Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 1237 Blood is thicker than water

Chapter 1237 Blood is thicker than water

There was a "da da" sound of horseshoes, and Ayijiang thought it was Zhao Ling'er who had returned.But when I looked up, I saw a boy about twelve or thirteen years old riding on a group of bay red horses, looking at her warily.

"Mom, who is this girl? Why are you crying?" The boy raised the horsewhip in his hand, as if he was going to rush up to teach the criminal who made his mother cry at any time.

"Zhang Beijiang, come down. This is your sister!" Chi Na'er scolded.Then he lowered his head and said to Ayi Jiang in his arms, "This is your younger brother Zhang Beijiang, who is already 12 years old."

Ayijiang looked at this tiger-headed little boy, with joy and jealousy in his eyes, why can you always be by your mother's side after you were born?

Zhang Beijiang jumped off the horse and walked to Chi Na'er.She looked at her curiously, and then asked, "Are you Ayijiang? Mom always told me to protect you when I grow up. Now that I have grown up, tell me if anyone bullied you? I'll beat him up!" "

Zhang Beijiang raised his horsewhip, waved it once, and the tip of the whip made a crisp sound, his action was extremely heroic.

Ayijiang let go of her mother and looked at the boy with a very liking expression.Although Ye Feng also protected her very much in the United States, but the feeling was different.

There was another sound of horseshoes, and Zhao Linger brought Yang Wei back. Yang Wei's crisp laughter was heard farther than the sound of horseshoes.

Zhang Beijiang pulled Ayijiang's hand: "Sister, I'll take you on a horse ride. I can run faster than them."

After speaking, without any explanation, he pushed Ayijiang to his horse, hugged her leg and pushed onto the horse's back.

Ayijiang was actually afraid of riding a horse, but she didn't want to disobey her brother's kindness, so she had to step on the stirrup and get on the horse.

Zhang Beijiang got on his horse and called out to Zhao Linger: "Do you dare to compete with me to see who can run to the top of that mountain first?"

Zhao Linger smiled, not because the little boy was competing with her, but because she saw Ayi Jiang with a smile on her face, which meant that she didn't come in vain today.

She didn't talk nonsense, she pinched the horse's belly with her legs, and shouted: "Fight!" The horse under her crotch let out a long neigh, spread its hooves and began to gallop.

Zhang Beijiang's whip cracked again, and his bay red horse also started galloping.Both Yang Wei and Zhang Beijiang yelled loudly, and the two horses flew across the grassland like shooting stars with the sound of the wind.

When the two horses ran back to Chi Na'er again, Zhang Beijiang's horse was already a few lengths ahead of Zhao Ling'er. He smiled triumphantly and looked at Miss Ayi behind him, am I amazing? ? "

Ayijiang hugged her younger brother's waist and kept smiling, but she didn't dare to answer, she was afraid that Zhao Ling'er would get angry.

"I want to ride a horse with my brother, he is better than you." Ayi Jiang didn't need to speak, but Yang Wei behind him shouted loudly.

Zhao Linger scolded angrily: "He's a Hasa doll, growing on horseback. How does mom compare to him?"

"I want to grow on a horse too, let me ride a horse with my brother!" Yang Wei didn't care that his mother was won by others, the little guy worshiped the strong.

Ayijiang jumped off the horse and carried Yang Wei over to Zhang Beijiang's horse: "Take your brother to play, don't bully him? You have to protect him too!"

Zhang Beijiang said "oh", and took Yang Wei to have fun.The two women led Ayi Jiang towards the house not far away.

Now there are no yurts for grazing, but houses built.Because the grazing point is fixed every year, there is no need to follow the herd.

Although it is a house, Chi Naer is still arranged in the style of a yurt, and the room is full of Kazakh style.very beautiful.

After entering the room, Chi Na'er casually grabbed a handful of milk lumps and handed them to Ayi Jiang: "This was your favorite food when you were young, do you remember the taste?"

Ayijiang took a piece and put it in his mouth, the sour, rich milky fragrance soon bloomed on the tip of his tongue.Her eyes were bent into crescent moons.

Zhao Ling'er has a straightforward personality, and Chi Na'er is a person who can't turn corners.The two didn't shy away from Ayijiang, and began to denounce each other.

In fact, most of women's grievances are related to love.Ayijiang opened his eyes wide and listened to the conflict between the two mothers because of his father, with mixed feelings in his heart.

But listening to it, the grudge in my heart completely disappeared.It turns out that they all love themselves.

And the love between the two mothers and fathers is so thrilling?This is really the first time she knows.

The two women quarreled enough, so they hooked up and went to cook.Zhao Ling'er scolded: "Chi Na'er, I won't leave until I finish eating your meat today!"

Chi Na'er said disdainfully: "With your appetite, you won't be able to eat half a lamb!"

Ayijiang watched as Chi Na'er killed and skinned the sheep. The knife in her hand dexterously cut across the lamb, and the whole sheep soon became pieces.

Chi Na'er still likes to burn cow dung, and after the mutton is put into the pot, she starts making naan again.This time she started to teach Ayijiang how to do it. According to her, there is no daughter in the grassland who knows how to make naan.

Ayijiang is a quick learner, and she also likes to do these things. Although Grandma Meihua never lets her cook, she seems to be able to do these things naturally.

When the meal was almost ready, Zhang Beijiang came back with Yang Wei.But Yang Wei had a scrape on his forehead.

Zhao Ling'er was so distressed that she wanted to bandage her son, but Chi Na'er sneered: "How can your son be so delicate? Don't forget that his father is an eagle on the grassland. Are you going to raise him into a chick? "

Before Zhao Linger could refute, Yang Wei stood up and announced loudly: "I am an eagle, not a chicken. I have already learned how to ride a horse!"

When Zhao Linger wanted to go home after dinner, Yang Wei didn't leave, determined to play here for a few days before going back.

Chi Na'er wanted to stay with Ayijiang for two days, but Ayijiang shook her head: "Mom, I have to study when I go back. I will bring Ye Yuji to see you in two days, and we will live together for two days."

Chi Na'er nodded: "Bring Ye Yuze's son too. Your Uncle Ye is a good friend of mother, so I have to treat his son well."

Ayijiang nodded and agreed to come down, followed Zhao Linger into the car and left.Zhao Ling'er was driving the car, and kept looking at Ayi Jiang with a bright face, feeling very happy in her heart.

Ayijiang turned to look at Zhao Linger, blushed a little, and then called softly: "Mom."

Zhao Linger trembled all over, and slammed on the brakes.He looked at Ayijiang in disbelief.

"Mom" Ayijiang shouted again, Zhao Linger hugged Ayijiang in her arms, and said with a choked voice: "Good boy, no matter what the relationship between adults is, everyone really loves you. "

Ayijiang nodded heavily, and snuggled her body into Zhao Linger's arms.Tears flowed silently down his face.

(End of this chapter)

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