Chapter 1100
The congressman's surname is Zhang. He is in his 40s. He is not as greasy as this age group should be, and his figure is very good.Wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, very elegant.

Standing with the fat-headed and big-eared Liu Xiaoxiong is like the difference between a swan and a toad.The actress was late, and the two men didn't bother with her. Being late is a woman's privilege.

Councilor Zhang's eyes lit up when he saw the actress, he served the actress with food attentively, and kept asking her how she was, very considerate.

The actress pouted and complained about Little Apple's overbearing.Liu Xiaoxiong patted his chest and promised: "Don't be afraid of my sister, if I, Liu Xiaoxiong, are on Hong Kong Island for a day, no one can influence you to do anything!"

Councilor Zhang took a look at Liu Xiaoxiong with a calm expression, and he also comforted him: "Miss Anxi, Hong Kong Island is a society ruled by law, and no one can force you to do anything you don't want to do. I have heard about that brother company for a long time. It has been submitted to the city government to review them. This company is not clean!"

The actress immediately smiled. Originally, her main target was Liu Xiaoxiong, but the person in front of her was obviously bigger than Liu Xiaoxiong, so she naturally began to shift her target.

Mr. Zhang's attitude was more friendly, and he kept patting the actress's little hands and shoulders, with an elder demeanor, and the actress was also a little bird, and the two stools were touching.

Liu Xiaoxiong's complexion began to look bad, this was his taboo, he was naturally not happy to give it to others like this before he had eaten it.

Councilor Zhang glanced at him and casually said, "There will be a land auction in Central next month. I wonder if Brother Liu is willing to bid?"

Liu Xiaoxiong was shocked all over, and his eyes lit up immediately.Nodding hurriedly, he naturally knew which piece it was, but naturally he couldn't compete with those big guys with his financial resources.But with the help of Mr. Zhang, we will be sure of it now.

At this time, the actress stood up and went to the bathroom. Mr. Zhang gave Liu Xiaoxiong a wink, and Liu Xiaoxiong naturally understood.

After stuffing the suitcase in his hand to Mr. Zhang, he followed the actress to the bathroom.

When the actress came out of the bathroom, she saw Liu Xiaoxiong standing in the bathroom, stunned for a moment, then greeted him with a smile.

But Liu Xiaoxiong ordered with a serious face: "Go to the room with him in a while, I've already made arrangements."

The actress' complexion changed drastically: "Brother Liu, you can't do this!"

Liu Xiaoxiong said coldly: "Bitch, why are you pretending to be innocent? Didn't you just post it just now? Wait for me in the room after he leaves, or you will never even think about acting again in your life!"

The actress trembled all over, but she didn't say what she wanted to say in the end, and the regret in her heart was beyond description.Isn't it just to perform?I was originally an actor.Why do you have to find this bastard?

It's just that it's too late to regret it at this time, she knows that she can't afford to offend these people, once she resists, not only will her acting career come to an end, but she can't even predict what will happen next.

He could only lower his head and follow Liu Xiaoxiong back to the private room.The one who pretended to be happy took the initiative to toast.

Liu Xiaoxiong nodded towards Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang immediately beamed with joy, and kept clinking glasses with the actress. After a while, the actress' eyes became blurred.

Liu Xiaoxiong also drank heavily, the banquet was over, only Councilor Zhang still looked normal, it seemed that he was a cadre who had been tested for alcohol.

Councilor Zhang helped the actress up the fourth floor from the special elevator, and Liu Xiaoxiong was also helped by the waiter to his room, where he had a long-term private room.

Mr. Zhang's room was having a great time with the actress when the door was suddenly opened, and a group of tabloid reporters rushed in with cameras.After a burst of clicks, Mr. Zhang knelt on the ground and begged:

"Please, don't take pictures. I'll be finished if I send it out." Speaking of this, he opened the suitcase that Liu Xiaoxiong gave just now, and it was full of US dollars.

Councilor Zhang looked hopeful: "As long as you stop taking pictures, these are all yours!"

It's just that he didn't expect that so many reporters could be so united?Who dares to take such money?A female reporter didn't care whether he was wearing clothes at all, and asked, "Is this the box that Liu Xiaoxiong gave you just now? May I ask why he gave you so much money?"

The actress curled up in the quilt and shook into a ball, even though she knew it was useless. When the reporters rushed in, they took pictures of everything.

She knew that she was completely finished with this one, and this congressman was also implicated by her.The remorse in my heart is beyond words, but there is still an egg to use?Whatever you do, you have to bear the consequences.

Soon the police arrived, the Peninsula Hotel called the police, and the police took the two people and the box of money back to the police station.

Soon, members of the Independent Commission Against Corruption took Mr. Zhang away, and Liu Xiaoxiong, who was sleeping soundly, was taken away with him.

As for the actress, because she accused Liu Xiaoxiong and Mr. Zhang of their crimes, she was soon released.

As soon as the market opened in the afternoon, all the shares of Xiongxiong Company in Li Yanan's hands were released.The stock price fell off a cliff.

The next effect is panic selling. This time, Li Yanan no longer buys directly, but buys in stages, until the moment before the closing, all the purchases are made.

It's just that the stock price has already broken through one at this time.In one day, more than half of the stock value of Liu Xiaoxiong's company evaporated, falling directly from 2.15 to [-] yuan.

The trader called Liu Xiaoxiong all afternoon but still couldn't get through. If he had got the news earlier and bought it himself, it would definitely not be so miserable.

It's just that he is still in the ICAC at the moment. The crime of bribery is not light in Hong Kong Island. His lawyer came to bail him out, but the ICAC did not release him. This needs to be thoroughly investigated before he can be released on bail.

Accompanied by a friend, the actress found Apple in the afternoon and said that she agreed to perform in Junken City.

Little Apple gave her a cold look with disgust in her eyes, she just said "You don't deserve it!", and asked someone to invite her out of the company.

Early the next morning, all the Hong Kong media outlets spoke out together, exposing Mr. Zhang's affairs, with photos, and some photos of the three of them having dinner together.

This time Liu Xiaoxiong was also completely exposed to the public. This person has a bad reputation in the hearts of Hong Kong people. Now that the media took the opportunity to dig up his black history, Liu Xiaoxiong's reputation was completely ruined.

Shareholders of the company began to sell their shares one after another, and Little Apple stepped in to take over, mainly because no one else dared to take over at this time.In the end, except for the 20% shares held by Brother Liu Xiaoxiong, all others were acquired by the brother company.

This matter was settled within two days. Looking at Ye Yuze sitting behind the chairman's desk, everyone in the company looked in awe. Is this still human?Certainly not, he is a god!

 The circle of book friends will reply to the activity post of the operating officer, and then vote for the monthly ticket. The website will give a subsidy of 200 starting coins for each monthly ticket, on a first-come-first-served basis.

(End of this chapter)

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