northern Xinjiang Corps.The winter here can only be passed safely if you wear it.

She tried to stuff the child into her bosom, but women's coats were not as spacious as men's coats, mainly because women love beauty, and coats would be waisted, so that her figure would have a touch of curves in winter.

After thinking for a while, she simply took off her coat and wrapped the child completely.Only a small hole is exposed at the top of the face so that the child can still breathe air.

Cuicui only had a red sweater left on her upper body, which Ye Yufan bought for her in the provincial capital when she graduated, and it was already a little worn, but Cuicui was always reluctant to change it.

Perhaps feeling the warmth, the child finally calmed down, and Cui Cui held him tightly in her arms.He murmured: "Son, your father is not coming to pick us up, and mother will go to your grandparents soon. You have to live well and take care of your father for your mother. When you find a wife, don't forget to bring it to your mother's grave for her to see." Look."

Cui Cui's voice became smaller and smaller, gradually becoming inaudible.At this time, she felt that her body was getting hotter and hotter, and she wanted to take off all the clothes on her body.

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(End of this chapter)

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