Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 1246 The Soaring Shipyard

Chapter 1246 The Soaring Shipyard

Bao BuTong has been as excited as a child these days. His boat has been towed into the dock and can be launched after the final inspection.

Hans's first super ship took a year and a month.And his ship only took eight months, this is the speed of China!This was done in the absence of a lot of equipment in the early days.

Ordinarily, a company’s ships should have the same name, but Baotong didn’t want to use the same name as the American company’s, because it was built by Baotong.

After thinking twice, he decided to call Super Brother One!This is the same as the name of the company, even if Ye Yuze is unhappy, he won't think that he is making his own decisions.

He originally wanted to keep the ship for his own use, but an ocean-going company in Singapore insisted on purchasing it. In view of the cost problem, Bao Bu different decided to sell it.

This ship did not sell for 300 billion US dollars. This is determined by many factors, and it does not mean that his ship is not good.rather than geographical reasons.

Things that can sell for ten yuan in the United States can only be sold for five yuan here.Super Brothers One sold $280 billion.

In fact, the profit is higher than that of Hans, where the cost of a ship is 120 billion US dollars.And his ship only cost 70 billion US dollars.

On the day of launching, not only Secretary Wang brought a group of government officials to cut the ribbon.All kinds of media flocked to it.It is a matter of pride that such a behemoth was born here.

Strictly speaking, the Super Brothers is the world's largest ship.Because its size has surpassed the Warrior.

The ship was towed into port along the channel.Then the engine was ignited, and the crew in Singapore drove the big ship away slowly.All the people cheered.

Many TV stations broadcast the news, and the whole country was excited for a while.The most regrettable thing about Bao Dong is that Ye Yuze was not able to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony.Without this boss, how could the package be different today?

But he can also understand Ye Yuze's difficulties, Ye Yuze has been in the United States.Don't make too many appearances in the domestic media.

Because his business has involved many of the most advanced technologies in the world.Once it is targeted by certain forces, there will definitely be some troubles.

Don't believe in the nonsense of no borders. As long as there are countries in this world, everything has borders.

The birth of the Super Brother represents not just a ship, but a breakthrough in the field of Chinese navigation!
In other words, China has the ability to build the world's largest ship with independent property rights.

Bao BuTong appeared on the homepages of various media and became a representative of outstanding entrepreneurs.Because compared to those colleagues who only pursue benefits, his pursuit is much higher.

Soon, he was elected as a deputy to the National People's Congress and a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.Become a representative of private entrepreneurs.I will follow up to attend various meetings and put forward some opinions and suggestions to the government.

As a businessman, especially a businessman from Hong Kong Island, to be so valued by the government, Bao Budong naturally had to express it.

Soon he took part of the money to support the municipal infrastructure construction of Shenzhen City, and actively participated in some public welfare activities.At the same time, the construction of the second supership also started.

This second ship is also a customized ship, an oil tanker customized by a Malaysian company.Compared with container ships, the price of oil tankers is a bit higher, but the difficulty of construction will definitely be much higher.

This boat was picked up by Bao Budong after discussing with Ye Yuze.Because it is necessary to purchase some high-end welding equipment to build this kind of ship.

This kind of huge oil tanker can't be ambiguous. If such a big oil tank leaks even a little bit, the loss caused is not something he can bear.

Unlike the first Super Brothers, because Bao is a celebrity, he has received the attention of all parties since he received the order for the tanker, especially the media, almost follow-up reports.

Except for some technologies that must be kept secret, the daily construction progress will appear in some news.

Some domestic shipyards have also come to seek cooperation.According to the requirements of these manufacturers, what Baodi adopts is that important parts can be sold, and other parts can provide technical guidance, but they are never allowed to use the name of a brother company to produce.

At the end of the 90s, various Chinese enterprises sprung up like mushrooms after rain.Just like the leather bag companies that appeared in the early years, there is a yard, and two workers can be hired to become a factory, and the names are taller than each other.

Bao Budong was afraid that once these people got the support of the brother shipyard, they would immediately dare to use the reputation of the brother shipyard's cooperative unit to build ships.

Of course, there were also large state-owned factories seeking cooperation, but Ye Yuze told him to be cautious about these matters, so he did not dare to agree to any of these manufacturers.

At this time, Ye Yuze, who was far away in Boston, received a call from Lao Liu. It turned out that a military enterprise wanted their technical support.

Regarding this matter, Ye Yuze would naturally not stand by and tell Lao Liu that even if something happened, the brother shipyard would do its best even if it was different to find a bag.

As the reputation of the two shipyards rose, the engines and propellers independently developed by the brother companies also began to sell well.These things were previously monopolized by several large companies in Europe, America and Japan.

Ye Yuze simply decided to expand the size of the original factory and separate the engine factory.This is conducive to the development of the engine factory itself.

Bao Budong was naturally reluctant, but he also knew that Ye Yuze's decision was right.

Regarding the selection of the director of the engine factory, the recruitment method was finally adopted, and finally a Wuhan native named Liao Jingsheng was selected.

This guy was originally an engineer at the Wuhan Shipyard, but he resigned at the beginning of the reform and opening up and went to sea to start his own business.

Cooperated with others to set up an individual shipyard in Zhuhai area.For this reason, Liao Jingsheng bet all his wealth.

It's a pity that meeting people is not good, Liao Jingsheng is a person who focuses on technology.In the end, the family not only swallowed up all the capital, but in the end not only sold the house, but also owed a whole lot of debt.

In the end, the whole family went to Guangzhou to work, and he would definitely not be able to enter the shipyard.I had to work as a workshop worker in a small machinery factory, operating machine tools.

The wife does chores in the food stall, and the old mother takes care of the children at home.The family lives in a cramped two-room rented house.That is called a hardship.

He saw the job advertisement for Warrior Ship Engine Factory in the newspaper.To be honest, Liao Jingsheng did not dare to expect such a position at this time.

These years of wasting have made him almost lose his self-confidence.This is to see the difficulties of the family. He gritted his teeth and sent his resume.

The reason why I noticed Liao Jingsheng's resume was because he wrote down his current occupation truthfully.

Bao BuTong was stunned for a long time holding this resume, from a state-owned enterprise engineer to a private enterprise factory manager to a machining worker.

(End of this chapter)

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