Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 138 Cannon Fodder

Chapter 138 Cannon Fodder
But what can I do?I have no human rights at my age.I just want to sue them and there is no place to sue them?

He had no choice but to follow the company commander to the regiment headquarters overnight.

Arrived at the regiment headquarters in two hours.It was already dark.

Ye Yuze originally thought that Ma Quanyi must find a place to eat first, and then find a place to live.

Unexpectedly, they led Ye Yuze directly to the leader's house.

The head is a rough man.Carefree and informal.He saw Ma Quanyi leading Ye Yuze in.asked curiously.

"Your son isn't that old, is he?"

Then I looked at it for a while and slapped my thigh!
"I see, you are Ye Wancheng's son, right? It doesn't matter whether you want to admit it or not!"

"Come on, little guy, don't you see anything special? Uncle will bring you delicious food!"

The leader is about 40 years old.It looks a little fierce.The beards all over the face were pierced on the face like steel needles.

The leader's lover is a kind woman with slender eyebrows and eyes.The corners of the mouth are naturally turned up.It looks like always laughing again.

There are also two dimples on the cheeks.The hair is the kind of shoulder-length short hair.It looks very capable.

But the two don't seem like a good match.It looks like a second marriage to people.

Ye Yuze couldn't help but let out a cry. "Hi sister!"

The elder sister stunned everyone.

Ma Quanyi hurriedly scolded: "Don't yell. This is the head's lover. You have to call auntie!"

Ye Yuze opened his eyes wide.Look at the head.Look at the woman again.You don't lie to children all over your face.

The woman smiled. "Why do you call me sister?"

Ye Yuze hesitated, and finally answered:

"I thought you were the daughter of the leader's uncle."

"Puchi! Nonsense!"

Two voices sounded simultaneously.

The woman bent her waist while laughing.The head of the group is full of dissatisfaction.He stared at Ye Yuze with wide eyes.

The woman pulled Ye Yuze into her arms.

"Don't pay attention to him, have you eaten yet? Auntie will cook for you."

Ye Yuze looked at the woman in surprise. "Are you really an aunt?"

The woman nodded.I'm only two years younger than your captain uncle!

Ye Yuze rolled his eyes around the faces of the two of them a few more times.Finally bowed his head like admitting defeat.

"I haven't eaten, Auntie. Uncle Ma is willing to spend no money on food."


There was another burst of laughter in the room.The leader pointed at Ye Yuze and cursed:
If you didn't look so much like your father.I really doubt that you are his kind!

The woman scolded: "Speak well, he is still a child. Don't be so rude!"

The captain smiled awkwardly.Then the joke stopped.

They have already had dinner.Since these two people didn't eat.Of course I have to do some.

There was no good food at that time.The woman cooked some egg noodles for them and ate them.

Ye Yuze was really hungry.It tastes very sweet.The woman who watched was very satisfied.

Usually the old man always blamed her for her poor cooking skills.It will be next noodles or something.You see, the baby eats so deliciously.Why are you not good at cooking?

After dinner, the group leader began to ask Ma Quanyi why he came here so late.

Ma Quanyi muttered and didn't know what to say, his eyes glanced at Ye Yuze.

Ye Yuze giggled.

"Uncle Commander, they dare not say it. They called me to be cannon fodder!"

The captain looked confused.Don't know what he's talking about.At this time, a girl suddenly opened the door and came in.

It's just that seeing that there are still people at home so late, I couldn't help frowning.

"Call Uncle Ma!"

The leader's tone was still majestic.There is no change in attitude at all because of being at home.

The girl called Uncle Ma in a low voice.Without waiting for Ma Quanyi to agree, he entered the house.

It turned out that this was the head's youngest daughter.It's called Zhao Ling'er.

The group leader also ignored her.Urge Ye Yuze.

"What do you mean? What kind of cannon fodder?"

"Because they couldn't complete the order given to them by the head uncle. Did you drag me here to sacrifice?"


The woman covered her mouth and laughed.

Now the captain finally understood what was going on.With a straight face, he reprimanded:
"Playing the qin, do you think I will take back the order if I send a child here?"

Ma Quanyi quickly explained. "No no! Leader, you misunderstood. It was Ye Yuze who thought of a solution to the problem. I dragged him to report to you!"


The team leader looked at Ye Yuze. "In the past, your instructor Liu praised you a lot. He praised you like a flower! Let me hear what you have in mind?"

Ye Yuze paused for a while, thinking about how to speak.

"Uncle leader, I want to. Let you give us part of the sales rights of the pencil case. We even have a relatively remote location. We don't have any sports facilities. We need to buy some more."

Ye Yuze originally thought that this matter would definitely take a lot of trouble.After all, in that era, the control over this kind of thing was very strict.

Unexpectedly, the leader waved his hand.

"It's just a small matter? No problem, the factory is originally run by your company. You are allowed to sell part of it after completing the task of the regiment headquarters."

Ye Yuze had a bitter look on his face. "Uncle Commander, but our mission has not been completed? They are all rushing!"

The leader pondered for a moment. "How about this, can the tasks of those brothers and teachers be postponed for a while, asking for money is like killing them. How can I have so much capital for them?"

From the head's words, he understood the sales of the pencil case.I also understand the distress of the head of the group.

"Uncle leader, then I'll just sell it to my mouth? They are all cash money, and they have given us a reputation as a group!"

The leader slapped his thigh! "Good idea! This way, it will save anyone who has more and who will have less to quarrel with me!"

He looked at Ma Quanyi again. "Can Ye Yuze's solution solve your current situation?"

Ma Quanyi nodded hurriedly. "This is so powerful. When I get back, I'll ask Ye Yuze to contact the client to pick a suitable one!"

The captain pointed to his head. "I will order Ye Yuze to be the company commander tomorrow. I will ask you to be the deputy company commander! What use are you talking about?"

The matter is settled, so naturally I have to go back and rest.There is a guest house in the regiment.A company leader like Ma Quanyi doesn't need to spend money.

There was just a small episode.The leader's wife Gan Dengxiu said nothing to let Ye Yuze go.Ask him to stay at home for the night.

Ye Yuze thought about that little girl with the expression of Miejue Shitai just now.Hastily declined.

But the team leader saw that his wife liked Ye Yuze so much.He even gave an order directly.

"Where are you going? Listen to your auntie. Just stay at home!"

Ma Quanyi left with a smile on his face.Ye Yuze could only stay obediently.

Don't look at it as the leader's house, but there are only three houses.The head couple live in one room.The outbuilding is the living room.Zhao Linger lives in Westinghouse.

Aunt Gan led Ye Yuze into the Westinghouse.He said to Zhao Linger:
"Your brother lives with you today. Spread the quilt for him!"

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I wanted to be lazy today, but I found out that there are so many votes and rewards.Say nothing.Add more!
Thank you book friend 20180416135357911, what about 911?
And promises are liars to fools and ESTEELAUOER.Thank you for your rewards.

And those who have been voting and those who have just started voting.There are too many people, and there is no way to type them out one by one.I can only add thanks.

(End of this chapter)

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