Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 112 Don't Guess the Woman's Mind

Chapter 112 Don't Guess the Woman's Mind
It's also easier for my mother to cook.He even stewed the leg of lamb and pork ribs together.

After thinking about it, it is not rich.He took another chicken and threw it into the pot.

Seeing that Ye Yuze has nothing to love.I thought Mom, if you don't want to do it, let me do it.What do you call this pot you put in it?
But the two younger brothers had bright eyes.Keep an eye on the pot from the moment you put it in the pot.I'm afraid that the pot of meat will fly.

The Ye family are all carnivorous animals, and they have been hungry for no meat for more than ten days.

And the third brother, Ye Yuping, seemed to have never eaten any meat since he could remember.

Although I am still ignorant.But the smell of meat in the pot couldn't hide it from him.

Now this doesn't go around the pot all the time.Refuse to leave at all.The mother who got it must be very careful every time she lifts the lid of the pot.

Look at the decals left.Ye Yuze asked his mother to focus on his third brother.Just do it yourself.

Before he could do anything, the door was pushed open.Yinhua in a dress came in.

"it's beautiful!"

Mom couldn't help but exaggerated.My mother is a person of many talents, and she always wanted to have a daughter to inherit her mantle.

However, the three in a row are all sons.It made her lose her mind.

At any rate, her natal mother and mother-in-law brought one for her.Otherwise, these three sons would exhaust her to death.

Although all three have been brought back now, they can still do some work.

No, Ye Yufan has been lighting the fire since he entered the house.

Although the boss is a little worried.But at the critical moment, it really gave her a long face!Even the director of the factory was earned by his son.

Mom has always liked Yinhua very much.This girl is very beautiful and well-behaved.

If she really had such a daughter-in-law, she would be content.Therefore, she has no objection to calling the children in-laws among their parents.

Now seeing how amazing the little girl is in this outfit.Can't help but pull it over and look at it for myself.From time to time, he exclaimed in amazement.

Yinhua turned around in front of her mother with a red face.Ye Yuze's heart was pounding.

I forgot to tell her not to tell my mother.But who would have thought that this girl would be able to show off to his family in a blink of an eye?
"It's beautiful, where did you buy it?"

Mom couldn't help but ask.This style of regiment is definitely not available.

"Ye Yuze bought it for me, just gave it to me!"

The little girl can't lie.With a blushing little face, she told her mom happily.

Mom's eyes shot onto Ye Yuze's face.As sharp as a knife.

Ye Yuze was trembling in his heart, but he had to bite the bullet and look at his mother.

"It was given to me by my factory manager Wang in Jin City. It is his daughter's inappropriate clothes."

Ye Yuze quickly explained, anyway, my mother had seen that girl.

Mom's eyes softened a little.She wasn't really angry either.It was a subconscious reaction when I heard my son buy gifts for others.

At this time, Yinhua Que was a little unhappy.

"Is the daughter of Director Wang's family beautiful? Does she have a lot of clothes like this?"

I heard that someone else's girl didn't want it.Yinhua was obviously a little unhappy.And I'm still a little worried.Worried that other people's daughters are more beautiful than themselves.

Ye Yuze broke out in a cold sweat, telling the nonsense to his mother.As a result, the daughter-in-law took it seriously.

Now if I tell the truth, my mother doesn't know if it will be domestic violence.Keep telling lies, the little girl probably has to run away with red eyes again.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart. "Women are so troublesome!"

But dare not not answer.Immediately he said with high spirits:

"She is thin and small. Where can I afford this dress?"

The mother glanced at her son with a strange expression, she had seen the girl before.Quite good looking.

But when did this son learn to tell lies with his eyes open?

Yinhua stared at him with wide eyes. "real?"

Ye Yuze patted his chest. "The most beautiful women I've ever seen at this age are you...and my mother!"

Ye Yuze reacted quickly this time, and added her before his mother glanced over.

The little girl giggled and pulled Ye Yuze away.Help him paste the flower rolls.

In that era, children learned to cook early.Especially girls.The average meal before basic elementary school is definitely no problem.

When the rice was cooked, Dad came back.Yinhua naturally stayed for dinner.I haven't seen you for half a month.Where is she willing to go?
When Dad saw her skirt, he couldn't help but also praised her.When I heard that my son bought it.Shut up now.

Because there are too many meanings in my wife's eyes.

Ye Yuze didn't explain to his father.There is no need to talk nonsense about many things between men.

After dinner, Ye Yuze took Yinhua and called Wei Yuxiang to find Yang Geyong and the others together.

Ma Rong and Yu Lan also followed.Seeing Yinhua's skirt, I couldn't help but praise it.

Yinhua proudly held Ye Yuze's hand.She didn't say that others couldn't wear it for her.

Ye Yuze divided the toffee he brought back.Everyone is very excited.

Although northern Xinjiang is a pastoral area.But there is no factory that produces toffee.

And the white rabbit toffee produced in Shanghai.It was also an unsurpassed classic in that era.

Yu Lan has a straight personality.Knowing that the skirt was bought by Ye Yuze, he just wanted it.

"Ye Yuze, why don't you buy one for me?"

It made Ye Yuze dizzy for a while.People say straight man of steel.How come out a straight girl?

"That's all, let's talk about it. I don't have enough money! Go back next time!"

A group of people played for a while, and the girls went back.

Ye Yuze hasn't stopped practicing kung fu in the past ten days or so since he went back.

It's just that piling is not convenient.So practice more for a while.

In the past ten days or so, Yang Geyong has made rapid progress.The wooden stake that I kicked every day is now swaying all the time.You might have to lie down anytime soon.

You must know that the part buried under the pile is a meter and a half long!

But Ye Yuze's stake didn't move at all.This means that Yang Geyong's strength is not at the same level as him at this moment.

Of course, this has something to do with age and the fact that the legs are stronger than the arms.

In addition, Ye Yuze also taught Yang Geyong to speak Russian.

This guy doesn't care about studying.But the language talent is good.

Among the children of the infrastructure company.He is the only one who can communicate with the nomad children in Hasa.

It seems that there are really no children who are not smart.It just depends on whether you like learning or not.

The instructor waits after unloading
Asked the factory to drive out a pencil case sample and followed the car to the regiment.After going out for so long this time, he needs to report to the regiment!
Unexpectedly, after seeing the political commissar, he knew that there was a big surprise waiting for him.

It turned out that the Tangcheng Road South District Committee had already called the division to express their solemn thanks for his and Ye Wancheng's deeds.

The medical team also reported to the hospital in Jinling by phone.The hospital found the municipal party committee again.

Then the municipal party committee also called the teacher to express their gratitude to Ye Wancheng and the instructor for their help!
How could the regiment expect two members of its subordinate company to discover such glorious deeds when they went on business trips to visit their homes.

Therefore, it was decided to hold an enlarged meeting of the Youth League Party Committee.Comrades Ye Wancheng and Liu Qinghua were commended.

Ask for collections, recommendations, monthly passes and investments.

The instructor shouted, I want monthly tickets, recommendation tickets and tips!
(End of this chapter)

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