Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 1217 Old Garlic

Chapter 1217 Old Garlic

But walking with Jingjing, I don't have that feeling at all. Jingjing is petite and exquisite, a little shorter than the fourth child.The fourth child held his chest high, with a sense of pride spontaneously.

Today's fourth child has finally grown up. Although he is still a little fat, he has delicate features and has the shadow of the Ye family.Also considered a handsome guy.

The only shortcoming is the head, it is estimated that the raised feet can reach 1.7 meters.And Jing Jing's appearance of 1.6 meters [-], although she doesn't look short, she is naturally not close to standing with the fourth child.

It was officially May at this time, and the warm spring breeze blew up, blowing up a red gauze scarf tied around Jing Jing's neck, making her fair face more crystal clear, and the fourth child's heart moved when he saw it.

The fourth child has been in contact with two girls in total, which may have something to do with the cowardly character of the fourth child. These two girls are relatively strong and have a strong desire for control.

So his love has always been passive. It can be said that he has been occupied by others since puberty.Not even a right to choose.

And the skillful and gentle demeanor of the oriental girl who was walking beside him at the moment made Lao Si a little infatuated for a while.

"What are you looking at? Is sister pretty?" Actually, Jing Jing is an introverted girl, but for some reason, when she is with this little fat man, she can't help but want to tease him.

To this day, she still remembers the appearance of the fourth child when she was a child. Perhaps because Aunt Meihua has no daughter, she has always raised him as a daughter.There was a braid on her head and she wore a skirt.

Maybe he couldn't figure out his gender at that time?Chasing after a group of girls all day long, but the things exposed in the crotch pants are different, and they have always been disgusted by them.

But this guy is persistent, never looking for boys, sticking to them all day long.Jing Jing still remembers teaching him to dance rubber bands.

"Little fat man, do you eat old garlic?" Jing Jing looked at this little guy who hadn't seen him for so many years, and suddenly remembered something.

It seems that the girls went up the mountain to dig old garlic, but the little fat man couldn't climb up, so he sat at the bottom of the mountain and cried for a long time, and finally ran down quietly and helplessly, and gave him a few pieces to eat before he could be coaxed.

"Old Suan?" The fourth child repeated, and his mouth seemed to be full of greedy worms in an instant.Although he left early and didn't remember much about this place, he didn't forget any of the delicious food.

Old Garlic, Wild Cherry, Wild Grape, Raspberry.wild apple.Thinking of it, it was as if a small paw scratched him in his heart.

Seeing his expression, Jing Jing laughed "washed" in an instant, and pulled his hand: "Go, sister will take you to dig old garlic to eat!"

Regardless of what time it is, the two held hands and went up the back mountain. At this time, the back mountain has turned into a park, but the original vegetation has not been destroyed. Some trees have been planted, and a cableway has been opened up. a ski slope.

Naturally, the ski slope can only be used in winter, but this ski slope is the place with the most old garlic.

Even though the old Suanjing is a college student, he didn't figure out what it was?The reason why it is called old garlic is that it looks like garlic.

After digging along the seedlings, the fruit is exactly the same as garlic.It is smaller in size, but the fruit is sweet and has some fragrance, which is extremely delicious.This thing accompanies all the kids here through childhood and adolescence.

The reason why it is called the old raven garlic is because the people here call the crow the old raven. It is said that this kind of garlic is grown alive by the seeds brought by the crow.

Some people have tried to cultivate it, but it has never been planted artificially.Anyway, this thing is quite miraculous. The key point is that this food is not only delicious, but also has medicinal value. It is very effective in clearing the lungs and relieving coughs.

The night on the mountain is dark and quiet.Because there are too many factories, the moon and stars are no longer as bright and brilliant as they used to be.

However, she lowered her head and searched carefully, and she could barely see the vegetation in the ground. She quietly and carefully searched for the shadow of the old garlic, which she hadn't eaten for many years.

And the fourth child was even more confused, he didn't even know what this thing looked like?
Soon, Jing Jing found a few old garlic growing together, she picked up a pointed stone piece and handed it to the fourth child: "Old fat man, dig these out, I'll look for them again." ?”

The fourth child's eyes are shining, and the only thing in this world that he can't refuse is food.

The old garlic is very shallow, and after a few digs, the fourth child digs out one. After observing it, it looks the same as garlic, but it belongs to the type of single-headed garlic, which does not separate the cloves.

The fourth child carefully peeled off the outer skin, and the white flesh was exposed. The color and taste made the fourth child swallow his saliva.

"I'll try it." The fourth child muttered, and then threw it into his mouth.The juice is overflowing, and the mouth is full of sweetness and fragrance.It's so delicious.

How can the fourth child bear this smell?Dig one and eat one, very busy.

After digging these few, Jing Jing called him again from above, and the fourth child hurried over.

The two cooperated tacitly. One searched and the other dug. After about an hour, Jing Jing finally ran back.

"I won't look for it anymore, I'm too tired." Jing Jing complained and looked at the fourth child.

I just looked around and didn't find where the old garlic that the fourth brother dug up?Asked curiously: "Little fat man, where is the old garlic you dug?"

The fourth child calmly threw the last piece of old garlic into his mouth, narrowed his eyes and tasted the taste: "I've finished eating."

"Ah?" Jing Jing opened her eyes wide and stomped her feet: "You are a pig, you ate so much just after eating!"

The fourth child was stunned: "This is fruit, we eat it after dinner in America."

"But I haven't eaten it yet, and I haven't eaten it for several years!" Jing Jing was very aggrieved in an instant, tears were coming to her eyes, she couldn't figure out why there is such a selfish man, even if he is younger than herself, he shouldn't be like this Bar?
Hearing Jing Jing's voice choked with sobs, the fourth child of L suddenly panicked: "Sister, don't cry, can I dig it for you? I know where this thing grows."

Jingjing pursed her mouth: "You pig, you don't even know the old garlic, how can you know where it grows? I don't care, you have to pay me anyway!"

"Okay, sister, you wait for me, sit here and wait." The fourth child pointed to a stone and said.

Quietly puffed up and sat down, staring at the fourth child.For so many years, she hadn't had any dealings with any boy, but it was the first time she came out with a boy, and she met such a worthless guy.Can you not be angry?

In the end, the fourth child really didn't lie. The fourth child found that this thing didn't like to grow with shrubs, and they were all in places where there were no other plants around.

If you walk along the places where the plants are sparse, you are sure to find patches of old garlic.

Soon, the fourth child found a piece, because he had dug so much just now and had experience, basically one piece at a time.

(End of this chapter)

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