Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 1299 Night Attack

Chapter 1299 Night Attack
As a former US Marine, the training he received was naturally harsh and cruel.Compared with ordinary soldiers, whether it is the will to fight or the level of fighting, it is definitely the existence that crushes the vast majority of people.

Lewis observed secretly and made sure that most of the people were asleep.Only then did he lurk in the darkness and touch it ahead of time.

First, he took an AK47 from a black man who was drunk and fell to the ground, and then walked along the edge of the tent towards several cars parked beside it.

It's just that it didn't go well this time, because I got into several cars and couldn't find the key.As for techniques such as removing thread ends and starting fires, he has never learned it except in movies.

Looking around, he saw the Hummer parked at the door of the tent that originally belonged to Ziba, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

He knew that Ziba didn't like pulling out the keys. If he got into this car, he would have the guts to run it over the tent and run over the aboriginal leaders to death.

I quietly touched the side of the car, opened the door and climbed up, but I didn't expect the key to be gone. I was disappointed but not frustrated when I was performing the task.There are many more difficult situations than this.

He glanced up at the lighted tent, and there were two people sleeping inside, two men with oriental faces.It was these two people who took a group of natives and captured them all.

The lights were on in the room, and Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong were sleeping soundly on a camp bed.Although he wasn't tired from today's actions, he drank too much alcohol, so he slept very deeply. Yang Geyong even forgot to set up the minimum precautions.

Lewis sneaked in. He wanted to find the car keys first, but as soon as he entered the tent, he found the keys on the table, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Gently holding the key in his hand, he suddenly remembered what happened today, and couldn't help feeling angry. He looked at the two people, and thought, if he snatched one of them, would today's failure be reversed?
Glancing at Yang Geyong, who was about the same size as himself, he gave up.He decided to attack Ye Yuze, this little oriental guy, he should catch him like a chicken.

It's just that he just walked to Ye Yuze's bed, before he stretched out his hand, he heard a low growl, and then a gust of wind rushed from behind.

Lewis turned sharply and fired the butt of the gun, which hit a soft object. At this moment, Lewis also saw clearly what was behind him, and was suddenly frightened.

A lion, a male lion standing taller than him, was biting his neck with its bloody mouth open.

Lewis lost his soul at this moment, squatted down quickly with an exclamation, and then pushed his head towards the belly of the lion.

The lion was directly pushed into a somersault by him, which shows how strong this Lewis is.

It's just that the lion is not such an easily conquered animal. After rolling on the ground, it immediately stood up again and bit Lewis' thigh.

And Lewis stretched out his arms to hug the lion's head, and pressed down hard, and the lion's head was pressed to the ground at once.

The lion let out a roar and tried to raise its head, but this Lewis was so powerful that the lion's head didn't even lift up.

But although its head didn't lift up, he didn't dare to press it down anymore.Because the heads of several lionesses had poked in from the tent door and were staring at him.

"How fucking stupid, is this guy unable to beat him?" Yang Geyong raised his head and cursed, he has always disliked this lion.Think it's too weak.

The lion roared a few words, as if he was not convinced and reconciled, but his eyes did not dare to meet Yang Geyong's eyes, it was afraid of being beaten.

At this time, most of the people were awakened by the lion's roar and ran over one after another.Where does Lewis dare to move?A few lions have already made him paralyzed, and now so many people are added?
"Who are you? You came back after letting you go? Are you going to die?" Ye Yuze asked in standard English?

Lewis looked unconvinced: "I am a captain of the US Marine Corps. If I hadn't hesitated just now, you would have become my prisoner."

Ye Yuze was annoyed by him, raised his eyebrows and asked, "How about this, let's have a fight, if you can beat me, I'll let you go, if you lose, how about just obediently washing sand here for half a year?" ?”

Lewis glanced at him, his expression full of distrust.

In fact, not only he didn't believe it, but the black people didn't believe it either, including Lighter.Because Ye Yuze's figure is really not amazing.

Ye Yuze didn't talk nonsense. He pulled Lewis and walked out. Before Lewis could react, he kicked Lewis in the chest.

Ye Yuze didn't use any force in this kick, he just reminded Lewis that the battle had begun.

After being kicked, Lewis swayed, and immediately stood firm again. He hesitated for a moment, and rushed forward with a lunge. His left fist flashed in front of Ye Yuze's eyes, and he punched out with a straight punch with his right hand.

Lao Mi is Lao Mi, and the special forces fight with boxing posture.

Ye Yuze got short, stepped forward, and punched out with a straight punch with his right hand.At this time, Lewis' fist had already rubbed against Ye Yuze's hair, but Ye Yuze's fist hit Lewis firmly on the chest.

Lewis felt as if his chest had been hit by a sledgehammer, and his whole body bent down. How could Ye Yuze keep his hand at this time?Knee pushed up sharply.

The pain in Lewis' chest hadn't eased at all, and he was hit hard again in the stomach, and his whole body collapsed like a dead dog.

Ye Yuze didn't even look at him, and directly ordered someone to tie him up and go to sieve sand to pan for gold tomorrow.

Everyone looked at him in awe. They thought that only Yang Geyong was a warrior, but they didn't expect that this little man's fighting power was equally astonishing!
The lion leaned over like a flatterer, and rubbed against Ye Yuze's leg a few times with his body.This seems to be the way feline courtship is all about.

After this commotion, Yang Geyong arranged for everyone to be vigilant, which was too careless.If it wasn't for the kid who just wanted to run, he would have been shot with bullets when he entered the door. He and Ye Yuze both confessed.

Early the next morning, Lighter came over to discuss with them that they would be given half of the gold mine and the original diamond mine, on the condition that they help train an army capable of conscripting and fighting.

Ye Yuze just wanted to decline, but Yang Geyong happily agreed. He likes this kind of life, although it is difficult, it is full of challenges and excitement.

Ye Yuze shook his head helplessly, he can't control this brother, if a group of little black people are created, how will this end?

If Yang Geyong didn't leave, he couldn't leave either.This brother is really annoying.He had to watch, otherwise he didn't know what could happen?
When training started the next day, everyone found a problem, that is, they could not use it.

(End of this chapter)

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