Great Power Reclamation

Chapter 144: Being Forcibly Hug

Chapter 144: Being Forcibly Hug
"Good back!"

Aunt Gan nodded with a satisfied look on her face.

"However, memorizing is not enough. Can you explain the meaning of "burst with anger"?"

"It's just that the angry hair is standing on end. The hat on the head is off!"

"Then Jingkang's shame is still unresolved, when will the hatred of the courtiers disappear? How to explain it?"

"The shame of Jingkang is the second year of Song Qinzong Jingkang, when the Jin soldiers captured Bianjing and captured the Hui and Qin emperors.

And as a courtier of the emperor, how could he forget such deep-seated hatred? "

Even Emperors Hui and Qin knew about it.Aunt Gan didn't want to ask any more questions.

At this moment, Ye Yuze got excited.Aunt Gan.In fact, I still like the poems of old people the most!

"The scenery of the northern country, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow drifting... Qin Huang Han Wu, a little less literary talent. Tang Zong Song Zu, a little less coquettish! A generation of Tianjiao, Genghis Khan, only knows how to bend a bow and shoot a big eagle! All go, count the romantic figures .Look at today!
This kind of mind and courage is the momentum of our new Chinese people!Those ancient emperors were too short-sighted! "

"Good! The doll is nice!"

The leader patted his thigh and stood up.

"You passed the exam. What elementary school do you go to? Come to Lianli to go to middle school!"

Aunt Gan also nodded quickly. "You really don't need to go to elementary school. Go directly to junior high school!"

"Then auntie write me a note. It proves that I can go directly to junior high school!"

Aunt Gan nodded, and immediately found a pen and paper.All in one go!

Ye Yuze smiled immediately as he took the note.

"Aunt Gan, I will come to you after I tell my parents!"

Head Zhao waved his hand. "You don't need to tell. I'll call your dad this afternoon!"

Ye Yuze hurriedly stopped him: "Uncle Zhao, you can't give orders on this matter. I'd better go back and talk about it myself. Otherwise, I will be easily abused by the family!"

The couple froze for a moment.I don't understand the meaning of the word domestic violence.

It only took a while to react.Pointing at Ye Yuze and laughing!This kid is too skinny!

Zhao Ling'er was very honest for a long time, but her eyes kept rolling around.Looking at Ye Yuze, his eyes were shining.

After talking about the matter, the head couple will take a break.Ask the two children to play by themselves.

Zhao Linger took Ye Yuze's hand and walked outside.

Don't look at her as the head's daughter, but she has never ridden a horse before!
"Whose horse is this?"

Zhao Linger stroked Lightning's mane and asked.

Ye Yuze told the story of the horse.Zhao Linger who listened was full of envy.

Zhao Linger hugged Ye Yuze's arm coquettishly and wanted to ride a horse.Ye Yuze looked helpless.

"You are taller than me, is it really good to hug and act like a baby?"

But this requirement must be met!
Ye Yuze helped her onto the horse.Then lead the horse forward.Walked for a while.Zhao Linger was a little dissatisfied.

"Is this called riding a horse? This is called riding a cow! All horses have to run!"

Ye Yuze said helplessly: "You don't know how to ride, you won't fall off if I let go?"

Zhao Linger tilted her head and thought for a while. "Come on, then! Sit behind me. That way I won't fall."

Ye Yuze was a little hesitant. Two people rode a horse, which he often did.But not that familiar with Zhao Linger?

But on second thought, they all shared the same bed.What else is there to avoid?So he turned over and got on the horse.

It was only after going up that I realized that I was sloppy.Because Zhao Linger is taller than him.He couldn't see the road ahead at all.

If the horse runs like this, what if it hits a tree?
But touched the horse's back.I think Lightning should be much smarter than pigs.Then I don't care anymore.

"You don't pull on the rein! Let go and let it go."

Ye Yuze instructed Zhao Linger.People who just ride a horse make this mistake.The tighter you get, the tighter the reins.

As a result, the horse was at a loss and was strangled so that its two front legs left the ground.Throw people off.

Zhao Linger obediently loosened the horse's reins, and Ye Yuze pinched the horse's belly.Lightning let out a long hiss.He spread his hooves and ran.

This guy is a non-stop master.It was the first time I saw a place that was completely different from the grassland.

The animal's territoriality kicks in.Running around from the regiment headquarters was not enjoyable.Run directly towards YM County.It is estimated that I also want to learn from other people's dogs to pee and occupy land.

It's just that the two people on the horseback were miserable.Ye Yuze couldn't see anything from behind.I can only know that I am still running on the road based on the scenery on both sides.

At that time, there was no asphalt road at the location of the regiment headquarters.These are all gravel roads.It is suitable for horse running.

Ye Yuze could still control his body anyway.But Zhao Linger can't do it.This speed immediately made her panic.

The subconscious expression of fear is to hug something.But Zhao Linger had nothing to hug in front.

The wind whistling in my ears.The buildings on both sides receded quickly as if they were alive.

Zhao Linger finally broke down completely, and she hugged Ye Yuze as soon as she turned around.

The key is that she is taller than Ye Yuze.This hug is equivalent to directly hugging Ye Yuze into his arms.

Originally, Ye Yuze could judge the environment based on the scenery on both sides.At this time, I can't see anything at all.Only a faint fragrance can be smelled from the nose.This taste is completely different from that of Yinhua.

If you compare the smell of Yinhua to that of snow lotus.Elegant and long.

Then Zhao Ling'er's taste is like sand jujube flower, rich and strong.

Numerous words have described a woman's embrace.No matter how you write it, it is inseparable from warmth and softness.

But Ye Yuze really didn't feel it, he felt panicked.No way, it's all ribs!
Lightning didn't know whether he was tired from running or was distracted by something.Finally stopped.

Ye Yuze patted Zhao Linger on the back.

"Well, wake up. Don't sleep. It's the stop!"

Zhao Linger finally felt that the horse had stopped moving.Ye Yuze let go.

Ye Yuze quickly jumped off the horse and helped Zhao Linger down again.Zhao Linger's legs went limp and she almost collapsed to the ground.Ye Yuze hugged her tightly.

After calming down for a while, Zhao Linger finally came to her senses.Embarrassed, he said to Ye Yuze:

"I'm sorry? Did it scare you?"

Ye Yuze shook his head. "Not scared, but almost suffocated!"

Zhao Linger blushed and slapped Ye Yuze.

Ye Yuze smiled and avoided.Only then did he begin to observe the surrounding environment.

It turned out that they had already reached a two-story building.It says on the sign at the gate.

"Yumin Department Store!"

But what made Lightning stand on its feet was not being tired from running.It's a stall in front of a department store.

A bearded Uighur grandfather set up a fruit stand.

Topped with watermelon, cantaloupe.Apples, grapes.And little white apricot.

At this moment, Lightning's big head kept sniffing the fruit.Just like the performance of a mangy dog.

Ye Yuze stepped forward and patted it on the head angrily!
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(End of this chapter)

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