Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 1285 Muay Thai Ferocious

Chapter 1285 Muay Thai Ferocious
As a result, after a round of soliciting opinions, it is natural to bet on Zhou Guihua to win, but of course he is not happy to bet on Basong to win, because money is involved!They are all people of status, and the bet on any one will not be too small.

But with Basong's attitude here, no one else can do anything about it.Finally, it was unified, that is, Harry was not allowed to participate in the war.After all, the couple belonged to the same level of players.Although Harry's limelight was suppressed by his wife in the end, his strength is still there.

The referee had no choice but to discuss with Zhou Guihua and asked her to find one among the players in the club.

Zhou Guihua was naturally not happy, and directly scolded the referee and Ba Song.Is this Nima looking down on my old lady?Believe it or not, I will kill you without using my hands?

But this is the end of the matter, anger is anger, after all, it is a club player, why should the game go on?
Zhou Guihua is thinking about who to choose?Yang Geyong laughed when he heard this.Originally, he wanted to get a contracted boxer here for fun, so why not give it to him if he had a chance?
"Senior Sister, don't look for it. I'll follow you in this match, and you just watch the enemy and tease me!" Yang Geyong assumed the posture of an ancient general asking for a fight.

Zhou Guihua laughed out loud.Not to mention, Yang Geyong is really the most suitable, mainly because no one knows him here.If no one knows it, it means that there is no fame. At least those who buy bassoons can feel at ease.

Tell the referee, the referee doesn't care about that.To be honest, he hoped that Bassoon would win this game.Although that would damage the club's reputation, but if you have money, the bet is three to one.

Originally, he had made an arrangement just now, and the few boxers in the club who could fight tried to find a way to work without exerting any effort.Unexpectedly, the helper brought it himself. Although this guy looks strong, he is not well-known.Referees don't care about people like that.

When Ba Song saw Yang Geyong, his gaze suddenly became more serious.Every player who is used to fighting has a natural instinct for danger.

Yang Geyong's eyes were full of aggression, and he basically ignored him.This made Basong fearful and angry.

Laozi is the champion of boxing in Southeast Asia. Where did you get out of the monkey? What qualifications do you have to dare to despise me?
When the referee introduced Yang Geyong, he didn't mention his name.Because he can't spell, he just introduced that this is Zhou Guihua's junior.

When the game started, everyone wanted to see how the three of them would fight?Unexpectedly, Zhou Guihua sat in the corner of the ring and did not move at all, while Yang Geyong walked to the opposite side of Basong.

As soon as the referee issued the start command, Ba Song rushed over and punched Yang Geyong in the face.

One must know that Yang Geyong is a head taller than him, with a slight flick of his fist, Ba Song's fist has already slid to the side.

Yang Geyong just wanted to take advantage of the situation to punch out, but he didn't expect that Basong's body, who had punched empty, was already close to him, and his elbow hit his chest all of a sudden, causing his breathing to stagnate.

Before he could react, the top of Bassong's head was firmly on his chin.If it weren't for the braces, I would have to bite my own tongue.

He staggered back a few steps, Yang Geyong was a little bit stunned, this scumbag was beaten down when he came up, this kid really has a trick!

Basong didn't give Yang Geyong time to breathe, as soon as the distance was opened, he raised his leg and kicked with a hook. Yang Geyong dodged sideways, and Basong's independent leg jumped forward.

Yang Geyong was wondering what this kid was going to do?As a result, Bassong kicked his leg and the knee bent, and the knee hit his stomach heavily again.Sitting Yang Geyong on the ground directly.

Ever since Yang Geyong practiced martial arts, no matter where he has suffered such a loss, his senior sister can win a boxing champion here. He is still stronger than his senior sister in terms of strength, so he can't bear to encounter Waterloo at the beginning.

Yang Geyong landed on his back and turned his legs one by one.He stood up with an oolong wagging his tail, startling Basong who was about to raise his leg to meet him.There is no such thing as muay thai.

"Brother, be careful, Muay Thai is to hit the enemy with every part of the body. Don't underestimate the enemy."

Zhou Guihua yelled at the side, she watched Basong's fighting video more than once.Know the fighting skills of muay thai.

But to be honest, Basong's actions just now were crisp and quick.Don't watch her study for a long time, and she will suffer as much as going up against the enemy.The key is not to adapt.

Yang Geyong understood what his senior sister said. Before, he always thought that such a small country could do anything good?I didn't expect to lose someone when I came up.

Yang Geyong kept his eyes on Basong's every subtle movement. Chinese martial arts fighting also has its own theory, such as when the enemy attacks, stare at his shoulders and crotch.

Because every attack of the opponent has an omen, such as punching, the shoulder must move first.If the legs are out, the crotch will naturally swing.

A good boxer prejudges the opponent's intentions from such subtle omens, and then strikes first.

It's just that Yang Geyong's first judgment was correct. He didn't expect that every blow would be two or three, which completely messed up his experience.

This beautiful oolong wagging tail won a burst of applause from the crowd.Chinese kung fu is always so refreshing, even if it is at a disadvantage, it is still dazzling.

Ba Song felt a little relieved, this Chinese man looked scary, but it turned out to be a silver pewter gun head.He didn't even make an effective counterattack in his two attacks.

Seeing that Yang Geyong was standing up again, Basong rushed towards him fiercely. How could Yang Geyong let him get close to him, and raised his leg to kick him sideways, trying to knock him down.

Once Ba Song was short, he himself was short, now squatting down, Yang Geyong's legs were already above his shoulders.

At this moment, Ba Song straightened his body and put Yang Geyong's legs on his shoulders. He pressed his knees with both hands, and Yang Geyong's leg was completely controlled by him.

Basong also raised a leg and kicked Yang Geyong's thigh.Although there is no taboo in black boxing, actions such as kicking the crotch are still prohibited.It is relatively easy to have an accident.

However, according to Bassoon's leg lift, it can bring out the strength of the wind.If this kick hits, Yang Geyong will definitely not be able to move the leg he is carrying for a short time.

But how could Yang Geyong be so weak?The right leg was restrained, as well as the left leg.Kicking off the left leg on the ground, the body is suspended in the air, and the body has already turned sideways. Then, with the strength of the right leg on Basong's shoulder, the left foot ruthlessly sweeps towards Basong's temple.

If this kick hits, Basongdu's match will be terminated directly. His head is not as strong as a wooden stake.

Ba Song remained calm in the face of danger, and lifted Yang Geyong's leg up with both hands. Yang Geyong's left leg was swept away immediately, and his body turned into a downward posture.

(End of this chapter)

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